Office of the Representative-New York
New York City
Press Release (#2)

November 3, 2014, (Nyamilepedia) — Salva Kiir regime ought to respect human rights, stop mocking innocent citizens, and must release the UN staffs kidnapped in Malakal, Upper Nile without condition.
While the innocent citizens, who escaped killings to seek refuge at UNMISS camps last year face inhumane conditions as a result of December massacre, the very government that displaces them eleven months ago is mocking them today. This contemptuous manner is inhumane and inconceivable for a leader of a nation. The innocent citizens who have been subjected to deplorable situations by the government deserve better treatment. The UN may be in the right direction working to alleviate their suffering, but the government must leave these innocents mothers and children in IDP camps alone. They are not rebel. Salva Kiir is facing ever more inaudible oppositions inside his own government today.
On Aljazeera TV recorded last Tuesday, the President describes innocents’ mothers and children at UNMISS IDP camp as rebels who have physically fought his government. This is purely what I called scapegoating. The President has miserably failed to defeat the real resistance in the frontline. He should not turn his anger on innocents’ women and children in IDP camps. This unfortunate statement tacitly authorized a punitive attitude to his supporters and security agents to secretly organize attacks on innocents IDP should any of them venture outside few meters beyond the UNMISS gates. This is not acceptable and the world must come out vehemently to criticize and condemn President’s impetuous statement.
Furthermore, the raping of a 9 year- old girl last week at Kakuma camp must be condemned and urge the authorities to arrest the perpetuator. I also urge the UN and the Kenyan authorities to do what they can to curve the unnecessary death caused as the result. The two opposing communities fighting out this rape case in Kenya’s camp are the two largest tribes, the Nuers and the Dinkas of South Sudan. Yet, the government has not only failed to call for the immediate stop of the violence in the camp, it in stead uttered irresponsible statement that directly fuels the fire outside the nation’s borders.
The UN human right must condemn the illegal bill passed last month. The government meant the illegal security bill passed by the Parliament in October to terrorized citizens. Mr. Mark Dieng (Nuer) was kidnapped on Thursday October 16, 2014 by security forces loyal to President Kiir. Mark, who worked as a security focal point for WFP, was snatched at Malakal Airport in daylight while waiting inline to board UN flight 154 to Juba. No one knows his whereabouts or whether he is a live or already perished. Kidnapping of a UN staff in daylight will have detrimental effect on the whole UN operations in Upper Nile where ten of thousands IDPs are still at risk in all aspect of life.
The government is the inventor of insecurity in Juba, and throughout the entire country. The recent kidnapping of Mr. Mark Dieng proved beyond reasonable doubts. If South Sudanese citizens who are part of the UN’s staffs are at risk of ethnically motivated abduction by the government security service, who else is safe in South Sudan? Number of innocents has gone missing in Malakal prior to Thursday abduction. How will the UN carryout its daily tasks in South Sudan, especially in the Upper Nile?
I’m calling on the UNMISS, specifically the UN Humanitarian coordinator in South Sudan Mr. Toby Lanzer to protect vulnerable citizens. This kidnapping is ethnically motivated and directly resonates with Kiir impetuous statement on Aljazeera. The UNSC must exercise its unanimous May 27, resolution #2155 not only to condemn the act, but also to take drastic measures against perpetuator and protect citizens of South Sudan and the UN staff as well.
Sincerely Yours,
Miyong G. Kuon
SPLM Representative
UN-New York
+1402 715-0033