Contributor's Politics South Sudan


South Sudan as an autonomous government since 2005, and South Sudan as a Republic government of today.

Compiled by John Adam Lual,

Thousands of South Sudanese celebrating the independent of the country in July 2011.(photo: David Azia)
Thousands of South Sudanese celebrating the independent of the country in July 2011.(photo: David Azia)

Nov 10, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- The tragic death of Dr.John Garang De Mabior on 30th July 2005, the first vice president of the Republic Sudan and as well the president of the autonomous South Sudan puts all South Sudanese within the country and diaspora in a very pessimistic frame of future whether his successor might followed his visions and footsteps, or what will be the future of South Sudanese people with absent of Dr. John Garang De Mabior. The people of South Sudan remained in a gap and flabbergast doubted situation but apparently “a birds in hands is worth two in the bush” which means you make use of the most of what you have instead of looking for something better which you do not have”.

The SPLM/SPLA commanders converge together at new site in South Sudan and chosed his Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit as the first vice president of the Republic of Sudan and as well the president of the autonomous government of South Sudan but one more wonder whether he will fitted in the shoes of his late chairman Dr. John Garang De Mabior. Many people around the world fostered questions whether the new chairman would managed to delivered the visions and missions of SPLM/SPLA frame work policy effectively to the wider expectation of South Sudanese people.

Salva Kiir Mayardit was chosen according to the SPLM/SPLA hierarchy and in the context that he might have learnt something and has more experiences from his late chairman for the last twenty one years of war. Those of Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol Ajwin were left alone because they were once time defected from SPLM/SPLA and fight against SPLM/SPLA movement. So as time went by, his Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit pick up the leadership and the high expectation from the people of South Sudan was that, their president will started with the four important visions of Dr. John Garang De Mabior, being the (1) Road (2) health (3) education and (4) Agriculture.

All these four items mention above were first SPLM/SPLA prioritize frame work policy. Kiir cabinets or structure of government is full of SPLM/SPLA commanders who come from the bush the other day then it was all in vain and no news is good news; the government fall into a huge impunity as Kiir’s government slogan is “honesty is a best policy” Kiir as a person is very honest and in his cabinet there is no supervision of an individual performances so long you file any document which would show on how you spent the money in each ministry.

A good number of his officers in the government would want to quench the thirsty of twenty one years of war in one day which had hindered the performances of the president. On other hand the president is facing a political tussle of referendum as south Sudanese people were ready to choose whether to be one Sudan or having south Sudan as an independent state. The government struggle hard to achieve the goals of self determination and as the government stood firm over the issue. The referendum was a landslide victory by the government of the autonomous South Sudan from the Republic of Sudan which has led to the declaration of the South Sudan in July 9 2011 as an independent state or country. Two years later, the ruling party SPLM was politically divided. There are those who started pointing out about corruption while still in the government special Dr. Riek Machar Teny who was a vice chairman of SPLM and as well as a vice president of the Republic of South Sudan, the secretary general of SPLM ruling party Mr. Pagan Amum, the other members of SPLM political bureau and the SPLM liberation councils went parallel over the system. There those who want the system of voting and dominant hierarchy within the party changed   meanwhile however the other members of government apparatus who are close ally to his Excellency the president did not want that. Wrangling goes on as Kiir devolved a qualm about Dr. Riek Machar whether he will be sustain politically or not. Kiir later on reduced the powers of his vice chairman Riek Machar but still no political change and the former vice president now continue and look forward to change the SPLM hierarchy of having the president as a chairman of the SPLM party and other issues like voting system is not modern. As political integers increase later, Machar was removed with a numbers of ministers that has set another political waterloo in the country and to his ministers, the move is awesome.

Things fall apart

The political temperature arises to high level of multitude which cannot easily be control. On December 1st 2013 fighting erupted in Juba capital as a results of political decay which had led Machar to existed Juba for the bush and declared war after the fall of Jonglei state in his hand. Machar command white army to move forward to fight against the government. The fighting escalated in various states of greater upper Nile and untold atrocities were committed but who should be blame for this erroneous war. The international community accused both side of committing war crime as well referring it as an act against humanity.

The president of the Republic immediately called for the dialogue in Addis Ababa with rebel leader Dr. Machar in order to save the situation and the peace negotiation continue of which many peace proposals were rejected and violate. The international community and the regional government urged both government and the rebel in order to come together so that to delivered peace to the people of South Sudan. Finally a rash peace has been delivered which had never been celebrated. The compromise peace agreement CPA two was signed. Many reservations come up and now more new states created.

Do we need more federal system within federalism?

The decision is very hypothetical and lack rationale because such decision needs a wider consultation within the government and grass roots than having a unilateral decision by order of presidential decree. South Sudan ideology of government is Kakistocracy and mobocracy where by you become a subject matter of your own speech and other items like education is a non issue within a system own by kakistocrats and mobocrats. The matter ends there whether likes or not as there is no question of justice and integrity. The masses remained shut up by the system of threats and mob justices that is why the presidential decree order become effective as I can quote the minister of information Mr. Michael Makuei Lueth when he was interrogated by one of journalist in SSTV. Makuei Lueth said with a strong words possible saying that this is a presidential decree order from the president, no talking about it and no questions he conclude. How long shall we continue with tyranny system in twenty century when the whole world swift on to liberal democracy?

In twenty century we live in the world where the liberal democracy has allow the freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of mass media, freedom of opinions and freedom of liberty. The assembly is the absolute final decision maker of any formulated policy made by the cabinets. It is a high time for the masses to liberate themselves.

What is federal system or federalism? Federation is a system of government which decentralized the powers from the central government to the grassroots where the states, counties and payams or constituencies get independent of their development funds without interference of the central government.

Ten years down the line south Sudan has been a federal system of government with ten states. If the government of Republic of south Sudan did not have enough resources to funds the federal ten states and other entities of government then where will…..

the same government get the resources for twenty eight states (28).Having identify sub – section of each tribes in South Sudan and call them a states will give more disadvantages than before and the following repercussions will occurs; it will affect us politically, economically, and socially. The political interactions of individuals of different tribes will be cuts off since each state will have its own political forums. There will be no social interaction among people as usual and economically; some of the states does not have natural resources which might also cause political wrangling among different ethnic group. The move of having twenty eight states (28) will further result to the following political consequences for examples it will results into sectarianism, clanmenism, and will create political gossiping among clan men states which cause intra-community and extra –community conflict.

Those are the things which will happen before any demarcation of each twenty eight states (28) boundaries and within twenty eight states there will be creation of new counties because you cannot have more states without counties, therefore more Payams and Bomas whether we can say we have oils and other natural resources we cannot sustain the life of twenty eight states even if the government give a budgeting of 100 billion as a budgets of the year, still we will have no other funds for development projects in the country. Another burning issues is the pending demarcation between the two states as South Sudan get its independent in 2011 on July 9, there is no clear territorial boundaries of South Sudan as state as there was no demarcation from North Sudan since independent hence there will be more problem within and outside the neighboring countries like North Sudan of which we do not have a clear demarcated boundaries.

What the government would have done? The government would have work on the modalities on how to implement the new signed peace agreement as well as making reconciliation among South Sudanese tribes who have not find peace in their hearts before and working on how to mitigate the issues of insecurity and an ethnic unrest which had rocks the country for the last ten years. Having accomplish that; the people will be able to cultivate making agriculture flourish as there will be nothing to fear hence allowing government to access the communities where it`s want to have a development projects in the country. Now as we speak “if powers is not bestowed from on high, then it is wrested from below. It is not holy water that will wash away the stain of sins, but a mixture of blood and money that will combine under the skillful eyes of the prince to remove all the traces of the past.

The past is no friend of a new prince. The pasts may be anchor, but it is not one that keeps the ship of state steady; rather it is one that keeps languishing, unable to move into the future.

It is the duty of the prince to remove the weight of the past in order to free the vessels for new ventures. We are told for examples, that the most effective governor of men ought not to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests, and when the reasons which made him bind himself no longer exists if men were all good, this precept would not be a good one; but as they are bad; and would not bound to keep the faith with you, so you are not bound to keep the faith with them”. You must be a great feigner and dissembler; and men are so simple and so ready to obey present necessities, that one who deceives” the truth is put forth as self explanatory and reader is offered no apology for the boldness of their delivery and at the same time he said what is more, a city used to liberty can be more easily held by means of its citizens than in any other way, if you wish to preserve it. Nicollo Machiavelli said

The author can be reached at Dorcas Mutua and John Adam Lual can be reached at mutuadoro@gmail.com

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