
Politics Vs Intrigues in South Sudan

By Bona Machar,

BonaMacharBona Machar, A concerned South Sudanese. (Photo Machar).

March 12, 2014(Nyamilepedia, Nairobi) — Politics is a branch of human endeavor that is fundamental to the running smoothly of human institutions. The players may be filthy-minded, nay, arrogant, ego-centric, eccentric, self-centered, self- serving; weird fellows for whom right and wrong are concepts that change with circumstances under their own control.

The average politician cares for nothing except those issues that will maximize the fellow’s popularity, politicians are sensitive to power. i.e power to control, power to a mass, power to marginalize those that cannot be annihilated, power to make policies that favour the selected few, power to implement projects selectively, power to determine what should be done, by whom and for whom.

An intrigue is making secret plots or employing underhand methods with the sole purpose of destroying one’s credibility, one’s position, one’s creativity, one’s achievement and rendering one hopeless and helpless in the esteem of others. It is a conspiracy of the worst order. Intrigue is a competitive to win favors, to draw attention to one-self, to have the upper-hand, to control, to determine the course of events and to behold to power. It is the measure of poor upbringing, zero regard of others, total disregard for the truth and what is right in the eyes of independent authority.

The goal of intrigue is to gain at the expense of others, to thwart established rules and regulations for accomplishing a task in favor of a short-cut that compromised the integrity, credibility, worthiness, honesty, happiness, freedom, respect and the propriety of others who may be construed to stand in the way to that goal that must be achieved everything else notwithstanding. Intrigue is crude ego-centric, and decisively malicious to the extent of not just being  nauseating but actually being willing to kill to achieve a goal which is in the itself a recipe for disaster, intrigue is about fame, fortune and fulfillment.

In  a country where laws and orders are so loose, constitution is known in paper, politicians utilizes the gap for their benefit by politicking issues to maintain and gain intrigues in-order to manipulate policies and influence all decisions.

In reference to South Sudan, crisis happened due to political intrigues starting from the signing of CPA where south Sudan was given autonomy by the international community and the government of Sudan to run its affairs before the referendum. Politicians just after the death of our HERO Dr John Garang and president Kiir took the oath as the first vice president of the republic of Sudan and president of the government of South Sudan, politicians scramble over the government appointments not to deliver services but behold to power and influence even after the gentlemen and ladies were appointed to various government positions few who were not given any appointment were dissatisfied and declared war to the then government of South Sudan. good example was the current legal advisor to the president who publicized his article on mismanagement of public funds by the ruling party SPLM.

When South Sudan gained her independence from the republic of Sudan, a new government was again formed and where few politicians were left out and again point fingers on individuals politicians with no prove but only giving doubt a chance. That was another political war between those in government and the government itself. South Sudan has three enemies and these are poverty, ignorance and diseases but our politicians do not want eliminate them due to corruption.

The current crisis was as a result of intrigues and politics, some wants to hold the country hostage and are willing to do anything to achieve that goal .i.e hold to power by whatever means possible event if it means death, others wants to free the country from the hands of few and try to narrow down the three enemies of our country by putting in policies that detects all corrupt cases. i.e tribalism, nepotism, anarchy, respect of human rights, freedom of expression etc.  We hope, our politicians give peace a chance with honest and faithful agreements in-order to reconcile as a nation and moved from being at the analogue stage to the digital stage, we hope the perpetrators of atrocities in juba, Bor, Malakal, Bentiu and Leer are brought to justice because a meaningful peace must be handmaid by righteousness.

Bona Machar is a student at Moi University and also at Pinnacle school of accountancy. reached me through bnmachar@yahoo.com    

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