By Yien Lam Tot,

March 21, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– The Compromise peace Agreement (CPA) that was signed by the SPLM/SPLA-IG headed by Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit and the SPLM/SPLA-IO. Which is led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny requires that the SPLA in Opposition should be absorbed into SPLA in Government to prepare for the upcoming baseless presidential election in 2018. The full re-unification and integration of the armed forces under the name (SPLA) will lead too many army generals to return to the bush to confront the troops who are still loyal to Gen. King Mayardit of the SPLA in Government. It was predicted that most of the SPLA-IO’s combatants will not accept to be re-confirmed by the SPLA-Dinka extremists. The intelligence gathered from reliable sources revealed that the SPLA-IO operatives who were not full members of the SPLA before eruption of the first phase of the South-South civil war will be demobilised from the army. The source said that SPLA-IO will be forced to lay down their military weapons and be told to go to the rural areas to stay with their relatives and friends. The people who will be reluctant to surrender their guns to the SPLA-IG will be killed without warning in order to maintain Mayardit’s presidency in the country.
The disarmament and the integration of the members of the SPLA-IO under the name SPLA before the 2018 was designed by the ruling body of South Sudan titled Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) to retain the ongoing (Dinka Kingdom) which emerged in 1983 and also to advance the newest religion called Kiirism. The SPLA-IG told the media several times that the Dinkas are created to reign over the people who are addressed as second, third or fourth-class-citizens of the youngest nation. They keep on educating the young Dinka boys and girls that the Dinkas are the new masters of South Sudan and the rest operate under their feet. Additionally, they officially informed the International Community (IC) that the non-Dinkas did not participate in the liberation of South Sudan from North Sudan. They said that the Dinkas were the only people who had been fighting against Khartoum successive regimes before the end of the second phase of the North-South civil war.
The newest religion named Kiirism was officially introduced into South Sudan before the outbreak of the first phase of the South-South armed conflict by Gen. King Mayardit of the SPLA-IG to protect his unethical political-military leadership in the newly founded country. A reliable source stated that he briefed the media that he is the only true long-bearded man of God (Tik-yual-kuoth) who was blessed and sent by late prophet Ngundeng Bong to lead the citizens of South Sudan through autocratic leadership style forever. The people who are called second, third or fourth-class-citizens of the youngest nation are forced to go to the kiirists’ temples to worship Gen. Mayardit as their true lord and savior contrary to true and only Lord and Savior of the universe. The citizens who challenge his unethical (kingdom) are massacred by the SPLA-Dinka- extremists without delay to encourage the expansion of the newest religion called kiirism.
In short, the upcoming unethical disarmament and integration of the SPLA-IO under the name SPLA-IG will result in the defection of the former rebel generals to the wilderness to participate in the dislodgement of the SPLA’s fighters from the country. The earlier disbandment of the SPLA-IO was planned by the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) to maintain the Dinka superiority in the country and also to defend the newly founded religion (Kiirism). JCE was formed before the eruption of the first phase of the South-South civil war by the senior Dinka elders to encourage and also to promote slavery, marginalisation, forcible kiirisation and the dinkanisation in South Sudan. The JCE will be strongly condemned by the local and the International Community (IC) over the forthcoming reckless disarmament and unlawful absorption of the SPLA-IO into the SPLA-IG.
Yien Lam Tot the author is an Advocate for Situational Leadership theories and President of the (SSNDP) and Commander-in-Chief of the (SSNDF). He holds Asso. Dip. of Sustain; Asso.Dip. of Admin; Dip. of Bus.; Dip. of HR.; Dip. of Mgt.; and Post Grad. Leadership Degree. He can be reached at +249 -96 5060 624 South Sudan, Liberated Area.
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All the war games theories, cospiracies & hypothesis wont help you people. You must accept the reality that tyrant Kiir is not relinquishing powers peacefully anytime soon. So forget the 2018 election hypes..its mot happening.
Thinking outloud, if your talking about the foretold tales of… The Lightworker/Shamanic Ngundeng, I never heard anything about not taking the war to Bar El Gazal where it should be fought.
Dear Gatnor,
You are now talking, those people are thinking that Kiir still has wings to fly all over South Sudan not knowing that his wings has been flunk out in August 15 2015. Now he is crying under feet of people waiting for his day to be roasted. Look all warning send out by every corner of the world including Security council. Preparation for the big war is almost at final stage where many including white Man, black man and red man will die together in the land of South Sudan. This war will last for two week though Kiir will be killed in the first week his remnants will insist not to surrender for a while. Remember in this war many corrupt and generals will perish. I HAVE SPOKEN MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!
Greeting Torbaar,
Speaking of election the so called transitional gov of national unity is said to last a duration of almost 3 yrs. Consider that the TGONU will be considered fully formed. operational from the day of swearing in its main principles namely Dr Machar, chief Kiir and the cabinet ministers. At this poimt 2018 supposed election is only 2 years a way. Its either the election be postponed or reduced the lengthy liife span of the TGONU..pick one.
On the other hand the current peace agreement is as real as the infamous A/A, Peace Ageement of 1972 that was between Anyanya-I and Khartuom Sudan. I think this is a bizarre and a unfortunate way of putting down the tools of liberation when clearly its not over yet. And those indirrectly surrendering knows the reprocussions will ne fateful.
@Goweng, there’s need to say that you are sincerely right on your analysis. Big and eminent danger is underway for those who believe are still worth in eye of the international community.wait until April the first.
Dear Gatnor and Goweng
I think you both are speaking out of mind, I wish God should listen to end up this authoritarian regime. Let it take whatever it for cause and effect to handle this inflicted persecution against other tribes by Dinka. This mayhem had been accelerated so much anguish among Nuer and other tribes in South Sudan.
Speaking your minds or speakinh out of our minfs.? I am confuse.. to whether you agree or disagree.
I don’t understand where you became bewildering,Iam not technically generalized it since I just talk about”I”. On my comments I don’t always focus on other people’s views regarding any issues,I usually applied my emotional feeling and my conscience.I hope it’s going to be clear to you buddy. Thanks !
Okay no problem Buddy
After reading your commemt addressed to us, yes I was abit puzzled not grasping exactly what you are trying to say.
“Dear GatNor & Gawong, I think you both speaking out of mind,”
Did you mean to say:
1) – We are both speaking out of your minds?
— Which imply you are disagreing with us ofcourse.
Did you mean to say:
2) – We both are speaking your minds?
-Which would imply that you agree with us.
What are you trying to say exactly.
..And that was all I wanted to confirmed.
Other than that its not a big dea. I just wanted to be certain.
Correction on..
1) speaking out of Our minds
…not YOUR minds
Corrections on:
1) I meant to say:
speaking out of OUR minds
…not YOUR minds
I am so done with this convo..
When we asked this people on top of our political basics of how things got to this point, the answer was caakonmam, a gain when Naath was just killed in a daily basis everywhere in southsudan, and we asked a gain the answer was caakonmam, when this meaningless peace was signed that is based on the reunion of lions and cattles, we asked a gain the answer was, caakonmam, when boys and little girls of Naath were rape and murdered, something that never occurred in the history of our land. We asked, again the answer was caakonmam, when kiir decided to have the lebanroum for his germanic tribe’s and divided the land of others to his. We asked again the answer was caakonmam. What else do you think we’re going to be mam again,
I will not justify the answer Nuer give since their answer does not justify their lack strategic planning in many aspect including secirity measures.