October 01, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s former Vice President and First Vice President of the upcoming Transitional Government of National Unity continues to brief both South Sudanese Diaspora and foreign diplomats across the United States of America.
This afternoon, the commander in chief of the armed Opposition, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, met with Norwegian Foreign Minister, Amb. Borge Brende, in Washington, DC.
“In Washington D.C, I held a meeting this afternoon with Norwegian foreign minister, Amb. Borge Brende” Machar said.
According to Machar, the two leaders shared ideas on the recently signed peace agreement and its implementation.
“I have discussed and shared with him ideas and we also touched issues of the recently signed peace agreement and its implementation process.” he said.
Dr. Machar reiterates that Norway is not only one of the best friends of South Sudan but a major donor country in the humanitarian assistance for South Sudan.
The today’s meeting came after similar meetings in New York with foreign diplomats.
The chairman and his delegation, who have briefed South Sudanese communities in New York are expected to travel to Omaha, Nebraska, this weekend to brief one of the largest South Sudanese settlements in the United States.
According to organizers, the public briefing will be held at Mid-America Centre, 1 Arena Way Council Bluffs, on the third of October.
While South Sudan’s vice president, Mr. James Wani Igga, may return to South Sudan in the next few days without meeting the South Sudanese communities in the United states, Machar is utilizing his invitation to consolidate peace and reconcile South Sudanese communities in diaspora.
Mr. Igga, who has been loud on the West and proposed banning of dual citizenship of South Sudanese diaspora, has received very little welcome in the United States.
The vice president addressed the United Nation General assembly this year while Salva Kiir, who declined his invitation, addressed the high-level meeting on South Sudan through Skype from Juba, South Sudan.
Mr. Kiir declined to attend the sideline meeting on South Sudan by heads of states and government in New York in 2014, which observers believe led to invitation of all the stakeholders this year.
The amount of SPLM chapters along with large amount of members that had defected to Dr Machar’s leadership camps since Dec,15/2013 left Juba gov with only a handful of underground cheerful followers.
That leaves poor 2nd VP Wani who had been technically dropped by Jaang gov like a bad habit with no cheering crowds to welcomed him abroad. No wonder why he VP Wani is bitterly pressing for termination of doul citizenship between US & South Sudan. Juba is so affected by incompetency, its either in the air or in that water they are all drinking.
In search for peace in the diplomatic arena Dr Machar is without a doubt the #1 choice for the majority of people yearning for peace. From a victim of political & tribally motivated assassination attempts to being VP again.
Dr Machar can easily identify with thousands of citizens suffering from systemic & forceful displacement in Juba and around the country.
Can the majority of South Sudanese suffering from this war of Kiir & his tribal JCE say they equally shoulder the misfortune of this war with Kiir and Wani. Never.
Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, the father of the South Sudan will diplomatically undo the negative image the incompetent killer Kiir and cohorts caused. through Dr. Machar’s diplomatic skills, South Sudan will once again be respected by the world leaders.
Human Right adored his defeat,he has been eliminated,but he has the right to go back.
According to diplomatic, Machar deserve to be more welcomed then Wani (Little Man)
Wanni Igga has a right to be intimidated by by primitive killer because the guy combine two things that a human being like couldn’t survive if you live in south sudan. Igga has been trying to please salvage killer not to sack him from his position by giving those speeches at the summit in New York, but after landing in juba those word will not be repeated in front of his master otherwise can be easily get put away. I know that this so called (cpa II) hasn”holding since it was signed last month two month. And the reason is that salva killed and continuously terminating one tribe.
he will never accepted peace only defeat that may be the only choice for other south sduanes to get rid off him. He continue killing,raping,toturing,burning etc And What international calle this? Should salva be name torrist government if the world still recognise as legal government.?