Politics South Sudan

South Sudan Civil War: The International Geopolitical And Geostrategic Impacts On The Horn Of Africa

By Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, BA, MA, MPA, PhD

Ethnic Nuer and Dinka


April 7, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan civil war or as if a tribal warfare has been the cockpit of the crisis caused by failed leadership, the lack of political will, dictatorship and the spillover of bad governance in Africa’s youngest state. This occurred because of internal split within the SPLM ruling party in South Sudan. The crisis in South Sudan for the past 15 months or so poses “Democracy” as being increasingly and seriously threatened by racist, xenophobic, Apartheid, dictatorship, unreligious, ethnocentrism and political extremism.

It is a failed dream of the establishment of Dinka Dynasty or “Monyjiengism”-a quasi racism and extreme ethnocentrism (tribalism) assumes that that “They [Dinka] Dinka are born to rule and not to be ruled” and “They [Dinka] are the “Chosen people” by whom and for what- remains a myth to be demythologized. If the allegations probed or postulated by the Dinka power elites were all true and authentic that “They are born to rule and not too be ruled” and that they are the “Chosen people” there would have been certainly pre-requisites that they must meet the qualities of leadership, governance, social equality, distribution of wealth and power, democratization; the rule of law, human rights protection and they have extreme disrespect of other people opinions in South Sudan. I would like every Southern intellectual, including the Dinka power elite critically undertake self criticism, self-diagnosis and self-reflection on the issues postulated by our Dinka colleagues who have diligently assumed to know it all. How realistic are they in the preceded concepts?

Sociologically and anthropologically, let’s look micro-macroscopically at the case of South Sudan as an example. The government departments, the cabinet, foreign ambassadors, businesses and other lucrative government establishments and religious institutions have been dominated by the “foolish majority” Bahr-el-Ghazel Dinka who have been under-qualified and inexperienced personalities almost all of them hail from Warap State.

The Dinka Bor because of their association with Nuers as one of the traditionally liberal democrats, have learned the art of democracy, equality, governance and how to divide the national cake compared to their Nuer counterparts. Although Dinka Bor loves power for the sake of power, they were always mindful and ready to share that power because they have learned this art of social equality from their Nuer counterparts. Therefore, the “foolish majority” from the Bahr-el-Ghazel Dinka knows nothing about God, the delegation of power and authority, equality and religion as the basis of every human existence. They should not have done things that they have done, which they ought not to have done during the 2013 Juba Genocide and beyond.

No Nuer leaders could boast about fairness, equality and democracy because they have been taught it so informally and through formal educational system. Even in the SPLM-in-Opposition (SPLA-I-Op) there exists cultural diversity throughout the leadership as a whole sum functioning system compared to Juba that has been monolithic. I do have a heck of a lot to say, anthropologically and sociologically, but time and space would not permit me to do so at this juncture

There was no coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir by his former deputy Dr. Riek Machar. The alleged coup d’état was a hoax and there has been no concrete evident to indicate or to substantiate the allegation of coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir.

The crisis, thus, far has absolutely disintegrated the state that came to being through the blessing of the scrutiny of the Pan-African leaders in conjunction with prominent international actors in which a referendum was scheduled to be held for the people of South Sudan to decide for themselves freely and democratically whether they would depart from the Arabized Muslim North as an independent and sovereign de jure state or to remain in unity of new arrangements. They chose the former and that choice gave birth to ne state that has been destroyed by Salva Kiir and cronies.

The war if it were not to be de-escalated sooner by achieving peace through the IGAD and the AU mediators, it could escalate further, ensuring the possibility for the relevant international actors that delivered the exercise of the right to self-determination in 2011 an opportunity to superimpose an international administration similar to Iraq and the UN Administering Authority or any other form of relevant governance. The predominant Dinka power elite administration under the aegis of Salva Kiir has failed the state and absolutely disintegrated it to the point of no return.

My statement or position that I made a few years ago in which I was rebuked and called as a crazy and cranky professor has come to political reality. Who is really crazy and cranky now the professor or Salva Kiir and his former VP Dr. Machar and others who assumed so that I was crazy? Succinctly, Salva Kiir and Dr. Machar have now wasted so many lives and property worth millions. They should be held accountable for what is now going on in this failed state in South Sudan that is politically instable and moving from stateless to statelessness liked Somalia ion the horn of Africa.

The escalation of the war could surely create in South Sudan geopolitical and geostrategic impact on the Horn of Africa. Although South Sudan is a landlocked state because of its enormous resources, i.e., oil and gas and other strategic critical minerals in greater demands in the international marketplace, the big powers would not hesitate to intervene to protect their geopolitical and geostrategic economic and the vital geostrategic national security interests. There is now a neo-Cold War or the neo-East-West ideological confrontation in South Sudan between PRC and the United States and its European allied

In order for the war to stop, Salva Kiir must step down or reign and to return the power to the people. Salva Kiir is not above the state, but in international law, the state as the most important person (VIP), per se, should be above Salva Kiir. So on this basis he would have no choice, but call it quit for that.

Foreign forces-mainly- the UPDF, JEM, SRF and the SPLA-N and others be withdrawn from South Sudan soil without any pre-conditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace in South Sudan.

The crime of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity have been committed in South Sudan. Therefore those responsible should be apprehended, indicted, issued with warrants of arrest, tried and sentenced for the crimes against humanity that they have done, which they ought not to have done. In this case, Salva Kiir and many other cronies should become the first and foremost criminal to be indicted by the ICC.

The international community should know that justice must be done in South Sudan otherwise there could be serious escalation of the war that could surpass the Congo Crisis [Katanga] in the 1960s, Liberia, Sierras Leone and the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (The D. R. Congo) and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine..

President Yuri Museveni should be held accountable for the excessive use of internationally banned bombs such as, the Cluster bombs, phosphorous bombs, chemical warfare, including other similar the bombs sorties dropped by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) in Gaza Strip wars.


While the situations in Somalia and Yemen remain fragile and volatile indeed, South Sudan State undergoes through a hell of a civil war or as if a tribal warfare that has led to genocide that targeted the Nuer ethnicity or nationality for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. It costs Africa’s young state that has been already a failed state; that is now moving from political instability to stateless and to statelessness followed by catastrophic destruction of so many lives and property, diabolical national fragmentation, dysfunction, obfuscation, national disintegration, national disunity and faces a precarious future and the present. These dreadful, acute and aggravating situations in the Horn of Africa could possibly turn the Horn of Africa region to become another cockpit of international “hot spot” for the international actors in the post-East-West ideological confrontation as it was in the Cold War era. The current politico-military and socio-economic developments in South Sudan could pose more real threats to the entire Horn of Africa region, including East Africa and beyond. We shall and will identify these political and military constraints.

However, South Sudan similar to Somalia has already become another failed state, which has been already engulfed in a bloody civil war or as if a tribal warfare. When I researched and wrote about these ongoing current politico-military and socioeconomic developments in my capacity as an academic expert on African Affairs, international relations, international law, international public affairs, international human rights, public policy, administration and management, I was bitterly rebuked by so many, including President Salva Kiir and the former VP who has become self-ordained rebel guerrilla leader Dr. Riek Machar in the “You-Tube” I was labeled as a ‘crazy Professor’ and whatever I researched and wrote about were all wrong to say the least.

If I were to probe a philosophical, political, sociological and epistemological question, who is really now crazy or cranky the former VP Dr. Machar, President Kiir and their cronies in their circles in the political limelight in Juba or me the poor Professor an individual that possesses daily mental creativity to produced change not only in the classroom, but throughout the world? I would guess that both the former VP Dr. Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir should admit that they have been crazy or cranky because they caused a civil war or as if a tribal warfare that has killed so many lives and would continue to kill more lives now, in the next few weeks, months and years because of power struggle, money and control of the political destiny of others against their free will and consent in this failed Africa’s youngest state in South Sudan.

Before I could become again a victim of un-circumstantial or controversial evident, I would be obliged heretofore to qualify my statement that I have stated on many occasions that South Sudan has been a pre-born and pre-failed or a failed state from its inception as a semiautonomous entity during the Interim Period of the CPA and the Government of National Unity (GONU) shared by the NCP/SPLMA as the parties to the bilateral Nivasha Peace Agreement of 2005 or technically known as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005 ( CPA) and in the aftermath of its split from the mother country- the Republic of Sudan- on 9 July 2011, which I did not attend it birth because I was excluded and ignored as a member of the opposition against the ruling party that already blacklisted me and many others above the blacklist of President’s Salva Kiir in which he gave executive orders to his security henchmen that if they happened to see Professor de Chand, President of South Sudan Democratic Front Party (SSDF) and Chairman of South Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SSRF), including the Nuer White Army, General Gordon Kong Chol of the South Sudan Defense Force (SSDF) and General James Gai Yoach of South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA), they should be shot at once. This task was given to General Thomas Douth Guet a close relative that has been lured with big money to waste me and other Nuer leaders perceived to be against Salva Kiir’s wicked, racist and Apartheid regime in South Sudan.

We the “trios” have been identified and labeled as the most dangerous original members of the opposition that now Dr. Machar has already self-proclaimed himself to become its leader without any prior consultations with original opposition of South Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SSRF) or otherwise known as Al-Sawar Al-Junub alSudan with different components united by a common cause and a purpose- that was (and still is) to topple Salva Kiir from power by any means necessary. We have not changed a bit on this principle strategy until the mission would be accomplished. We do believe that Salva must and ought to go by any means necessary. Frankly speaking, Salva would have already gone with the wind and withered away without the presence of UPDF in Juba and throughout South Sudan.

Most importantly, we shall and will put the entire blames on Dr. Machar and General Taban Deng Gai and the least producers that he surrounded himself with in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, otherwise known as the “Hotel Revolutionaries” because of his failures to conduct the war in the right track or the way it should have been conducted, fought it and denied those who could have done this task with quickest way possible to defeat Salva Kiir. With good strategic military planning, the White Army would have already captured Juba, but Dr. Machar and his cronies that he (Dr. Machar) surrounded himself with have failed the Nuer fighters to achieve their object sooner and at the quickest timeline possible. We do know Dr. Machar’s security henchmen who messed up this war and they would be asked and be investigated one way or the other.

We hope by now that those who started this bloody civil war or as if a tribal warfare, should acknowledge and become aware that through international pressure points against Juba and firepower from the ground zeroing on in to Juba, the UPDF would be forced to withdraw from South Sudan soil without any pre-conditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace in the war-ravaged South Sudan. I hope Makauey Lueth or “Makuey Lueth kac lora,” would have to put his foot into mouth as an ill-trained lawyer that needs to refresh his corroded or stagnated legal studies years ago at the University of Khartoum. This is not an insult, but he (Makuey) who served as a legal officer under the command of Dr. Lam Akol Ajawein never ever commanded any company forces in liberation Movement went berserk, nuts and feels like he has been on top of everything and that world operates according to thinking and neo-thinking and whims.

Specifically, I focused on the fact that South Sudan has been a pre-born and pre-failed state, inflicted or infested with corruption, embezzlements, self-aggrandizement, looting of public purse or coffer for self-interests of the third kind, entrenched ethnocentrism (tribalism) and forewarned the leadership that unless they undertook rapid deployment of correction of the incumbent, democratic transformation, establishment of democratic institutions, guaranteed freedom of speech, press, social justice, equality and human rights protection for all before the law, South Sudan could plunge into a politico-military inferno or a civil war or as if a tribal warfare before A.D. 2015. I am so glad and pretty correct in all my analyses of the issues that I have scientifically researched and written about in articles, including presently two (2) manuscripts that are now ready to go to publication in the next few weeks either in the USA or Europe. The synopses of the said book manuscripts would sooner appear in the press media and electronic media or the Internet networks once the necessary undertakings have been completed.

The crisis in South Sudan has been a reaffirmation that ‘secession’, per se, has not been all a panacea for peace and democracy because it has been always entangled in unresolved or irresolvable domestic problems that if there were no good grassroots, determined, motivated, logical and unifying democratic leadership, public policy, public administration and management, the political will, determination and commitment in doing the right thing, the whole affair could produce spillover of bad governance that could easily make thing to go haywire before the leadership knows about it, unfortunately. Conclusively, it’s what really happened in South Sudan because the leadership assumed that it was on top of everything and virtually everything was dandy when, in fact, it was sitting down on erupting or oozing political volcano and was ill-prepared to rescue the situation before it was too late and too soon to explode and to go out of hands.

In the case of South Sudan, however, the leadership virtually already failed and did not have the political will to become comprehensive, inclusive, democratic, transparent and accountable in uniting the culturally diverse or multicultural South Sudan rather than focusing on ethnocentric (tribal) ethos. The SPLM leadership as far as it was concerned, should have focused on Mahathir Mohamed’s leadership style in Malaysia with a diverse population comprising of the Malays, the Chinese and the Indians and how to distribute power and wealth amongst all of these culturally diverse backgrounds and the leadership style of the late PM Lee Kuan Yoo’s of Singapore with same civilians’ population dimensions. I believe that the leadership of the SPLM in South Sudan could have benefited a heck of a lot if it were to have devoted an ample research on governance in these two Asian countries with similar culturally diverse population like in South Sudan and many glued and amalgamated African nation-states in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The undereducated and the ultraconservative Dinka power elite assumed the helm of power and theorized that “They [Dinka] are born to rule and not to be ruled” and that “They [Dinka] are the “Chosen people” by whom and for what, remains a myth to be demythologized and that a non-Dinka could lead or to become the President or the Prime Minister of South Sudan. What kind of a nation-state that the Dinka wish to build in South Sudan? What do the Dinka have that other people do not have in South Sudan? We all have fought in the war of liberation or emancipation in South Sudan, but many South Sudanese fought more than others in the war of liberation or emancipation more than the Dinka who have been claiming that South Sudan belongs to the Dinka and uncle Bona Malwal has been an advocate of this school of thought, thinking and neo-thinking as he articulated it during his recent visit to the United States. Realistically, South Sudan belongs to all South Sudanese and if the Dinka feel proud because an illiterate, ‘minister of death’, a child and a women killer, and drunkard Dinka has become the president of South Sudan. We shall and will change that through the democratic process. I believe that any Southerner male or female with the ambition of becoming the President of South Sudan can do so through the democratic process and by dictatorial means that have become things of the past.

Historically, the homogeneous like in Somalia Nuer nation and its resilient people has advanced the concept of traditional democracy, social justice, freedom, equality, compassion, communalism and egalitarianism for generations and transmitted it from generation to the next; whilst the heterogeneous Dinka society still remains a dictatorship and undemocratic. Who would want to live in such a Stalinist State in the 21st century and beyond? Because of the events that have transferred in the past 15 months of civil war or as if a tribal warfare in South Sudan, I honestly, earnestly, humanly, politically, legally and sociologically recommend that South Sudan if it wishes to remain as united polity, it would have to undergo serious structural changes-that’s to say it must and ought to become “a multiparty democracy,” “a shared federal system of government,” self-rule within each polity or if such arrangements could not happen, I shall and will propose “peaceful national disintegration” such that each region should govern itself or in a quasi confederal system, association of states or asymmetrical federalism although it does not exist anywhere on the planet-Earth, but it could be introduced in South Sudan as proposed by the Troika during the bilateral Naivasha Peace Agreement otherwise technically known as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005 for at least a decade or so and until we voluntarily decided to reunite again under aegis of a truly Federal system of government in this fragile failed state, politically instable and moving from stateless to statelessness in South Sudan compared to Somalia on the Horn of Africa as the “world’s most failed according to Foreign Policy Journal in 2010, which characterized it as a symbol of the UN peacekeeping failure, escalating, and thus a resulting state of anarchy retrospect to 1992 overthrown of General Mohamed Sayaid Barre up to the present. Africa longest civil war in Somalia lasting for twenty years has left the country destroyed or devastated, which an irony of in a world overcrowded with centrifugal figures, because Somalia has a homogeneous[1] as almost any other post-colonial country.

Nevertheless, the politico-military events in South Sudan for the past 15 months or so has been so acute and aggravating situation, as the Nuer nationality became the victim of unforeseen un-circumstantial developments that included the targeting of the Nuer for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. In this situation I would be to highly recommend to the people of the Greater Upper Nile region that they should detach themselves from the rest of South Sudan to become a new polity under the aegis of the principle of the right to self-determination. Can the rest of South Sudan exist without the Greater Upper Nile that is potentially the richest and the hub of the oilfields and the Gas fields? Compared to Somaliland in Hargeisa (Punt land) that has existed as a de facto state for more than 20 years plus of its existence, the Western countries have now established Consulates and do business with Somaliland as usual because it much more politically stable compared to the Federal Republic of Somalia in Mogadishu.

I have really based my suggestion and recommendation on the fact that when the Nuer civilians population were being targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part, it was shocking, but not surprising that not even a single tribe out of the sixty three (63) other tribes ever publically protested or demonstrated in the streets in Juba against Salva Kiir genocide or democide against the innocent Nuer nationality or ethnicity as an indelible group. Let’s assume that what happened to the Nuer nationality in Juba town happened to different groups amongst the sixty-three (63) other tribes, the Nuer nationality or ethnicity because it believes and advanced traditional democracy, egalitarianism, social justice, communalism and social equality, the Nuer nationality would not have stood by, but would have been involved to defend and to protect those groups that have been targeted for extermination by the other groups as a “final solution” in whole or in part.

Rather, the Nuer nationality or ethnicity would have no choice, but to fight against social injustice being done to any groups by another group in South Sudan. In order to prove this statement, when the split occurred in the once invincible Marxist-Leninist SPLAM/A on 28 August 1991, the Equatorians in Eastern Equatoria were murdered and butchered left and right in the area in question. The Nuer fighters in the region did not standby, but fought the SPLA forces against the atrocities committed against the Equatorian tribesmen by the notorious Dinka Officers and both John Garang and his deputy and security chief Salva failed to do anything to protect the Eastern Equatorian civilians’ population. Because of the Nuer rejection of social injustice, inequality and unfairness, the Equatorians should recall that the Nuer fighters lost between 800-1,000 young fighters’ lives in providing protection to the civilians’ population in Eastern Equatoria in 1992-1995. Additionally, we supplied them with weapons and ammunitions and trained on how to use such weapons for the protection of families and property from marauding renegades when we were not around to get the job done. Have the Equatorians have already forgotten these deeds of being Good Samaritans, compassionate and acted as being your brother’s keeper? The Nuer nationality or ethnicity as a courageous and strong human being, shall and will overcome the 2013 Juba Genocide and it shall and will defeat the perpetrators of this gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity. The Nuer shall and will win this war. Let’s admit it, without the presence of the UPDF in Juba, the Dinka would have already been defeated and would have run like cats and dogs in to the bushes of South Sudan into Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R. Congo)…etc. Actually, we have already defeated both the Dinka and the UPDF in South Sudan.

In the aftermath of the 1997 KPA, South Sudan Independence Army (SSIA) under the wing of Dr. Riek Machar’s provided security against the Mujahedeen in Juba for the restoration of social justice and respect for the ordinary citizens’ rights that we achieved results within a short period of time. Before the arrival of the SSIA fighters into Juba in 1997, however, there was no security, peace and tranquility and it was extremely difficult for the Equatorians in Juba to move freely at nights because Al-Mujahedeen were abusing them, denied them their rights to bury their dead, to have funeral wake gatherings, marriages celebrations and other social functions that any civilized peoples wanted to do in order to socialize together.

The SSIA fighters brought about drastic changes to that situation by sharing security duties in Juba town with Al-Mujahedeen by nights to ensure that there were no civilians’ population rights grossly abused. The SSIA and Al-Mujahedeen fought each other in despite of the 1997 KPA to ensure that security, peace; social justice and human rights protection have been observed, maintained and preserved in Juba town and throughout Equatoria. We created for the Equatorians who were gravely marginalized and isolated in the Movement the defunct Equatorian Defense Force (EDF) and we did promote its officers from the ranks and files from ground zero by utilizing what is called in political sociology, public administration, management and public policy as “positive discrimination” or in Arabic language Al-Mutasawa (fairness or equality) or in America called as “Affirmative Action” or in my Nuer language administrative theory of fairness and equality otherwise authentically called as “par naadth ke nath” [structure of equality amongst all people].

The Twic Dinka Special Militia who have murdered the innocent Nuer civilians’ population left and right in the 2013 Juba Genocide, were often rescued by the Nuers whenever they horded by the Baggara, the Rizigat and the Messiriya Arab tribesmen pastoralists as slaves. Have they forgotten that in so a short period of time because an illiterate and drunkard Dinka has become President of South Sudan? How long would the Dinka power elite remain in power and control in South Sudan? Perhaps, Salva Kiir could become the last Dinka President or the PM in South Sudan for the next fifty (50) to one hundred (100) year or more. This is the art of democracy and we would make sure that any persons male or female could become the next President or the Prime Minister (PM) of South Sudan as long as that individual person could unite the cultural diversity and maintains the implanted tree of democracy intact and to grow in South Sudan. Most importantly, the reasons that Dinka could not become the next President or the Prime Minister of South Sudan has been because the Dinka power elite have often become ultra-ethnocentric (ultra-tribalist), unfair, non-benevolence dictators and authoritarian of the third kind, undemocratic, selfish, egoists, murderers, and above all, they do not know how to divide the national cake, the delegation of power and authority and the most corrupt who love power for the sake of power. Furthermore, the Dinka have been known to be stubborn, proud with negatively sophistication, ultraconservative and lazy and do not like to work like other human beings.

In the Arabized Muslim North, whenever or wherever any Southerners were being intimidated by the Arabized Muslim North, no Nuer guys could afford to standby to see their fellow Southerners being abused, but would have no choice, but to get involved in defense of and to the rescue of any Southerners in troubles. So let’s now face it, our great spirit of nationalism, generosity, kindness, compassion and the determination to become “Good Samaritans” and our brother’s keepers by doing good deeds to others that we (the Nuer folks) have done and performed for others have become our great nightmare. The Nuer nationality or ethnicity does not have a mediocre spirit, but does have high spirit and does have the capacity to change. Because the Nuer nationality or ethnicity has been courageous, strong, determined, motivated and brave human being, it shall and will overcome the premature perpetrated attacks, massacres, genocide and democide against the Nuer people by the cannibals and savages Dinka power elite and the UPDF renegades. The Nuer nationality shall and will overcome this tragedy, but the Dinka should always know firsthand that they have got a real socio-psychological problem that they would have to live with for generations and generations to come next until the end of the world.

In my capacity as a Nuer intellectual and a leader, I should be obliged to conclude that the Nuer nationality or ethnicity as courageous people, they do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace. This is what we all could learn from the late Madibo President Nelson Mandela that said he that “Courageous people do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace”. Again, Albert Camus says the “peace is the only battle worth waging.” The Nuer nation and its resilient people shall and will forgive, but never again to forget and those that responsible shall be brought to justice to be punished until the end. We know how to get them and how to bring to justice. I would like them to know this as long as they live; they have got a real social problem that would always haunt them forever. There are many ways to kill a rat and we have also many ways to apprehend the perpetrators of the crime of genocide or the crime without a name and how to bring to justice. We do know where they are and we [the Nuer] shall and will go into the Heartland of the Twic Dinka Militias in Warap and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel States to apprehend these killers, cannibals (liet), savages and uncultured individuals by any means necessary. There would be no forgiveness for them until the end when they shall be wipe out to become statistics.

We shall and will water the implanted tree of democracy with the blood of the thirty thousand (30,000) innocent Nuer folks or so who have not died in vain and we shall and will not rest ever until the implanted tree of democracy to become nourish and mature throughout South Sudan. The Nuer fought so hard for democracy and the right to self-determination; we shall and will keep it, to maintain it for the next generations and to transmit it to the next generation in South Sudan, including the Twic Dinka because without their representation and participation there would be no democracy and freedom at all in South Sudan. No Nuer leader should accept any apologies because the act was a deliberate and will intent to target and to exterminate the Nuer nationality by Salva Kiir and Paul Malong Awan and the Special Militias. They can run, but they cannot hide. We would surely get them one way or the other until the mission shall be accomplished and the epic has been signed, sealed and delivered. They should know that wherever these killers go whether in North America, Europe, East Africa, Egypt, Sudan, the Arab Islamic world and Australia, they would find a Nuer guy that would turn them in to the authorities to face justice. In other words, there could be no democracy without the Dinka or the Nuer representation and participation because it is only through democracy that would make them all to become free at last in South Sudan. Surely, the Nuer nation and its people shall overcome the 2013 Juba Genocide like the Jews, the Ovambo (Bushmen) and the Nama people of Namibia overcame the German Genocide in 1904-1908, the Amrminain overcame the 1915-20 Young Turk Genocide, the Jews overcame the 1939-1945 Nazi Germany genocide and the Tutsi overcame the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, plus many others that mankind have experienced and overcame them.

Cognizant of its enormous resources and its industrious people, the Greater Upper Nile could become a viable and vibrant state. With good strategic planning, it could become the New Oasis of “Africa Dubai”. Mehari Taddele Maru writes that “with the closest scrutiny by the Pan-African Community, together with relevant international actors, referendum was held in line with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) peacefully delivered the newest nation on 9 July 2011. Globally welcomed as the world’s newest state, the hopes and wishes of the international community for South Sudan were far from what we are now witnessing. The current crisis in South Sudan amounts to a failure of the international community to ensure that this new state develops into a democratic and politically stable nation.” We could not agree more with this straightforward, accurate analytical and logical and politico-legal reasoning and reasonableness.


The root causes of the civil war or as if a tribal warfare has been multifaceted. First and foremost of all, I would like to refute Mehari Taddele Maru’s short sided or one sided, unfair and pro-Salva Kiir’s analysis that on 15 December 2013 an armed confrontation erupted at the centre of South Sudanese government authority, the Presidential Palace in Juba- a confrontation between army officers loyal to President Salva Kiir and “disgruntled soldiers” backing his ex-deputy Dr. Riek Machar-that has now begun to deteriorate into a civil war. There were no “disgruntled soldiers” and there was no coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir by the former Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon. The international community has unquestionably accepted that the alleged coup d’état was a hoax because there was no tangible evident to ascertain that there was really coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir staged by the former VP Dr. Riek Machar. Hitherto, the idea of a coup d’état completely be dismissed and the situation be termed a “crisis” rather than coup d’état. As we shall discover later on, the root causes of the war was due to the split within the ruling party because of lack of leadership, vision, political will and cooperation as the way forward. Therefore any analysis illustrated that there were “disgruntled soldiers” that wanted to stage a coup d’état was incorrect for that.

The followings were the root causes of the crisis on 15 December 2013:-

Firstly, prior to the baseless, groundless, and incredible and nonsensical and unfounded alleged failed coup d’état staged by the former VP and turned guerrilla leader that he unilaterally dissolved the SPLM, the Political Bureau (PB), its membership, the institutions of the party before the allegedly military coup d’état against the Dinka dictator Sava Kiir in Juba. Of course, this development occurred in the aftermath of several failures to convene the annual meeting of PB more than four (4) times.

Secondly, Rejection by Salva Kiir, his cronies, sycophants, the ethnocentric (tribalist) henchmen and chauvinist pigs to deny the former VP Dr. Machar’s the right to run for the Office of the President in the forthcoming elections scheduled for 2013. The denial of Dr. Machar or any other qualified southerner personal and constitutional right to seek the highest Office in the land tantamount to the establishment of a dictatorship, Stalinist’s state, oligarchy and autocratic rule vs. the instrument of democratic system with all available choices and options by Salva Kiir. This has been a clear reminder as we have already stated it in the previous paragraphs that “They Dinka are born to rule and not to be ruled” and that “They [Dinka] are the Chosen people” by whom and for what- remains a myth to be demythologized.

Thirdly, at the opening of the convention of the SPLM Political Bureau (PB) Salva Kiir in his address to the members of the PB and political forces of the SPLM, he begun by insulting the prominent members, including the former Vice President Dr. Machar like they were his subjects, houseboys, errand boys or servants rather than freed men with freed thinking, neo-thinking like-minds and equals before the audience in the hall.

Fourthly, Slav Kiir adorned himself as the vicar of the party and suppressed the political work in the state of South Sudan.

Fifthly, more than 0ne hundred twenty- five (125) out of one hundred sixty one (161) of the PB did not members attend. Because of his absenteeism, Salva Kiir became apprehensive and negatively assumed that there was a plot against him when there was none at all. He gave orders and directive that ethnic Nuers in the Presidential Guard to be disarmed, but his orders rescinded because they did not come down from the chain of command- mainly from the Chief of the General Staff and the Minister of Defend (MOD) Kuol Manyang Juuk. Immediately, the notorious Mairal Chinoor Commander of the Presidential Guards started the fight in Tigers’ HQrts. overnight most of Salva Kiir’s loyalists were either killed or wounded or captured in the battle within the presidential Guards.

Sixthly, Both Salva Kiir and Paul Malong Awan gave orders to the President Special Twic Dinka militia comprises only the Twic Dinka and who speaks no other languages except the Twic Dinka otherwise known as Agetweng, Bany Adut, Malwal Anyier and Malwal Ayoul) numbering of between three thousand to six thousand (3,000-6,000) man strong trained by UPDF without the due knowledge of the General Chief of Staff and the Ministry of Defense.

Seventhly, these militias were trained for ninety days (90) days on how to kill, kill, kill and kill mercilessly and how to execute orders as given by Bany (emperor) Salva Kiir. The president gave orders to the then General Chief of Staff Lt.- General Gatoth Mai to provide the President Special militia with uniforms, weapons and equipment, rations any other accessories available in the SPLA arsenal that they may stand in need. This order rescinded and down played by the top military brazes on condition that force to be armed was outside the framework of the SPLA and that it was a homogeneous force comprises only one tribe- that Twic Dinka from Warap and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel States out of more than sixty-four (64) tribes in South Sudan and they were illegal trained in violation of Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and without the due process and knowledge of the MOD, Chief of General Staff Command and the military intelligence (MI) and the other security apparatus of the state.

The refusal by the MOD and Chief of General Staff Command to issue the President Special Militia with uniforms, weapons and equipment, rations and any other accessories in the army arsenal was considered as the beginning of the fall out of General Mai and the President in Juba. On 15 December 2011, President Salva Kiir and Paul Malong Awan gave orders to the Militia to go into the city of Juba to kill the innocent Nuer ethnicity or nationality as an indelible group on the streets, drag them out of their dwellings, business places, Shopping Centers, Supermarkets, Fish markets, Butchery shops, offices, colleges and Universities and hospital targeted for the Nuer folks for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part on 15, 16, 17 and 18 December 2013 that shall be known heretofore as the 2013 Juba Genocide in which more thirty thousand innocent Nuer ethnicity or nationality were genocide who had neither had any knowledge of nor any business to do with the military and the government of the day that turned out to become public enemy number one compared to the Arabized Muslim North has been during the chronic, the longest and the most forgotten civil war in South Sudan. Genocide or the crime without a name has been committed through South Sudan with due knowledge and orders of the President Salva Kiir and still goes on against the innocent people in the villages most in Upper Nile and some parts of Equatoria, including some parts of the Greater Bahr-el-Ghazel the GOSS and Militia targeted the non-Dinka nationalities or ethnicities for extermination in whole or in part.

Without the shadow of a doubt, this carnage would sooner rather than later reach Warap and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel States. The Nuer fighters would reach the Heartland of the Dinkaland in Warap and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel States. It has been well established that none of the sixty-three (63) tribes in South Sudan did not come out to protest the killings and genocide against the Nuer nationality or ethnicity either because of fear of the consequences from the Twic Dinka Special Militias or they were sympathetic to the acts done against the courageous, brave stronger and potentially the richest nationality in oil and gas and other strategically critical minerals in South Sudan. So the Nuer people shall and will reconsider their position either to remain in South Sudan or split to become a new state in Greater Upper to govern themselves as Kurds in Kurdistan- Iraq and Somaliland in Hargeisa.

In summation, all of the above-mentioned and others were the root causes of the civil war or as if a tribal warfare. There was no coup d’état attempt against the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir staged by the VP Dr. Riek Machar, there were no “disgruntled soldiers” as alleged by Mehari Taddele Maru’s shallow analysis without sufficient facts and evident backing up or supporting such analysis. If what Maru’s said about the root causes of the crisis in South Sudan was based on the “disgruntled soldiers” allied with the former VP Dr. Machar to have staged a coup d’état attempt against the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir, then, he must produce beyond a reasonable doubt any evident to implicate the former VP Dr. Machar and any tangible evident or a material witness would corroborate that there was really an attempted coup d’état against Salva Kiir. Hence, here has been no physical or material evident to show that there was a coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir.

Another weakness or shallowness of Maru’s argument was the total lack of generals and soldiers involved in the alleged coup d’etat attempt on 15 December 2015, unfortunately. The question we would be compelled and obliged to pose to Mehari Taddele Maru’s would be as follows that: (1) who were the generals, officers and the NCOs caught to be the “disgruntled soldiers” backing Dr. Machar in the alleged coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir? (2) What were the reasons for President Salva Kiir to give premature orders to the Twic Dinka Special Militia (Agetweng, Bany Adut, Malwal Anyoul and Malwal Anyier) to go into Juba town to selectively commit genocide and democide or mayhem against the innocent the Nuer nationality or ethnicity as an indelible group amongst the sixty four (64) nationalities or ethnicities that makes up the total population of South Sudan? (3) Were they also involved in the alleged coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir? (4) What were raison d’être for Ugandan People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and mercenaries affiliated to it from the neighboring counties of Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe to be involved in the domestic affairs of South Sudan?

Foreign involvement would escalate the war rather than to de-escalate the crisis has been indicative that the Dinka men have been by nature weaker, lazy, illogical, and stubborn and lack vision to foresee the results and retributions of what may next. They have been pretty savages that wanted everything in the world to go against the Nuer people in the battlefield. They forced some Nuer men and women at gunpoint to eat roasted human beings, forced them at gunpoint to have affairs with their siblings, and shot them mercilessly at random Rambo style and/or execution style. These acts were intended to create psychological fear, intimidations and they have neither realized that they could have serious retributions with catastrophic consequences for generations by the Nuer nationality against the Dinka nationality or ethnicities that allied with the Dinka in this time of crisis on the emphasis with those smaller tribes, i.e., Shilluk (Chollo) lured or misled and led by the renegade General Oolong identified by the GOSS as “militia general,” and by the former UK PM Gordon Brown at the United Nations labeled as a “terrorist.”

The arrogant Dinka Abilang in Northern Upper Nile State committed senseless massacres of the Nuer civilians’ population, including the Chief of Police in Renk and other areas in northern Upper Nile have not come out of the woods yet. Of course, some Equatorians in Juba have allied with the Twic Dinka Militias paid off with big money against the Nuer nationality and were able to identify the Nuer residents, homes, rented houses and Apartments to the Dinka killers and rogues should also know that there would be no mercy and forgiveness on them because they were also accomplices of the crime of genocide or the crime without a name. We have also identified the names of Equatorian officers deployed as interrogators against the Nuers after having been paid off with big to participate in the act as well in Juba town. We hope that We shall and will pursue every avenue to apprehend anyone involved with the Dinka militia in the 2013 Juba Genocide and they would be apprehended and brought to Justice.

Major Malang Karibino Kuanyin Bol the son of the late notorious Major-General Karibino Kuanyin Bol murdered in cold blood more than 300 plus Nuer people in the alleged revenged of his late father who was often protected by the Nuers to be wasted by the late John Garang and Salva Kiir in Movement. Frankly speaking, I do know the late General Karibino Kuanynin Bol because we both live together in Nairobi, Kenya, and we brought together the defunct 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement with Dr. Riek Machar. The late Karibino represented the Bahr-el-Ghazel Group (BGG-Group). It was always the Nuer people that gave him the best security protection and his Madam Nyandeng could attest to these words. What would Major Malang have achieved in the aftermath of having murdered in cold blood 300 unarmed and helpless Nuer people? I hope and trust that he should know by now that there would be a price to pay at the end of the day. He took the law into his hands and he would be judged thereafter and the measures that he gave would be equal to the measures that he would get. Because Major Karibino has been military personnel, he would be judged according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Without a shadow of the doubt, he has broken every code of conduct as an Officer and a Gentleman and the normal military-civilians relations and other codes of conducts as a leader. We have already like many of his peers and officers who have participated in the conduct of the 2013 Juba Genocide and democide have been documented in the Data Base the 2013 Juba Genocide and no matter where he goes, he would be tracked down because big “Brother Science” would be following him wherever he goes on this planet-Earth. We would have nothing personal against the major and his colleagues except that justice must and ought to be done with no exceptionalism. Some SPLA officers involved in the death of his late father have been winning and dinning with him in Juba hotels. He would not escape prosecution before the ICC and wherever he escapes, he would be apprehended, indicted and brought to justice and would be held fully accountable for the death of more 300 unarmed and helpless Nuer guys as an indelible group in the 2013 Juba Genocide. There are individual persons and survivors of the carnage that could identify Major Malang Karibino as a material witness and/ or a person of interest in the killings of the 300 plus unarmed and helpless Nuer people before the court of law and/or at the International Tribunal at the ICC in The Hague, The Netherlands. The Major should know that whatever he does, wherever he goes, wherever he sleeps, dines, womanizes, and enjoys the bloody limelight of Juba, Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala, Uganda, he’s on the watchful eyes of the camera and we are determined to get this bloody killer by any means necessary. We have intelligent agents within GOSS and everywhere in Juba and throughout South Sudan and there would be no escape at the end of this epic.

On the contrary, the Nuer have the ability and the capacity to give the same or above equal degrees of massacres, including all of the bad things committed such as, genocide and democide against the Nuer nation and its resilient people as an indelible group targeted for extermination as a final solution in whole or in part. The Nuer will fight back like the Jews fought back against those Nazis that massacred the, at the end of the Second World War and still go on around the globe. We shall and we will hunt down every Dinka power elite that was involved in the 2013 Juba Genocide or the second definition of called democide against the Nuer people similar to the Tutsi experience that have hunted down the renegades Hutus’ killers in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. Since the New Nuer Nation (NNN) has emerged in North America (Mexico, USA and Canada) Latin America and Central America, Europe, Nordic countries, Australia and many other parts of the planet-Earth, there would be no place to hide to they can run, but they cannot hide. We shall be as nasty as we can to capture any and every Dinka elite and the militias to stand trials for things that they have done, which they ought not to have done great people and a great nation in South Sudan.

I urge and appeal to all Nuer people who have lost their loved ones in the 2013 Juba Genocide that our people would not died in vain because there is driven purpose for them to die. Their blood shall and will water the tree of democracy because democracy kills those who profess it because it’s a real thing that not many people would entertain or accept in the world. Salva Kiiir hate the Nuer people because we have truly advanced for generations prior to advent of European colonialism the true concept of traditional liberal democracy as opposed to illiberal democracy that exists in the Dinka society up to this day. In armed struggle for liberation or emancipation, the Nuer people also advanced the idea of the right to self-determination and we were also persecuted for it by our fellow Southerners and the late John Garang and Salva alike and we out did them and won. Looking at it now and then, we have brought them democratic change to South Sudan and the Dinka feel resentful and bitter because they did not have such concepts.

Today South Sudan has become a state because of our great visions and the like-minds contributions on the concepts of the right to “self-determination” and the true modern “liberal democracy under the aegis of a shared federal system of government” in South Sudan. Therefore, we shall and we will all unite our ranks and files to stand up firmly and affirmatively behind our leaders to fight Salva Kiir until he would be defeated, apprehended and brought to justice for the things that he has done, which he ought not to have done. By God Grace, we shall and will overcome the 2013 Juba Genocide like others before us who experienced this tragic crime around the globe. In this world, only a great people can be aggressed by a weaker and wicked character and because of this greatness, we should have the courage, bravery, wisdom not to become discourage afraid to forgiving for the sake of peace. President Mandela said he that “Courageous people do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace.” We shall overcome with strides this darkest spot tragedy inflicted or spilled on our nation’s history by weaker and insignificant people called the Twic Dinka. They know now that we will get them and, surely, will get them one way or another. The Nuer fighters shall and will reach Warap sooner rather than later.

Verily, I would say unto you that we [the Nuers] would have no mercy, no forgiveness against any nationalities or intellectual persons that were against us and got involved in the cold bloody killings, murderers and massacres against the innocent civilians’ population, but we would give comfort to any nationalities and individual persons that stood up with us to induce democratic change throughout South Sudan. All those who have participated directly or indirectly in showing the Nuers homes to the Twic Militia Dinka killers in the nights and the days of 15, 16, 17 and 18 mid-December 2013 Juba Genocide, such individual persons or nationalities have been against us and were also equally guilty and accomplices involved in the acts of genocide and there would be no way to escape the retributions or any other punishments that would follow thereunto under the law and the Constitution of the land and the international tribunal. Most importantly, we should remember that everyone should not be assumed negatively that any persons that have participated in the 2013 Juba Genocide was against us, but they were operating under duress because of fear that they would be killed by the Twic Dinka Militias. Therefore, before we could undertake any legal action or retributions from the perpetrators of the 2013 Juba Genocide.


The Nuer people have already defeated the Dinka and they know this too darn well. If it were not because of the fact that the UPDF and its affiliated mercenaries and Soldiers of Fortune, including the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) led by Jibril Khalil, Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SRF) led by Abdul Aziz Al-Helio and the SPLA-N led by Malek Aggar who have been involved in the civil war or as if a tribal warfare, Salva Kiir’s would have already abdicated the thrown and there would be no good reason that would prevent him from abdicating from the thrown one way or the other. Through international pressure points, the African Union (AU) and the IGAD, the Uganda Dictator for life Yuri Museveni would have to withdraw from South Sudan one way or the other because the world does not operate according his whims. Where would Salva Kiir and his renegades go to? Assuming hypothetically that the UPDF decided to continue with the fight at behest of their dictatorial regime, weaker, failed, wicked, and lazy and half-man Dinka to fight the gallant Nuers on their turf, and so be it, written; we shall and we will defeat them all. Our forefathers waged the Anglo-Nuer Revolution (Al-Sura Al-Nuer) in the contemporary Sudanese history though downgraded by the Western Euro-centric scholars as the “Nuer Résistance” (1900-1930). It has not been our concerned at all, whatsoever labeling given to the Anglo-Nuer War (1900-1930), the Nuer nation did not surrender to the British suzerainty in Sudan and Southern Sudan in particular. We are pretty sure we shall and will not surrender to Salva Kiir dictatorship, but it will be defeated by the forces of democracy and social justice in South Sudan.

In the history of the British colonial rule or adventure during the scramble for Africa in the post-Berlin Conference of 1884-5 that divided Africa like a Birthday Cake to various European colonial powers, the Nuer nationality was the only nationality that was not colonized, dominated, exploited, oppressed and enslaved by the British colonial authorities and was the only outstanding nationality that was governed through the ‘indirect rule”, the Native Administration and the Nuer Customary Law. The Nuer nation and its resilient people have been unreceptive to some bad foreign influences and domination by any human that has two legs, two eyes and the like-brains compared to the Nuer counterparts on the planet-Earth. The Nuer people know that always the cost of freedom is priceless and high that there is no freed lunch or no free lunch and is always high and expensive, but the Nuer people have always paid it. It was the US President J.F. Kennedy that said he that “The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” In the same vein, the Nuer nation and its people know that the cost of freedom is always high, but the Nuers have always paid it. And one path that Salva Kiir as a de facto President and his cronies have taken, including the UPDF, the path that the Nuer never choose, and that is the path of no surrender, or submission. No Nuer would ever submit to a Jieng (Kuany) (Dinka) because this would not happen over our dead bodies. The Twic Dinka, the UPDF and their affiliated mercenaries, Soldiers of Fortune, including JEM, SRF and the SPLA-N have already reckoned that the ferocious Nuer hell fighters are soldiers to be reckoned with at all times. Because of this they are not afraid to fight and to die. In other words, they are not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; (Dinka commander); they are afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion (Nuer commander).


The current war in South Sudan is a dangerous war. Assuming that African Union (AU) and the IGAD and the other international and regional powers, including the international actors failed to de-escalate it, it could escalate to the point of return. Any escalation of South Sudan civil war or as if a tribal civil warfare, it could create regional instability and to invite international actors’ involvement and the destabilization of the regional governments, i.e., Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda South Sudan, including Sudan throughout the Horn of Africa and East Africa regions. The rebel groups in both Ethiopia and Sudan could attempt to launch military operations against Ethiopia and Sudan through South Sudan. Nevertheless, this situation could force both Ethiopia and Sudan alike to plunge into the war to protect their economic and strategic vital national security interests. The winners or the beneficiaries in this possible escalation of the war could become South Sudan rebels because they could stop both Ethiopian and Sudan rebel movements from utilizing Greater Upper Nile with particular emphasis on eastern, northern and Western Greater Upper region for any rebel groups to launch military operations against either Sudan or Ethiopia. Most of the Greater Upper Nile region has been under the control of the South Sudan rebel’s movement and the deadly Nuer White Army (NWA).


First and foremost of all, there was no military coup d’état attempt against the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir Mayardit as alleged to be staged by his former deputy Dr. Machar. Crisis was a struggle for power between Salva Kiir and his deputy Dr. Machar. The crisis was truly a reflection of absolute dictatorship by Salva Kiir vs. the challenger for truly liberal democracy in one of the most backward, with high illiteracy rates, but potentially rich in natural resources in Africa. The crisis in Africa’s youngest state in South Sudan should be squarely be blamed on Salva Kiir and General Paul Malong Awan and the President’s Twic Dinka Special Militia, their cronies and sycophants, protégés And the presidential Advisor Tellar Deng the self-proclaimed lawyer who had no law Degree from the US where he claimed studied law.

The SPLA as South Sudan Army comprises of all the sixty-four tribes in South Sudan and the Nuer in particular, controls over 70% majority in the forces did not shoot any to kill any innocent Nuer or other civilians’ population in Juba town. The massacres, killings, genocide, democide, cannibalism were all done by the Twic Dinka savages who could not speak any any other language except the Twic Dinka language solo. The crisis was the premature announcement made by the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir on 15 December 2013 to the world that there was a failed coup d’état attempt against him by his former deputy VP Dr. Riek Machar as being the ring leader. Based on the said polemical statements, there was no shredded evident to suggest as a material evident to be substantiated beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a failed coup d’état attempt against the Salva Kiir. The international community, including the USA has accepted in principle that there was no coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir. The preceded statement have cleared the airwaves and exonerated the former VP from any wrong doing. President Salva Kiir should be held responsible and accountable for the crisis in South Sudan.


Black Africa and the international community must and ought to acknowledge that the root causes of the crisis in South Sudan has been Genocide defined… as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity as defined by the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) on 9 December 1949 and came to effect on 12 January 1951. In Article II of the said Convention, accordingly the crime of genocide has been perpetrated against the Nuer nation and its resilient people by foreign powers in coalition with the non-benevolence Dinka dictator Salva Kiir on 15, 16, 17 and 18 December 2013 Juba Genocide and still goes on in other areas outside of Juba vicinity and forced hundreds of thousands to seek refuge at UNMISS Compounds. The crime of genocide has also been committed in Jonglei, Malakal and Bentiu towns.

In addition, the Uganda Air Force (UA) planes dropped sorties of internationally banned bombs such as, Napalm bombs, Cluster bombs, Phosphorous bombs and the Uranium bullets similar to those bombs used by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) against the Palestinian Arabs during the Eight-Day War in 2012 and the Fifty-Day War in 2014, that cost Israel more than $1.5billion and in which for the first time in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict every Israeli city was hit with barges of rockets launched by Hamas fighters from Gaza Strip and in Southern Lebanon. As professional soldier, I do known the impact of these banned chemical bombs dropped on the people of Jonglei State by the UAF of these internationally banned bombs against the people of Jonglei State for the next decade or so. President Yuri Museveni of Uganda should be charged as an international terrorist and a war criminal for the unlawful and excessive use of such internationally banned bombs against the innocent civilians’ population. We would pursue this case through the corridors of the ICC against President Yuri Museveni before the United Nations system and the UN High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCHR). In order to deescalate and to resolve the crisis in South Sudan, we do suggest or recommend that the AU and the IGAD should undertake the implementation of these conditions as pre-requisites as the resolution of the crisis the followings should be implemented by the AU and the IGAD mediators as follows that:-

  1. We demand the unconditional withdrawal of the UPDF and its affiliated mercenaries, soldiers of Fortune, JEM, SSRF and the SPLA-N rebels fighting at behest of Salva Kiir without any preconditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace not only in South Sudan, but throughout the entire Horn of Africa region, including the Republic of Sudan north of South Sudan.
  2. The Dinka dictator Salva Kiir should step down or resign from the seat of power for the sake of economic and vital national strategic security interest, its independent, its sovereignty and territorial integrity as an independent de jure
  3. The formation of the Interim Transitional National Governmental (INTNG) that neither participation of Dr. Machar nor Salva Kiir. We believe that neither Salva Kiir nor Dr. Machar would bring peace, national unity, and national integration, and reconciliation, forgiveness, but not to forget the past and to encourage intergroup relations and civilian-military relations and the national healing in this fragile and political instable South Sudan.
  4. The leader of the National Transitional Government (NTG) should be someone who has not been in the GOSS in the past and should not be a member of the SPLM/A as the ruling party and its political bureau (PB). He/she should be mature, reliable, above average educated, a person who believes in democracy, social justice, freedom, and equality amongst all the people regardless of race, color, gender tribe, religion, national origin and gives judgment to everyone according to the content of their character. We should follows the examples of Malaysia and Singapore
  5. The establishment of a federal system of government throughout South Sudan
  6. The GOSS must and ought to acknowledge in principle that Genocide and democide targeted the Nuers for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part of the Nuer ethnicity and nationality. In addition, the State must and ought to compensation the dead and all the Twic Dinka Militia, starting with Salva Kiir, Paul Malong Awan and others involved in this gravest and the greatest crime against humanity as defined by the UN CPPCG under the UNGA resolution 260 (III) A of 9 December 1948 in Paris, France, and came to force on 12 January 1951.
  7. Salva Kiir and all of those involved in the 2013 Juba Genocide to be indicted, to be issued with warrants of arrest and trials for the crime that they have committed against humanity.
  8. There would be no cessation of hostilities of all the aforesaid conditions herewith be met and implemented appropriately the AU, IGAD, the UN system.
  9. The opposition would not accept any externally superimposed peace without any formal agreement between the warring parties because any continued foreign forces in South Sudan soil tantamount to the breach of international law, neocolonialism, neo-imperialism, occupation and international terrorism and counter-terrorism and we would warrant any further foreign intervention and escalation of hostilities and to diminish attainment of détente throughout South Sudan.
  10. The establishment of two armies during the Interim Period of trust and confidence building measures as part and acceptable package by all the parties to the conflict.
  11. Each region shall have the right to cede from the Union free at will or when it deems fit.
  12. The natural resources belong to the region that such resources have been discovered and shall be developed to the benefit of the people in the region that have such resources have been discovered. Regions without such resources shall buy them from regions where such do exist. In other words, we should utilize and benefit the example of Russia and Ukraine Gas deals based on pay and take or they be shut them off failure or non-payment of past dues on time.
  13. We would categorically reject in principle any externally superimpose peace agreement or conflict resolution in South Sudan. Let South Sudanese negotiate their peace agreement under the auspices of the IGAD, the AU, the UN and the TRIOKA (the US, the UK and Norway). The TROIKA, the AU, The IGAD and the UN could only provide guidance and not superimpose solution.
  14. We would categorically reject in principle the stationing of foreign troops in South Sudan soil for so long. We would further welcome more troops under the UNMISS in South Sudan for the protection of the civilians’ population.
  15. The Office of the UN Secretary-General should promote and include the former UN Secretary-General Special Representative to South Sudan Mrs. Hilde Johnson to have a big role to play in South Sudan crisis. This is by popular demand from the people of South Sudan and hundreds of thousands that sought refuge in the UNMISS Compounds throughout South Sudan.

The involvement of foreign forces in the civil war or as if a tribal warfare in South Sudan could have catastrophic consequences for the long terms future and the present national unity in diversity, cultural diversity or multiculturalism and the national integration. The situation in South Sudan was not a coup d’état, but a crisis because there was no evident beyond a reasonable doubt, that there was a coup d’état, there were no generals involved to stage a coup d’état with VP Dr. Machar and there were no civilians’ population that went into the streets to demonstrate like what happened during the days of the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets in North Africa and the Middle East. I was the first amongst equal that announced to the world media that denied there was no coup d’état attempt against Salva and exonerated the former VP Dr. Machar to have not staged any coup d’état attempt against the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir that went berserk committing genocide- that is generally considered one of the worse moral crimes a government, ruling authority, including that of a guerrilla group, a quasi state, a Soviet, a terrorist organization, or an occupation authority can commit against it citizens or those it controls. The GOSS also committed democide that is the second definition of genocide any intentional government murder of unarmed and helpless people for whatever reason.

The GOSS has committed Holocaust against the Nuer nationality or ethnicity similar to systematic attempt by the GOSS authorities to kill every Nuer no matter where found-to destroy Nuers as an indelible group in South Sudan. Realistically, this was similar systematic policy by the German authorities that targeted the Jews for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part during the Second World War (1939-1945) in which five (5) to six (6) million Jews became the paradigm case of genocide and underlies the word’s origin. In the 2013 Juba Genocide the GOSS targeted the Nuer for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. More than 30,000 unarmed and helpless innocent Nuer ethnicity as an indelible group was genocide in the name of an alleged coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir that made many became refugees under the UNMISS Camps up to this day. The African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority and Development (IGAD) termed the situation as a ‘crisis,’ the Dinka dictator Kiir called it a coup d’état attempt and I called it no coup d’état, but hatred against the Nuer nationality,. He arrested all the senior members of the SPLM PB. These developments led to South Sudan civil war or as if a tribal warfare for the past 15 months and without the light in the tunnel.


Cognizant, that the aggravating politico-military situations in Somalia and Yemen remain fragile and volatile, Africa’s youngest state that has been a pre-born and a pre-failed state faces a precarious future and the present. In order to qualify the statement that South Sudan has been “a pre-born and a pre-failed state.” it does not means that its lack higher caliber of highly qualified cadres, but they have been brushed aside by the under qualified and undereducated generals with bush mentality and ethnocentric ethos. A consequence of this negative perception and fear of being wasted as many have been wasted by the late Dinka dictator Garang and his deputy and security chief the concurrent Dinka dictator Salva Kiir who has been also labeled as a child and a woman killer and/or the minister of death in South Sudan could be identified has been fully responsible for the ongoing civil war or as if a tribal warfare between the Dinka-Nuer-the two majority ethnicities or nationalities in South Sudan being wasted for no apparent good reasons except that one belongs to the Nuer nationality or ethnicity as an indelible group and constant feared of being arbitrary arrested, tortured and murdered by the ill-trained SPLM/A security who have been pretty merciless against anyone that they have deemed fit to be wasted and disappeared without a trace on the planer-Earth. Many of the opposition members and prominent citizens have been killed and disappeared without traces per orders of Salva Kiir.

As a matter of fact, these processes of killings have been the darkest spot of the Marxist-Leninist SPLM/A retrospect to the war years. It was the reminder of Joseph Stalin’s murdered of more than ten million (10,000,000) of Russians as clearly detailed by the late Soviet Writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in infamous work or book “The Gulag of Archipelago.” The benign neglect, ethnocentrism (tribalism), the constant fear of being arrested, compelled the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème have created the World Bank terminology the “Brain drain”- that is to say, the departure of the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème to depart from their countries of origin in search of better economic and work opportunities for self-actualization and self-pride to support their families overseas or in the Diaspora. Many of these gentry returned to the Diaspora home in the aftermath of the CPA of 2005 that passively and peacefully guaranteed to the people of South Sudan the exercise of the right to self-determination as a basic fundamental political, legal and God’s given right to “all peoples” as stipulated in the UN Charter and international law followed by the formation of the Semiautonomous Government of South Sudan (GOSS) in the aftermath of the bilateral Nivasha Peace Agreement otherwise technically known as the Comprehensive Agreement (CPA) of 2005.The Nivasha bilateral Peace Agreement or the CPA of 2005 negotiated by the IGAD and the TRIOKA (the US, the UK and Norway), peacefully delivered the birth of the Africa’s youngest state on 9 July 2011. Welcomed by the African Union (AU) as the 54th member state and by the international community as 193rd of the UN member state, the hopes and wishes and anticipations of Africa and the international community were a breach too far from what we have been witnessing in the past 15 months of a civil war or as if a tribal warfare.

Without the shadow of a doubt, the current crisis in South Sudan tantamount to the failure of international community to ensure that this Africa’s youngest state develops into a multiparty federal democracy and politically and economically stable state. Already the youngest African state has become disintegrated, disunited and a failed state that is rapidly moving from being politically instable to stateless and to statelessness like in Somalia on the Horn of Africa. It would not reunite ever because of the crime of genocide… defines as the gravest and greatest crime that targeted for extermination the Nuer nationality or ethnicity as a “final solution” in whole or in part. By every shredded reason of logic and analytical and scientific knowledge and reasoning and reasonableness, the Federal Republic of South Sudan (FROSS) has completely become truly failed, dysfunctional, obfuscated, internally fragmented, disintegrated and if anyone in Juba or in the opposition denies this political reality got to be kidding me, remains ignoramus and the least kept abreast the concurrent international geopolitical and geo-strategic strategies and the state building process. The Horn of Africa could become another geopolitical and geostrategic real international cockpit “hot spot” as it was during the East-West ideological confrontation or the Cold War period. Somalia has been a failed state retrospect to the 1992 defeat of General Sayaid Barre followed by the national disintegration that moved Somalia from being politically instable state that moved from stateless to statelessness and the sudden split of the Somaliland in Hargeisa to become de facto state for more twenty (20) years or so existence, conducted its foreign relations and business as usual with the international community as usual and has remained stable, peaceful compared to the Republic of Somalia that has been shattered by the war waged by Al-Shabab for the orchestrated policy of regime change and the establishment of an Islamic state or a theocratic state.

Given, the current situation in Yemen with “Huesseineen” across the Bab-el-Mandeb off shore Somalia and cut off by only 9.5 knots miles from Africa there could be no doubt, that Somalia has ripped for the longest haul of the war being waged by fundamentalist, radical and extremists Al-Shabab’s dream for the establishment of an Islamic or theocratic state in Somalia. Al-Shabab rebel forces that have become so sophisticated as they could be, would be able to ferrying in more arms, rockets, missiles, tanks, APCs and other infantry arms and materiel into Somalia through Iran, Eritrea and Yemen by sea land and airdropping. When this happens and it will happen, the US, the UK and Israel plus the African regional powers lured into this domestic Somali conflict or civil war could have a heck of a lot to chew and to swallow. In South Sudan, however, the same international powers have created a similar war like in Somalia and Yemen and these powers have already been lured to Somalia, excluding Ethiopia, Djibouti and Sudan that have not been lured into the civil war or as if a tribal warfare in a pre-born and a pre-failed state in South Sudan could become the most dreadful epic or episode for the entire region. These international actors or superpowers have designed geopolitical and geo-strategic interests strategized to benefit their economic and the vital strategic national security interests in the Horn of Africa, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf, including the Indian as follows that:-

First and foremost of all, the US and its NATO allies dream would become to have strategic dominance, naval bases, Chokes Points and the Sea Lanes of communications South of Suez, Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean Island of Diego Garcia to secure what may be called as “The Oil Sea Routes” for transporting the crude oil or the black gold from the OPEC and the AOPEC in the Gulf from the Persian Gulf to Cape Routes as the cheapest and shortest routes for exporting the crude oil and gas to North America (the USA, Canada and Mexico),Western Europe, including Japan in the Far East.

Secondly, the US and its NATO allies wanted to establish chain naval bases in Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, Tanzania, and Sudan up to Southern Africa. This is a real military strategy to deny both the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to have footholds and bridgeheads in the region in the future and the present. Basically, the US and Sudan secretly are cementing relations behind the scene or behind the curtain as this was indicated by the recent visit to Washington, DC., by Sudan’s Foreign Minister Dr. Ali Karti and the Assistant President, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour and the Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party (NCP) as the ruling party in Sudan. The two countries are undergoing a new détente (reduction of tensions) or a sort of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) that could lead to the resumption of full US-Sudanese diplomatic relations at the Ambassadorial levels between the two countries.

The US has the political advantage and has got leverages or the “carrots and sticks” policy instead of the usual “gunboat diplomacy” of the past against Sudan or only just in case Khartoum fails to deliver or to comply with the US demands. Of course, this would be a great golden opportunity that the NCP could not miss in resuming the US-Sudanese relations at the ambassadorial levels, the removable of Sudan from the blacklist of the countries termed by the US State Department as supporting international terrorism; to rescind the ICC warrant of arrest against Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and fifty-one (51) others on the alleged genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Western Sudan’s Darfur region; the resumption of economic and grants-in-aid programs, including the past due “revolving door” money suspended against Sudan by the US Congress because of superimposed sanctions and embargoes against Sudan that it did not receive for more than a decade.

The release of sanctions would, surely, be beefing up or boosting the ailing Sudanese economy and El-Geneh Sudani (SDG) (Pound) in particular; the reduction of suffering of ordinary Sudanese people in meeting their daily requirements and to stabilize the fluctuating Sudanese currency El-Geneh Sudani (SDG) (Pound) against the US dollar in both the Growth Domestic Product (GDP) and the Growth National Product (GNP) and international marketplace; full resumption of trades and investments of US companies restricted in the past because of superimposed sanctions and embargoes against Sudan; the USA would completely abandon and to scrape the orchestrated policy of the regime change retrospect to the 1995 Clinton’s Administration policy against Khartoum. Furthermore, the US demands against Sudan would involve the green light from the Government of Sudan (GOS) to allow the US Naval Warships visits to Sudan’s Red Sea Port of Port Sudan; educational and scientific exchange between the USA-Sudan relations in the next few months and years. On the contrary, let’s assumed that the US has removed the political tumor that has haunted and severed the US-Sudanese relations in the future and the present; the US would rapidly undergo demanding drastic domestic and international political changes as follows that:-

Firstly, the GOS would have to scrutinize the Islamic Brotherhood (IB) fundamentalist, radical and extremist Islamists in the country in the same pattern to the policies of the new Egyptian President Field Marshal Abdulfateh Al-Sissi in Egypt retrospect to the downfall of the first democratically elected Islamist President Dr. Mohamed El-Morse and his henchmen who are languishing in jails in Cairo. This could become a red line for Khartoum to do at this juncture. It would take time to do it slowly, but surely, because it could backfire or explode on the face of the NCP ruling party in Sudan.

Secondly, the GOS would have to revisit its relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese oil companies operating in South Sudan and Sudan alike.

Thirdly, the US could pressure Sudan to reduce PRC’s influence and to reduce to have a strong foothold and a bridgehead in Sudan. The ultimate goal of the US would be to kick out the People’s Republic of China (PRC) out of Africa through Sudan as it did in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past few years. Specifically, the US wanted to build a naval surveillance base on the Red Sea Port of Port Sudan and to have a new home for it’s newly established the African Command (AFRI-COM) in the ROS in addition to Djibouti, South Sudan and Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa region.

Fourth, the US would demand that Sudan scales down its political, military and economic relations with Teheran. This task also has been already begun and the task has been assigned to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to operate or to undertake this issue in Sudan. Presently, the GOS has reduced to the minimum its past relations with Iran and what has left now has been only a mirror or a shadow of the past hovering over Sudan. The Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Centre (IRICC) located on Sharia Al-Maatar (Khartoum International Airport, Sharia Afriqqiya, has been shut down and the staff of the Iranian Embassy in Mugarin Khartoum have drastic scaled down or reduced to rubbles. If anyone passes by the IRI Embassy in Al-Mugarin, Westside of Khartoum, it looks like a ghost town and the Embassy Staff, including the Ambassador a well verse Arabic speaker has not able to meet or to cancel with anyone that he scheduled appointment has he used to do so prior to the deteriorating relations with Sudan. This has been tremendous real big change in the IRI-Sudanese relations since 1978-9 Mullahs’ Revolution against the entrenched pro-Western Shah Pahlavi’s regime in Teheran (1953-1978). These rapid geopolitical and geostrategic developments or changes in the Iranian-Sudanese relations confirmed that in international relations there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, but permanent interests for that.

Fifthly, on the current ongoing civil war or as if a tribal warfare, both the US and Sudan would agree that the bloodshed must stop, foreign forces referent to Ugandan Defense Forces (UPDF) and mercenaries affiliated or allied to it, including the JEM led by Jibril Khalil. Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) led by Abdul Aziz El-Hilo and the SPLA-North (SPL-N) led by Malik Aggar fighting at behest of the weakened and fragile Kiir’s regime in Juba by the ferocious fighting and victorious rebel forces and the Nuer White Army (NWA) against Salva Kiir’s dying regime whose days are numbered be withdrawn from South Sudan soil without any pre-conditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace in the region. The US would have to comply with President Bashir’s request to conclude the war in South Sudan and as a pre-requisite Ugandan Dictator-for-life Yuri Museveni must get the hell out of South Sudan soil. The US President Barak Obama has already set the time frame against the current situation in South Sudan has been Carissa to the US foreign policy agenda and obstructs US interests not only in South Sudan, but throughout the Horn of Africa and beyond.

Based on that, the US has agreed to impose sanctions and arms embargo on Sudan and also threaten that destabilization of South Sudan will also present threats to American citizens in the regions, and thus it must be swiftly put to an end. Although President Barak Obama made such turn around at last, perhaps the biggest error and that is a travesty to the ideals of American democracy was to welcome a child and woman killer and cranky and coco head leader that has committed democide that’s the second definition of genocide or the crime without a name tantamount to any intentional government murder of unarmed and helpless people for whatsoever reason. This act really happened in South Sudan per direct orders of the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir that targeted more than 30,0000 Nuer nationality or ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part.

In my capacity as a Sudanese-American academic, a veteran of the US Army and as one of the prominent Nuer leaders and a long time registered member of the US Democratic Party and an expert in African Affairs, I would not hesitate in true American spirit and belief in social justice, equality, compassion, democracy and its universal true values that intellectual and Harvard University Graduate, the US President Obama should apologize not only to the Nuer nation and its resilient people for having welcomed a murderer and a child and a woman killer Salva Kiir to the White House grounds and into the Oval Office in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. This was truly un-American, undemocratic, travesty to the American democracy and the greatest contradiction to the true and high spirit of the American democratic values and way of life. As an American and a veteran, I would be most appreciative and grateful indeed if you [Mr. President] were to have the red badge of courage and the wisdom to apologize to the Nuer nation and its people. Do not repeat what President Bill Clinton did after the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, which he could have prevented for that. Let’s call a spade a spade or just call it black and white, the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir has been a ‘neo-Hitleran’ or the Neo-Nazis or the Neo-fascist of the 21st century. Therefore, no US President as the leader of the world’s superpower should have any association with a killer, the Satan or the Lucifer and to welcome such a child and a woman killer to the White House. The US President Barak Obama should have denied and prevented this evil or satanic man, murders and killers of unarmed and helpless children and women to visit and dine in the Oval Office in the White House. As a Sudanese-American and a veteran, I do feel ashamed that my new country- the USA- could have welcomed the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir to the White House just after he deliberately and willfully murdered in cold blood more than 30,000 or more in the 2013 Juba Genocide and still goes on throughout South Sudan. (I have nothing person, Mr. President, toward you personally, but I do hereby seek social justice (Cung wiec) and justice-qua-justice (cung-ke-kui-cungni wiec) for my Nuer people as the targeted victim of Salva Kiir’s 2013 Juba Genocide or the Holocaust and all South Sudanese in South Sudan. I shall rest my case.

Most importantly, I would like the US President Barak Obama to know that the Nuer nation and resilient people have already defeated Salva Kiir and those that supported him to exterminate the Nuer nationality or ethnicity as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Because the Nuer nation and its people is courageous, brave, fearless, we shall have the courage to forgive, but not to forget the past. It was the late President Nelson Mandela of South Africa who said he that “Courageous people do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace.” We would forgive, but we would not forget and we would also seek justice to be done to the perpetrators of the 2013 Juba Genocide or otherwise we may be forced to take the law into our hands if the international community were to fail its obligation and responsibility to deliver justice- justice-qua-justice. The 2013 Juba Genocide committed by President Salva Kiir’s Special Militia otherwise known as Agetweng, Bany Adut, Malawal Anyuol and Malwal Anyier committed democide by the Twic Dinka militias murdered of unarmed and helpless innocent Nuer nationality or ethnicity for whatsoever reason.

Sixthly, the US-European allies would be determined and motivated to deployed European Rapid Deployment Force (ERDF) in the Horn of Africa, mainly, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti in order to monitor the situation of expanding Al-Shabab activities into Kenya, and the civil war or as if a tribal warfare in South Sudan.

Seventh, the ultimate interest of the international actors or the superpowers have been the control of the natural resources for their economic and vital strategic national security interests throughout the Horn of Africa, including South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan. Additionally, they would like to undertake the process of destabilization of unfriendly governments in the region similar to the destabilization of the anti-Western regimes prior to the uprising of the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets in North African nation-states of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. The benefits of the geopolitical and geostrategic changes and security arrangements would always be to the benefits of the international actors or the superpowers.

Last, but not least, the US would prefer to install a pro-Western regime in South Sudan and would not hesitate to remove Salva Kiir’s by any means necessary. Although Juba is bragging to fight against the UN, it does neither stand a chance nor the capacity and the ability to do it. The UN could invoke Chapter VII against Salva Kiir’s regime to augment its face lifting or change for this rag-tag Dinka dictator in South Sudan.

In conclusion, I urge and appeal to every Nuer person that has lost loved ones like me in this carnage of the 2013 Juba Genocide to have courage, wisdom and high spirit rather than mediocre spirit and to have hope that we shall overcome this tragedy in the history of the Nuer nation. We shall forgive, but we shall and will never ever forget and at the same time, we shall seek justice to be done against the perpetrators of the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity. As a religious based political culture and political socialization, traditionally democratic and a people who believes in social justice, equality amongst all God’s people, compassionate and always acting as “Good Samaritans” to others and the protectors of the weak and poor, we should not have bitterness, but ask Kuoth Nhial (Heavenly God) to forgive those who have committed the crime of genocide for they did not know what they were doing. We shall overcome human tragedy and we will defeat Salva Kiir by any means necessary.

Additionally, as peace loving people, we should pray for peace and the promotion of the culture of peace to return to our homeland that caused many like me and others returned from the USA to build our new and war-ravaged country. Nevertheless we were denied that given right and an opportunity make the necessary contributions towards that end, to lure investors to this fertile and potentially the richest land on the Nile Basin and in Africa and the Arab world. We should also be mindful that our sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, cousins and our other beloved siblings who have perished in the 2013 Juba Genocide did not died in vain, but through what Pastor Rick Warren titled his book “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN: WHAT ON EARTH AM I ERE FOR?” As men and women of faith the blood of our beloved dead ones shall and will water the implanted tree of democracy and the right to exercise the right to self-determination. We have fought so hard for these international values and we were also persecuted because of our beliefs in these values by the very people that have committed the gravest and greatest crime against humanity in the 2013 Juba Genocide. We should not dwell in the past, but we have to move on to let our archenemies know that who we are, what we are, and we can do and what we cannot do.”

We should forgive, but never ever to forget the past because if we do as Professor George Lucas puts it that “Those who forget the past are bound to repeat it.” Pastor John Hagee writes that “Those who fail to remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future. History reveals humanity’s triumphs and failures, giving us a campus for the future.” The Nuer nation traditionally homogeneous, faith-based political culture, traditionally advanced democracy, traditional federal system, and as an egalitarian state that has got no enmity or nothing against the heterogeneous Dinka nation-states. However, because the Dinka is weaker by nature, it has a problem that I may term as the historic “Nuerophobia or as if, Europhobia,” “Germanophobia” similar to Islamophobia, Terrorophobia (fear of terrorism), Shiaphobia and Sunnophobia, including other phobic phobia. What really happened in the 2013 Juba Genocide was characterized by the failure of leadership in a failed state in South Sudan. We will and shall correct this episode or epic when the Salva Kiir’s has been defeated, toppled, disseminated withered away and gone with the wind.

Last, but least, the Nuer nation shall overcome this dark spot [genocide or democide] similar to those who have experienced the same crime in the past and before us in the world and South Sudan in particular. The Nuer is courageous, brave and strong people, we are not fearing of forgiving, but fearful of the repeat of this episode in the future. We shall and will not rest until those who have committed this crime against humanity have apprehended and brought to justice. We cannot wait for too long before the international community undertakes the process of justice because we may be forced to act as we do see fit. As the Nuer nationality brought democracy, self-determination and independence to South Sudan through our sweat and blood, we are determined to maintain the implanted tree of democracy with our sweat and blood and to transmit it from generation to the next. We shall overcome this human tragedy like others who experienced it before us. We should unite and to stand up firmly behind our leaders and people; trust in God Almighty and to doing the right thing for the sake of peace in South Sudan.

God Bless you All!   Or in the authentic Nuer language translation: “Bi Kuoth Yiendal pouth!”

[1] Somalia, which gained political independence in 1960, has a vast majority that share a common language, religion, and nomadic tradition, for details, see, Wood, Emira (1997, January 1): Somalia, Retrieved December 5, 2010, from the foreign policy in Focus Think Tank: Website: http//.fpif.org/reports/Somalia

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Staff Writer

Letter to the people and the President of South Sudan, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit



GatNor April 7, 2015 at 8:03 am

Food for though since the ethnic regime is behaving worst than the then Sudan government of Arab dominated government.

Lat Kuem April 7, 2015 at 9:53 am

Thanks you Dr Dechan for your reactant although it seen. I first of all and foremost to all, Mr. Kiir had proposed thesis aims less civil war whichever regret in ethnicity cleansing of Nuer yet he had failed to manageef it. As above mentioned subject am treated those as a neurological crime being appears and targeted one tribes. The ongoing peace talk his rogue genocidal and fictitious regime has been totally mess up. Therefore, no reasons to leave mediating the root cause and hope for lasting Peace, as the international community that are mediated and resolved the inflicted crisis are aware to lead possible peace talk and rogue genocidal leadership must be accountable for all nation’s crisis later before the courts. Am very sorry for those who have communicate to side the gain and the the stupid leadership has killed million of innocent without objective. In addition the quality of cheaper people life within in Kiir regime has been totally mess up, How do you that your warmly beloved sons and daughters had been disco from their life and you don’t exposure the gain killed million of who to begged. I would like to tells you brother for all nation’s whose had been totally mess up will sonly Boeing accountable for all and see the root cause and commanded by courts later before the gain killed of human violence.

James Mulbah April 7, 2015 at 2:53 pm

Dr. Chand, you are wright. Democracy has always won dictatorship.And many are wondering as to how did you get Kir to rise in South Sudan leadership? He doesn’t have any vision to lead and lacks democratic credibility to democratize South Sudan. He is determine to rule South Sudan for life.
In Liberia for instance, we fought for fourteen years in order to have democracy.
And made history for being the first to elect a female president on the continent of
Democracy is winnable in South Sudan through rebellion. My only advice to you is to you is not to be like Charles Taylor who brought democracy to Liberia through rebellion and later decided to impose it on countries bordering Liberia: Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast. His freedom fighters were not received by Sierra Leone and they resorted to amputations in order to force the civilian population to support to welcome them.
And today, Democracy is in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ivory Coast. However, Charles Taylor is in jail in Britain for fifty years for what his freedom fighters did in Sierra Leone.
Do not force democracy on Uganda after succeeding in having it in South Sudan. Mussevini wants his sons to succeed him. And a democratic South Sudan is a threat to his dream of having his sons to succeed him.
The world is praying for you. And with prayer on your side, you will succeed in your quest for a democratic South Sudan.

Deng II April 7, 2015 at 7:45 pm

Third, You also lied by putting other South Sudan tribe between Ruweng Counties and North Sudan. Wrong, it is only Ruweng Dinka bordering North Sudan Baggara, Messiriya, and Nuba people. Why you put white space between them? I am choked and done.

Im talking about the map you provided.


warfive April 7, 2015 at 7:56 pm

I should say may be bias from those who might read but yet still a personal point of view, Dinka president known as so called Silva Kiir still in power in South Sudan because the mediators helps as what IGAD did in the beginning of this conflict plus the big hands that the Uganda president his role of helping those cowards mojangs.

General Thoon -Anyar Auien April 7, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, BA, MA, MPA, PhD

Go hang with your Monotonous writings solely praising Nuer- fake courage at the same time playing grievances & victimization of Nuer, that entire
bla- bla- bla unconstructive essay lettering of we & they in all nonsense.
I doubt your ever portrayal of academic credential match your intellectual integrity, all- in -all venom of horrible desperateness articles singing only to Nuer superiority as if an “Aryan race”, disregarding the other 63 tribal group in South Sudan, what waste & disgraceful lunatic Jallaba war monger.
For your reminder, Juba is still Red Line for you Mr. former Nyagat vandals.

Amon April 8, 2015 at 5:49 am

“Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, BA, MA, MPA, PhD”. Though I totally disagree with the behaviour of the dinka People, I expected very meaningful and mature Argument from the bearer of this title.


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