GRECOR Press Release;
![A section of the Eastern Equatoria Youth during a meeting in Torit, EES. [Peter Lokale Nakimangole]](
SPLM has become anonymous with nepotism, Tribalism, elitism, corruption and fail leadership. SPLM has abandon its own principle when it was fighting government of Sudan for a democratic multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious society that is inclusive and representative of its population. The current policies in Juba government are not that different from Khartoum regime that Dr John Garang fought against for 22 years during the independent struggle. SPLM do not need to be remained that every corner of South Sudanese nation participated in the independent struggle to liberate South Sudan from Sudan. Every family in South Sudan had lost family members to the struggle. Those who were not able to served in the SPLA provided food to the soldiers, carried ammunitions to the front lines, provided intelligence, and carried medications to liberated areas. Students gave up their education to join the struggle at their own personal risk. Those abroad became lobbyist for the SPLA/SPLM movement to gain support in foreign capitals.
Over time with resettlement of South Sudanese overseas, the battlefields in Sudan became kitchen table issues around the world. Students all over the United States of America were engaged in coin drive to help people of South Sudan. While children were raising money, their parents were talking to their representative and churches were holding prayer services for people of South Sudan. It didn’t happen overnight but it took organize campaign to turn the tie against force of evil and it is going to take time to change the regime in Juba but rest assure that change is coming to Juba. GRECOR will not rest even if Kiir government fall because people who had abuse power during the nine years of SPLM rule in Juba needed to face justice if we are to moved forward as a country. If you have taken lives of innocent civilians, stolen someone else land, stolen money while in office rest assured you will have your day in court.
The South Sudanese campaign infrastructure overseas that helped promoted the SPLM cause against Khartoum regime during the liberation struggled is still alive and well. This time, it is going to be unleashes against the SPLM because SPLM vision is of the few for the few by the few elites rather than all South Sudanese. Equatorian in Juba live like foreigners in their own land. An Equatorian farmer teacher who taught in Juba and played football for Atlabara went to apply for his passport in Juba and was denied. The officer in charge from Dinka by ethnicity form an investigative committee to find out whether the farmer teacher is actually a South Sudanese. To the officer surprise, the team sent to investigate the farmer teacher happened to be his farmer students. The investigators were not sure why the farmer teacher was in the room until he informed them that he was being investigated for applying for his South Sudanese passport.
The investigators were disappointed but not surprise with what happen. Now talk about being second class citizen in once own country. I thought that is why we had the final walk to freedom through referenda? Not a single dinka person had ever had to be investigated to proof his South Sudanese citizenship why? When Equatorian demanded that the capital be moved from Juba is because we are loosing our land faster than any community in South Sudan. In fact all of the land grabbing happened in Greater Equatoria while Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile land stay intact. President Salva Kiir himself took someone else land in Yei where he built his residence without permission. Since president Kiir set the example, the rest of land grabber follow sued.
Stories like these are everywhere in Equatoria for these and many other reasons we South Sudanese who envision just South Sudan for all its citizens are joining GRECOR because SPLM has abandon us especially Equatorian. For those Equatorian who are still waiting for the right time to standup against daily insult, miss management, lost of lives and properties, we’re asking you to step aside and let GRECOR lead the way with other opposition groups in South Sudan collaboratively.
GRECOR is not party to any agreement with Juba government so expect GRECOR to take every step deem necessary against the fail regime in Juba to liberate South Sudanese from the current regime.
Lado Lodoka
GRECOR South Sudan
Follow us on Face book at GRECOR South Sudan
this is right in Russian grecor is there
mr lado this is massage from Russian to old grecor in the world