Dec 21, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The first batch of South Sudan’s SPLM/SPLA [IO] advanced team has finally arrives in South Sudan’s capital, Juba.
For logistical reasons, the advance team which comprises of 150 cadres of SPLM/SPLA, was divided into two groups.
While the first group which composed of 15 security and media protocols and led by Ramadan Hassan Lako, the National committee chairman for federalism, arrived in the afternoon; the second batch, led by the chief Negotiator, Gen. Taban Deng Gai, arrived this evening.
The two teams were warmly welcomed by a committee headed by Hon. David Deng Athorbei, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planing, and the Chairman of the Committee for the Coordination, Reception and Accommodation of SPLM/SPLA Advance Team.
This first advanced team is composed of many senior officials including Lt. Gen. James Koang Chuol Raanleey, the Deputy Chief of SPLA [IO] for operation, Maj. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam, Military Governor of Phow State, Gen. Daniel Gatbel Kuach, Hon. Dr. Dhieu Mathok, Hon. Paul Bor Gatwech among other senior cadres.
Upon their arrival, the chief negotiator, Lt. Gen. Taban Deng Gai and Hon. Deng Athorbei addressed the media and South Sudanese at the VIP lounged of Juba international airport.
While Gen. Taban called for peace and a new bright beginning for the young nation, Hon. Deng assured the nation of Kiir government’s commitment to implement the peace agreement.
According to the calendar of Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), the first batch of SPLM/SPLA will attend the tomorrow’s JMCC and JOC as the second batch of SPLM/SPLA is expected to arrived next Monday.
Although the government officials have confessed to have no connection to the delay of the second plane of first advance team of SPLM/SPLA[IO], critics believe the plane was delayed to prevent Juba residents, specially IDPs and women, from matching to airport to receive the returning SPLM/SPLA leaders.
In other reports, the SPLA Chief of Gen. Staff, Gen. Paul Malong Awan and a few other senior officers have left Juba for Aweil as SPLM/SPLA-IO return to the capital.
beek, tolio and amen,
the IO advance team is already here in Juba. the work starts tomorrow by conducting three different meetings. The total number of 609 members is going to be here before the end of the year. I know you do not like this fast steps towards development and peace but we have already decided to force it on you and you must accept okey………………..No more land grabbing, no more secret plans of wiping some tribes away from the RSS, no more fighting in churches. We are going exhaust our entire effort to work for reforms.
tolio, say something or you have changed to be a peace lover. If you do not, please do it now for there is no any more room for you, beek and amen the boys who know nothing only killing. You must love peace, if you do not want yet we have to force it on you.
We don’t want you never ,may be in the central government.
this is a very good queation. Malong wants to avoid heart attack like beek, tolio and amen. I tell you every body who do not want peace will run out of Juba. The jenge are afraid of reforms for there will be not looting, no more land grabbing. The oil money is going to be monitered carefully. the jenge are going to loose some important ministries except the ministry of jenge council idiots
this is the beginning of the long awaiting peace agreement implementations.
God Bless, South Sudan
Beginning What you fool!
Indeed, there will be changes on the ground. Looters, thieves and murderers are now scratching their heads murmuring, while the melody of peace gets louder and clearer.
The Jieng Council of Evil and their boy Kiir will soon learn the opposite of greed and destruction, and face retributions for their diabolic heinous crimes!!!
Bye-Bye Museveni, Malik Agar, JEM Rebels, and Darfur Rebels.
No more looting of Junubiin national resources, Never again period
South Sudan patriots are back.
It is time to practice professionalism, honesty and fair judgment. Nuer have not shown any glimpse of patriotism yet and I staunchly believe that none will dispute this fact. If you are going to one, then be using the correct language such as, “Nuer will be patriotic.”
I would also like to advise Dinka that negative language is undesirable. Nuer do know that they, by far, tried to fail us from achieving South Sudan or reforming the whole Sudan during the time of Garang. They, without shame, did the same in 2013. But, what do you know if your brother believes that way?
I believe the best you can do, is to welcome him back to the house though you are still nursing the wounds he caused you! Let us welcome Nuer people as we remain vigilant for their next move. And for Nuer, try to be humans in the 21st Century! For behaving in hostile, barbaric, uneducated manner points to the fact that some of you might have just been pushed to this era by time. As a matter of fact, I would put some people far beyond 1900s.
Welcome and do not fight and again or else it will be worst! And always remember Dinka will not be defeated by barrel of guns. And remember, if Arabs could not; who else will?
Good luck
Nuer’s historical records is full of patriotisms. It was in Nuerlands where Englishmen-British’s desperate attempt of colonizing the whole of South Sudan in the late 1800s to earlier 1900s was completely brought to a decisive total-humiliating-embarrassing halt.
The colonials’ governor/ commanding General officer was nailed in Nuerland.
Prove Gatdarwich wrong if you can, natural born treacherous-Jenge, Wetangoot !
Wetangoot, don’t fucking dare to question NaathNation’s indelible patriotism records.
…and that is your always fucking problem: trying to pretend to be something that you are not. Which history can you reference. The only reason why some Nuers were nailed to the wooden planks was as a result of refusal to cooperate or stealing food from British. More so, your lack of tactics and stupid show of chest which you refer to as bravery,was and still the cause of problems/wars during pre-historic era and now.
Talking about patriotism, the only one guy I used to trust, was Nyuon Bany Gaat Machar. He tried all his might to reform Gaarjak who, instead of showing respect and appreciation for his hardwork, killed him (Nyuon). You see! Your people kill the good guys and leave some crazy guys like Taban, Riek and their war lords.
I personally welcome peace but terribly worried that Nuer will show their unruly nature which we will iron out anyways. Welcome and enjoy the bread (gargooc) that we have prepared for you. The food; the problem of Naath/Nuer!
cile duor, garmaa. Male puonydu
Good luck.
it now time for peace, media guns must now be turn to promoting peace and love, Beek and dingit na tuggo must reconcile and start encouraging peace rhetoric’s. Yes time for one tribe dominance, animal style of ruling where one things humans must be herded like cattle must stop. my brothers the jenge must understand that grazing limits are already here and the great man with vision for south Sudan is going to be here in January. Let us give peace and development a chance. Let the right people in the right place be allowed to do their job. Peace oyeeee.
A lot of question to be asked.
Is Salva Kiir still president? YES
2.. Is Dinka tribe still strong? YES
Are Nuer crying for peace? YES
Is ngundeng prophesy false? YES
Did history repeated itself? YES
Can we forgive Nuer ? YES.
Is white army defeated? YES
Will Juba the same as before ? YES.
Is Juba captured by Nuer? HELL NO
Did Nuer learnt that Dinka can not be defeated through fighting ? YES, then shut the fuck up.
I am a Dinka and what can you gonna do about your claim relatives killed in Juba? Maybe ngundeng will wake them up.
First, thank you for the question. I have realized that there are many Nuer who are also very corrupted. John luke Joack was one of them. Based on what one of the follow south Sudanese said above. Juba would have been capture in January to February of 2014. Dinka doesn’t realized that they were defeated by the White arms with G. Gatdet Yak and Khor Chol in Mangali, both Uganda and South Sudan forced were defeated, until the United states realized & used plant B, that Nuer white arm have defeated Uganda and South Sudanese who were authorized to use any to prevent 1991 Bor war by Kiir and other five commanders defeated by Kuach Kang and white arms. Phone called by the USA prevent the capture of Juba. Not the other ways around, Uganda president know very well and Many Juk & Kiir as well.
Secondly, Malong and Makuey Lueth don’t really know that there was a threatening by International community that forced the Bahr El Ghazalian dinka leader and Ugandan Lead Maganda tribe from Ruanda to accept peace. Those communities have decided to help the IO give supplies of weapons and removed the Bahr El Ghazalian leader to be removed and face justice for the killing of civilian in Juba that triggered the war.
Additionally, Malong Awan, Kiir, Makuey Lueth, Kuol Many, Puljang, and many more must be arrested. In fact, if those mentioned above people take three months without an arrest, there will be retaliation against the team that kills civilian in Juba. This is due to the fact that international community done nothing and will do nothing in any future genocide. As a matter of fact, there must be accountabilities in order to prevent any retaliation. Those mentioned above and many more must face justice for the therapeutic & healing of the south Sudanese peoples. Therefore, there will be an uprising because if there are no responsibilities and the accountabilities, there must be no need not to retaliate against those dangerous individual who do the genocide using foreign troops against South Sudanese people.
Similarly, there is no way that someone can killed the children, women, and no accountabilities on Justice system, there must be a retaliation and the returned of the south Sudanese assets divided by the SPLM/SPLA leaderships those including Dr. Riek Machar and many more to returned those assets back to the people of South Sudan.
Moreover, I think also, Dr. Riek Machar, James Gathoth Mai, and John Luke Joack are also, responsible for the action taken by president kiir and Uganda president. As a country Military leader, Second man in rent in political, and Law making personal, they are responsible for what their Bahr El Ghazalian leader does to the country
Furthermore, the situation done by Kiir must not include all of the Dinka community. I think that Bahr El Ghazalian communities of Dinka are very dangerous to the South Sudanese people. They have to wait for more than an hundred years for them to bide, contest, or allows competing for presidency, vice presidency, Ministers of depends, and chief of general staff of the arm forced. This is because of what they have done to The South Sudanese people.
In short, Dinka communities are known to all of the Sudanese as thieved, pickpocket, cheater, robbery, burglary, and corrupted. This is generally an insult to all of the good Dinka, they are the once sexually assaulting women in general in Sudan. Especially in town there are statistically verified & demonstrated that point to dinka of Aweil, Gogerial, & warrap. Indeed, if the Dinka community is known for the corruption by the Northern Sudan, is based on the statistical fact by North Sudan. I think South Sudan must not ignore.
Finally, these pacific facts by the Sudan government are required studies, to see why the country must be careful to the Dinka of Bahr El Ghazalian & not all of the Dinka in general. This is based on what have been done now to the South Sudanese and the statistics fact by the Sudanese government of their fact finding about the Dinka corruption.
Thank you
Pete Sudan Gach
According to your comments, it seems you are outside of Sudan since 1980s,
Riek Machar ,with his white armies, killed thousands of Dinka in Bor in 1991, and recently, when he was a vice president of South Sudan , he publicly apologized that he really did a mistake in 1991 and promised that such mistake will never happen again.
Again, in 2013, he started the same mistake of which he publicly apologized for when he was and killed again innumerable people in Bor and even worse the killing of hospital patients and raped of underage children and old ladies.
So, leave alone that quasi report of toothless Union of Africa, which is weak in the entire continent except for South Sudan, but Riek Machar Tany, Taban Deng Gai, and Johnson Olony have to pay the price for their deeds.
Why do I called the report quasi, is because it was written intentionally by Khartoum, Addis Ababa and American to eliminate powerful Dinka who blocking their ways to loot natural resources in South Sudan.
I witnessed the 1991 Riek rebellion but fortunately I was lucky to be life because I was a body guard of Gatduel Nyankuach but almost all the Dinka who lived with Riek camp were killed. Also all the women whom they brought from Bor were forced to stayed or walk naked and any Nuer soldier who need a sex can have sex with a woman in an open area ( like ISIS) and absolutely in front of Riek Machar and others Nuer military officers.
This account is not a something that I heard from someone or read in a book but a thing that happened practically in front of me. And I believed most of you write here on this social media were not born at those days.
So, in order to cure a cancer patient, a doctor should take out affected nerve or cancer nexus and this also hold true in the case of south Sudan to have enduring peace. That is Riek Machar Tany, Taban Gai and Johnson Olony should be eliminate.
To eliminate your enemies, don’t be in high pressure or temperature to the extent that they will know that you don’t want them. Just be politely , eat with them ( but make painstaking attention in food in case of poison you), then eliminate them politely. This is a piece of advice to Paul Malong Awan and Michael Makuei Lueth
And Thanks
Enough for war. I need federalism, strong Constitution that encourage coexistence, ban tribalism/nepotism, ban gender discrimination, encourage limited years in presidency, encourage 2 political parties system, encourage
new name to our army, and ban rebellion.
Bravo south sudanese citizen for full implementation of south sudan peace. why paul malong left juba for Aweil? it is because paul malong is the most corrupted politician in south sudan, let him know that no more Ugandan troops , JEM, SPLA NORTH and the like. let him come for what he want, I hope the international community will open their eye on him.
It seems like Jiengs wouldn’t be able to purchase enough expensive exotic bleaches and oils for tidy maintenances of NyanMayardit’s, NyanManyanydit’s, and NyanAwandit’s butts(Muks), for the mercenaries, Museveni, Malik Agar, and the Darfur rebels bosses.
No More bleaches and oils, for bleaching and oiling of the Jiengs warlords’ asses(muks) for the mercenaries period.
Bitter and gruesome divorce of NyanMayardit, NyanManyanydit, and NyanAwandit, by the mercenaries is imminent
It’s gonna be the Jiengs’ natural disaster, Nyanthin, Kuol
Beek, Tolia, Amen, Kuol, Pete, Wetagoot,
You are medically-evidently-psychologically suffering for NaathNation taphephobia( Abnormal fear of being buried alive by NaathNation).
Relax because you all will and shall be forgiven if u all publically apologizes to the NaathNation
Attention all patriots:
Gatdarwich remotely medically diagnosed, Beek, Amen, Kuol, Alier, False Millioner, Killer NyanKiir, NyanAwandit, Makuei Liar, Philip Aguer, Ambrose Riiny, Bona Malual, and NyanManyanydit), and discovered that these traitorous individuals are evidently-mentally-psychologically suffering from the severest form of patriots taphephobia(Abnormal fear of being buried alive by the patriots), because their action of illegally leasing the South Sudan’s sovereignty to Museveni, Malik Agar, and the Darfur rebels, is a treasonous act that is punishable by trephination, castration, and cremation period
DINGIT NA TUGGÖ, all other Juur including “Gat” somethings from Nuer tribe.
Peace is something with which everyone is born and I enjoy it with my own family,relatives and friends. If I cherish the same,you too should have the same despites the fact that you were born with it but failed to realize by making it a thing that depends on somebody to give it you.
Most of you talk about peace but you have no clues about it and because of this no body should trust you.
As you don’t know what peace is, I suggest you read texts on struggles of people such as the late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, Former South African Bishop,Desmond Tutu and late African American Rev, Dr Martin Luther King Jr,in case you have not already done that and drew no aspirations from them. Those people were/are Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. They got such recognitions from their standing up against their being denied of their civil rights and liberties as as results of segregations fuelled by racial prejudices. They achieved their freedoms and rights through peaceful settlements. They did that without hate for those who attempted to deny them those rights and freedoms.
What the above people were dealing with,were different from what you think you are dealing with ,today in South Sudan.
Emancipation from slavery of blacks of African origin or descendants was what Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr was striving for to overcome and the needs for he and his people being given their civil rights and liberties by white American majority. This was based on the fact that the US constitution has made it clear in the book that “all men are created equally”. This is probability now amended to read that all human beings are created equally to avoid sexism that excludes women as illustrated by the first one.
The late president, Nelson Mandela and Former Bishop, Desmond Tutu did the same in South Africa to achieve equality between black Africans and white African settlers who segregated them and their people based on racial inequalities, lack of civil rights and freedoms.
In South Sudan the Dinkas are blacks of African descendants and so are Nuers,Equatorians, Shilluks and other remaining sixty tribes which complete the composition of diversity of South Sudan. There is no one time Dinka tribe has enslaved or segregated any one person from these sixty-three tribes to speak of. The Dinkas have never invaded other tribes to settle on their lands, since they have their own lands. They have not denied other tribes their rights to participate in the political struggle to fight Khartoum against its taking over our land,taking resources and denying us our rights. All those points make the current civil war distinctive from those blacks of African origins in South Africa and America different from ours in South Sudan. The none violent approaches used by Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela achieved more, than the violent approached which Nuers,Dinkas and Equatorian has ever done to one another in 1991 and today.
I have seen news articles of the oxymoronnical genre where Nuers in opposition say they are a race and that they are a society. Their claims are absolutely ridiculous. Nuers are simply black tribes in the Republic of South Sudan of African origin. Their being a tribe don’t constitute the black as a race. The black as a race triumphs over their being a tribe. The Dinkas and all tribes including Nuers in opposition fall into the same category of being of a black race. If Nuers in opposition don’t agree with my assertion,they are free to ask white folks to be told what their nationality is.
Nuers who say they are society are wrong. They belong to the Republic of South Sudan as everyone else from other sixty-three tribe that made up the South Sudan. They are simply members or part of south Sudan’s society. There is no plural of the word society in one nation and so should there be one in South Sudan which comprises all 64 tribes in South Sudan. If someone goes to other country, they will find only one society,unless there is an intention to use secrete society which never is official but use in negative sense in reference to criminal activities such as those done by a mafia.
President Kiir has always stands for peace. He is the one who told his officials to organise the reception of members of the SPLM – IO. After that he gave the SPLM-IO a greenlight to come to Juba regardless of their number. The media was given this update before the rebel team arrived in Juba.
The fact that they have come to Juba is never a surprise to those who sing the same hymn with government.
Those people flew in without guns as you know. The government took care of their security. They were received by a designated a financial official and taken to their accommodations after briefing the media and paying tributes to Late Dr Garang.
If you are for peace,you should like this gesture, not calling president Kiir some names .Those people who flew to Juba landed under jurisdiction of the president. They could have been received and arrested upon their arrival or shot down with SAMs if the government or its supporters meant no peace all at.
About their number, it is not a big deal. There are thousands of government’s personnel in Juba. If 609 are going to cause the war, they can be delt with robustly from all parameters.
These people are welcomed because peace is important to our need for moving the country forward. This peace never came to being because it was imposed by officious people. It is becoming a truth because it was agreed upon by those involved for the sake’s of the displaced and not making this country a failed state.
General Paul Malong was never tasked with receiving the SPLM-IO’s team. Financial Minister,Mr Deng is. The oppositions have to have accommodations and expenses. The provisions of those don’t fall in the responsibilities of military chief of staff. Cantonment Assembly points are, and that is where military personell from SPLM-IO will meet General Malong should there be a meeting which will be made.
His never showing up to receive SPLM-IO’s team or traveling to Aweil has got nothing to do with allegations he is against peace or a Sign of boycotting.
The media couldn’t reach military
Spokesman, Col Philip Aguer for interview and clarification. As a result,the media made their assumptions based on allegations that General Paul Malong was at one point against the peace and the fact that he was never seen in his office as well as not being at the airport to receive members of the SPLM-IO.
According to your comments, it seems you are outside of Sudan since 1980s,
Riek Machar ,with his white armies, killed thousands of Dinka in Bor in 1991, and recently, when he was a vice president of South Sudan , he publicly apologized that he really did a mistake in 1991 and promised that such mistake will never happen again.
Again, in 2013, he started the same mistake of which he publicly apologized for when he was and killed again innumerable people in Bor and even worse the killing of hospital patients and raped of underage children and old ladies.
So, leave alone that quasi report of toothless Union of Africa, which is weak in the entire continent except for South Sudan, but Riek Machar Tany, Taban Deng Gai, and Johnson Olony have to pay the price for their deeds.
Why do I called the report quasi, is because it was written intentionally by Khartoum, Addis Ababa and American to eliminate powerful Dinka who blocking their ways to loot natural resources in South Sudan.
I witnessed the 1991 Riek rebellion but fortunately I was lucky to be life because I was a body guard of Gatduel Nyankuach but almost all the Dinka who lived with Riek camp were killed. Also all the women whom they brought from Bor were forced to stayed or walk naked and any Nuer soldier who need a sex can have sex with a woman in an open area ( like ISIS) and absolutely in front of Riek Machar and others Nuer military officers.
This account is not a something that I heard from someone or read in a book but a thing that happened practically in front of me. And I believed most of you write here on this social media were not born at those days.
So, in order to cure a cancer patient, a doctor should take out affected nerve or cancer nexus and this also hold true in the case of south Sudan to have enduring peace. That is Riek Machar Tany, Taban Gai and Johnson Olony should be eliminate.
To eliminate your enemies, don’t be in high pressure or temperature to the extent that they will know that you don’t want them. Just be politely , eat with them ( but make painstaking attention in food in case of poison you), then eliminate them politely. This is a piece of advice to Paul Malong Awan and Michael Makuei Lueth
And Thanks
this is what I want you to mention by your own tounge that every body needs peace in this country. Let me point out your past mistakes, you always insist dinkas ther lover of autocracy rule were the only ones who liberated this country from Khartoum. You must shut your mouth. You talk of Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu or Martin Luther King. Th love of peaace these people have is not found among any one in our country. The reason is s simple, it is because your jenge council of idiots think they are the only advisors to the president. Where on earth you find elders to give advise about how the affairs of the whole country could be run? What I know is that elders are to be in the nursing house if in the western world and if in the third world they have to give wise adise to their communities.
tolio, i think you still do not get what I usually say. your jenge call the council of triblism has taken the job of advisers who are suppose to be appointed from all the other tribes of South Sudan but because you are a looting tribe, kiir recognised this council of jenge which for us, we know that they are not true elders but they are a collection of dinka intellectuals with an agenda of cementing their looting rule forever in this country. please do not think people are stupid as you usually think. your plan is already discovered especiall after you massacred more than 25000 innocent citizens in Juba
tolio, you must accept the fact that this country belongs to all and take my words that this country will never be the same. Do you remember what you said before the coming of the advanced team to Juba? Do you really remember what you said after your jenge officials were mocked in the USA by Laymen one of the senators. Go back to your own comments, you will realise that you are giving in. And am so happy for that.
To be honest, this country is not suppose to be the way it is right now if you the jenge could not use nepotism. triblism, land grabbing, attocities and all evil of all kinds. Many articles have been written describing how bad your behavious are but yet you think it is a joke. Right now, you can see that Festo a foreigner has to be in Juba to help this country not to fall apart. Are you not sad seeing a foreigner being almost a boss to your president our president kiir?
Just understand that many people have decided to have changes or reform in this country. Do you agree with me that this country need these reforms? You still insist malong has nothing to do with the coming of the OP to Juba. Let me tell you openly that every one knows that malong does not want to see the OP coming back to Juba. Do you agree with me that it is only you who do not know about malong’s position on this peace agreement? you idiot tolio, if you really want peace like me then do not try to cover up things.
boy tolio, no need to hide your colour, we know you and any comment you say is not taken serious until we feel secured in this country. No more going back from this point. We have decided to continue working for changes and this is why so many meetings are taking place here in Juba.
tolio, just answer this last question. The former governor Bakasoro is arrested, is it a lie? You know people are for peace and yet you are after those politicians who talk openly about your bad behavous. Please explain, are you for peace or not? I miss you these days but am so happy that you are back. Please let us keep on calling for reforms okey
ask your tolio for advise. Definately he will tell you that your evil thoughts of hating Dr. Riak, Taban Gai, Olony, Lado Gore will never help you the jenge. The best way is to say you love peace like us. This is what tolio has admitted. so please talk to tolio this evening and let the peade loving people hear from you as soon as possible.
Hating the people you mentioned cannot work because you are hated by tribes not few individuals
My comment does not necessarily means that I hate Nuer or Shulluk as tribes in South Sudan but what I mean is that if we want to have enduring peace for the subsequent generations in South Sudan, then Riek Machar and Olony, although Taban Deng Gai will be excluded, have to be eliminated.
For yourself, how many mistakes has Riek done since the started of the SPLA movement? Riek used the same rhetoric of corruption an vision-less against Dr.John Garang in 1990s to cause turmoil and the same rhetoric in 2013 to engender the war among brothers and sisters , while he was a vice president for 8 years. I know there is impunity corruption in the government of South Sudan.
But why did he silence all these years until his removal in 2013?, which means Riek himself is corrupted.
To avoid the scourge of war for next generation, Riek must join Garang,Karbino, and William Nyuon etc.