

Margaret AKULIA,

women's day PSWomen march in the streets of Juba to commemorate International Women’s Day, 2012 (Gurtong)

March 8, 2014 (CANADA) — As sustainable peace continues to elude South Sudan, this International Women’s Day March 8, 2014, let us all take time to pay a special tribute to the women of South Sudan.

You are a very extraordinary group of women because you are the glue that is holding South Sudan together during this incomparable cataclysmic war instigated by gangsters who masqueraded as heroes.

South Sudan’s gangsters are parochial nincompoops who have no regard for you the precious women of South Sudan that is why they have been murdering, raping and committing many heinous barbarities against you while prowling South Sudan but take heart precious women because the actual heroes of South Sudan are on their way to rescue you and South Sudan.

South Sudan’s actual heroes are illustrious warriors who protect and defend women instead of murdering, raping, hurting and preying on them the way the loathsome gangsters of South Sudan do. The actual heroes look out for the best interests of all South Sudanese and everyone in the world.  They look out for the greater good of you the precious women of South Sudan. Unlike the gangsters, South Sudan’s actual heroes possess morals. They are in our midst and they will soon throw out the gangsters of South Sudan so that you the women of South Sudan can begin to heal from the ignominious and abominable things the gangsters meted out during the carnage and lawlessness they created.

Thank you for continuing to look after your families and communities in spite of the fact that South Sudan’s gangsters are totally oblivious to your extraordinary value to the country and besmirch you instead. Thank you for the gargantuan strength you give freely to South Sudan. Thank you for being the pillars of South Sudanese Society.

Without you, South Sudan would have collapsed by now. It would have come crashing down on everyone’s heads including the heads of the very gangsters who are now destroying it. These swindlers tricked you the women of South Sudan and other upright South Sudanese into believing that they were heroes during the war to wrest South Sudan from the clutches of the devil when nothing could be further from the truth but despair not because the actual heroes of South Sudan are on their way to rescue you.

No group of women in the entire world is quite like you the precious women of South Sudan. No group of women has the capability to continue exhibiting the strength you do while experiencing the shocking forms of human rights violations you are being subjected to by the gangsters of South Sudan.

Even though you have endured the worst forms of human rights contraventions at the hands of people who are supposed to protect and treasure you, you continue to stay strong for your families and your communities. For that, the people of South Sudan and the rest of the world are grateful.

We individually and collectively bestow the highest honour on you the women of South Sudan because there is no soul on this earth that would have continued being the pillar of South Sudan Society while enduring the ghastly things you continue to endure from South Sudan’s gangsters. Honour does not come easily but you the women of South Sudan have earned it.

Distinction and remarkable strength are the preserve of a few people in this world but you the women of South Sudan have earned accolades relating to those attributes and now have a place in the Guinness Book of Records. It is not a simple thing to hold together a society dilapidated by gangsters but you the women of South Sudan have successfully done that against unimaginable difficulties.

Gifted with exceptional wisdom, ingenuity and compassion, you the women of South Sudan hold the key to the future of South Sudan if only the gangsters of South Sudan could listen to you and appreciate you instead of maiming you but take heart because the actual heroes of South Sudan know your extraordinary value to South Sudan and your capacity to take South Sudan to unprecedented heights.

Endowed with extraordinary beauty and resilience, you the women of South Sudan are the best gift South Sudan has ever received from the most High God. You give families and communities strength under the most difficult circumstances. You provide stability when foundations are about to collapse.

You teach and model compassion so that future generations don’t follow in the footsteps of the current gangsters of South Sudan. You cheer communities on when they are about to give up. You inspire young people who have their futures ahead of them to be the best they can be.

You make arduous situations easier to bear. You shield South Sudan’s children from traumatic experiences even when it means choosing to endure these traumatic experiences in their place. Without you we can only imagine how frightful this war which has been instigated by the gangsters of South Sudan would have been to the children we hold so dear – the future of South Sudan.

Honour belongs to you the women of South Sudan because you are a very unique and special group of women. We salute you as you continue to hold your families and communities together during a war that is not of your making. We salute you as you continue to hold South Sudan and prevent it from collapsing.

You have endured trials that are indescribable but continue to be pillars of South Sudan Society. We salute you as we also remember the women who were brutally taken from us by the gangsters of South Sudan. We can’t wait for a time when South Sudan honours you properly for who you really are – beautiful, gallant, resilient, intelligent, wise and all the other great things you bestow on society.

You make life a bit more bearable for families and communities even when that means placing yourselves in harm’s way. You are always eager to protect others and willing to sacrifice your lives. The war that has engulfed South Sudan is monumental but you continue to save lives even under hard-hearted opposition from the gangsters of South Sudan. This you do even when everything seems to be failing and falling apart.

You the women of South Sudan are unifying forces because you are nurturers. You are amicable, non violent, organized, neutral and intentionally loving. You love all South Sudanese and respect for life is non-negotiable for you.

South Sudan will soon harvest the fruits of your efforts even though everything is simmering around you at the moment because the actual heroes of South Sudan who know your value will prevail over the gangsters. You the women of South Sudan know in your hearts that reconciliation is possible among the people of South Sudan and so do the actual heroes of South Sudan. You know that a new and different alternative and approach for South Sudan is in the horizon if only the gangsters would stop clawing into South Sudan and let the actual heroes and you the women of South Sudan dig it out from under the rubble the gangsters created so that you can begin rebuilding the country.

You the women of South Sudan look out for the best interests of the nation of South Sudan. You are full of love and love all South Sudanese regardless of their tribe, religion and region of origin. You continue to pray for the best even as the war instigated by the gangsters of South Sudan rages on.

You the women of South Sudan long for a peaceful South Sudan and you and the actual heroes of South Sudan will be the ones that will pull South Sudan from the abyss. Long live you the revered women of South Sudan! You are role models of the highest order.


Margaret Akulia is co-author of the sequel Idi Amin: Hero or Villain? His son Jaffar Amin and other people speak. She brings to the South Sudan dialogue a multidisciplinary professional background including but not limited to “grassroots activism”.Additional information at: href=https://www.travellinglearningcircles.com/Save_South_Sudan.html

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