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The Juba Telegraph Interview With Salva Mathok Gengdit!

By Ustaz Izadin Suleman.

Ssalva Mathok Gengdit, deputy Minister of Interior and a close-aid to Salva Kiir(Photo: file)
Ssalva Mathok Gengdit, deputy Minister of Interior and a close-aid to Salva Kiir(Photo: file)

August 10, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Reference to the interview held with Hon.Salve Mathok Gengdit on July 23,2015. There is nothing in his statement that can help bring peace to the people of the new Republic of South Sudan. It is classified as psycho-projection.

When God created the universe, He then created a man( Adam). God did not create a woman at the same time. He asked Adam to find among the creatures which one could be his companion but there was none that could suit for the well-being of Adam. God then caused him a deep sleep, and where in the sleep God broke one of his ribs and made it a woman. When Adam awoke and found the woman lying close to him, he made an appreciation: This is the flesh of my body and the bone of my bone! Adam was well pleased with his companion, Eva. God gave them his commandments that they should eat all the fruits of the garden except that tree of knowledge in the middle of the garden; they should not eat it, for the day they will eat of the tree they will know death.

Something strange happened when Eva was courted by the serpent and she yielded to the temptation. She came back and seduced her husband to fornication before the pre-destiny period God set for them to meet as husband and wife. Here comes the disaster of mankind. When God appeared in the garden Adam and Eva went in hiding and it took Adam some times to respond to the call of God but at last he told God that I am hiding because I am necked. Then God asked him what happened that you are necked ? Did you eat of the fruit I forbid you not to eat ? Adam replied; BECAUSE OF THE WOMAN YOU CREATED SHE GAVE ME THE FRUIT. Then God asked the woman: Why did you do that ? The woman answered, THE SERPENT DECEIVED ME. God got angry and cursed Adam and his wife Eva and the serpent. Finally He sent Adam and Eva out of the garden of Aden and put a tribune on the eastern gate of the garden so that man should not sneak into the garden again.

The lesson we are learning from this Biblical story is that when you commit a mistake against another person and you don’t accept your mistake it destroys the relation between you and that person. This is what angered God. If Adam and Eva accepted their guilt, God might have either give them soft punishment or forgive and warn them not to repeat it again. More important to understand is that the psycho-projection Adam and Eva committed is what we Christians call original sin. When Jesus came, he did not abolish original sin but he said those who want to be forgiven for the original sin must be baptized. Any Christian who offends another person and refuses to admit what he/she has done denies himself the forgiveness and blessing of God. He/she has returned to the very original sin for which he/she was baptized. In Western Equatoria this is what we believe and we see God constantly at work. Whoever fetches the people of Western Equatoria with witch hand will be condemned to internal doom.

Looking at the statements of Hon. Salva Mathok Gengdit he is only demonstrating the three basic sinful pride:

  1.  The desire to be powerful,
  2. The desire to have all and
  3. The desire to know all.

He over emphasized power and appears adamant for peace through negotiation. It appears that there are some vocabularies lacking in other cultures, such as forgiveness, shame and sincerity. To be more specific, I would like to quote some interview questions and the answers furnished by Hon.Salva Mathok.

Question: What would you wish to share with readers of the Juba Telegraph?

Answer: In his reply he made a few cardinal points that I would like to underline: He accused the Governor of Western Equatoria for condemning SPLA for the injustice, atrocities and destruction they inflicted on the civil population in Mundri West and in Maridi counties. According to Hon .Mathok if SPLA SOLDIERS do bad things to people they should not be condemned.” I believe that if there are mistakes and pressing issues arising from SPLA the Governor should contact chief of General staff of the SPLA or divisional commander, but unfortunately the Governor chose public rallies and media outlets to pour out his anger outside official lines.”

What does it mean ? Let Hon. Mathok understand that the role of a government is to protect the citizens and their properties. It is absolutely wrong to condone the wrong doings that SPLA is doing against the civil population. SPLA has lost its credibility of being an army of liberation and has become an instrument of oppression. Therefore, the Governor instead of sitting idle, or instigating revenge, he made an outcry to bring to the attention of the central government to take note of what is happening. That is very correct. Indeed , if Mathok thinks that when SPLA does harm to people, then the people should kneel down to venerate SPLM/SPLA leaders, he is simply digging a grave to bury SPLM/A.

Question 11. What do you think could have motivated the Governor for the outburst and alleged negative statements against the SPLA ?

Answer: This is because Joseph Bakosoro rebelled against the SPLM party in 2010 to stand against the anointed flag bearer for the party to contest in a gubernatorial post, hence violating the memo that the SPLM candidates should not stand against each other in these elections.

Those who know Hon. Mathok should give him a few lessons about democracy:-

  • In a democratic system people elect their representatives to represent them in the would be institutions. In brief, democracy is a government of the people by the people and for the people.
  • Those who are elected through the ballot become the choice of the people and must be honored.
  • Those who fail must accept defeat and must congratulate the winner.
  • Both the winner and the looser must respect the mandate as stipulated in the constitution.

In civilized world, governments respect the will of the majority but in South Sudan SPLM does not. Clearly the statements of Hon. Mathok contradict these principles and that is very unfortunate for the young nation. Worth mentioning, Hon. Mathok made very hateful statement that those who demean and criticize the SPLA don’t deserve to live.

In a democratic system, people have freedom of expression. What hurts the people must be said louder and the government has a duty to correct it rather than condemning those who raise voice against malpractice and abuse of human rights. In view of these Hon. Mathok is advocating a despotic system of government in the Republic of South Sudan.


In brief SPLM is SPLA. Members of this organization do not accept truth. Whoever says the truth is hated and they find ways to kill him/her. They always make false accusations that this person is working against the principles of the movement. Many South Sudanese outspoken political leaders have been killed by SPLM/SPLA in this way, henceforth, the statement of Mathok that Bokosoro does not deserve to live is a clear indication that they have already concluded a plan to kill him.

The fact that the people of Western Equatoria are loyal to the SPLM led government and especially Governor Bokosoro, Juba does not recognize this but has been making a lot of false accusations against him, for example: Bakosoro is supporting Riek, Bakosoro is training rebels, Bakosoro is collaborating with Omer el Bashir , arrow boys etc. The herdsmen and the arrow boys who are authors of conflict and hatred in South Sudan ? I was an internally displaced person in Tambura and I have witnessed the hospitality of the people of WES, all these accusations against Governor Bokosoro are prefabricated and baseless. What is real is that they want a puppet whom they can use to grab the land.

The author can be reached at khalidngbokoro@gmail.com for further comments

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1 comment

tutu August 10, 2015 at 4:38 am

Bakasoro is a people choice, and he has been doing a good job, people should elect their representative without facing reprisal. Salva Matok didn’t make the real point, when things turn tribal, then SPLA become Dinka and Dinka become SPLA, and that the problem.


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