
Museveni Loses Temper At Opposers of S.Sudan Mission

By Rogers Atukunda, posted by editorial team,2014

January 26, 2014[Kampala] –– President Yoweri Museveni has expressed disgust at individuals in the country who are opposed to the idea of UPDF deployment to South Sudan and their active participation in fighting rebels of Dr Riek Machar.

musevenilosestemperimages“Some useless people have been questioning why I sent the army to South Sudan,” Mr Museveni lashed out while speaking during the 28th NRM celebrations held in Mayuge district today, Sunday afternoon.

“Why shouldn’t I send the army to a place where we get food?” What is the purpose of the army?”

According to the President, “such people are not even fit to be village chairpersons”.

“Avoid such people. They are liars and enemies.”

The president was of the view that the UPDF should be appreciated for bringing peace to the country and neighbours, an achievement he attributed to discipline and the vision of the NRM government.

“That’s why people say they have peace. An indiscipline and ideologically bankrupt army cannot bring peace.”

He promised to probe into the case of soldiers who committed atrocities in northern Uganda during the insurgency.

“Those who made mistakes and are still alive will be brought to book. Families that were affected would also be compensated. Civilians should stop fearing reporting soldiers and police officers who violate their rights.”

More anger at sectarian leaders

In the same light, he advised that “people who mislead people basing on tribes and religion to attain political mileage should be shunned”.

“Why do we find Uganda in South Sudan, Kenya and Rwanda if tribes are that important?” he wondered.

“My milk is not bought by Banyankole yet I am one of them. It is bought by people in South Sudan, DR Congo, Kenya and other countries. You should seize opportunities outside your tribes and religious circles.”

On vote rigging

He took some time off to reprimand “crooks who have been engaging in multiple voting during elections”.

“A computerized register of all persons living in Uganda will help us fight crime and help expose opposition groups, mainly Forum for Democratic change, that have been engaging in such malpractices.”

“That’s why they have been able to win in some areas like Kampala.”

He thus called upon Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, the minister of Internal Affairs and ministry of Finance officials to expedite the process of national identity cards which will help fight those who masquerade.

Awarding heroes

At the same function, those who contributed to the struggle that ushered this current government into power were given medals.

In attendance, were government officials, veterans, diplomats, civil society, businesspersons, religious leaders, school children, cadres and other citizens.

Fact file:

Museveni was involved in the war that deposed Idi Amin Dada, ending his rule in 1979, and in the rebellion that subsequently led to the demise of the Milton Obote II regime in 1985…

On the January 25, a Museveni-led faction finally overran the capital Kampala.

The NRA toppled Okello’s government and declared victory the next day.

Museveni was sworn in as president on January 29.

“This is not a mere change of guard, it is a fundamental change,” said Museveni, after a ceremony conducted by British-born chief justice, Peter Allen.

Speaking to crowds of thousands outside the Ugandan parliament, the new president promised a return to democracy: “The people of Africa, the people of Uganda, are entitled to a democratic government. It is not a favour from any regime. The sovereign people must be the public, not the government.”

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