April 21, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The office of SPLM/A-in-Opposition Nebraska Chapter/USA strongly condemns the innocent killings of Nuer Civilians who are taking refuge at UNMISS Compound in Bor Town Jonglei State South Sudan by SPLA soldiers order by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his government killing 295 count dead people and wounded 270 people on April 17, 2014.
Bor Town has repeatedly exchange hands between rebel and government troop, couple of times in mid-January leaving many people dead and displaced many more. Most IDPs in UNMISS compound in Bor are Nuer civilians.
“On 9 July 2011 South Sudan became the newest country in the world. The birth of the Republic of South Sudan is the culmination of a six-year peace process which began with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005.”
“In adopting resolution 1996 (2011) on 8 July 2011, the Security Council determined that the situation faced by South Sudan continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region. The Security Council established the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year, starting from 9 July 2011.” UNMISS is on the ground to consolidate peace and security and to help establish conditions for development.
UNMISS Mandate
“Having determining that the situation faced by South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region and acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council by its resolution 1996 (2011) of 8 July 2011 established the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year as from 9 July 2011 with the intention to renew for further periods as may be required.”
“According to the original mandate UNMISS was to support the Government in peace consolidation and thereby fostering longer-term state building and economic development; assist the Government in exercising its responsibilities for conflict prevention, mitigation, and resolution and protect civilians; and help the authorities in developing capacity to provide security, establishing the rule of law, and strengthening the security and justice sectors in the country. The initial authorized strength of the Mission stood at up to 7,000 military personnel, including military liaison officers and staff officers, up to 900 civilian police personnel, including as appropriate formed units, and an appropriate civilian component, including technical human rights investigation expertise.”
“Following the political and security crisis, which broke out with violence in South Sudan’s capital Juba on 15 December 2013, the Security Council, by its resolution 2132 (2013) of 24 December, approved Secretary-General’s recommendation to temporarily increase the overall troop and police strength of UNMISS. The interim troop level was raised to 12,500 personnel and the police component to 1,323 personnel, including appropriate formed police units, through temporary transfers from existing peacekeeping operations through inter-mission cooperation.”
Because it’s a duty of United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan and the United Nation Security Council to protects those unarmed civilians who are under their protection throughout South Sudan. We the South Sudanese living in Diaspora State of Nebraska-USA, Strongly questioning UNMISS personnel of their capabilities why they fail to protect the civilians who are living under their protection and let them being slaughters by the SPLA Soldiers on their watch, while they are on their protective care?
At this point of time, let there be no doubt that the lives of 27, 000 innocent Nuer civilians women, men, children, and elderly people who are under UNMISS guardianship in Juba are waiting for their final death in the hands of Juba government at any times.
The killings of unarmed civilian were instigated by the SPLA army mustering the local community and mingled themselves within the youth to disguise their horrific action under the pretext of Bor youth. Mulishly, Bor community has forgot that their lives were spared by the members of Nuer community they are now cold bloodily murder on the onset of initial fall of Bor Town to rebel hands in December when they were allowed to cross the Nile River to Awerial, Lake State.
Government of South Sudan has now carried out the second phase of massacre of Nuer men, women and children similar to presidential guards led massacre that took lives of 17,613 in the nation’s capital Juba and various parts of the country. This hideous government killing will not end as long as President Salva Kiir Mayardit still in power. Targeting civilian in UN compounds will not stop in Bor, and it will also spread into other UNMISS compounds in cities that are under control of government forces around the country. Cyclically, government targeting IDPs has been simultaneously witnessed in Juba and Bor.
We recalled when the information minister Michael Makuei Lueth tried to force his way into the camp in Bor. Another horrific witnessed was the close range random shoot out that had happened in March killings four IDPs and towing IDPs vehicles outside the UNMISS camp, destroyed all IDPs toilets that were builds by UNMISS was a bad signal from the government against IDPs. In addition to that, in first of March at another close range shoot out to IDPs occurred when the second heavy fighting broke out among the presidential guards unit at Giada headquarters solely has shown that government is yearning to massacre the whole population of IDPs in UN Compounds.
The office of SPLM/A-in- Opposition in Nebraska appreciates the ongoing unyielding support and protection of Internal Displace Peoples UNMISS has sustained. However, based on the documented precedents; SPLM/A-in-Opposition in diaspora strongly urge the leadership of United Nation Mission in South Sudan to urgently relocate the besieged IDPs to save haven whereby genocidal SPLA forces of government would not reach the remnants of long-suffering populations. Therefore, disregarding this unprecedented humanitarian situation may eventually create an indescribable human catastrophe that may level with Rwanda Massacre at worst.
Keak Lam Kierkok
Spokesperson of SPLM/in Opposition Nebraska Chapter
Communication Center/ USA
Can be reaches at keakkierkok@gmail.com