Press Release

Why The Non-Spla Rebel Forces Defected From Dr. Riek Machar’s Spla-I-O?

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”. John Maxwell

“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” Peter Drucker

“All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common; it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their times. This, and not much else, is the essence of the leadership.” John Kenneth Galbraith.

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” General Georg Patton, US Army.

By Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, Chairman SSDFP and SSIM/A

Ambassador/Professor David de Chand,
Ambassador/Professor David de Chand,


Succinctly, based on the summation of the aforesaid quotations, we have unanimously decided to revive the SSIM/SSIA and departed or defected from Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLA-I-O because it lacks vision, the lifting a person’s vision, the raising of a person’s performance to higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Dr. Machar does not have the guts and gusto or what Sir Winston Churchill said he that “The nation will find it very hard to look to the leaders who are keeping own their ears to the ground.” In addition, the Book of Proverbs (Chapter 29:8) it teaches us that “Where there is no vision, people perish.” Given, all of the above-mentioned, this has been one particular specific raison d’être that the Nuer people have perished under Dr. Machar’s on 28 August 1991 split of the once invincible Marxist-Leninist SPLM/A, in the 2002 Nairobi Declaration that warranted his returned to the SPLM/A Torit and left his followers “headless” or without a replacement leader and  in the 2013 Juba Genocide of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity duly to weak, slow, non-aggressive within reasons, sectarian and individualist based on Dr. Machar’s own whims and desires rather “collective” leadership, team work as opposed to individual unilateral decision-making. Hitherto, we have revived the SSIM/A founded in 1994 and produced the defunct 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA), which became the mother of all peace agreements in Sudan conflicts with one solution in order to give the disillusioned people of Grater Upper Nile a new vision in the art of leadership that is bald, streamlining, decisive and critical in decision-making that always has been risk taking, trials and errors. Most importantly, Dr. Machar’s leadership has been no different from that of the Dinka dictator and killer Salva Kiir and the late Dr. John Garang because they have been all dictators, individualist, unrealistic, non-visionaries, and they do not recognize other as having the same knowledge and wisdom. This is why we do give the people a new alternative choice and a new vision before they all could perish. Our defection did not and will not divide us, but it would help consolidate our effectiveness in a united front to fight Salva Kiir until he is crushed, defeated, disseminated, annihilated. Let’s assume hypothetically that Dr. Machar’s goes ahead to sign peace and reconciliation with the SPLA Juba and its components, the SSIM/SSIA would not be committed as a part and parcel of that rapprochement. The SSIM/A would continue the war until it reaches into the Heartland of the Twic Dinka for them to smell the destruction and killings that they have committed in Greater Upper Nile region. We shall not and will not compromise on this mission until our mission has been fully and truly accomplished to avenge the death of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in the 2013 Juba Genocide. The Dinka Community must admit that this gravest and the greatest crimes that they committed against the Nuer nation and its people or else there would be no ends to this tribal warfare or as if a civil war and its perpetrators- mainly, General Aliew Aying Aliew, former Minister of Interior (MOI) Security Intelligence, the notorious General Marial Cinoor, the Commandant of the Presidential Guards, General Malwal Ayom, General Salva Mathok, brother-in-law of Salva Kiir, General Mabuto Mamur and General Ayuien Alier were all identified as the” Butchers” of the 2013 Juba Genocide. They have been kept in hiding to avoid being caught and apprehended, investigated and to be issued with Arrests Warrants to stand trials on the crimes that they have committed against humanity. There have been also names not illustrated in this paper. We do know them all and their whereabouts. We shall and will get them one way or the other. Our agents and informers have been daily searching of their whereabouts in Juba or Saint elsewhere.

We hope that the IGAD mediators would incorporate us as capable force of waging war into the peace process. We have now given the marginalized people a choice to either remain to be continuously marginalized or to be freely and democratically joined the SSIM/SSIA. We urge and appeal to our readers to understand our position because we have been for democratic change and collective decision-making in the SSIM/SSIA organization.

Prophetically, this article would focus explaining specifically and strictly on the reasons that warranted the Non-SPLA rebel forces defection or disassociation from Machar’s SPLA-I-O. We would like the general public, the people of South Sudan and the international community to critically capture and to understand our reasons for defection or disassociation with Dr. Machar’s SPLA-I-O. We should not be prematurely judged destructively such that we would not be judged destructively by anyone because the measures that gave would be equal to same measures that they gave and would be equal to the same measures that they received. In civilized and democratic societies, everybody is freed to aspire for anything that they wish would inspire their ambitions, aspirations and motives. However, in the developing and underdeveloped societies, it’s a taboo to do as one would like to do freely as much as possible. We have waited for so long with the anticipation that the self-proclaimed King of the Nuer or the Messiah like Jesus Christ the King of Jews or the Messiah would adhere to concrete, substantive and meaningful Dialogue par cum pari (equal) with the politico-military commanders of the original opposition comprised of different components under the then South Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SSRF) that unanimously joined Dr. Machar’s after he narrowly escaped from Salva Kiir’s military forces assault.

On 28 August 1991 when Dr. Machar’s realized that he was marginalized from the then Marxist-Leninist upper echelon decision-making, he rebelled against the late John Garang and formed the SPLM/A Nasir faction that was overwhelmingly supported by many ethnicities because it produced democratic change. Nevertheless, Dr. Machar’s has been weak in administration and management and was, not analytically and logically aggressive, savvy and sophisticated in procuring military hardware to fight the war. This contemporary world full of political deceptions, manipulation and maneuvering and as such, no one can tell you or give you what you really want until you tell them what you really want. It’s like food when a person enters a restaurant he/she would be to choose he/she wanted to eat and type of food that he/she wanted to eat. The lack or absence thereof of quality decision-making, impressionism and indecisiveness has been one of Dr. Machar’s greatest failures as a leader. He has not been decisive to deliver his plans to produce results.  He did not try hard enough like the late John Garang had done with the Maldivians and Salva Kiir with the Chinese.  Revolutionary politicians have to be politically savvy, aggressive and intelligent. These qualities have been lacking along with Dr. Riek Machar often assumed that somebody else would know his problems. How could anyone know your problems if you do articulate them or to speak out about them?  Reckoning, that Dr. Machar’s had so many resources more than anyone of the rebel leaders who had so many resources under his control; he could have done wonders by mortgaging and mobilizing such local resources as equities for payments at the end of the conflict or war. The late John Garang was bald and was able to persuade the Maldivians to get what he wanted to fight the war. Why Machar did not do it then and now?  In my capacity as the Interim Chairman of the SSIM/A, we shall and will not hesitate to mortgage the oilfields and gas fields to procure arms and equipment to defend the Nuer nation and its resilient people. All doors would become open to anyone in the world that has great interests in great need of the oil and gas for arms and equipment.

Prior to any readers would making premature judgments on why we defected and to reviving the SSIM/A an organization that has been dormant for years since it unilateral  dissolution by Dr. Machar in the aftermath of having rejoined the SPLM/A Torit faction through defunct so-called Nairobi Declaration on 7 January 2002 instead of creating a new organization? Briefly, we would urge and appeal to the readers to consider these issues constructively and then compared and contrast them with our current predicament or position with SPLA-I-OP. We have opted to give the people a choice to choose between returning to the SPLA that genocide them, targeted them for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part and the desire to be free, independent and to develop through the democratic process. A leader must have a vision because where there is no vision people perish. Most importantly, a leader must give hope and confidence to the people, lead the people and you manage things, you lead the people. General George Patton of the US Army said he that “lead me, follow me, or get out of my way”. Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, said he that “You manage things, you lead the people. Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others [Jack Walsh] and the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The least is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant [Jack Walsh].  We could not agree more with Max Dupree concept on good quality leadership or stewardess. Firstly, on 28 August 1991 when Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol perceived that they were being marginalized and alienated from the upper echelon and in the inner circle of the decision-making of the leadership hierarchy in the SPLM/A, they instigated rebellion. This was overwhelmingly supported because it was designed to bring about correction within the socio-internal contradictions within the organizational behavior, administration and management. When they splinted from the SPLM/A they created the Nasir faction. Furthermore, Dr. Lam Akol opted to rebel to form his own SPLM/A-United because of the leadership crisis vacuum that he could not rise to occasion to become to become the leader of the Nasir faction. In the aftermath of the outcome in referendum 2010, Dr. Akol again defected from the SPLM/A because he reckoned that he would get the lucrative positions on the top hierarchy of the leadership and form the SPLM/A for Democratic Change (SPLM/A-DC). He remained in the opposition until he was lured to Juba with a promise that he would be appointed as the VP in the aftermath Dr. Riek Machar’s dismissal. In mid-December 2013 when Salva Kiir unilaterally dissolved the SPLM as the ruling party organs, the Political Bureau or the Politburo that led to internal split within the ruling party in which it was alleged that there was coup d’état attempt masterminded by the former VP Dr. Riek Machar and then following the ongoing crisis in the treacherous tribal war warfare or as if a civil war. Because of lack of sufficient evident to back up or to support the said coup d’état attempt it was declared as a hoax, fabricated or engineered incident that did not happen against Salva Kiir. There was also lack of sufficient evident to corroborate or to substantiate coup d’état attempt by the VP Dr, Riek Machar and as such he was exonerated. Nevertheless, the alleged coup d’état was a well-designed and well-calculated strategic plan to assassinate the former Detainees otherwise known now as the SPLM/A-G-10 led by Pagan Amoum as former fired or sucked Secretary-General of the SPLM as the ruling party.  We defected from Dr. Riek Machar’s outfit because he lacks the good quality leadership above-mentioned. We believe that a leader must and ought to know and communicate with the people on day to day basis. By doing so, people would give their trust, love although a leader must be loved or hated, but he must show an example for the interest of the state. This sounds Machiavellian’s leadership style, but it is the reality of the leadership. Most often Dr. Machar keep himself isolated or hidden himself in a cocoon and no one really knows what really goes around in his mind. We had work with retrospect to 1991to 2000, We have psychoanalyzed him in my capacity as political scientist or social scientist, Dr. Machar so smart as he is, prefer to be an introverted rather an extraverted, he does share anything that he had conceived with others to help him out whether such a conception or preconception would work or not. Further, he prefers to be a lone and make his decisions alone instead of utilizing collective decision-making and team work. If a leader lacks the concept of collective decision-making and team work or a wolf pack, e would be bound to failure. Succinctly, these ideas have been the measure shortcomings of Dr. Machar’s leadership styles. We are afraid that he would not change because an old dog could not be taught new tricks because it would not yield to command compared to young dog or puppy in the house that could be train and learn new tricks fast compare to an old dog in the household. The lack of reaching out to the people to sharing Dialogue, communicating and intermingling with the people, could become source of the leader headache that he would be the only one to undergo serious and critical changes. If Dr. Machar was fair and just with the original opposition and came to Dialogue with them instead of calling them  sarcastically as the Khartoum Militias or the “Brigades of Anya-Any-2 (A-2) of the post, there would be no doubt, that the leader would lose the trust, confidence building measures, communications and confident of group. Therefore, creating a balance and being considerate and understanding would be further trust and appreciation of the leader from those that he leads. Therefore Dr. Machar should look at himself on the face of a mirror pretty good and to say to himself soliloquizing, he would be susceptible to change. Now, we have full out from this guy, called Dr. Riek Machar, it would be none of our business to make him change or not to make him change, but those loyalists and diehards of the SPLA-I-O would be the ones to be concerned about the change in the leadership style and to go by the will of the governed or the people that power emanated from in any given state of affair. In summation, Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir, including all the SPLA leaders, they lack compassion, humility, respect of human dignity and the vision to lead the masses to victory.

Specifically, the internal crisis within the ruling party produced the ensuing treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan. Today, the non- SPLA-I-O members who were actually the original opposition prior to the internal combustion and the internal split in mid-December within the ruling party have been grossly and systematically and socially marginalized in all the decision-making, strategic planning, conferences, deliberately and willfully excluded from the peace talks and as a result, they decided to defect or to disassociate from Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLA-I-O to become as an independent and self-governed rebel movement that would one way or another has to be incorporated or included in any peace-making and peace building negotiations and that deserves representation and participation on the round table in any future and present peace negotiation because they have the ability to wage war. The defection from the SPLA-I-O led by Dr. Riek Machar was similar to the same way that Dr. Machar defected from the SPLA on 28 August 1991 and again in the aftermath of his dismissal from the post of the VP in 2013. We have made several attempts to call for Dialogue par cum pari (equal) with Dr. Machar and his gang to reach a common ground, but he failed to adhere to such a demand and desire for peaceful negotiations on the issues dividing the two factions. We have also discovered and noticed that the SPLA-I-O has made several attempts through deception, manipulation and maneuvering to disarm the non-SPLA officers, including the senior field commanders in the command position and to place them all in Pagak as retired, useless gentlemen and no longer wanted. For all those non-SPLA commanders in Pagak, it would be up to them to read or not to read between the lines because they could soon become retired and could ultimately lose their command positions. For security reasons, we shall and will not list any names at this point in time. Certainly, they do not know or do know that they would sooner or later sense what they can and what they can do in the interim.

The former Governor of Unity State Taban Deng Gai (alas Mohamed Hassan) has been the key or the point man with this wicked strategic plan because he assumes that if the senior commanders were to be left in command still, they would not succeed in their hidden “Top Secret and confidential” preconceived, strategized plan to be smoothly executed their strategic plan to return to reunite with all SPLM/A components, i.e., SPLA-I-O led by Dr. Riek Machar, SPLA Juba led by Salva Kiir, SPLA-G-10 comprises of the so-called “Garang Boys” who have had the illusion that they have been the heirs to the late John Garang’s leadership, but it was hijacked from them by Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar in the aftermath of the departure of  the late Colonel John Garang de Mabior on 31 July 2005 (May is soul rests in peace) and the SPL:A for Democratic Change (SPLA-DC), including Sudan’s rebel movements, namely, Justice and Equality Movement led by Jubril Khalil; Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) led by Abdul-Aziz El-Helio and the SPLA-N led by General Malik Agar who have been fighting for the SPLA Juba ever since the start of this treacherous and the most aggravating situation confronting Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan.

Actually, first and foremost of all, it should be acknowledged and well-noted that at the present, in as far as the international law is concerned, there is no legitimate country called South Sudan because it has lost its legitimacy, independent, sovereignty as a de jure state and its territorial integrity. Although the national flag of South Sudan remains being hoisted amongst the nation-states of the world before the United Nations Headquarters in New York City (NYC) and its specialized agencies and amongst the African Union (AU) state flags in the African Hall of Nations in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, including the territory of South Sudan, it has failed as a de jure state or often referred to as a very important personality (VIP) in international law, but exists as a de facto state because there is no legitimate stable government, good and sustainable governance, politically instable and could sooner rather than later moves from its current state from pessimistic affair or status of corroding and deteriorating continuing political instability to stateless to statelessness compared to Somalia in the Horn of Africa (HOA) in the aftermath of the fall of the Somali President Mohamed Sayyaid Barre’s rag-tag military in 1992 up to present.  In order for the SPLM/A to become reunited and to become the ruling party in South Sudan, it would have to meet first and foremost as prerequisites certain criteria and would have to work or labor harder to reunite the party and the country based on my firsthand knowledge could become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain at this juncture. Given, so many splinters groups embracing different political ideologies of sort, the political future of the SPLM as a legit political entity in South, per se, is an educated deliria, incoherent or demented and hilarious dream to make one feels good dream. Micro-macroscopically, the SPLM as the ruling party has become like a wounded elephant with a poisoned arrow that its killer could tract it down until it’s eventually kills it. This is the real political dilemma confronting the SPLM. It would require men and women with a strong, well-calculated and well-strategized national vision to reunite, to reconcile and to rebuild or reconstruct the country and then the SPLM as the ruling party. Presently, the though there is no leader with a vision and where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 25:8).

Lo and behold, South Sudan has already been disunited, disintegrated, that the tribal warfare or as if a civil war or vice versa, has already created and inflicted deeper political vacuum, mistrust and lack of confidence building measures, dysfunctional and obfuscation amongst the people of South Sudan. Hitherto, reckoning this criteria or this aggravating situation, we must and ought to undergo far and beyond the realms of political rhetoric to search for peaceful and political conflict resolution in this war ravaged Africa’s youngest state in South Sudan.

Because of the war, genocide, war crimes and crimes committed against humanity by South Sudanese leader all alike, including the things that they have done, which they ought not to have done, at this critical state of affair, national unity, unity in diversity and cultural diversity or multiculturalism would neither become attainable nor achievable in South Sudan. Because the people of South Sudan are heterogeneous people with no common cultural traits, comprehensive nationalism, patriotism that were once only united by the war against the Arabized Muslim North, they have been today disunited, disintegrated having the same nationalism that has been greatly identified with the tribe. In other words, they do practice what I may in political science or social anthropology, political sociology, prophetically; political philosophy and epistemology could be termed as “tribal nationalism vs. the nationalism of sort. This would become one of the most ponderous acute and aggravating situations that the international community and the regional powers would surely have to be confronted with in the request for peaceful and political conflict resolution in this war-ravaged South Sudan. We would suggest or recommend at this juncture writing a “requiem” for South Sudan failed state retrospect to ever to become again the same and as a unified heterogeneous multiparty democratic state in the African continent. The future and the present remain pretty bleak and oblivious.

For many readers, this state of affair may sounds like we have just opened a new “Pandora Box” or a “Tinder Box”, but without any regrets in my capacity as political scientist or social scientist who have adequately, sufficiently and thoroughly studied the concept of the state, its functions, governance, comparative governments and systems and what it’s all about and couple of that as an academic expert, this is the truth, the whole truth, nothing, but the truth and the continuous existing political reality in South Sudan as well as in Africa, the Middle East and Southern European regions, including ASIAN countries and the EU with no exceptionalism. Most importantly, utilizing social science, sociological, historical developments, analytical, logical and legal reasoning and reasonableness,  unless my New country the USA improves its tragic downwards spiraling race relations, continuous social injustice, inequality, racism and racialism and xenophobia and other phobic phobia and failure to reducing its deliberate and willful routine police brutalities against the innocent minorities and with the emphasis on Americans and the African-émigrés in particular, it could easily fall into the same trap compared to South Sudan and the Arab world with no exceptionalism. Without the shadow of a doubt, this golden opportunity of resolving South Sudan ‘crisis’ has been missed first because of its etiquette and acute irresolvable and irreversible internally deepening cultural divides and the split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013 and before hence and then followed by the enraging tribal warfare or as if a civil war with catastrophic international geopolitical and geostrategic implications the entire Horn of Africa and East African regions and beyond. For those lobbyists in Washington, DC K Street who have started this national crisis management, they roll up their sleeves in search of an amicable solution before it’s too late for the people of South Sudan.

A few years ago when I wrote about all matters that have now occurred in South Sudan retrospect to 2013 Juba Genocide and the ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war and corruption, I was negatively branded, prejudged and termed as the “mad and nutty Professor.”  I was not in the government, but in my capacity as a social scientist, I foresaw what was to come and I enlightened and prepared or educate the masses through my research and writings for an excite or a way out for the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) and the people as a whole and in unionism and to undergo resolving peacefully and politically problems such as, corruption, embezzlements, and tribalism the worst test case scenario like the Ebola Virus in West Africa. If I could recall in my research and writings, I did make it clear through hypothetical and prophetic assumptions succinctly that unless the GOSS undergoes correcting the issues that prevail in South Sudan as a preborn and a pre-failed state, that rampant and rapid corruption and tribalism, I concluded that South Sudan could be confronted with a civil war before 2015. I am so glad that everything that I foresaw or foretold and predicted would happen in South Sudan after the hoopla celebration of independence.

In fact, they have happened all before I knew it. I was really the victim of my own intellectual curiosity, but now I feel liberated and feel great because all and everything that I have foretold have happened and gave cultural shocks to those that refuted my position on such events and went as far as calling me as a “nutty and crazy Professor,” including Dr. Riek Machar, Salva Kiir and Wani Iqqa and the other members of the SPLM Politburo. Let’s hypothetically assume that we could flip the coin, who is now crazy or nutty me or them? I should say it loud and proud that without the shadow of a doubt, that they have been ones who have been crazy and nutty because they killed so many people for no apparent reasons at all, that did not deserve to die like fishes from a pond. I further proposed that South Sudan because of it cultural diversity and its ethnicities divisions representing different nationalism based on tribal lines or ethnocentrism, it’s also bound to be divided like the Island nation of Cyprus that was divided into two political entities comprised of the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriots on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus, Crimea that separated from Ukraine through a referendum and rejoined the Russian Federation since it was annexed to Ukraine by the Nikita Khrushchev in 1954, Kurdistan-Iraq, Somaliland, the Christian Enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ostia that separated from the Republic of Georgia and recognized by the Russian Federation that have existed as a de facto state for the past twenty years or so and remains much more politically stable compared to the federal Republic of Somalia in Mogadishu.

Presently, though the overwhelming people of Greater Upper Nile region because of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, shall and will opt to declaring its right to self-determination as an independence and sovereign de jure state.  Because Greater Upper Nile is the oil hub and the pillar of the bridge between the North and South and South-South unity or disunity would sooner declare separation and disassociation from Equatorial and Bahr-el-Ghazel regions. Reckoning that unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity has been genocide and targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part, it would not be feasible for the Nuer and the Dinka to cohabit less under one roof in South Sudan. Greater Upper Nile does not have any intentions whatsoever of returning to Juba because its neither have anything worthy to do with Juba, Equatoria region and nor Wau, Bahr-el-Ghazel region for that.

These have been the specific reasons that compelled us to defect from Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLA-I-O that everyone should know and appreciate and should adopt constructive vs. destructive criticism. We defected from the SPLA-I-O because we have not subscribed to Dr. Machar’s and his protégés political ideology, political sociology and political philosophy that we all return to reunite with the SPLA Juba and all its other components. This is not incompliance with our philosophical vision and prophetic ideals. The genocide of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity deserves some explanation and acceptance by the Dinka who have committed this gross and inhuman crime against humanity. Any denial of this criminal act by the perpetrators, could prolong the war for years or generation ahead until the Dinka would concede on this criminal act to take responsibility. They are as follows that:-

Firstly, we shall remain as a united front against our common enemy Salva Kiir, his cronies, protégés and renegades until they would be defeated by any means necessary. Our forces would be fighting as one command, but less than two parallel administrations and management until the war would be concluded. The Nuer people have been targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part have been the prime victims of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in Juba became vulnerable targets of Kiir’s genocidal regime. We do hereby warn of anyone to turn the muzzle of the gun against his fellow Nuer or against each other. We have no enemies from within, but we have defined and identified the perpetrators of genocide defined as… the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity. If any Nuers and God forbids turned the muzzle of the gun against his brother, for he shall be punished and that curse shall remain upon him forever.

As regards to the Nuer troopers who have decided to fight against their own kind because of the money, they should heretofore realize that they have no place in the Nuerland and they should remain where they have chosen to be ostracized and wanted to live like self-outcasts and ex-communicated people from the Nuer Community. If they were to return, they would become ineffective in making any significant contributions because the community would no longer trusted them for they became the self-made prime enemy of their own kind or fratricide. This is logical and analytical politico-legal reasoning and reasonableness also it’s applying equally to the Nuer politician for the Money or “Nuer Yieowni” or what the savages Jiengs (Dinka) have eloquently coined as the “Nuer Wew”-meaning the same as above-mentioned, giving support to, standing up with, wining and dining with the tormentors or the butchers of their own kind the Nuer ethnicity in the 2013 Juba Genocide. They have become useless idiots and sons of bitches (Sobs)  who should realized that the political positions that they hold would one way or another would disappear, would wither away and gone with the wind, but the Nuer Community shall and will strongest and take the lead in South Sudan. In a nutshell, they shall and will not enjoy the blood money that they have accumulated because they sold and betrayed their community.

Historically, good leader always and no matter what happened, usually stood up for the cause of their people. For instance, people like Magok Rundial, Dr. Riek Gai Kok, Stupid and useless Grand thief James Kok Raui, Madam Nyadak Paul, and many others have been a total disgrace to the Nuer nation and its resilient people. They have no Nuer nationalism, patriotism and vision for the Nuer Community that could perish without visionaries’ leaders, including Dr. Riek Machar as well. I personally have quarrels with any of  they have consciously or sub-consciously by submission or omission freely, deliberately and willfully made their choices, but I just wanted to illustrate to the guys above-mentioned that to know the consequences of their actions and their outcomes; that I have not insulted anyone of them in any imprudent mannerism, but I am encouraging them to think fast and always about their own kind and their community that the enemy that the enemy that they are supporting, standing up with, wining and dining with has been determined, motivated and committed to exterminate the Nuer ethnicity in whole or in part like the European wiped out the First Nations (Red Indians) in North-South Americas or in the New Hemisphere or the New World, including the extermination of the Aborigines in the World Under or Australia and New Zealand, including Sub-Saharan Africa through the extensive lucrative, but shameful the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade or the human trafficking as slaves that depopulated Africa and whose impact still remained visible and unfilled vacuum.

I just wanted them to wake up, to stand up for their rights, the community as men and leaders, not to become followers of Jiengs who have been well-known to be liars, lazy, weak link, savages, uncouth and uncivilized cannibal-like human beings who have no remorse for the things have done, which they ought not to have done. The Nuer would suck it to the Jieng and their Ugandans ally to admit the guilt that they have committed against the Nuer nation, its resilient, brave and courageous people. The Nuer will win this war against Salva Kiir’s and his cronies and henchmen that have strategized to destroy the Nuer people and others shall and will  know that power that they negatively used against others would be taken away from them by any means necessary. The Jieng should acknowledge, realize and appreciate this political reality because it is going to happen sooner rather than later. They days of the brief so-called Dinka Supremacy have been numbered and Salva Kiir would become the last Dinka head of state and government in South Sudan for the fifty to one hundred (50-100) years or more because nobody “trusts” the Dinka to lead no more. This is the bottom line. The legacy of Salva Kiir shall be remembered as the bloodletting like the Bloody Marry in England, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany against the Jews and Gypsies, Apartheid in both South Africa by the Boers against the African majority and Zionism as form of racism against the Palestinian Arabs and the African émigrés in the Settlers State of Israel, including the mistreatment and human rights violations and others that they daily commit murder to take their body parts for human transplants in the Israelis’ Civil-Military Hospitals in the Settlers State of Israel and sold such parts to other nation0state for big cash.

The Nuer have one identifiable common enemy- the Jieng (Dinka) to be taught an unforgettable lesson and that should be the one that we should focus on and, then, aims or turns the muzzle of the guns to until it would be disseminated, annihilated, defeated and no matter what the cost may be, we shall and will defeat Salva Kiir’s forces and their foreign allies-mainly Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) or any armed groups hired fighting for the money. This is a promise that all Nuer people should adhere to the Nuer nation and its resilient people that the national duty and responsibility of the Nuer nation and its resilient people would be to provide protection. Because the Nuer have been traditionally democratic and transparent fighting for the rights of “all peoples” to become equal in South Sudan against the Dinka neo-colonialism, neo-imperialism, the so-called “Monyjiengism” a quasi-racism of sort, domination and exploitation, we could not afford to forget atrocities committed against the Shilluk (Chollo) by the Jieng and we could not be more grateful that the Shilluk (Chollo) and the Murle brothers and sisters who have been also genocide like their counterparts and targeted  for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. They have rejoined and united with us in the armed struggle against social injustice, human rights abuses and other heinous crimes committed against humanity by perpetrators of genocide in Greater Upper Nile. We are all in this together because there is neither Nuer nor the Shilluk (Chollo) and nor the Murle because we have been altogether predestined and targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Therefore, our destiny is one and would always be one and our destiny is in our hands and we should together be united as a people and a threatened species to construct our political destiny, unity sand brotherhood and sisterhood to become the masters’ of this strategized, protracted and projected destiny nod we always be ready to defending it and no matter the costs may be in terms of lives that would be lost in defense of that destiny.

We should not undertake this process unlikely because the Dinka and their foreign allies do mean business to kill the Nuer, the Shilluk and the Murle people and so we should also let them know also that we mean business as well. They have started the tribal warfare or as if a civil war in Greater Upper Nile, but we have the guts and gusto to take this war into the Heartland of the Dinka in Warrap, Aweil and to anywhere that we could find the Dinka cannibals and savages around the world. We shall have no forgiveness because they have killed children, women and silted out fetuses from the wombs of their dead pregnant mothers. If all the savages and cannibal-like folks and practices were to be put together, what a great savage and cannibalism that would be! In fact, the Dinka have no remorse for what they have done, which they ought not to have done. They should realize that their days in power have been numbered in holding on to power. Where would they thereafter?

Through our newly founded, formed and consolidated Unity front as an endangered species from the Dinka on slaughter, we shall fight together, die together, wounded together, celebrate the victory or defeat together and we shall and will declare our inalienable right to self-determination by any means necessary like “all peoples” like any other endangered human species on the planet-Earth. We should all acknowledge that the survival and our destiny lie in our own hands, minds, souls and spirits. We have to embrace higher spirits vs. the mediocre spirits in this fight against the perpetrators of the crime of genocide against our children, wives, sons, daughters, sisters, elder and the property worth millions of dollars destroyed by the savages, uncouth and uncultured Dinka savages and cannibals from Bahr-el-Ghazel who have no sense of remorse, pride and human dignity to have done things, which they ought not to have done. Shame, shame, shame and shame on them! We would avenge their actions far greater than what they have done and for the measures they gave would be equal to the measures they would get for that. We have nothing to fear except fear itself because Greater Upper Nile and all its natural resources God Almighty endowed us to belong to all of us, shall be shared equally equals and shall be utilized to rebuild our destroyed schools, hospitals, clinics, universities and colleges, reconstruction of roads and bridges destroyed during the war for the next 20 to 30 years socioeconomic strategic planning. It should be know in advance that there would be no more oil revenue flowing to Juba for our tormentors to grow big bellies. The non-oil producing states would have to buy the oil in Greater Upper Nile and whenever they failed or surpassed payments off accumulated past dues or over dues, it would be shutoff or shutdown like in Russian-Ukraine Natural Gas policy. On the critical issue of the leadership and governance, the democratic criteria or process would become the tenable reasonable alternative (TRA) solution. In other words, everything would be done according the power of the ballot box base on the Universal Adult Suffrage of man one vote and one woman vote and equals rather than by individual whims. We shall do our governance system based on the constitution, bylaws and regulations thereunto and that power shall always emanated from the governed rather than from the governors or the philosopher kings or what King Louise XVI of France called himself as “d’état si moi (I am the state). We shall sooner rather than later overcome Salva Kiir’s tyranny, Stalinist state, autocracy, oligarchy, patronage and dictatorial rule. We should remember that “United, we stand, divided, we fall”.

Secondly, Dr. Riek Machar has marginalized the non-SPLA-I-O members from all  strategic planning, organization, decision-making, representation and participation in the peace process, leadership conferences, i.e., Pagak I-II (P-I-II) because they  have been members of the non-SPLA-I-O partisans even though they comprised over 80% of the rebel forces, including the White Army (WA) that we armed and trained as the National Guards or the Minute Men to be mobilized on a short notice or in a short time in case of national emergency and disaster as we did so quickly when Dr. Riek Machar’s escaped from being captured, tortured, killed and pursued by  the SPLA Juba and the UPDF alike that he has now considered non-entity in the outfit except fighting the war against Salva Kiir’s SPLA. We, the Original Opposition (O-OP) that have been united as a united front under the revived SSIM/SSIA did not hesitate to unleash the White Army against the enemy that they fought and gave it bloody noses and lessons they would not forget.

Thirdly, we have no dream of rejoining the SPLM/A ever since we departed it because of internal contradictions followed by the split on 28 August 1991 up to present. We have learned that Dr. Riek Machar’s renegades in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, comprised of knitted Adok Nuer have been ready to sign a bad peace that is no peace and do not care at all, to reunite with SPLA Juba led by Salva Kiir, the SPLA-G-10 led by Pagan Amoum, the SPLA-DC  led by Dr. Lam Akol, including the mercenaries affiliated to them, vis-à-vis, JEM led by Jubril Khalil, SRF led by Abdul-Aziz El-Helio and the SPLMA-N led by Malik Agar. It has been self-evident that Dr, Machar has failed to articulate about the unfortunate death of thousands of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity genocide and targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. It was shocking, but no surprising that Dr. Machar’s has never articulated effectively and aggressively, but within reasons and presented the genocide of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity to the IGAD mediators, the UN, the AU, the EU and other international bodies responsible for the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, including other heinous crimes committed against humanity in the tribal warfare or as if a civil war.

Fourthly, we have discovered that Dr. Riek Machar’s SPLA-I-O lacks concrete objective to articulate and to liberate or to emancipate the aggrieved Nuer nation and its people from the committed genocide against them as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity on the planet-Earth. Realistically, Dr. Machar’s and his knitted inner circle group comprised of his closed knitted family and his in-laws have been only interested in money and positions that come and go. We shall and will not subscribe and commit our efforts and energies to such vague, wasteful and dummy strategy, thus, leading to more death in the future and the present. This time around, Dr. Machar would not have the luxury to lure people to his side, but he would have to do it alone this time around. We have no interest to return to promote and to preserve Jieng (Dinka) imperialism, colonialism, domination, exploitation and oppression that we are more than ever committed, determined and motivated to eradicate and to destroy once and for all throughout South Sudan. We are pretty sure that No rebel forces, including the loyalists to Dr. Machar that may subscribe to such a useless peace plan as long as it does not address the root causes of the genocide against the Nuer ethnicity by Salva Kiir collision with the international criminal and international terrorist Yuri Museveni of Uganda that authorized deployment of the Uganda Air Force (UAF) to drop internationally banned bombs, i.e., Cluster bombs, White Phosphorus and others fighting with Salva Kiir against the rebel forces in South Sudan. We hope that Dr. Machar would not die like the late SPLA General George Ator Deng that was killed instantly on arrival to Kampala, Uganda by combined Security forces or agents of combined SPLA, Uganda and Rwanda that Dr. Machar’s announced to the world when he was the VP that was responsible for the death of the late George Ator Deng and accused of fighting alongside the Lord Resistance Army (LRA).

The SSIM/SSIA has a stronger, concrete, well defined and focused objective- that is to promote and to investigate the root causes of the genocide against the Nuer ethnicity and the secession of Greater Upper Nile from South Sudan to become a new political entity. This process of secession unanimously agreed by the majority of Greater Upper Nile population would not go in vain, but would succeed because it is the “collective will and the desire “To let our people go” like Moses told the Egyptian Pharaoh “To let my people go out of Egypt.” In the same vein, we hope that Salva Kiir and his cronies, protégés and sycophants would not obstruct, but adhere to the “collective will and the desire” of the people of Greater Upper Nile region to exit from South Sudan similar to South Sudan secession or split from Sudan in 2001 to become an independent, sovereign de jure state and its territorial integrity respected by the Republic of Sudan and others. Juba or anybody fighting for Salva Kiir should know that they still have a pretty long haul war ahead of them and should be pretty much prepared for what they do not deserve. Greater Upper Nile as the most potentially richest area in oil fields and gas fields in South Sudan, it could become a viable and vibrant state compared to Arab Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (AOPEC) and the OPEC cartel. Let us assume hypothetically that Dr. Machar’s was lured to sign a bad peace that is no peace at all, with Salva Kiir, no generals, soldiers or troopers, including the White Army would join him to reunite with the SPLA Juba led by Salva Kiir and others. The overwhelmingly majority of Upper Nile people have been united for the secession of the region to go it alone. This is the bottom line. Of course, both Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir could be reunited, but peace would not return without the SSIM/SSIA representation, participation and endorsement. Surely, South Sudan would not be the same as it was prior to genocide and the ensuing tribal warfare or as if a civil war and without any comprehensive negotiated peace agreement by all the warring parties. Its people remained in quandary, disarrayed, disunited, disintegrated, the state failed and should be formally declared as a failed state by the UN Security Council (UNSC) and its specialized agencies, including the IGAD mediators because it does not have a stable government in Juba at this juncture. Most importantly, neither Dr. Riek Machar nor Salva Kiir has the capacity to rule or governance South Sudan. They have killed so many people within a short period of time, therefore, they step down or resign, to be apprehended, investigated, to be charged for genocide, war crimes and crimes committed against humanity and other heinous crimes committed against humanity in South Sudan. Democratic change is needed and required in South Sudan such that a new blood is injected into the system.

We shall and will not compromise on our policy of separating Greater Upper Nile from South Sudan to become a new political culture, Self-Governing  Territory. The UNGA resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, guaranteed the right to self-determination to “all peoples”. We have given the summary of the UNGA resolution 15`14 (XV) of 14 December 1960 in the 32-page document that clearly explained why we opted to defect, to revive and to disassociate from Dr. Machar’s and Taban Deng outfit, including his influential “Iron Lady” Madam Angelina Machar Teny compared to the former US Ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Susan Rice that controls every moves that her husband makes and her sibling Taban Deng Gai (alas Mohamed Hassan) wills power and influence in the organization, his in-laws closest relatives and associates from Adok who have been only interested in positions whilst other are fighting the war for them.

This would become reminiscent of the Dinka Bor example during the golden days of the late John Garang de Mabior and Salva Kiir’s administration and management schemes alike. In other words, the late John Garang, Dr. Riek Machar and Salva Kiir have been the same birds with the same feathers flying together for that. In the case of Dr. Machar, he has been dark hearted, sectarian and  ethnocentric (tribalist) savvy that has been favoring only Adok Nuer people section to milk the cow inside the fence whilst other Nuer folks hold the horns of the cow outside of the fence or they wanted to the cake and eat it all.  How about those that have made big sacrifices for the cause? Don’t they a piece or a share of the pie or the cake? We would like to know. In summary, any reunification and peace agreement between Salva Kiir and Dr. Machar without any unanimity of the whole opposition both SPLA-I-O and non-SPLA independent forces could become a bad collateral damage or precedent for both Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir respectively. Most importantly, it would not end the war. Dr. Machar could became the big loser because in the Nuer Community in side South Sudan and in the Diaspora and could make bad headlines, horrific and horrendous reaction because he would be accused of having a hidden agenda in the genocide of the Nuer people retrospect to the 28 August 1991 up to the 2013 Juba Genocide and still goes on in many place throughout South Sudan for his own personal gains and interests.

Fifthly, Dr. Machar’s SPLA-I-O has become one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet-Earth similar to SPLA Juba and all its splinted components.  Good men and women who have common sense, nationalism and patriotism could no longer associate themselves with this negative destructive SPLA inherited culture of corruption, embezzlements, self-aggrandizement and low spirits or mediocre spirits vs. high spirits. Actually, it has been what really destroyed South Sudan because the big bosses, including Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir have been so much involved in this racketeering process. Although the leadership prepared to have been planning to eradicate corruption as well as ethnocentrism (tribalism) for the country to become de-tribalized system, it has failed because there has been no political thrust from the top echelon or the pinnacle of the system and management to the bottom because there has been no top down and bottom up or horizontal administration, decision-making, institutional management and proper inter-organizational behavior and inter-governmental relations. It has been a real deception, manipulation and maneuvering as well as hypocritical when Dr. Machar claims that there is no money in the Movement to buy medicine for the war wounded combatants, the IDPs and to build schools for the children of the IDPs displaced by the war started by both Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir that has killed so many lives within a so short period of time in South Sudan. To refute the aforementioned statements,, recently when Dr. Machar’s showered his newly political appointees Governors and commanders with big cash ranging from $10k, $20k and $30k USD. In addition, many of his relatives have recently purchased villas in Nairobi, Kenya, Kampala, Uganda, Khartoum, Sudan as well as Gold Shops in Sudan’s Capital Khartoum. He has mobilized  his loyalists, hard core and diehard supporters for the return and reunification to the SPLA Juba and all it components follows by an amnesty to all SPLA cadres for the SPLA-I-O and SPLA Juba Peace Agreement have been accommodated in the most expensive hotels, i.e., Rotana Hotel that costs $350-450.00 USD per night

Sixthly, we have also learned that some sympathetic countries have contributed money to the Movement, namely, Kenya, South Africa, the People’s Republic of China, Norway and Sweden. What happened to such funds to help the needy to buy medicine for the war wounded combatants who have no medicine, food, blankets and Mosquito nets and had to sleep even on naked floors and have got no food to eat?

Perhaps, the worst case scenario that tantamount to “Grand Theft” that is a treason, which could result to long terms imprisonment in a Plenipotentiary Prison or to be sentence to death by a jury in an organized legal system if Dr. Riek Machar’s deliberately and willfully has written fake or bogus Checques or Checks to some of his relatives the so-called “contractors” that have falsely claimed that they have delivered Dura (sorghum) to the rebels and the IDPs worth $4m USD (Four million USD). This would be a great reminiscent of the Dura (Sorghum) saga in South Sudan that the GOSS led by both Salva and Dr. Machar lost millions and billions of South Sudan Pounds (SSP) because of corruption, embezzlements, self-aggrandizement and self-greed Could this become a repeat of the same old Dura (Sorghum) saga in Juba? Like we said, we should be on the lookout.

The aforementioned and many other points have been illustrated in the 32-page paper that have been one of the reasons that pre-empted the defection, disassociation and the revival of the SSIM/A in order to eradicate all these malpractices and corruption by the upper echelon of the Dr. Machar’s leadership. We would call for litigation and if any “Grand Theft” were to be found, he (Dr. Machar) would have to be asked to resign or to step down. We would no longer condone corruption because it is alien to the Nuer culture. Of course, there are many well-educated and well-to-do Nuer intellectuals and professionals to replace him. In fact, he has failed to prepare any group of highly qualified extraordinaire cadres for the leadership for just in case of an emergency occurs similar to the late John Garang sudden death. Both Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir have not prepared any group of cadres to replace them just in case death occurs unnoticeably or mayhem occurs, This a real common political phenomenon and paradigm in Sub-Saharan Africa with the exception of the Republic of South Africa that ANC always selected qualified cadres for leadership position in case of an emergency. He deliberately and willfully wanted to put them under the rug such that he wanted only himself to shine in the political line light. The mistake that Dr. Machar committed was when he hastily left and rejoined the SPLA Torit under the defunct and obfuscated the so-called 2002 Nairobi Declaration and his followers in the now revived SSIM/A that he perceived as a bad omen and bliss left them “headless” or without a replacement. We guaranteed, we shall not forgive Dr. Machar for that mistake and others not illustrated herein under.

We would like South Sudan, Africa, the UN, the AU and the international community that we the non-SPLA would not become part of any agreement that would be signed between Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar because such an agreement would surely reflect reconciliation between the guys rather than a comprehensive peace Agreement unlike the CPA of 2005.

We have certain demands that must and ought to be met and accepted by the two parties without any preconditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace in South Sudan and throughout the region. We have overcome Dr.Machar’s “heedlessness” principle that turned out to become a boon for more heads and have produced more heads compared to Dr. Riek Machar’s era whose knowledge has been saturated and needed some refreshments. It is now the time for Dr. Machar’s to shape in or shape it out or to resigns from the leadership in the Nuer Community because he had committed so many ngeligents that the Nuer nation and its resilient people paid a pretty hefty price tag.

Seventhly, we specifically revived the SSIM/A because the SPLA-I-O lacks focus, concrete agenda in addressing the genocide committed against unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in the 2013 Juba Genocide that killed between 30,000 to 100,000 in Juba excluding those murdered in Bor, Malakal and Bentiu and still goes on against the other non-Dinka nationalities throughout the country. The Shilluk (Chollo) of the small Shilluk Traditional Kingdom that we have learned a heck of a lot from for generations the past, the present and the future and the Murle of the Bouma Plateau in southeastern Jonglei State have been also targeted for genocide and extermination as a final solution in whole or in part. Salva Kiir, Koul Manayang, Aliew Aying Aliew, Paul Malong Awan and Marial Chinoor were the ones that gave orders to shoot kill unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in the 2013 Juba Genocide. Without apprehension of these thugs, criminals and butchers for investigation, indictments to be trialed for the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, South Sudan would continue to be burning like Watts in California during the race riots in the United States of America in the 1960s and the continuous police brutalities against minorities and African-Americans and the émigrés communities in the USA. Certainly, they should know and underscore that the UPDF and its affiliate mercenaries from East and Central Africa, including JEM led by Jubril Khalil, SRF led by Abdul-Aziz El-Helio and the SPLA-N led by Malik Agar would not remain in South Sudan forever. The would be forced by their internal dynamics, combustions and political circumstances and international contradictions with their ranks and files and their countries to pull out of this treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war and aggravating situation in Africa’s failed state in South Sudan. What would the Dinka weak link Dinka do?

Realistically, the Dinka should think critically about the outcome of their actions because if they do good, it’s good for them and if they do badly, it’s also bad for them. It is well-established fact that there would be no forgiveness between the Jieng (Kuany) (slave in Nuer language) (Dinka) and Ram mi raan (people of the people) -meaning Naadth or Nath or niey tin Naadth or Nath (people of the people) and other nationalities. The future and the present looks bleak for the Dinka as a race and a people in South Sudan because they would have to one way or the other reap what they sowed in 2013 Juba Genocide and beyond. They have started their dirty work and the quest for power for the sake of power with the Nuer that’s fearless, strong and ferocious in fighting that Dinka could not make it without hiring the UPDF and foreigners fighting for them. It is now clear that the Dinka have been exhausted, weak, cannibals-like human savages, uncouth, uncultured and uncivilized who have no feelings and remorseful at all, for the things they have done, which they ought to have done. The Dinka naturally have been naturally lazy and could not fight the Nuer in despite of their boasting and hoopla that they proclaimed to the world that they are warriors sort of  in which, in fact, they have not been and would not be in the future and the present. This ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Dinka men are not men because not all men are men.

The Dinka of Bahr-el-Ghazel did not know about the Nuer fighters’ and the survivors would not dare forever to start another war or a quarrel against the Nuer men because they know that the Nuer folks are a great people, brave with the red badge of courage and fearless to die. Already the UPDF have acknowledged and now respected and feared the Nuer fighters and the returned survivors from South Sudan to Uganda do appreciate the Nuer fighting skills and habits. This has been an un-forgetful lesson for the UPDF to get involved in any African internal conflicts or in the domestic affairs of other nation states. Therefore, the GOSS had a secret hidden agenda to exterminate the people of Greater Upper Nile region in order to inherit their wealth, natural resources and critical strategic minerals that God Almighty endowed them. Nonetheless, the Dinka have failed for good and forever. The Dinka have gone wild and berserker. What do they gain in killings, massacring, terrorizing and exterminating their fellow countrymen? Have they gone nutty and crazy because of a short live power? Where would they go when they would eventually lose power? Surely, they would sooner let go of power rather than later. If my Dinka cousins have not had thoughts about losing power, it’s now the time for them to sit down to seriously evaluate their negative sophisticated actions. The whole South is against the Dinka now as a race and a people. They have been perceived sociologically and politically negatively by many other non-Dinka groups. How would they live and get along with other nationalities that they genocide, terrorized, massacred and targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. The Dinka quarrel with their Nuer cousins has put down to ground zero in South Sudan because the Nuer have been always their protector the Baggara, the Messiriya and the Razigat Arab nomads hording them as slaves and concubines in Northern Bahr-el Ghazel and Abyei. The Bull Nuer would not do this any more, including the Bull Nuer fighting for Salva Kiir would not do it at the end of the day.

Secondly, SPLA-I-O has been interested to sign peace with the SPLA Juba led by Salva Kiir and its other components and they would be granted a general Amnesty to reunite and to continue ruling the country as it did so in the past prior to the internal contradictions and combustions, which led to the split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013 and then followed by tribal civil warfare or as if a civil war in Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan.

Thirdly, SPLA-I-O objective has been focused on positions, material gains and interests, power for the sake of power not reckoning that power corrupts and more power corrupts more instead of addressing thoroughly the root causes of the gross systematic genocide, liberation or emancipation of the victims of genocide and their reparations.

Fourthly, the revived SSIM/A declared objective would be to fight to separating neither the Greater Upper Nile region from South Sudan to become Self-Governing Territory without any interference from neither Equatoria nor Bar-el-Ghazel regions in its domestic affairs, including its natural resources, oil fields and gas fields, management and administration. This is translating to the meaning of the envisage federalism throughout South Sudan. In other words, the envisaged ‘federalism’ was envisioned by its founder and the first South Sudan great politician and a successful Nuer leader the late Buth Dieu Thong of Ayod County in the Great Jonglei State, South Sudan. Greater Upper Nile could become like Kurdistan-Iraq, Somaliland (punt land) in Hargeisa that existed as a de facto state for the past twenty years or so and remains stable more than the Federal Republic of Somalia in Mogadishu. Many Western countries have established businesses and consulates and do business as usual; the Christian Enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ostia that separated from the Republic of Georgia and the political arrangements between the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriots on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus there would be no middle of the road or the centrist position. Furthermore the ongoing politico-military developments in Ukraine with particular focus and emphasis on the re-annexation of Crimea in a referendum to Russia since it was annexed to Ukraine by Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 could be a test case of interest in resolving the tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. This would be translated to be tenable reasonable alternative to conclude the war in South Sudan.

However, any peace agreement externally superimposed against the will and the desire of the people would further escalate the war to the point of no return. The free will and the desire of the people of the Greater Upper Nile would become independent, self-governing and to have the right to self-determination guaranteed to “all peoples” under international law and the UN Charter. We shall and will strongly and effectively plead our case strongly, aggressively and diligently as suggested or recommended before the AU, the UN, the European Union, the US Congress and other local, regional and international bodies entrusted with responsibilities and conflict resolutions in the quest for a non-conflictive environment and in maintaining international peace and security in the 32 page document declaring the revival of the SSIM/A  with particular emphasis on pages 27-30 have been exiguity, fluid and logical and analytical reasoning and reasonableness for the revival of the SSIM/A unilaterally and illegally dissolved by Dr. Riek Machar in the aftermath of having achieved his desired interests and material gains or what Karl Marx the grand inquisitor termed as the “Dialect materialism” by rejoining the SPLA Torit faction under the defunct so-called Nairobi Declaration on 7 January 2002.

Fifthly, we suggest or recommend to the international community and the UN that both Dr. Riek Machar and Salva Kiir should stand to be trialed for the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, including everyone suspected of being an accomplice in the crimes against humanity in South Sudan. We could see it now; neither Salva Kiir nor Dr. Riek Machar could be capable of governing South Sudan because they both lost ‘trust’ and confidence building measures. The people have completely lost ‘trust’ bestowed upon them. They have failed the country and the people; therefore, they could no longer lead effectively the people and the country as a whole because of their developed idiosyncrasies, ethnocentrism, sectarianism, patronage, autocracy, and oligarchy, Stalinist’s state and dictatorial rule. Hitherto, they should leave the political scene and public life to ventures for new careers in the emerging world’s marketplace, corporate industry and the transnational multinational corporations (TMNCs). Most importantly, they should first face justice for the crimes that they have committed against the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity and other nationalities.

We have also extended the Green Olive Leaf and the challenge with open arms to aggressively and diligently undergo the process of Dialogue par cum pari (equal) with our partners, colleagues comrades-in- arms, brothers and sisters on the other side of the aisle to be prepared and to be ready for Dialogue to arrive to an amicable and substantive peaceful and political resolution. We are ready with the SPLA-I-O to strategize, to design and to envisage such a Dialogue when they are. We have put all options on the table for any meaningful and progressive discussions on all the issues aforementioned in the 32-page document as the guiding post for any Dialogue par cum pari (equal) with Dr. Riek Machar and his SPLA-I-O outfit. We should all be rest assured that our unity remains intact and God Almighty forbids no one should turn the muzzle of gun against his fellow comrade-in-arms or a brother or a sister except the defined enemy in time of this acute and treacherous crisis orchestrated and perpetrated against the people of Upper Nile by Twic Dinka of Bahr-el-Ghazel and some of the remaining sixty-two (62) tribes. We should as a people and civilized society should not resort to resolving whatsoever differences we have through peaceful and political means rather than through violence. We urge and appeal to all the people of Greater Upper Nile to be united like a bundle of ten sticks that no fool could attempt to break them. We should not be afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep-meaning the Dinka commanders, but we should be afraid or take precautionary measures against an army of sheep led by a lion-meaning the Nuer, the Shilluk (Chollo) and the Murle and the Latuka commanders. It was Alexander the Great who said he that “I am not afraid of army of lions led by a sheep, but I am afraid of army of sheep led by a lion”. This is the exactly meaning of the aforesaid analogy referred to in this instance. Our Dialogue with Dr. Machar’s organization the SPLA-I-O would be based on how we could together plan, manage and to execute the war. We have already made our decision to become an independent entity that deserves to have a place on the negotiating table with the SPLA-I-O led by Dr. Riek Machar, SPLA Juba led by Salva Kiir, the SPLA-G-10 led by Pagan Amoum and the SPLA-DC led by Dr. Lam Akol Ajawein. We have got our agenda that would be ready to be present on the table before the IGAD mediators, the international community, the UN, the AU and other international peace and conflict resolutions and crises management institutions around the globe ready and willing to offer new ideas above and beyond what we have got as the roadmap to peace and conflict resolution to the bloody tribal warfare or as if a civil war in Africa’s failed state in South Sudan. Most importantly, the IGAD mediators and the international community if they were to succeed in reuniting the SPLA and its components, they should reckon that there would be no peace with our physical present, representation and participation in the process. We shall and will not ever return to Juba until we have full, clear and straightforward explanation as to why unarmed and helpless human beings who have got no involvement in the government have got to do with the so-called coup d’état attempt against Salva Kiir by the former VP Dr. Riek Machar. The whole should know heretofore that we shall and will achieve peace with strength, but never ever in weakness compared to those that before us that have changed the world before us.” We are ready and ever ready for Dialogue and we shall not and will not be convinced to change our positions no matter what as long as we do not have satisfactory explanations and reasons that targeted the Nuer ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Most important, the Dinka must and ought to admit openly that they had committed the crime of genocide against the Nuer nation, the Murle nation and small traditional Kingdom of the Shilluk (Chollo) in the historic City of Fashoda where Colonel Marchand of France and the UK Lord Kitchener almost fought for the control of these strategic areas on the White Nile River in 1898.

In order to conclude this summary points of the reasons that let us to revive the SSIM/A, we highly recommend or suggest that both President Salva Kiir and the former VP and the turned rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar should be taken to stand trials in an international tribunals against all the crimes that they have committed against humanity in South Sudan. Their assets and bank accounts in foreign banks be frozen and any mansions or villas bought abroad be sold and the revenues to be remitted to the Central Bank of South Sudan. 1Lt.-General Gordon Kong Chol one of the founding fathers of the South Sudan revolution in the 1960s and the Chief of South Sudan Independent Army (SSIA) concluded that neither Salva Kiir nor Dr. Riek Machar could any longer govern South Sudan. They have been responsible for the massive death of many lives within a so short period of time. 1LT.-General Gordon Kong Chol stated it affirmatively that there would be exceptionalism, both Salva and Machar have failed the state and the people and have killed so many innocent people for no apparent reasons whether they are civilians or soldiers alike; they should be apprehended, indicted, issued with Arrests Warrants to stand trials compared to the late Iraqi’s dictator President Saddam Hussein and the late Colonel Maumar Qaddafi of Libya, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and many other dictators that were dethroned by the uprising of the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets in North Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East.

To be faire enough before the law, both men should be trialed for the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, deliberate and will introduction of cannibalism against other human beings to eat the flesh of a roasted human being. This was pathetic, obscene, savage, uncouth, uncivilized and criminal act that is unheard of in all civilized societies and all the wars fought in such societies. It was cruel and unusual punishment that the perpetrators should not get away with it and not to be forgiven by the law. They should also be required by law to provide or offer compensations in form of reparations to the victims of the genocide and those killed due to their failed leadership style in South Sudan compared to the German and the Dutch authorities that have been doing so for the state of Israel since the end of the Second World War (WWII) (1939-1945). Let us hypothetically assume that they were to be found guilty of having committed the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, they should not smell freedom and liberty no more, but they both really do deserve to be locked up behinds bars for life without parole compared to President Charles Taylor of Liberia now locked up in London Plenipotentiary Prison and never to small freedom and liberty again or walks as a free man has used to in Liberia. We would object these guys to be trialed by the ICC because we do not subscribe to the ICC agenda because it has been racist, anti-African leaders and the nationalists. We are currently researching a book on the ICC and African leaders and the nationalists. We would prefer a neutral African court or European, the US or the UK courts to be set up in South Sudan for the all suspected accomplices of the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to be paraded in this court to face the survivors of their victims. The most notorious and the most wanted Generals should be Paul Malong Awan, Marial Chinoor, Aliew Aying Aliew and all the Twic Militias with no exceptionalism and others to be identified and to be hunted down to face justice. We suggest or recommend to all the readers to diligently read the 34-page to comprehensively understand our specific motive and raison d’être for defection from the SPLA-I-O to become an independent entity that would sit equally with all the SPLA components on the same table of the peace process. South Sudan has not been all SPLA pond, there are also overwhelmingly non-SPLA pool of individuals who have been patiently watching all the events and now have fate up with the mass created the Marxist-Leninist SPLM/A for generations. The move that we have undertaken would be a total call for democratic change or democratic transformation and the quest for a new state paradigm shift in the process of Africa’s failed state revival, reconstruction and rebuilding in South Sudan. We would ask Dr. Riek Machar to talk to the zonal commands, the so-called governors and the field commanders to reorganize the war strategies in Unity State. They are falling apart and some concrete has to be done. Now before it’s too late. Both the Bull Nuer and Leek Nuer and Adok Nuer should aside their internal differences and to focus on the enemy within their midst-that’s the Jieng.(Dinka) as the mortal enemy of the Nuer nation and its gallant people.


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Bol Bullen Guet June 23, 2015 at 9:23 am

the are all untrue

288weechwang June 23, 2015 at 6:35 pm

“The are all untrue” You mean all the names he listed in the article? I would agree because one name is mssing.” Kuol Manyan Juuk.I say “big fish” he was the star in all the crisises happening in south sudan. That man souldn’t be forgotten.

Majook Deng June 23, 2015 at 9:45 am

Please, you can shut up with your nonsenses, bias thoughts what foolish are you? you will be kill get immediately Riek Machar is better than you with your fake professor.

Professor/Ambassador David de Chand June 23, 2015 at 5:28 pm

Mr. Majook Deng, I am sorry, you have gotten what I said all wrong. Go back to school to learn how to become de-tribalized and a better analyzer. Would you kill me? I am not afraid to die, go ahead and make up my day! How far can you with this idea? You could be the first to go. My agents are watching you and know who you really are. We are everywhere. Think about it. Do not threaten people because of free expression. If you happened to be a Dinka, I can understand where you’re coming from. Are you a cannibal or a human flesh eater like Salva Kiir? Of course,you have cannibals in Bahr-el Ghazel and you could not dispute this fact at all. We full evident to proof this point. What can we do with an guy like Salva Kiir with only a gallon hat in his head and the brain is so empty? Read and Read again until you grasp what I am trying to communicate. I warn you for the first and the last time in your life do not threaten anybody in the media. FBI,the CIA and MI-6 and the Mosad could be following you. Be on the look out for your and mind your own business. I will let go for free this time, Please, be extra-careful because there could be landmines on your path. God is watching me and who would be against me on this planet-Earth? If you’re from South Sudan and living in the USA, Canada, Australia or UK return to South Sudan and see the destruction done as a result of bad leadership and corruption. You’ve got to change your attitudes towards other humans. God bless you,
All the best.

Madong Kuoth June 24, 2015 at 6:19 pm

I thought that Professional David De Chan is really really confusion in Khartoum,so where is his troops since war has been for Upper Nile Regions for year and half. Nuer were mascaraed in Juba yet you are still doing nothing in Khartoum. Why not involving in the movement so that whom do you think believe you while you are in Khartoum innocents Nuer are dying in Upper Nile Regions even though Dr.Machar’s groups totally fail this mission then Nuer will look for some one who is running in forest with them around Upper Nile Regions. This is what I can said you fail Nuer too since you keep silent in Khartoum just write many many news paper in which no one can read this confusion many subjects can confuse readers.

Ram Cha June 25, 2015 at 10:53 am

There is no one and single country on this lonely planet, that is exclusively inhabited by one tribe. Even Saudi Arabia is a collectives of tens of individual tribes, but speak one language because Arabic dominated the others. There are Jewish families in Saudi Arabia and don’t even know it. South Sudan, Professor. De Chand, there are many other tribes even in Unity State, WBGS and Lakes State where I’m from, people may assume that only the Agaar owns and inhabits Rumbek but that is wrong. This mentality must be pushed to the side and let focus on the important things, and one of them is peaceful coexistence. Hitler had the same idea you are preacong now, the idea of germanizing Europe
hoping that the world would have had taken it lying down but, it blew in his face. War is dirty, and it is exactly what Dr. Riak Machar ventured in. He sought it and propagated Nuer tibesmen to fight his aimless war, also chosen an inhabited territories knowingly, so that he may use their residents as his human shields. Now, 8 months straight, his toils has been brought to nought. I’m really sorrowful for what foolish men are able to incur on their fellow beings without any remorse. Don’t generalize what few trigger happy soliders, actions of few, as an overall thoughts of all Dinka. Yes, I know many racists among my tribesmen, and there is nothing you and I could do to prevent that, but we can if we live our lives as examples to be desired after. What government is doing against SPLA/M (IO) is what the citizens would expect from their leaders, even if you become an one. Hate or racism will ruin a person who uses it first before it effects the victims in the process. Freedom of Expression is far from you article. Here you are inciting for violence De Chand, and it is a unbecoming of a person with your degree you’d achieved. By the way, professor in what and which university?

Deng Ding June 23, 2015 at 12:54 pm

I think your PHD was all about tribalism !

Daniel Ateny June 23, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Hahaha, Prof: doesn’t know that Gen. Mathok Geng, and Gen. Ayuen Alier were retired before Riek’s attempted coup occurred. Furthermore the self proclaimed Prof. is absolutely narrow minded individual who has no nationalism and patriotic spirit. Riek is 100% better your small ideas.

Owang Sino June 24, 2015 at 11:53 pm

He doesn’t have a PHD, he is just another sick person like Riek. The different between the two is that DE Chand have read a lot of books and Riek is just a confused, lazy ape.

288weechwang June 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm

You may right about it,but atleast he can provide to his audiences something to read.
Can you give your readers anything that explain thier views on the subjects?


Agaiyom June 23, 2015 at 8:35 pm

Why SSIM/SSIM again? South Sudan is an independent country and who are those foolish guys who will join that rotten movement? For your information it is Riek Machar who form that movement and army after his defection in 1991.

JJ. Okot June 23, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Give us the Guns we are ready to face the murderer Salva Out. Major general JJ.Okot ready for the mission

Lualdit June 24, 2015 at 1:39 am

Gat machar has no gut to fight this war. He is indecisive. He careless about the lives that are being murder everyday. The man never mentioned even his 34 bodyguard killed when they grounded his house. We need a very determined person to lead the movement. Dr. Dechan, though he has point, cannot be an alternative. He is too narrow minded, but I am saddened that Nuer are due to split again due to Gat machar lack of determination to wage the war and expand it to other territories and to ask for weapons and ammunition. What happened in Juba can never cover up with fake peace unless kir and dinka elder are not in the top position in S. Sudan.

UncleD June 24, 2015 at 2:11 am

Professor/Ambassador David De Chan, I just like to tell you one thing or two. First, you need to understand that your readers have very limited time and for that matter you need to re-consider your long articles. Secondly, I want you to read the following quote again from your article and tell me if you did really meant it or it was a slip of a tongue? ” The SSIM/A would continue the war until it reaches into the Heartland of the Twic Dinka for them to smell the destruction and killings that they have committed in Greater Upper Nile region”. Unquote, please check your sources again to verify if the man is really from Twic Dinka if this is your main reason of contemplating such a horrible plan on innocence Twic Dinka. And even though he comes from Twic Dinka (Warap state), still they don’t deserve that!

John Paul June 24, 2015 at 6:38 am

Dear Dechand,

Given your long manuscripts and terminologies, you are so sophisticated to the point that you disinterest your readers. I read your article, but got tired because it is too long. Commenting from the part that I read, I agree with you in part, but vehemently reject some of your jabbing against Dr. Riek Machar.

AGREEMENT: Our brothers DINKA have proven to be the tribe in South Sudan that hate the NUER to the maximum. As Kun Puoc’s brother Gatwech said, my people Nuer will soon forget the heinous crime committed against them and run back to ask the same culprits for a job. The December 15, 2013 Nuer Massacre in Juba is an unforgivable sin and has blotted out between Dinka and Nuer the long and old century brotherhood. As you put it, as long as Salva and his tribe continue to deny that they are the genicidal gangs of the Nuer in Juba, the Nuer have to continue to resist Salva Kiir to the point of fighting for our own country in Upper Nile. The Dinka must understand that it is impossible that the Nuer should continue to live as slaves to them as they become the New Masters of South Sudan tribes. We cannot live with them while they hate us. It is better to live as peaceful separate countries than living with people who have turn South Sudan into a killing ground simply because if they are not led to lead all then they must kill all.

DISAGREEMENT: Mr. DeChand, I have known you through your endless writings, but I have never heard that you ever went to a field of fighting or be with Riek Machar in the bushes so that you could tell us how weak the man is. Due to how you talk like this you have made enemies and cannot go to places like Pagak where the movement is being directed and ideas put together to bring the much needed reforms in South Sudan. So, how can you today dare to challenge Dr. Riek who is trying his level best to bring necessary changes? you seem to not know what vision is: It is seeing through the eyes of one’s mind a thing which could be best to many. John Garang’s vision was seeing that a New United Sudan could be the best for many of Sudanese people. Dr. Riek’s vision was seeing that South Sudanese could enjoy a country call South Sudan. Through self-determination the Southerners found it easy to obtain their country. When we got the country Salva and his Dinka people turned it into the old Sudan where Arabs were colonizers and trashed the independence and freedom the new country brought. Again Dr. Riek has again seen it appropriate to beat down the Dinka greed via demand of federalism where resources will be in the hands of the rightful owners in the federal state. Mr. DeChand what is wrong with federalism? could this be the sin of Dr. Riek that caused you to say Dr. Riek is weak in leadership? Do you think you could be the alternative when you cannot be brave enough to be in the field? You must know that no leader can achieve a vision by himself. He does it with the support of his people. Riek cannot achieve a federal state where the Nuer will be free from Dinka colonization if you do not go to Fagak or Addis to join ideas with those of Gatwech Dual, Gatdet, Tang, Riek, Taban. Nuer’s failure is often brought about by coward people like you who run after self-interest. DeChand you are forming this movement for your own interest not Nuer. Your movement will only delay our winning but cannot achieve what Riek and all Nuer supporting him are trying to achieve because you will only be parroting in Khartoum and not come down to South to fight or talk peace and negotiate federalism. You must know that your movement is not going to make any headway since majority will not subscribe to it as they know you very well as someone who only barks in a distance.

Our success is in uniting ourselves. My advice to you is that abandon your illusive movement and come down. I do not deny that you are educated, but you could only be an asset if you are with Dr. Riek and Gatwech Dual to help defend the Nuer as we seek to eradicate the ideology of some like Salva Kiir that they can subjugate all others under their personal dominion.

John Paul

Mawien Magol June 24, 2015 at 9:36 pm

I am wondering why those claim to have got high education behave like cattle keeper minds. In the world of civilization apparently, the PhD holder don’t post such rubbish article of Pro, David de Chand and more others. I’m a little a bit concerning about the members of Nuers ethnic intellectual because they seem to caused more conflicts so that, they will be rewarding positions and I think this tactics would back fire on those associate or addicted to Militia.

Dr. David de Chand, you and Dr. Riek Machar Teny are same boat as the power struggle and both of you will never lead South Sudan nation as a matter of fact that, our people don’t like the continuation of creation on rebellion and unnecessary war. You have been campaigning along Khartoum’s government side in trying to supporting Omar al Bashir and even giving speeches in Uganda saying, we do not need separation adding that, if we separated from Northern Sudan than, the South Sudan will be like Somalia nation but later when the Southern Sudanese vote in favor of separation immediately, you rushed in to formed rebels in Khartoum and you are now under Omar al Bashir pew what a shameful don’t you? Why all million of Nuers people have been always refocusing on government positions rather than trying the best as you can to survived in your own way and the real question is that, is really government is the only answer for individuals of Nuer people? You guys must readjusting your culture otherwise, there will be no development in South Sudan special, the Nuer-lands if people are continues supporting violence.

Deng Danger June 25, 2015 at 1:47 am

Dr. David de Chand need to get his fact straight he have no idea of those who committed those crimes in juba , and my advice to him is please do yourself a favor and investigate more before u post inaccurate information which will cause u or create u more enemies For example General Malwal Ayom, General Salva Mathok, General Mabuto Mamur and General Ayuien Alier they have nothing to do with the” Butchers” of the 2013 Juba Genocide. As matter of fact some of them were accused by Salva Kiir administration that they were supporting Riak machar I will give u an example during that chaos General Salva Mathok was accused by Salva Kiir administration he had to go to the Radio station to clear himself ,,, and so is General Malwal Ayom was accused of not engaging the white army in several occasions ,so Mr de chan do yourself a big favor and get your fact straight your writing is great but your message has no really in it ,, you sound like you have no clue of what really happen , am sorry to say this but you sound like Moran that have no idea of what south Sudanese are going through and who doing what for them and for that I would say you not a leader but a good writer I give u that

Job June 25, 2015 at 7:26 am

This paranoid idiot called D-Chand will be hovering around the world, bi.tching about Dinka for anything, if when it rains. The fool has a morbid hatred for Dinka even when we were fighting the North, but that how Nyagat things. The blame all the tribulations and individual problems on a group they fear the most. If you are principled enough, come to South Sudan. Stupid traitor!


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