By Elbow Chuol,

April 24, 214(Nyamilepedia) — One of the most claimed hoaxes in the history of south Sudan is the genocidal act sheltered up with a botched coup attempt by dictatorial regime of south Sudan.
Then every unsophisticated citizen in our nation temporarily believed the story of coup without first finalizing the real evidences behind a claimed coup. The messengers of such a fake story made sure they spread this kind of shameful claims to the rest of the world. They all jumped in with their dirty thinking and for every single pilgrimage they made, they came back full bag of embarrassment degrading our nation into some kind of certain useless mass land of uncoiled educated people. Notwithstanding the presence of the few who can be appreciated instantaneously, because of these individuals every single citizens becomes the premises of the Stone Age picture.
The ministries in illusion government few culprits like misinformation minister Michael Makuie Lueth whose name mean lies in fact minister of lies, Benjamin Marial and few other made sure that this mission is spread aboard with what possible proves needed to keep the old story move on.
In some part in south Sudan almost everybody accept the claims. But did you ever ask yourself if this was a real coup claims or just moves along the mobs of jobless people? Ateny Wek went to Kampala and brassily announced that, Dr. Machar broadcast the coup on radio stations. Where on earth a coup plotter could do such a thing? when ask which radio station he failed shamefully to mentioned it. Dr. Marial on temptation was forced to lectured to most sophisticated council of British in history trying disgustingly to impress them with his well dictionary selection by repeating sentences and words.That was not fitting for a figure. England is aware of histology of African coup attempted and successful alike.
Even the cowboy in the village knows that there was no such a things as claimed it.
It was a failed claimed coup of mass elimination of one ethic group whose their very kind decently decided to stood against an attempt of useless dictatorial intimidate.
The culture of acting and denying and accusing and apologizing is pretty sickening.
On that fateful morning Dec/16/2013 the assumed democratic elected president went into the media with military attires as sight that affirmed war. Fixedly announced that, there was a coup attempt and the government managed to arrest the culprits and the other are still being hunt. This was the beginning of the most bored song that ever been sang in the history of Africa and the world at large.
Evidence one:
By arresting the political figures was hoped to cover up the fake planned coup in the new nation.
Evidence two:
By releasing the other seven is enough to convince their kind.
Evidence three:
All the witness refused to cooperate and that is clear sight of everybody getting sick of this song and can’t sing anymore. By deserting themselves from this story is saving their future leadership in which if possible they could find a safe haven when freedom fighters finally stormed in. The Chief of Military Intelligent refused to fathom his dignity. He is a man of his own characteristic who cannot be intimidated by an individual with story full of lies. So he rather stays away from this spoiled rod.
The minister of interior couldn’t agree either. The chiefs for security stranded in the court and if it was not because of kangaroo’s court our country have; they both could be threw out of the courtroom or even face possible arrest. Their stories wasn’t competent enough to be consider. Then they all failed to proves how actually where the remaining detainee could be amount into the story of a coup.
Evidence four:
By all pleaded not guilty even the lawyers with their persecutors look more convinces to why they drags themselves into this story. An amazing way in which Pagun Amum testified goes beyond reasoning how where on earth this could happen. By setting Pagun free and joins the negotiation team in Addis Ababa nothing good could be ready on the table of president Kiir. That means defeat on the government side.
Pagun is known as outspoken citizen who fear nothing but telling truth is the core value which add him up.
Ambassador Lol Gatkouth would mean putting knife unto throat. Freeing him mean the whole issue comes to an end. He would used his diplomatic skilled perhaps to convinces president Obama and Banki Moon for the crimes committed during Dec /15/2013. The government of south Sudan would look more stupid and useless in the present of world leaders, a trait which is already visible.
Gen. Ajak is military man with bust experiences. He could be in bush rather accepting to be in luxurious hotel. That would disadvantage our government militarily and on intelligent issues.
Dr. Majak is well educated economist who knows also where their money security could possibly be. Beyond theoretical belief he could comprise what we all know today as a future sector for rebel economic system. He could do a lot on the table during discussion in Addis Ababa.
Where in the world would people think there was a coup if it wasn’t a makeup coup to destabilize our nation? With these reasons the four will be keep in detaining house just to keep music going until finally eve the kids along the street would be force stone anybody singing such foolhardy idea near them.
Evidence five:
For anything to be called a coup or an attempt coup, consider the following;
There should be possible well coordinated link in command between military generals which includes chief of the general army. On that very night, government keys institutions like, parliamentary building, central bank of south Sudan, state house, military headquarters like Bilpam could already been blocks. But none of this, nothing of any kind indeed has happened to them. Important country connection like Bridge, airport and the main road could be occupied. Nobody attempt to blocked such a places since everybody were in shocked and in dare need to save their lives. And here you talks of coup every single day on media houses brainwashing children minds and uneducated citizens altogether for the sake of remaining in power forever.
That is inciting violent.
Powerful generals like Peter Gatdet, Cdr James Koang Chuol where not in the city but on their deployment. And what makes them angered is the mass ethnic cleansing which has happened two days later. Probably it was their relative who informed them about the mass killing. Before Dr. Machar arrived where he consider his safe heaven thousands of white army begun their famous march juba to rescue their remaining relatives. Days later everybody in government circles is accusing Machar of mobilizing white army.
It was he who stopped them not to come to Juba, and Mangala 50 kilometers away from outstretch of Juba was their turning point back to Gadiang
Political figures like Pagun are all civilians so I failed to comprehend how they could possibly organized a coup attempt. This is an indication of how well our people are behind on earth history. By accepting government lie of a failed coup amount an individual to social disgrace.
This is 21st century and every single south Sudanese must accept that fact.
Dr. Riek Machar was on runs like me and hides just like everybody else. If it was not his God of heaven he could perhaps be rotten somewhere like everyone besides in Juba in mass graves alongside river Nile.
Wish you nice time singing one of the most bored verses ever sang on history earth.
Elbow Chuol is a concern south Sudanese living in Juba. He can be reached at