Revolutionary Greeting To All of You.
By Aguer Rual | Khartoum, Sudan

Oct 6, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Allowed me to greet you in the name of our visionary leader, Dr Reick Machar Teny, and also in the name of our father, the All mighty God of heaven and earth- Amen.
Welcome to National Camber of commerce, Industry and Agricultural Conference organized by the members of camber of commerce from the South Sudanese business community, their friends and investors.
Thank you so much for inviting me to attend this great and historical conference and thank you for taking your times to come to attend this conference and share with us ideas of which the conference is planned to address today in Khartoum.
Under the theme :-“Induce investment to reduce unemployment rate in the young nation”
Let me start by briefly explain what the camber of commerce and industry refer to, and why it is significance.
I believe that the simple meaning and an operational functions of the South Sudanese national camber of commerce and industry which is a non profit organization is motivated by or determined by a specified factor, that is to say it is refer to “a market driven response to customer needs”.
The basic functions of this organization is to provide quality, cost effective and relevant information, professional services, training and support businesses and thus encourage investors. This is because to raise the basic standards of the members and the society as a whole and particularly individuals who should provide such service to its people.
The NCCI for South Sudan which would be run by business owners would be helped by its members,such members which would provide essential business tools, give advice and organize events that would make changes to their life and living and raise employment rates across the nation instead of being active in engaging in politics and war.
This is what we expect the members should do when they are in this business sector.
Compatriot ladies and gentlemen;
It is a great day today, and it is an historic conference because it has brought all South Sudanese members of camber of commerce together across the country and their fiends.
I believes this gathering indicate that diversity is met. We are meeting here as nationalists, and people with concerns. Our previous and current concern is the cause which started in 1983 and ended up in Juba incident, where a large number of Nuer innocent civilians and some nationals were killed by Salva Kiir. Without his failure and lack of leadership, we would have not been here in Khartoum and living at outstretched .
You all may be aware that more than 3 millions South Sudanese have been forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in the neighboring countries such as Sudan and Uganda, Ethiopian and Kenya. More than 300000 hundred thousands people from Nuer are now under UN protection camp inside South Sudan.
Majority of businesses and investors from South Sudanese have also been forced to leave the country ,some might have died during tribal cleansing in Juba between 15, 16, 17 and 18 December 2013.
It was anticipated that the war which has destructed many lives and properties, and the economy should have been stopped by the regime instead of creating more deaths and orphans from day one and if possibly the regime should have provided those in need with protection and encourages the society to look for better and a brighter future.
Compromise Agreement
When the war broke out in Juba on 15 December, the IGAD Plus and troika countries immediately stood up by calling the warring parties to come for dialogues in Addis Ababa instead of continuing fighting.
The IGad-plus and troika countries helps the warring parties to end the war and enhanced continued suffering of the people by bringing both parties togather to sign the deal in August 2015.
The Compromise Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2015 gavee the warring parties the rights to share powers in the levels of both national and state governments to be implemented during the transitional period of the government of national unity (TGoNU). The agreement also gives separate army for 18 months and in addition to chair command of forces when the full amalgamation completes.
As Federalism is a public demand, more importantly, the agreement gave people of South Sudan the right to establish federal government during the transitional period in the government of national unity which will last for 30 months. At the end of the transitional period, the people of South Sudan will be asked to vote for federation and constitution. This is a fundamental right to all citizens nobody will take that rights from you.
According to the agreement, Our chairman Dr Riek will be First Vice President of the republic of South Sudan. Also the agreement gave us 50 members to go to the national parliament in addition to ministerial positions, both at the level of the state and federal government. The agreement also gives us right to appoint two governors in Upper Nile and Unity states.
Properties and lives lost:
The agreement thus stipulates that properties and lives loss during the war shall be compensated. So the business who have losses their properties and assets are entitle for such compensation. In this case and in order for us to qualify for right to compensation, we must organize ourselves, and the most importance thing which we should be doing is to identify those properties and lives lost during the war. This is not limited to the main aim of this conference.
And that is why we are here today to discuss this matter and come out with positive outcomes and therefore any outcomes will be supported by a written report which will be presented in the 20 October 2015 to the National Liberation council meeting in Pagak for recognition and approval.
Some of you might not be aware of the consequences of wars. The consequences are negative and destructive, because in any war fought, lives and properties are commonly risked and easily lost.
Thus and without surprise, you may definitely at any times expect those losses of lives and properties.
More importantly and conditionally lives and properties loss during and after the war must be compensated.
For example and if we look back to the CPA 2005 there were no losses of lives and properties agreed upon by then. So this agreement is a good deal and we must defend it.
So ladies and gentlemen the question is what is wrong with this agreement if our lives and properties lost during the war are compensated.
Let us look only for the benefit of our citizens in term of rebuilding the nation from the effect of man made devastation and by bringing essential services closely to them. When that is done our refugees and displaced persons are repatriated and returned to their homes and start their normal life and living.
Ladies and gentlemen, Compatriot;
Let us look at what Investment mean to us and it significant. In modern world investment is essential, and significance. It is significant and essential because it provides direct services, creates employments to young persons and enhance economic hardship and because of it importance it would be encouraged and supported widely, provided that security is prevailed to protect investors and investments, and its governing institution is built.
Am not taking you back to the war time, and before the peace signed but please allow me to highlight the wrongdoer by the regime in the past.
I had profound misgivings about the performance of previous camber of commerce before the crisis in December. My misgivings had developed earlier still to the 2000s when I had personal experience of the camber character and behavior – this was from before and after the SPLA government was formed.
The camber character had showed that it would not be a suitable and stable camber either as an investment or a service provider. Not only was because of poor institution, but also disloyal and lack of allowing citizens to be involved in development and encourage investors to invest in the country.
My personal experience with and disapproval of previous camber of commerce, under Salva Kiir Administration but now we can organize ourselves to improve the previous characters by providing essential training to the members of the camber.
The efforts by those individuals, groups and friends to South Sudan, for their generous support since and the people who make it to travel along the way to the Centre welcome to conference of camber of commerce , industry and agricultural
My personal appreciation and thank go directly to the head of Camber and commerce for organizing this great event for the first time in the history of South Sudan .
We urge all of you to continue with the same spirit, am personally happy to see some of the faces today in this great gathering not as guests but your roles to witness our discussions in response to the recent peace agreement signed by both warring parties.
I encourage each and everyone to take this opportunity to rebuild our nation and work very hard in order to maintained security for all and reconcile our communities.
Once again, I would like to thank, our leaders and the resistance forces, community members, all chapters around the globe and our strong supporters, friends to continue support until the final peace which will end at the election in 2018.
I also thanks the Sudanese government and people for their generous support..
Finally, thank you so much for your patience by listening to my long speech, and I hope you have enjoyed it.
God bless you all, and may you go in peace.
A men
Aguer Rual
Advisor in the office of the chairman SPLM /A
And member of National Liberation Council (NLC).
Khartoum Sudan.
1 comment
Great speech, I think it’s the type of professionalism tone of ethical approach South Sudan need to articulately introduce its small business sectors to the world and equally attract confident investors willing to invest without encountering greater risk of losses due to lack of legal protection from unnecessarirly corruptions rooted in weak institutions that impunitively hails individuals and groups to continue with illegal & or unethical business practices.