Press Release

What do you want to see, peaceful co-existence or Blood conflict?

By Peter Kumboruno Binza

Yambio, South Sudan

Western Equatoria State Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro addressing the 29th SPLA anniversary celebrations in Yambio. [Photo: Joseph Nashion/Nyamilepedia]
Western Equatoria State Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro addressing the 29th SPLA anniversary celebrations in Yambio. [Photo: Joseph Nashion/Nyamilepedia]
Jan 22, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Reference to report produced by Nyamilepedia and the Upper Nile Times , Jan, 16th 2015 that members of Dinka Community condemned the statement made by Colonel Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, Governor of Western Equatoria State during a conference organized in mundiri to mitigate hostilities between cattle owners who invade Western Equatoria from lake state, Yirol, Bor and the native of Western Equatoria State inhabiting Greater Mundri Counties.

Hundred of farms have been destroyed by cattles, pastoralists have killed innocent people and looted properties from citizens. Indeed the State Governor has the responsibility to protect the citizens and their properties from aggressors and that was the content of the message of the Governor during the Conference. Very unfortunately reading through the reactions of some members of the Dinka Community it is provocative thrilling and dreadful and it makes someone to think about the way we are going to live in the Republic of South Sudan and it is for this reason I am obliged to air my opinion.

  1. Any sound minded person cannot Condon the killing of numbers of innocent people. The negative reaction of Dinka Community has not gone down well with the people of Western Equatoria.
  2. MPS from Mundri in the National Assembly blamed Governor Bakosoro for he did not invite them for the conference; Governor Bakosoro’s reaction to the blame is justified and I quote “when a Snake enters your house you are number one to raise alarm”; that is correct. The conference was being organized in Mundri to address a contentious issue affecting the life of the local population in Mundri which is their constituencies; the MPS should have been in the forefront to contest for the welfare of their voters

3.Dinka Community leaders: when Col Bakosoro blamed Dinka Community leaders for their lack of control on their youth who do wrong to the other Communities it is correct because in non Dinka Communities when the youth intend to do wrong elders stop them from doing it. The second which is the biggest mistake is to associate this statement with President salva kiir. I would like to inform all South Sudanese citizens that President Salva Kiir was elected by all the people of South Sudan to lead them in the new Republic of South Sudan; he is a national leader not a tribal leader and it is therefore wrong to associate him with the reckless and arrogant behavior of people who loot cattles from somewhere and come to hide them in Western Equatorial State.

Conclusion (1) South Sudanese citizens from all region of the Republic of South Sudan must embrace the new nationality we have acquired through our struggle. We are South Sudanese citizens regardless our ethnic background. We have travelled the long journey together. Although when under Khartoum regime we were living in tribal co-federation we depended on one another   especial when people felt there was something wrong they united their ranks and fought for their right- that is how we survived Khartoum attempts to insubordinate the people of South Sudan

(2) In the same way we need to strive to build the Republic of South Sudan a civilized nation. For those members of some ethnic communities using the social media to instigate ethnic tension or to just emphasize tribal supremacy they are doing harm to the present administration of Salva Kiir in particular and to the Republic of South Sudan as a whole. To my opinion this are the people who are trying to weaken the administration.

(3) Why did the people of South Sudan voted Salva Kiir? During the movement it was not certain that South Sudan would become Independent but when Salva was in charge of the interim period he restored South Sudanese confidence and hope for an independent South Sudan. The people of Western Equatoria considered him as Mose of the Old Testament that God chose him to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt. And so did Salva. It is for this reason that the people of Western Equatoria State do support him regardless the insults, Injustice and mistreatment they have been induring since independence until now.

Please! Learn how to live in harmony with people of different ethnic background.

Related report:

“Dinka Leaders and Their Community Have Failed Our Country” – WES Governor!

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AGUMUT January 22, 2015 at 5:56 pm

I know nothing about Zanda tribe,but Bakosoro has no discipline since Zanda tribe build youth HUTS or Houses about 100 m far away from parents. I think he is knows that.

hellena2008 January 23, 2015 at 11:26 am

Read the history of Azande you would learn something you seem like you were wasting time in cattle camp drinking raw milk.

AGUMUT January 23, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Why you change Zanda name to Azende????

AGUMUT January 24, 2015 at 3:13 am

Azendephobia or Zandaphobia need to protect their way of life.

AGUMUT January 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm

A house of a young boy,he knows that.

kur William January 22, 2015 at 7:50 pm

It’s absolutely sickening comment attributed to Western’s governor of Equatoria referring Dinka as snake I don’t know what leadership future he deserve to be.How difficult to deal with him in any of his political life in South Sudan we Dinka.I hope his political ambition will end up there in Yombio.

Peter Kumboruno January 23, 2015 at 2:49 am

Thank you for expressing your ignorance over the social media.In response ,you are the type of persons who want people to hate Dinka Tribesmen because the way you speak does not seek peace but Dinka supremacy. Understand this that, when a Dinka is voted to the seat it does not mean the government belongs to the Dinka alone or that the Dinkas are superior to the rest.
NB.You are indeed very ignorant with history.In brief, during the prolonged drought known as the dark period there was no single ethnic community that inhabited the upper land,all were confined along the Great Lakes region and Mbamu basin until when River Nile and other rivers flooded then people started to follow the Nile and Mbamu. The Luo group ,Acholi Langi including the Dinka went down the river Nile.The Dinka in particular were settled in northern Sudan.The name Khartoum and Omdurman are Dinka names but The Arabs pushed them from the north to the Central region. In short,any tribe moved from one region to the other.So if you say the Azande do not belong to South \Sudan,you are simple ignorant.

Nyamlel January 25, 2015 at 11:09 am

Kur William. You’re stupid person you are really talking nonsense here actually you and your salva kiir days are numbered now.

Kim Lony Gatluak January 23, 2015 at 3:29 am

Congratulations kuar mi dit ki oh jang ke stupid.

AGUMUT January 23, 2015 at 4:45 am

Modern World order prison,it seems like he got a job, but in the same he is in trouble and behind Bars. He has being used to Brag or Boastful speech.

jok jok both January 23, 2015 at 4:47 am

There is nothing wrong on the statement of the Governor of Western Equatoria simply because we are just roaming around Juba without knowing who is our enemy and who is not while eating our money with no looking back. One thing i will remind us with is, the all Equatoria community are not supporting you guy in do not slept too much here busy with lady and driving good cars plus living the Juba Hotel. The second point is, in fact Dinka leadership is not any longer good if the country went into war because even if a Dinka did not did any wrong people will accused them that it is their fall in which we have to work hard to bring people of South sudan into one body by sharing thing with them daily.

AGUMUT January 23, 2015 at 4:58 am

Governor Bakosoro is like Dr.Riek Machar because nobody can understand them whether they are in prisons or not. They are like Far Right of the EU,they got the jobs,but they are not understandable.They are very very Naughty boys.

mike 10 January 23, 2015 at 5:10 am

you have to prove that you are men like stupid dinka

AGUMUT January 23, 2015 at 5:23 am

Kokora itself originated from governor region,it is not very far to DRIFT him off.

Pol pot January 23, 2015 at 8:02 am

Peter Kumboruno; Dinkas are snakes, you are a chicken

Taker mut chak January 23, 2015 at 8:22 am

Happy new year to you all citizen of south Sudan,this year by the will of God, this year will be the year of peace and we can live freely in our nation south Sudan in Democratic country,when Dr.Machar lead this land and we can thank God many time for giving us Dr.Machar as talkative man

gatluak riak khor January 23, 2015 at 8:52 am

truly, Governor we as people of south sudan we will not support this leadership of salva kiir who turned himself for people who voted for him and i asked you today to tell our fellow Equatoria not to follow salva kiir leadership. And let’s as unite together to fuse out this leadership. By Gabriel Gatluak Riak Khor

Saakam January 23, 2015 at 9:29 am

Some comments here presumably written by angry member of the Dinka tribe kind of proves the point that Bokosora allegedly said (which he did not). Not all, but a few are just angry out of control good-for-nothing folks spreading hatred like its a commodity. Get hold of yourselves, your attitude will not help anyone and not yourselves. Read from the people who attended the conference and those wise Dinka leaders who have taken steps to insure that the communities live side-by-side in a peaceful manner…

Kasara ta woleda walla..


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