Politics South Sudan

Is President Kiir Faster In Transparency Than AU Commission Of Inquiry? Then What Is The Commission Waiting For?

By John Juan Dong

Retired Local Government officer,

Salva Kiir Mayardit, the incumbent president of South Sudan(Photo: file)
Salva Kiir Mayardit, the incumbent president of South Sudan(Photo: file)

March 27, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — President Kiir whose country is No.193 in United Nations General Assembly has exposed Juba massacre and put it to light in his presidential speech on the 18th of March 2015, before the AU Commission of Inquiry whose report is still under hiding to favor Salva Kiir. The president seemed proud, not bothered and confident in power of a new born Oil country in Africa.

It’s a pity for such a gesture from the president of all the South Sudanese including those slaughtered in Juba Capital. Would one be wrongly judged to say that his government killed innocent Nuers and moreover in the Capital and the home of the President. He said, “There were people who supported Riek for first Vice President Position so that his people who died in Juba are compensated. If it is about compensation did Riek compensate Dinka he killed in Bor 1991?” This is the statement of a president ruling 64 tribes +1. He used the word “died” instead “killed” to down play the 20,000 innocent Nuer souls, giving no respect even to God, and used the word “killed” to Dinka. According to his statement and in the eyes of analysts the words “who died in Juba” gives us a clear picture that Kiir is aware of the cause of the death of those who died in Juba during 15th December 2013 massacre. President Kiir stressed in the statement using the words “HIS PEOPLE”. The president’s statement confirms how he rules the country under the theme “Divide and Rule’ as a policy and is publically insinuating the country to follow suit. By saying that his people who died and not citizens or people he rules left many people wondering .The pronoun used by the president “His people” referring to Nuers as Dr. Riek’s in his conscience was targeting all Nuer citizens whether in or outside his government. Analytically, the president was officially dividing the people of South Sudan into blocks for which he was sowing a mastered seed of conflict, hatred, and envy among the countrymen. Consequently, the Nuers were victimized as evidenced by the massacre.

Kiir said in his speech ”Do you think that if foreigners rule our country we will get back our resources” he continued “the idea of UN trusteeship comes from the people who call themselves SPLM historical leaders and they want the UN to take over South Sudan for ten years and then elections to be conducted by the UN. Any parties that will win the elections then have to be handed over the power”.

Owing to such a statement one wonders and develops an inquiring mind as to which avenues he prefers to exploit to give power to SPLM/SPLA in opposition and other political parties and the detainees? Or is it his wish for the country to be governed and resources siphoned by foreigners?

Kiir statement is a direct reflection of a colonial power the behavior of exercising policy of divide and rule. He said, “They want to take Wani’s position of Equatorial” an utterance that would prompt people to take up arms against government.

Reference was hereby made to the president in my article addressed to him and all the Political Bureau leadership on 25/09/2013 under the title “WE ARE PART OF NATURE TO FOREGIVE AND RECONCILE”. One of the statement advising him was:-“Any president in the world has his own theory of ruling his nation according to its nature to rule in peace or in crisis if he wants. Of course there is no leader who wishes his country to be in chaos. In a country where there are traditional tribes like South Sudan, it is simple to make one of the two choices possible. To make the country live in crisis, let hatred be caused between tribes, but if you want everlasting peace among all the tribes for generation after generation, then build a pyramid of love among between all the tribes in the country to be remembered for thousands of years after presidential period of a welfare state. It is just simple to make it if you get up at 2:A.M and pray to God to get it”. The end.

President Kiir may not be well advised appropriately by the relevant offices such as the executive and politicians of the country of the sensitive issues to be exposed to public rallies and the world. Why the country’s political power is (positions) being distributed in streets and along tribal colors? How do other countries (GOVERNMENTS) and the world over judge South Sudan? Don’t they view us like “ANIMAL FARM” or HUKUMA GARGOSH? President Kiir has been a military intelligence officer in old Sudan, had he ever heard former president Numeri or the incumbent president Omer Hassen Albishier exposing or distributing political positions in public rallies according to tribes? Or has he ever heard an African president doing that? Probably Kiir intended to divide people and rule.

Further more in assertion of his superiority he said:”No president negotiates with rebels, but I came to negotiate with Dr. Riek because I want peace. But Riek Machar thinks we have become equal. We could not agree on structure of government since August last year. We said Riek should be number 3 in hierarchyThis is humiliation and lack of respect for peace. Who said presidents can’t negotiate with rebels? How did the CPA that brought independence to South Sudan come into force? Omer Albishier and his First Vice President Ali Osman Moh.Taha were face to face with Late Dr. John Garang de Mabior on negotiating table in Naivasha. Kiir is not for peace but rather to prolong the war because the world allowed him to fight the war with aid of foreign troops, plunder the country’s Oil to serve his interests, and not mentioning the motive of wiping out a particular tribe that is patriotic to say NO to his “evil”. If foreign troops are completely removed wont peace prevail in the country?

To prove his position of low interest in peace is Kiir rejection of negotiating of bills incurred by SPLM/SPLA fighting on behalf of Southern Sudanese people killed by his government and those under the protection of UNIMISS as well as the liberation areas. When the CPA was signed on 9th January 2005, Sudan government of Omer Albishier reserved (6) months from development Grant going to ten southern states from Oil receipts for SPLA/SPLM to compensate its expenses during the war, and why not SPLM/SPLA in opposition? President Kiir ought to realize that when a government misuses its power, and oppresses its people as reflected in mass killing of its citizens in thousands like flies, there must be other power protecting humanity and rights of people to restore peace. “That goes around, comes around”. It’s surprising for the government to turn around and kill people that voted it into power.

Unfortunately, the hitherto energetic and well discipline SPLA/SPLM national forces are being used to turn against its people. Could it probably be due the failure by the IGAD to address the truth surrounding the alleged coup to establish who is guilty and not? Secondly, the prompt release of AU Commission of inquiry report, would declare to people of South Sudan and world at large the patriotic leader. SPLA/SPLM fighting the government now is seeking for peace as shadow government has the same national commitments since they are in South Sudan protecting citizens from being killed by government Kiir soldiers. Diplomatic relations, accommodation and logistics, and especially peace conferences, all are national commitments subject to be settled. The one in government of Kiir today will say the rebel has no right, and when out tomorrow he will say the SPLA/SPLM in opposition was right because he was serving people coming to serve and be served. This exhausted energy has to be met.

President Kiir having all the powers of South Sudan and other nations fighting against SPLM/SPLA in opposition which is defending the rights of humanity, and not government’s misuse of power, have confessed in public presidential speech the killing of Nuer without mentioning the figures. The question at hand is what does the AU Commission of Inquiry waiting for to publish its report?

Christ said to his disciples at the shores: “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under bushel basket or under bed? Shouldn’t be placed on a lamp stand? For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing is secret except it comes to light. Anyone who has ears to hear ought to hear. Take care what you hear. The measure in which you measure others, you will be measured unto you. More will be given to one who has more and the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away” This is the word of the Lord”.

The AU Commission of Inquiry should declare the report public and the nation gets aware of facts surrounding the crisis and the culprits be brought to light.

John Juan Dong

Retired Local Government officer

Contact: Juandong92@yahoo.com

Friday, 20/03/2015

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Muorgak March 27, 2015 at 6:12 am

my friend i think ,your common senses is not functioning? why? critically if you look into current political unrest ,you will agree with me that it was cause by egoism( individuals -interest) .for instance those skeptical who took arm against government have been working for more than eight years ,they have embezzle public monies ,employing relatives not on merits but use uncle document ….instead of qualification,some of them took millions of Dollars when the president ask to return money they refuse…….when the president relief them from their position and bringing in others ,immediately they claim about reform in the governance which the fail to do during their services and state rebellion., where on earth can such invisible element be reward with position? tell me…..? we better talk of unity for all instead of supporting such groups…

Ayuen De Mach Wel March 27, 2015 at 7:15 am

There was no genocide committed in Juba by president nor national army (SPLA) those who were kill in juba were soldiers of Machar not civilians. U are crying for nothing just come back to juba like lul
what about civilian killed in Bor, Malakal, and Akobo by traditional army of Dak Kueth and pet of Riek Machar (peter Gatdet) who will responsible for massacres

sudanes March 27, 2015 at 1:41 pm

My educated advise to Mr. Kirr as a bother and a fellow south Sudanese to unconditional to step down without delay than to expensively import foreigners and used your own designed militants mercilessly to kill your own country mates, in order to save and secure two generations of Bahr el Ghazalians.
Your elites are just misadvising than exposing clearly your crime against humanity, they will never and never be at your side when you put on trial, you will have to carry your own cross.
Where Are Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein, and Sgt Doe to mention a few?
Think wisely now now and take a wise d

sudanes March 27, 2015 at 1:18 pm

My educated advise to Mr. Kirr as a bother and a fellow south Sudanese to unconditional to step down without delay than to expensively import foreigners and used your own designed militants mercilessly to kill your own country mates, in order to save and secure two generations of Bahr el Ghazalians.
Your elites are just misadvising than exposing clearly your crime against humanity, they will never and never be at your side when you put on trial, you will have to carry your own cross.
Where Are Gadhafi, Saddam Hussein, and Sgt Doe to mention a few?
Think wisely now now and take a wise decision


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