Jonglei state Politics South Sudan

Press Release by Greater Twic Community of South Sudan-USA

by Greater Twic Community of South Sudan-USA,

Revised Version

This information was validated by Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA, Information and Media Office.(Photo: supplied)

May 9, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — First of all, we would like to give our appreciations to President Kiir and his Administration for allows justice to takes it duties to clear offs our own son and our heroes, freedom fighters of last 22 years civil war go clean as they are: Dr. Majak Atem, Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng Ajak, and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth. As we release this press of ours, they heroes are now in Kenya under responsibility of Honorable and son of ones of African Legions, President Kenyatta cares like other Seven-Heroes (H7) who were there already.

However, we still ask President Kiir Administration and the SPLM-In Opposition to do more though, because the heroes issue released was part of a bigger problem our new nation currently facing. The situation were million innocent lives are now in disparate conditions of lives and death. So being a community that believes in peace, co-existences and mutual respect of others, fair and just, inclusiveness of any stakeholders in any social organizations under theme of differentiation between ‘for me only and for us/we’ adherent principles of sharing things equally. Especially when it comes anything that belongs for all of us and not for me alone thing. Fairness is main key to success socially in our believes.

In addition too, as we the Dinka Twi Community believes in reasoning and more pro-diplomatic solutions as usual before anything that might spill precious blood of another human beings, and what not to spills blood of another human beings in vain. Do allows us today to summon both warring parties to identifies the root causes of our new nation on going crisis, first and foremost. Then after that we think, it should be followed by a long term solutions that would not bear the same problem again in near future.

Furthermore, we condemns in any strongest terms the unspeakable atrocities been committed by warring parties. In such away we think they were very much out of bound of their traditional beliefs that doesn’t permit the killing of children, women, elders, vulnerable or weak, non-threaten persons, restraining from non-combatants killings, properties destructions, etc. We the Dinka Twi people do believe this value of not killings the weak or underprivileged people in vain universally. Is not only a Dinka or Nuer and other South Sudanese tribes traditional beliefs or they honor, but it is also being shared by our global communities ever walking our planet. So for you out-there who have had happened to violated this sanctity of human beings virtue. Plainly in our thought, please just don’t be silly beyond an imaginable way of human beings sacred beliefs. You have to know that, there is time for war and there is time for peace.

Another accurate sources is one of our elders back home who has notified us and said, “what killing our people now in Greater Twic East area mostly is not longer Nuer, Murle, Dinka communities or/and other tribes of South Sudan. What I have witness killing our people now everyday are people from Dinka Bor/Bor County/Greater Bor.” The elder continues, “are we fighting with Dinka Bor/Bor County/Greater Bor Community people?”

There was no answer for the elder, but after the conversation. Immediately, the conclusion was made about elder report by Dinka Twi citizens through intense links and analogy basis on current situation in our new nation politics and past backgrounds of our neighbor known to Twi Dinka people, and other tribes in area or region historically for their merely attitudes. So no body ever surprised at all through many words been spoken out by Bor County’s politicians (Kuol Manyang, Michael Makuei, Malaak Ayuen on national TV whom many Greater Twic East Community known as Bor County TV property, and not even for everybody in South Sudan, why we say it is not longer a public property? It is because our Dinka Twi name already been denounced on that TV many months back by them.)

Other proves are Michael Makuei Lueth and Malaak Ayuen accusations of Dinka Twi, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng, and other Upper Nile Dinkas as being rebelled against government whom Michael Makuei and his politicians from Bor County like Malaak Ayuen, Maker Thioong have controlled.

It is fair to say, Bor County people have owned South Sudan and it was planned by them long time go before even the second civil war ended yet. This plan of theirs power control was basis on Ghanaian Professor George Ayittey book on how to control six government positions. Here are example: (1) Media [Michael Makuei & Malaak Ayuen are from Bor County] (2) Parliament/Cabinet [Michael Makuei, Kuol Manyang & A. Deng Nhial are from Bor County] (3) Election Commission/Vetting Committee [Maker Thioong from Bor County] (4) Security Forces [Mach Paul from Bor County] (5) Military [Kuol Manyang from Bor County] (6) Civil Services [They have more people from these branches as well to promote their agenda of controlling everything in ever corner of socials and economics venues]. Other Departments lOther proves are Michael Makuei Lueth and Malaak Ayuen accusations of Dinka Twi, Dinka Hol, Dinka Nyarweng, and other Upper Nile Dinkas as being rebelled against government whom Michael Makuei and his politicians like Malaak Ayuen have controlled. It obvious that, Bor County own South Sudan because was a good planned long time even before second civil war ended. Woop!!! 8 Ambassadors from Bor County mawakaai.

If you have control everything in Jonglei State government and South Sudan’s government, why don’t you just say, “you Greater Twic Community/Twi Dinka, Hol Dinka and Nyarweng Dinka/Greater Duk Community, you guys wouldn’t survive without being under Greater Bor Community/Bor Dinka name.” That means, these names are the only pass to Heaven for Dinka Twi, Dinka Nyarweng and Dinka Hol. What a primitive thinking.

Either South Sudan Constitutions writing and SPLM/SPLA Party Constitutions, Hon. Michael Makuei is there to be self appointed Lawyer to install Bor County interests there. There is old saying, “no smoke without fire” if it is the case, Mr. Kuol Manyang needs to destroyed that strategy otherwise there would be consequences, either in short terms or long term.

1990s, it is your people who blocked convey carrying Relief to Greater Twic and Duk areas to civilians who were affected by Twic-Duk- Bor Massacre of 1991.

Who doesn’t know when Dr. John Garang die in suspecious helicopter crash that killed him, and you celebrate his death.

Ajuong and Pakeer Payams attacks you people celebrate.

Who doesn’t know you are the same people who have destroyed our new nation.

Who doesn’t know your past and bad histories with neighbors communities like: Murle [from 1900s to 1970s you people start this lifestyle when Murle tribe migrated to South Sudan (back then when Sudan still a united nation). You Bor County people were the first people to sell children to Murle tribe, looting of cows, abductions of children was learned by Murle from you], Bari, Aliau, Mundri, etc:

Mach Paul, was the one who bare-none Dinka Twi citizens to join Intelligent Department

Or Security Department when Dr. Majak was the Head of Department back then. Mach Paul was the one who shot and killed of our Clans son who was over that time a captain in army. Many officers during the movement know this guy very well, whom he kills intentionally in 1990s.

Blocking of anything related to “Twi/Twic” names on South Sudan National TV. “No Twi, Nyarweng & Hol.” And quote.

Who doesn’t know the main reason behind refusing of deploying armies and UN peace keeping forces, to go and protects civilians in other Counties of Jonglei State areas. Meanwhile a big number of troops were stationed in Bor County area. Kuol Manyang and alike politicians from Bor County know the reason behind that.

One of the reasons why you people become too much trouble is because of your Bor County is being protected by Uganda troops and South South Sudanese troops as well. Plus Mading being the headquarter of everybody in your heart-land. Let President Kiir withdraw Uganda troops and South Sudan troops from your Bor County plus relocation of State Headuarter. And let people see your manhood whom you people often boast talk much about you being a good fighters. You guys might claim that in your mouth but history will not forgive you either. Here is President Kiir Mayardit,

“Who ever quoting Dinka Twic is allow but anyway we are on the right side of history, KIIR

We think you Dinka Bor people should be happy about Dinka Twi people and other South Sudanese communities have brought you something to eat freely rather than your old days way lifestyles. However, you guy wouldn’t be able to change because it is your nature. Just go and eat, leave Greater Twic Community alone with their history and their humble life that often go along with everybody.

Dinka Twi East people know your gossiping and whispering behavior that would not even united Dinka communities alone. You Bor County people lack divisions of things socially through balance and fair ways as good leader needs this trait. We the Dinka Twi people know the meaning of your name Bor then you people even know it. Please ask Murle about the meaning of “Pibor”?

Your backgrounds is known by these tribes: Murle (children selling & abductions, you are they starter of this issue), Mundri, Bari, Aliau, etc.

Last and not lease of our press, we the citizens of Dinka Twi Community in US are not happy with Minister of defense, Mr. Kuol Manyang Juuk. Our unhappiness with Minister of Defense was based on Dinka Community Intelligent sources that have notified us and those individuals where from other Dinka Communities who loves Dinka Twi people for their suitable attitudes as often. Those individuals have notified our community of what seems to be indirectly alienation of our sons and daughters in military by Minister of Defense Minister strategy. We are not going to narrate more about that, but we have let Minister of Defense scraps that strategy. Otherwise there might be short-term or long- term consequences, if no change in that strategy.

“Deng Lueth you don’t have to worry, if Nuer comes, they will start in Jalle Payam of Bor County…” By Minister of Defence, Mr. Kuol Manyang Juuk

“What you need again Twi people and you have your own County of Twic East with your name?” By Kuol Manyang Juuk. This was Mr. Kuol answer when he was asked by individual from Dinka Twi Community who might still have doubt about significant different between Greater Twic Community and Greater Bor Community.

Thank you all, God bless you all Dinka Twi people, and may Almighty God restore our new nation with suitable future whom our many heroes like our own Son, Dr. John Garang e Mabior and others committed their lives voluntarily to bring in peace and prosperity to South Sudanese generally.

Please take this Dinka Twic East people quote: “Dinka Tuic (East) people don’t believe in cold-blooded or the spilling of precious blood of human being in vain. Our people love fighting that bear truth, if it’s truth based mission than we don’t stay away from spilling the blood for true cost” Written by Twic East community of South Sudan-USA.

This information was validated by Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA,

Information and Media Office

Our web site: www.twiceastcommunity.org

E-mail: Dinkatwi@yahoo.com

We apologies for the First Press Release, the version we did send out was actually a draft we sent out by mistake. Again, we apologies for that inconvenience.

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A. Editor


thebortrust May 27, 2014 at 6:23 am

I Thought Nyamilepedia blog could edited this American Press release before publication

Reec Biar Gabriel November 30, 2014 at 1:37 am

This is completely rubbish, everything contained here in this so called Greater Twic Community press release based on fabrications and propaganda. I wonder how can be in U.S and still can write message of such kind. I think this community is being misrepresented by people who know nothing about Dinka Bor in general. I thought people can be reasonable enough to tell truth. Nobody is killing anybody among communities of Bor from Duken to Chuei Keer.


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