By Elbow Chuol,

July 15, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Shifting from what people think you’re to what you think you want to be is personal responsibility. This explains what Dr. Riek Machar Movement thinks it is and what the world think it is. Looking into the personal aspiration of the man called Dr. Riek Machar, is somehow kind of confusing, because a strategist like Machar sees three steps ahead before others. But what made many perhaps to get worry is, his unknown way of doing things. In so doing, leading a emotionalists like south Sudanese is not only harder but need a new approach beyond what a satisfied PhD in strategy and planning learned from the classroom 30 or something years ago.
I will focus on his strategy about peace.
Juba massacred is not just a claim but a confirmed event that is seen and heard beyond the borders of Africa continent. To this point of the year those who don’t want to acknowledge the truth, few elements like Eric Reeve is not because they don’t know the reality may be they had love revenge upon Dr. Machar, the likes of Koak Ruei’s song of Riek Machar falling in love with White Women could be a one reason to their hatred. If that is the case, then, those who decided to joined Salva Kiir in fake coup claims and in support of ill-illegitimate like Weston Wangjohi of Kenya, have their personal problem with Riek Machar’s overlap ability in leading the freedom fighters. Salva Kiir may buy the whole world but not the creator. And so, the truth no matter how much is bigger the lie, it’s always surfacing. Those who blame Dr. Riek Machar externally should find something else to do. One and for all, failing to see the reality of December 15 2013 incident is mass mockery to thousands of south Sudanese killed by Salva Kiir Mayardit. Look, he goes ahead to save not only the nation but systematically reversed the revenge attitude initially growing in the hearts of his followers. That is an act of a nationalists only found in him. Those south Sudanese who hated Dr. Riek Machar is not that there is something a mess, no, it is simply because Machar’s personally popularity overshadowed their own search for glory.
Let me explains,
Instead of Dr. Riek Machar running home to London, he immediately formed one of the most powerful rebellion ever created in 21st century, SPLM-IO. The point here was he knew Naath (Nuer) were being kills in thousands and so the crisis is elapsing into a national crisis and since Nuer were not much interested to overthrow Salva Kiir regime he immediately get hold of that opportunity and claimed the leadership until months later he was endorsed popularly in Nasir. From there he settles his camp in Gadiang waiting for the world to listen to his voice of rationale. When the world approached him for the peaceful settlement to the conflict he withdrew from Gunmakur (35km from Juba) with over 25, 000 White Army and closed to 10,000 regular armies of Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka. The world is witness to this truth and nothing can utter it. The point in focus here is, he want the solution to be find in agreement. Though he keep singing the song of Salva Kiir’s illegitimacy expiring, more than 17 months later the world joined him when the Juba regime extended the constitutional mandate rewarding Salva Kiir with more years in power without a referendum, calling it a “constitutional crisis”.

Dr. Riek Machar formed the resistance movement because he don’t want Nuer to revenge, not to make the war look like Nuer-vs-Dinka war resembling what several media houses across the world wanted people to believed. He would have captured Juba in January 2014 but his government would not make any sense, Nuer government is useless more like that of Dinka’s. For your information Nuer by that time could set up one of the best system in East Africa, but south Sudan doesn’t belong to certain tribe as Salva and his Jieng Council of Elders wanted to teaches their tribe. Nuer are natural egalitarians, it would have worked. That settled the point why Juba was not captured.
When the cease fire was signed in January, Bor, Bentui, Malakal, Nasir and several other towns in south Sudan were under the control of his forces. Yet, he withdrew when Salva Kiir and his mercenaries approached thinking the world will be grateful for his strategies of looking forward to solve the crisis in the country, but instead, the blind people like Yoweri, Salva Kiir claims the victories thinking they defeated freedom fighters. Riek Machar by then was busy calculating how to win the interest of other south Sudanese to dismiss the claimed of Media. Though the truth was there he turned it around proclaiming time is up for thieves to get back south Sudan to its right owners. To be fair enough, the world used the uglier words I ever hate to read, “Both side” violated the “cease fire”. Can we at least feel a shame for a minute?
In mighty with their moral high, Salva Kiir mercenaries and troops approaches the town of Nasir fully exhausted with over 50,000 White Army and regular forces closed to 15,000 living inside Nasir and her surroundings. Instead for Riek Machar to defense the town he ordered everyone to evacuate and his forces left the town with no bullet fired. Did the world see Dr. Riek Machar’s political strategy? No, instead they praise Salva Kiir for gaining ground to crush freedom fighters. By then, the world begin to see the deepest ambitious of a man whose his aged mates by passes the days of their dreams. Machar try harder to let the world know that; Salva Kiir is not for the peace needed much by the south Sudanese, but for war. No one see his cry. He was push to the border of Ethiopia still telling the world my forces will not attacks but wait for the world to continues asking Salva Kiir to give peace a chance. He was wrong. This leaves his followers with no option but to move to the street, and then the idea of “Red Card” gave birth.
The strategy from the beginning was, to prevent many lives lost, Riek Machar wanted the man in power to leave the seat peacefully. So, the strategy has always been about peacefu solution to the crisis? Then , if so why the world is not doing something about Kiir? The world will never do him even the slightless injury. This will ultimately leave us with no option but overthrown Salva Kiir out of Juba. South sudan is not like many East or Western Africa countries, we can do the impossible. We shall break the covenant that entitle the dictators to kills citizens and not questioned, we shall prove beyond doubt that, citizens have power to overthrown any dictator in this 21st century.
South Sudanese living in Egypt never turn their back against the mass suffering south Sudanese back home. Every single chance they used it to preach why peace is not achieve. SPLM Youth leadership in Cairo, Egypt, under Sirir Gabriel and Zechariah Machar alongside their Spokesman Pout Tap and so many dedicated young people there never set back folding their hand but preach Dr. Machar’s political strategy in ending the crisis that gripped the country for the last 18 months. That is the spirit of services to people of this great nation, south Sudan. The world was shocked and overwhelmed by the turn out you did. We cannot do anything for you rather than appreciating your spirit of dedication. Zechairah invented a great idea, instead for south Sudanese to join in celebrating Independence Day, he asked the world to go to the streets and ask Salva Kiir to resign.
This is why the “RED CARD” campaign came about.
My brothers and Sisters in IOWA, US arranged something very interesting this time around. They put their pastas in the street crying Kiir must Go somewhere near the fence of White House in Washing DC, just for seeks of south Sudanese. With outstanding zeal and passion, together with their brothers and sisters from others states in US, they sacrificed their time using the old method of Mahatma Gandhi, peacefully demonstration and without looking back, they spent hours loitering the strrets asking the world to look into sudanese problem. Keep the good work by asking president Obama to do something about south Sudan crisis. The truth here is that, we will never stop fighting Kiir as long as he steps down even if it means finishing us. Your good work can never be underestimated. Put your hands together alongside those few in Canada who day and night keep pushing for peace to come home in a good faith. Unite as one people, this is the last chance we have, otherwise, Salva Kiir sold our nation to foreign individuals for power. Gatkuoth Wadar, Gatluak Duop, Wunu, a James Dak Ruot, and Pastor Simon Puok Dak without your courage nothing could have materialized. I am personally very proud of you. I may not mention everyone here but for Salva Kiir to go is our collective duty. Telling the world Kiir Must Go is our personal responsibility.
I cannot leave Australia out, Melbourne someone even told me that, people there on 9 July didn’t sleep. Gatluak War Jock, Thalage Wal, .Mr.Koang Gany Nhial and Gatrop Bol with so many others, the like of BK Luak, you guys did an amazing job. From day one you never rest. If not you who can?. Let us continues asking the world to see the truth about south sudanese problem, with Kiir in power peace will never come to this youngest nation on earth.
The Red Card Campaign’s organizers in Kampala, Uganda despite closer to the lion’s mouth never back down. They systematically joined their brothers across the world who calls out for Salva Kiir to step down. It was unbelievable. Sheriff Balang Nyakim, Desmond Tut, Lam Toang Duoth (L.T DOTE), Nicky Tesco, Nyalam Gatkek and Jay K Kuong under the leadership of S.Sudanese Intercultural Group (SSIG) made sure their voices is heard too. You are a fearless young people which their destiny cannot be disrupts by merely threats. Never give up and tell the world why peace will never be achieved as long as Salva Kiir is in power.
All this campaign is done for the world to know that, Opposition are for peaceful settlement to this crisis. I can faithfully declared that, time is coming when the world will be shock with swift decision made to over throw Kiir by south Sudanese, that day will be the day when we shall be free. Therefore, Dr. Machar’s political strategy in seeking for peaceful settlement to end the suffering of south Sudanese will be no more. This RED CARD explains the Opposition’s strategy to end south Sudanese crisis. Salva Must Go. He should peacefully resign and leave us alone otherwise, he risk being captured alive like many dictators the world produced before him.
If a pig dirties itself you can be dirty also. If a mad man runs away with your clothes while bathing in the River Nile, you cannot run after him naked because the crowd wouldn’t know exactly who is mad between the two of you. Riek Machar is a normal man who cannot run after a mad man who stole his cloths while naked. He cannot just see any dirties pigs and join to be dirty also.
This explains why we cannot be like a dirty pigs and mad men who have got a habit of running away with people’s clothes while bathing.
Elbow Chuol can be reach via
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If a mad man runs away with your clothes while bathing in the River Nile, you cannot run after him naked because the crowd wouldn’t know exactly who is mad between the two of you. Riek Machar is a normal man who cannot run after a mad man who stole his cloths while naked.
Eric Reeve is a coup plotter to South Sudanese independence since 1983. He don’t hate Nuer as a tribe but hate Independence ideology made and practice by Nuer
soon we will run out of colours, white army, red card. the word must go is out dated. in 19991people said Grang must go, but he go until again some like you dirty Chuol says salve kiir must go ,but I think Kiir must not until his team in office finished .also I’m assuming that you know the meaning of your name Chuol mean, Chuol mean dirty, you’re really dirty pig.
Dear Elbow,
To cried of rmoval President Kiir is not help and will be more strong than even,And i advice you guys to prepare yourselves for next election 2018.this will solution for you.
The colour you have mention will never go away like before. What you don’t know is, the 1991 you Dinka kept in your inner heart is a failure of your leadership to rule under the problem. Dinkas never think wisely because their cost is to look after food and power hungers. They use word power hunger upon Dr. Riek. Really why do Dinka cause problem when others people want to lead? Here is another Dinkas ambition to rules and they don’t know how to rule because if you intend to rule people. you must service them rather than serving your tribes and bullying others in the country. My point is if Dinkas pointing their fingers to Nuer all they times is because we correct their bulliness in their leading post. We Southern Sudanese know that but others kept their head down because Dinkas bullying them. It is not surprise for me for you to back up your absent minded president kiir because he fulfilled dinkas hatred in December 15-19 2013 to make you killed nuer people for five days and lied to the world Riek has made coup. after the beginning of peace the talk fail of Salva Kiir about coup and the only point he made is 1991 as others Dinkas plan it to revenge. You dinkas didn’t defeat us in this war even though kiir sales our country to musevenie and others country. We are still strong than you. second notice this Alone wolf, the world is watching your unthinkable kiir for any move he made day and night. Don’t laugh like it is a end of your happiness.
Alonewolf, you don’t know even what you are talking about, do you think Kiir Kuekpiny is the only person who can lead S. Sudanese in this way? but anyway Kiir’s term is over and for what i know he will very soon regret. Shame on you followers of Kiir and punishment is waiting you bastard Dinkas.
I am so much disgusted by the S. Sudanese who are living oversees. they put S. Sudanese matters in their hand and carry on bragging like they left us (the S. Sudanese at home) stupid and cannot solved and find out solutions to our inner problem. It has not been long since I heard a group calling themselves “S. Sudanese in USA calling for sanctions to be impose on S. Sudan. the other Nuer saying Kiir must go from Canada and the Nuer calling it red card campaign. But i for sure tells you to let two things stick into your thick brains that, washing white men dogs’ teeth, as if their were no enough dogs S. Sudan to clean, slaughtering animals as if there were no cows to slaughter in our country is disgusting and mind you, for goodness seek we are all Nilotes and we all keep cattle except the Zande and even going further to doing works that the poorest S. Sudanese would not even at this difficult times like cleaning toilets do.
let me be sincere with you, we are expecting nothing good from your foreign drain brain to solve our internal problems, please keep your ideas to yourselves and shut up. secondly, for those who are crying war between the Dinka and the Nuer and even went further to say that if the war was between the Dinka and Nuer, Nuer could have been in Juba now having a well established gorvernment, i might talls you that you as Nuer and as individuals are day dreaming. you are people for sure, who will stop at nothing to accomplish your dream of looting without fear. i know for real that you could have been in Juba but to establish a stable government, i doubted so much because the next morning the City will be found empty after you accomplished your mission of looting. But mind you Nuer, you will never be pronounce winner when you are going against Dinka. Not even when you as Nuer have all the support in the world provided to you by your slaver Bashir. why didn’t you crashed the SPLM/SPLA when you in the late 1991 as Nuer decided to follow your own greed to the hands of the man who enslaved you instead of following the dream of New Sudan of Justice for all and equal opportunity for all the Sudanese people? were it not Machar who came back in 2001 begging to be accepted back and the current vice president peace lovingly gave him his position?
if you are sincerely S.Sudanese without tribal motive, what has machar done since he started being vice president of RSS with full authorities and powers? why didn’t he do the changes he and his group are so much bleeding for now? why is the murder of Nuer in Juba( in fact killed by their own fellows) being of greater issue when half million of Dinka Bor citizens were butchered by the so called Wurnyang in 1991 due to Riek greed for power only to later come back begging. I will on a personal note encourage you to continue fight as long as your hearts desires ( because you as Nuer are never good rules but best fighters. Fight on and we will see where it will take you) to revenge for those killed in the Capital. For those who are inciting others to fight on when they are outside the country, you are cowards, come to the front line either in Unity or uppernile and test whether your incitement is worth action, i deer you.
Yak Gatdet Yak (CADET) case had now been solved,but we are waiting for Dr.Riek Machar problems to follow very soon.