
Machar Failed To Signed, IGAD Leaders Favors Kiir On The Agreement.

By George W. Mut,

Riek Does Not Sign These DocumentsAugust 27, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The protocol on the “agreed” principles on the transitional arrangements towards the resolution of the crisis in South Sudan, which the former vice president and the leaders of the SPLM/A – IO Dr. Riek Machar refused to signed, favors the current regime and Salva Kirr in particular.

The followings articles will make it difficult to respect and implement the signed COH agreement.

Principals on transitional governance’s arrangements

From part two.

  1. The head of state and government, commander in chief of the army shall be president Kiir and deputize by his vice, Wani Igga.
  2. There shall be a prime minister who shall submit to the presidents and his powers negotiated in the peace talk that person is not Dr. Riek but someone nominated by SPLM/A – IO who must be accepted by president Kiir.
  3. The prime minister shall be submissive to president Kiir.
  4. The prime minister MUST not contest in any public position at the end of the transitional period.
  5. The executives are the president, vices president and the prime minister plus the council of ministers.
  6. If Salva Kiir died during the transition period his vices, James Wani will replace him or replaced according to South Sudan constitution.
  7. These do not address the dictatorial tendencies and the root causes of the current conflict.

Security Arrangements

The IGAD wants war to stop but refused immediate withdrawal of the allies foreign mercenaries. The Ugandan governments demands $13 billions in debts for services provided by their UPDF in Bor and Juba, according to Sudan Tribune news site.

According to main stream media, up to 50, 000 children may die of starvation and preventable diseases yet the South Sudan government spends more than $ 1 billion US dollar on Chinese weapons.

The international community has proposed arms embargo, however, the regional bloc, IGAD, has not  responded. Perhaps because countries like Kenyan charges high storage fees and transportation cost on the weapons.

Machar believes that IGAD will not be able to solve the current crisis because of the visible double stands and competing interests of the regional leaders.

Many South Sudanese also lost trusted in the IGAD led peace talks because of continuous extension of datelines, from initial 60 days,14 days  and 45 days, which they keep promising to punish or end the war but many South Sudanese people believe they [leaders of IGAD ] are making money in expenses of the suffering populations of South Sudan. Many South Sudanese have been displaced to IGAD countries, which become a boost of their economies.

In Kenya, for example, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is under pressure to reconstruct one of the worst roads in the country that connects Kakuma Refugee camps to Nairobi and Mombasa Port. At the same time, the South Sudanese refugees are harassed, arrested and forced to obtain passports in the country despite their dire status. Contrary, president Salva Kiir has opened free border entry for Kenyans. The Kenyans banks and businesses in South Sudan have reported huge profit margins that now attracts South African Banks to start businesses in the war-torn country where citizens live as refugees within the capital city.

For nearly 9 months, the IDPs, mostly Nuer of Machar’s tribe have remained in impoverished conditions in the camps due to targeted killing across the country. The armless populations have been targeted in Bor, Maaban, Mapel, Bentiu, Malakal and Akobo following the targeted killings in Juba.

The IDPs have lost faith in Salva Kiir’s leadership. The president told the BBC Hard talks that “these people(IDPs) are lucky to be alive.” The IDPs have lost loved ones, their homes and property. According to UN reports, the cars of IDPs, parked at the UNMISS gates, were towed to unknown destinations by the government soldiers.

The president never visited the refugees within the capital city, Juba, although he can travel to his home state of Warrap or to Washington DC, U.S.A

The president never offered a single word of apology to either the IDPs or detainees that were politically imprisoned for months.

President Kiir confiscated Peace and Reconciliation in May 2013 from Dr. Riek Machar and organizers. The well organized process trained over 200 qualified participants and invited the peace ambassadors that include Bishop Desmond Tutu, who reconciled the South Africans after divisive Apartheid regime, and Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of Britain, who reconciled the UK and Ireland. The peace ambassadors have reconciled the people of Nigeria, Thailand and many other countries.

Many peace ambassadors were expected to take part in healing the country, however, to president Salva Kiir the 1991 split was undone. The president constantly reminded the nation of 1991 incidents and went ahead to recruit over 15, 000 tribal militia from his home states in September. The militia were trained and stationed at president Kiir’s cattle camps in Luri, near Juba.

The president said this year in February, while making a heated “one nation, one people” speech that “they were denied arms they were not given armament, they were not been given salaries, they were not been given food,… and people thought it was a bad idea to form a reserve force”. Today the Gelweng are occupying the homes of IDPs in Juba and else where in the country.

War broke out in December last year in capital Juba among the presidential guards following a controversial National Liberation Council (NLC) meeting, in which the chairman, Salva Kiir, wants the participants to elect the party chairman, who was going to be the SPLM flag bearer in 2015 election, by the show of hand.

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Shelina Doro August 27, 2014 at 8:54 pm

Oh God intervene

chidong26 August 28, 2014 at 7:18 am

How can Dr. machar sign this agreement while the I GAD that has been expected to rebuke kiir of the wrong path he was following and also accuse him has been made blind. i thank you Dr. machar for not signed it.

Aubrie Ϟ (@ohheyaubrie) September 5, 2014 at 9:30 am

Hello is it possible to please get a copy of the protocol document?? I can’t find it online. Please email to me asap at aaria.ffxi@gmail.com!!

... September 5, 2014 at 9:53 am

Check your inbox, if your emails are correct. chxs!


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