Dear Mum and Dad,

May 20, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — I hope you never get this, for if you do, it means . I have no feeling of premonition – nothing at all, but the reason I’m writing this is an expression of gratitude to you, which I want you to know I feel very much.
I’ve often wondered how it was I was so lucky to be born to such parents as you and Dad. No other mother in the entire world could have been so good, kind or understanding, or, to sum it up in one word, GRAND, as you have been to all of us … And the same to Dad. Together such parents in this whole, wide, wicked world of ours could never be found.
Do not grieve over me too much Dad and Mum. Oh I know you will grieve and the pain in your heart will burn badly for a while, but please Mum and Dad, remember I’ve died the way I’ve always wanted to die and died the way so countless numbers of other fellows are dying every day on this earth. I am just merely your contribution to a better, cleaner, freer world.
May you obtain that world Mum. And, again, remember it is you who are left behind who are the real heroes, not us who die. It is you who bear the sacrifice, so grin and bear it and remember that famous motto ‘time heals all wounds’. Yes time will erase that burn from your heart Mum and then, you and Dad and the family shall know that what you suffered was, after all, just a minor affair, an everyday happening in this world.
I can’t express here how much I love you Mum and Dad for it is beyond all expression. I hope my brothers and sisters all grow up to have happy successful lives. I will not say goodbye Mum for it is not goodbye, for one day we shall all be again united in a much better land than this.
This story was file by youth worker in Adelaide David Jock on Phone interview with Nyachiew in Ethiopia Refugee Camp of Burbiey-Aid agencies working to improve conditions for S. Sudan refugees in Ethiopia.
its really sad for small kids separated with their parents, death which our people are facing it is not appreciable but who should be held accountable for those incident rather than riek machar who plan a failed coup in juba? every child or anyone lost his people should cry and blame riek and white army.
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