Interviews Press Release South Sudan UN

Human Right Watch Report: “They Burned it All”

Destruction of Villages, Killings, and Sexual Violence in Unity State South Sudan


July 22, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Based largely on a mission to Bentiu, the capital of Unity state in June 2015, this report examines abuses related to government attacks on Rubkona, Guit, and Koch counties since late April. Two Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed 126 victims and witnesses, mostly women living in makeshift shelters in the UN Mission in South Sudan’s (UNMISS) Protection of Civilian camps for internally displaced persons in Bentiu. The full report can be found on the Human Right Watch website […]

I was with my neighbor when they asked her whether her baby was a boy or a girl. When she said ‘boy’ they told her that they were going to kill the baby because ‘when he grows up he will fight with us so I have to kill him before that happens.’ They shot the boy in front of the mother. -: A woman (NG) from Koch town, Koch county, name withheld, Bentiu, June 18, 2015.

The three women also said that two soldiers, in full uniform, had raped their 5-year-old niece.[59] A woman from Mirmir in Leer county who fled to Ganylel told Human Rights Watch that she saw 10 SPLA soldiers line up and rape a woman after they gathered civilians in the center of the town.

One man put a gun to the back of my head and said ‘watch how we will rape your daughter.’ They made me sit on the floor two arm lengths from where they raped my daughter and they beat me with a stick. After they were finished, they raped my older daughter. When they finished with her, they burned our tukul. They then grabbed her and held her down in a fire and burned her face, her shoulder and the length of her body. They let go of her and left when she caught on fire. She was too injured from her burns so we had to leave her in the bush when we fled.

In Nhialdiu, the UN found the market had been destroyed and the government clinic pillaged and new vaccine fridges and water pump parts destroyed. In Koch, the hospital was looted and equipment and drugs in the rooms pulled out into its yard. Similar destruction had taken place at a clinic and two containers of school textbooks had also been opened and their ruined contents strewn into the mud. In Leer, town rooms in the compounds of five international humanitarian organizations had been looted or their contents wantonly destroyed or thrown out into the mud, including in a clinic.

Read the full report …..

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.nyamile.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/southsudan0715_web.pdf”]

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