Press Release

UN Security Council: The Draft Resolution of The United States of America

United Nations /2015/153

27 February 2015

Original: English

The Security Council,


March 8, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Recalling its previous resolutions and statements on South Sudan, in particular resolutions 2057 (2012), 2t09 (2013), 2132 (2013), 2155 (2014) and 2187 (20t4),

Expressing grave alarm and concern regarding the conflict between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and opposition forces since December2013 which emanated from internal political disputes among the country’s political and military leaders,

Deeply concerned that the conflict has resulted in great human suffering,including significant loss of life, displacement of two million people, and the toss of property, further impoverishing and disadvantaging the people of South Sudan,

Strongly condemning past and ongoing human rights violations and abuses and violations of international humanitarian law, including those involving targeted killings of civilians, ethnically-targeted violence, extrajudicial killings, rape, and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, recruitment and use of children in armed conflict, abductions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, violence aimed at spreading terror among the civilian population, and attacks on schools, places of worship and hospitals, as well as United Nations and associated peacekeeping personnel and objects, by all parties, including armed groups and national security forces, as well as the incitement to commit such abuses and violations,

Further condemning harassment and targeting of civil society,humanitarian personnel and journalists, and emphasizing that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights must be held accountable, and that the Government of South Sudan bears the primary responsibility to protect its population from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity,

Expressing deep concern over the large-scale displacement of persons and deepening humanitarian crisis, stressing the responsibility borne by all parties to the conflict for the suffering of the people of South Sudan, and the necessity of ensuring that the basic needs of the population are met, commending United Nations humanitarian agencies and partners for their efforts to provide urgent and coordinated support to the population, calling upon all parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate, in accordance with relevant provisions of international law and

United Nations guiding principles of humanitarian assistance, the full, safe, and unhindered access of relief personnel, equipment and supplies to all those in need band the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance, in particular to internally displaced persons and refugees, condemning all attacks against humanitarian personnel and facilities and recalling that attacks against humanitarian personnel and depriving civilians of objects indispensable to their survival may amount to violations of international humanitarian law,

Commending the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)Ministerial Group’s initiative, as supported by the United Nations and African Union, in establishing a forum for political and security dialogue, and expecting all parties to participate in this process and respect the decisions reached by IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on 13 March 20l 4,

Welcoming the IGAD-mediated commitments made to resolve the crisis in South Sudan, namely the 23 January 2014 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement; 9May 2014 Agreement to Resolve the Crisis in South Sudan; and the 1 February2015 Areas of Agreement of the Establishment of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) in the Republic of South Sudan,

Welcoming the resolve indicated in the 1GAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government Communique of 10 June 2014 and 25 August 2014 that IGAD Member States will take further collective action, including through the imposition of punitive measures, to pressure any party that fails to honor its commitments to date or acts contrary to the Communique of that Assembly,

Welcoming the Communique of the African Union Peace and Security Council(AU PSC) of 12 June 2014, which, inter alia, reiterated the readiness of that Council, upon recommendation by IGAD, to immediately pursue targeted sanctions and other measures against any party that continues to undermine the search for a solution to the conflict and fails to honor its commitments,

Welcoming further the Communique of the AU PSC of 17 September 2014which, inter alia, reiterated its determination, in coordination with IGAD, to take the necessary measures against any party that fails to honor its commitments and continues to undermine the search for a negotiated solution to the current crisis,

Strongly condemning the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) – in Opposition for failing to reach agreement to form a transitional government within the 60-day period outlined in the 261h Communique of 10 June 2014,

Taking note of the Communique of the 271h Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa on 25 August 2014,which inter alia: deplored the numerous violations of the agreements signed by the Parties to date, reiterated the need for an inclusive and broad-based approach to negotiations; expressed serious concerns over the worsening humanitarian situation in South Sudan: and called upon the stakeholders to negotiate and complete the agreement on Transitional Government of National Unity within 45 days.

Taking note of the Communique of the 28th Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa on 7 November 2014, which inter alia: resolved that the Government of South Sudan and opposition force ommit to an unconditional, complete and immediate end to all hostilities; invited collective action by the States of the IGAD region to enact asset freezes and travel bans within the region, and denied the supply of arms and ammunition and any other materiel that could be used in war if the Government of South Sudan and opposition forces commit any violation of the cessation of hostilities; and called on the AU

PSC, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community to render all possible assistance in the implementation of these measures, should it be necessary to implement these measures,

Taking note of tile 21 January 2015 Agreement on the Reunification of the SPLM, agreed under the aegis of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, and 16 February 2015 Communique of the Meeting of the SPLM Tripartite Committee on the Implementation of Phase of the Arusha SLPM Reunification Agreement,

Taking note of the AU PSC Communiqués dated 5 December 20t4 and 29 January 2015 which, inter alia, stressed that sanctions will be imposed against all Parties that continue to obstruct the political process and undermine the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of 23 January 2014,

Welcoming the China-mediated “Five-Point Plan” agreed upon by the representatives of the GRSS and the SPLM/A- in Opposition during the Special Consultation in Support of IGAD-led South Sudan Peace Process convened on12 January in Khartoum, namely:

  • earnestly commit to the full implementation of all signed agreements;
  • speed up the pace of negotiations towards the formation of a transitional government at an early date;
  • take concrete steps to relieve the humanitarian situation in conflict-affected areas, and facilitate access of international humanitarian assistance;
  • ensure the safety of all personnel and assets of all countries and international entities operating in South Sudan; and
  • provide strong support for and take active part in the IGAD-led mediation efforts, and, in this regard, strongly urging both parties to immediately implement the Five-Point Plan,

Expressing its deep appreciation for the actions taken by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNM1SS) peacekeepers and troop- and police-contributing countries to protect civilians, including foreign nationals, under threat of physical violence and to stabilize the security situation,

Recognizing the importance of independent and public human rights monitoring, investigation and reporting for its useful role in laying the groundwork for justice, accountability, reconciliation and healing among all South Sudanese communities,

Taking note with interest of the 21 February 2014 UNM1SS Interim Human Rights report, and 8 May 2014 UNMISS “Conflict in South Sudan: A Human Rights Report,” and the 19 December 2014 UNMISS “Special Report: Attack on Bentiu,Unity State, 29 October 2014,” 29 October 2014 UNM1SS “Special Report: Attack on Bentiu, Unity State” and the 9 January 2015 UNMISS Report on “Attacks on Civilians in Bentiu & Bor”,

Expressing grave concern that, according to the UNM1SS 8 May 2014″Conflict in South Sudan: A Human Rights Report” there are reasonable grounds to believe that crimes against humanity, including extrajudicial killings, rape and other acts of sexual violence, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention have been committed by both government and opposition forces, and that war crimes have been committed, and, stressing the urgent and imperative need to end impunity in South Sudan and to bring to justice perpetrators of such crimes,

Stressing the importance of accountability, reconciliation, and healing as prominent elements of a transitional agenda while taking note of the important role international investigations, and where appropriate, prosecutions can play withrespect to holding those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity,

Recognizing the work of the African Union Commission of Inquiry (AU COI)in investigating and documenting violations as well as abuses of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in South Sudan, anticipating with interest its findings and recommendations, encouraging the public release of itsfinal report as soon as possible, and welcoming the further engagement of the African Union to ensure justice and accountability, as well as healing and reconciliation for South Sudan,

Strongly condemning the use of media to broadcast hate speech and transmit messages instigating sexual violence against a particular ethnic group, which has the potential to play a significant role in promoting mass violence and exacerbating conflict, and calling on the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to take appropriate measures to address such activity, and further urging all parties to desist from these actions and instead contribute to promoting peace and reconciliation among the communities,

Recognizing the important role played by civil society organizations, faith leaders, women, and youth in South Sudan, underscoring the importance of their participation — along with the former SPLM detainees and other political parties —to finding a sustainable solution to the crisis in the country, and concerned by efforts by the government to limit such participation including by preventing individuals from traveling to join the talks and by increased restrictions of freedom of expression,

Reaffirming all its relevant resolutions on women, peace, and security, on children and armed conflict, and the protection of civilians in armed conflict, as well as resolutions 1502 (2003) on the protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel, resolution 2150 (2014) on the Prevention and Fight against Genocide, and resolution 2151 (20 l 4) on security sector reform,

Recalling resolutions 1209 (1998) and 2117 (2013) and expressing grave concern at the threat to peace and security in South Sudan arising from the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons and emphasizing the importance of strengthening efforts to combat the illicit circulation of such weapons,

Expressing deep concern at persistent restrictions placed upon the movement and operations of UNMISS, strongly condemning the attacks by government and opposition forces and other groups on United Nations and IGAD personnel and investigations of these attacks in a swift and thorough manner and to hold those responsible to account,

Determining that the situation in South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Endorses the Cessation of Hostilities Agreements (“Coil Agreements”) accepted and signed by the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and SPLM — in Opposition on 23 January 2014, 6 May 2014 and 9 May 2014;
  2. Expresses deep concern at the failures of both parties to honour their commitments to date, to engage the peace process meaningfully toward political resolution of the crisis and to bring an end to the violence and, in particular,condemns the continued and flagrant violations of the Coil Agreements as documented by the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Mechanism;
  3. Demands that the parties respect all aspects of the Coil Agreements and immediately implement the necessary modalities in accordance with the 9 May 2014 Agreement and other relevant Agreements, including the progressive withdrawal of foreign forces deployed in South Sudan since 15 December 2013,calls upon all parties to armed conflict in South Sudan to issue clear orders prohibiting all violations of international humanitarian law and human rights violations and abuses,and underscores the necessity for all parties to ensure immediate access to humanitarian agencies and further demands that the parties commit to finding a comprehensive agreement without further delay;
  1. Reiterates that there is no military solution to the conflict;

Sanctions Designation Criteria

  1. underscores its willingness to impose targeted sanctions in order to support the search for an inclusive and sustainable peace [n South Sudan;
  1. Decides that the provisions of paragraph 9 shall apply to individuals, and that the provisions of paragraph 12 shall apply to individuals and entities, as designated for such measures by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 16 of this resolution (“the Committee”) pursuant to paragraphs 16 (c) and16 (d), respectively, as responsible for or complicit in, or having engaged in,directly or indirectly, actions or policies that threaten the peace, security or stability of South Sudan;
  2. Underscores that such actions or policies as described in paragraph 6 above may include, but are not limited to:

(a) Actions or policies that have the purpose or effect of expanding or extending the conflict in South Sudan or obstructing reconciliation or peace talks or processes, including breaches of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement;

(b) Actions or policies that threaten transitional agreements or undermine the political process in South Sudan;

(c) Planning, directing, or committing acts that violate applicable international human rights law or international humanitarian law, or acts that constitutes human rights abuses, in South Sudan;

(d) The targeting of civilians, including women and children, through the commission of acts of violence (including killing, maiming, torture, or rape or other sexual violence), abduction, enforced disappearance, forced displacement, or attacks on schools, hospitals, religious sites, or locations where civilians are seeking refuge,or through conduct that would constitute a serious abuse or violation of human rights or a violation of international humanitarian law;

(e) The use or recruitment of children by armed groups or armed forces in the context of the armed conflict in South Sudan;

(f) The obstruction of the activities of international peacekeeping,diplomatic, or humanitarian missions in South Sudan, including [GAD’s Monitoring and Verification Mechanism or of the delivery or distribution of, or access to,humanitarian assistance;

(g) Attacks against United Nations missions, international security presences, or other peacekeeping operations, or humanitarian personnel; or

(h) Acting for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, an individual or entity designated by the Committee;Decides that the provisions of paragraphs 9 and 12 shall apply to individuals, as designated for such measures by the Committee who are leaders of

any entity, including any South Sudanese government, opposition, militia, or other group, that has, or whose members have, engaged in any of the activities described in paragraphs 6 and 7 above;

Travel Ban

  1. Decides that for an initial period of one year from the date of adoption of this resolution, all Member States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of any individuals who may be designated by the Committee, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall oblige a State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory;
  1. Notes that designated individuals may have multiple nationalities or passports, expresses its concern that travel between the two States of which a designated individual has nationality or a passport may undermine the objectives of the travel ban imposed in paragraph 9, and requests that the Panel of Experts established in paragraph 18 of this resolution (the “Panel of Experts”) report to the Committee information about such travel;

11.Decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 9 above shall not apply:

  1. Where the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis that such travel on the grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligation;
  2. Where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfillment of a judicial process;
  3. Where the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis that an exemption would further the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in South and stability in the region;

Asset Freeze

  1. Decides that, for an initial period of one year from the date of adoption of this resolution, all Member States shall freeze without delay all funds, other financial assets and economic resources which are on their territories, which are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by any individuals or entities that may be designated by the Committee, or by any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, or by entities owned or controlled by them, and decides further that all Member States shall for this initial period ensure that neither these nor any other funds, financial assets or economic resources are made available, directly or indirectly for such persons’ benefit, by their nationals or by persons within their territory;
  1. Decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 12 above do not apply to funds, other financial assets or economic resources that have been determined by relevant Member States:
  • To be necessary for basic expenses, including payment for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges or exclusively for payment of reasonable professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services in accordance with national laws, or fees or service charges, in accordance with national laws, for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds, other financial assets and economic resources after notification by the relevant State to the Committee of the intention to authorize, where appropriate, access to such funds,other financial assets or economic resources and in the absence of a negative decision by the Committee within five working days of such notification;
  • To be necessary for extraordinary expenses, provided that such determination has been notified by the relevant State or Member States to the Committee and has been approved by the Committee;
  • To be the subject of a judicial, administrative or arbitral lien or judgment,in which case the funds, other financial assets and economic resources may be used to satisfy that lien or judgment provided that the lien or judgment was entered into prior to the date of the present resolution, is not for the benefit of a person designated by the Committee, and has been notified by the relevant State or Member States to the Committee;
  1. Decides that Member States may permit the addition to the accounts frozen pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 12 above of interest or other earnings due on those accounts or payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that arose prior to the date on which those accounts became subject to the provisions of this resolution, provided that any such interest, other earnings and payments continue to be subject to these provisions and are frozen;
  1. Decides that the measures in paragraph 12 above shall not prevent a designated person from making payment due under a contract entered into prior to the listing of such a person, provided that the relevant States have determined thatthe payment is not directly or indirectly received by a person designated pursuant to paragraph 12 above, and after notification by the relevant States to the Committee of the intention to make or receive such payments or to authorize, where appropriate, the unfreezing of funds, other financial assets or economic resources for this purpose, ten working days prior to such authorization:

Sanctions Committee/Panel of Experts

  1. Decides to establish, in accordance with rule 28 of its provisional rules of procedure, a Committee of the Security Council consisting of all the members ofthe Council (herein “the Committee”), to undertake the following tasks:
  1. To monitor implementation of the measures imposed by paragraphs 9 and12 of this resolution with a view to strengthening, facilitating and improving implementation of these measures by Member States;
  2. To seek and review information regarding those individuals and entities who may be engaging in the acts described in paragraph 6 and 7 above;
  3. To designate individuals subject to the measures imposed by paragraph 9above and to consider requests for exemptions in accordance with paragraph ll above;
  4. To designate individuals and entities subject to the measures imposed by paragraph 12 above, and to consider requests for exemptions in paragraph 13 above;
  5. To establish such guidelines as may be necessary to facilitate the implementation of the measures imposed above;
  6. To report within 60 days to the Security Council on its work and thereafter to report as deemed necessary by the Committee;
  7. To encourage a dialogue between the Committee and interested Member States, in particular those in the region, including by inviting representatives of such States to meet with the Committee to discuss implementation of the measures;
  8. To seek from all States whatever information it may consider useful regarding the actions taken by them to implement effectively the measures imposed; and,
  9. To examine and take appropriate action on information regarding alleged violations or non-compliance with the measures contained in this resolution;
  1. Calls upon all Member States to report to the Committee ninety days from the adoption of this resolution on the steps they have taken to implement effectively paragraphs 9 and 12 of this resolution;
  1. Requests the Secretary-General to create for an initial period, thirteen months from the adoption of this resolution, in consultation with the Committee, a group of up to five experts (“Panel of Experts”), under the direction of the Committee, and to make the necessary financial and security arrangements to support the work of the Panel. Expresses its intent to consider the renewal of this mandate no later than March 2, 2016, and decides that the Panel shall carry out the following tasks:
  1. Assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate as specified in this resolution, including through providing the Committee with information relevant to the potential designation of individuals and entities who may be engaging in the activities described in paragraphs 6 and 7 above;
  2. Gather, examine and analyze information regarding the implementation of the measures decided in this resolution, in particular incidents of noncompliance, with particular focus on the benchmarks outlined in paragraphs 21 and 22 below;
  3. (Gather, examine and analyze information regarding the supply, sale or transfer of arms and related materiel and related military or other assistance, including through illicit trafficking networks, to individuals and entities undermining political processes to reach a final peace agreement or participating in acts that violate international human rights law or international humanitarian law, as applicable;
  4. Provide to the Council, after discussion with the Committee, an interim report by September 1, 2016, a final report by February 1, 2016, and except in the months when these reports are due, updates each month; and,
  5. Assist the Committee in refining and updating information on the list of individuals and entities subject to the measures imposed by this resolution, including through the provision of identifying information and additional information for the publicly available narrative summary of reasons for listing;
  6. Urges all parties and all Member States, as well as international, regional and sub-regional organizations to ensure cooperation with the Panel of Experts and further urges all Member States involved to ensure the safety of the members of the Panel of Experts and unhindered access, in particular to persons, documents and sites in order for the Panel of Experts to execute its mandate;
  1. 20. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict to share relevant information with the Committee in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 1960 (2010) and paragraph 9 of resolution 1998 (2011);


  1. Expresses its intent to review the situation after the IGAD-agreed deadline of March 5, 2015, and again after the envisioned start of the Pre-Transition Period on April 1, 2015, and at 60-day intervals thereafter or more frequently, as needed, and also expresses its intent to impose any sanctions that may then be appropriate to respond to the situation, which may include an arms embargo and the designation of senior individuals responsible for actions or policies that threaten the peace, security or stability of South Sudan, so as to encourage the Government of South Sudan and opposition forces to form a transitional government of national unity, take effective and comprehensive steps to cause forces under direct or indirect control to cease military operations, acts of violence, as well as violations of human rights, and enable full access for humanitarian assistance;
  1. Affirms also that it shall be prepared to adjust the measures contained in this resolution, including by strengthening through additional measures, as well as modification, suspension or lifting of the measures, as may be needed at any time in light of the progress achieved in the peace, accountability, and reconciliation process, and in light of the implementation of the parties’ commitments, including the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and other commitments specified in the preamble of this resolution, and compliance with this resolution;
  1. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

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GatNor March 8, 2015 at 5:18 am

Convince me this is even worth considering when in actuality the biggest organizations and cooporate franchised governments of the so called free world of today sponsors terrorists organizations like boko haram, supports , uganda’s dirrect involvement in South Sudan and these are the AU, UN, and IGAD are just branches of much more powerful chains of organized criminals who pretends to have moral ethics and claims to be policing specific state governnents within regions, territories around our planet. Behind the scenes their administratives are not any more holier than South Sudan government’s policy makers and human rights violators. Unless these organizations set a different and a higher standard by making a bold example in the case of South Sudan crimes against humanity, I don’t see why they as criminal organizations should be allowed to continue to exist. They represent oppression,impunity, systemic proverty in desguise. They are the stumbling block right in the path of African progress to human freedom and evolution due to their double standardized participations in stunning the progress of thier continents either by choice or coercion and knowingly or unknowingly sabotaged Africa in general. In reality what they do matters to their sinful bosses they serves but not the suffering people in the continent of Africa. Boko Haram in Nigeria been a problem in Africa away longer than South Sudan ethnic cleansing materialized yet they are pretending to have a solution by taking on even more of a complex issue as tribal wars.

Ghol Chot March 8, 2015 at 2:28 pm

The US thinks rule over African countries and that African countries would then in turn rule over the people of South Sudan, what do they smoke in the US? The US is a joke, people of South Sudan know very very clear that the US is not a clean arbiter in this current conflict in South Sudan and the South Sudanese people don’t give a twat about the damn US nonsenses these days.

The US is fighting a proxy war in South Sudan against China through South Sudanese and a known mad man called Riek Machar and the US thinks, South Sudanese people don’t know who is killing them. The US is desperate for South Sudanese resources, but the US isn’t going to get any as far as South Sudanese people are concerned. All those threat of sanctions, asset freeze and travel bans are just as useless as the paper they would be written on.

Travel to US? who would want to go to that evil country anyway? Nelson Mandela was travel banned from going to US and that travel banned didn’t stop Nelson Mandela from doing what was right for his people and his country. And l don’t think any South Sudanese would be deterred by those cheap sanctions.

The US is only using the rebel leader, Riek Machar as its bargaining chip against the government of South Sudan, purposely to claw it self back into South Sudan, because the US knows, it has messed up with the South Sudanese people and has lost it in South Sudan and the South Sudanese are not willing to let the US companies get their evil hands on the South Sudanese people’s oil fields, but the Chinese companies and it will remain that way and so the US is throwing in everything it can to get gain back the South Sudanese people trust and its leverage, but it is even making worse every time it opens it evil mouth. The US puppet Riek Machar isn’t wanted in South Sudan in any way, the psychopath and his henchmen are addicted to making coups and armed rebellion against the South Sudanese people, but the US thinks it can forced the psychopaths on to the South Sudanese people’s throats, with those cheap tactics of sanctions, assets freeze and travel bans, good to luck to the US though!

People of South Sudanese are being used by some criminals in US just as the same criminals in US are using the people of Ukraine and Syria for their own geo-political ends and their greed, but South Sudanese people some resilient bunch and South Sudanese people don’t give a damn about empires, let alone an evil empire like the US and South Sudanese people will never ever let the criminals in the US touch their resources as we know it.

The same criminals in US behind this conflict in South Sudan are even proposing that South Sudan be ruled by the UN and the AU? South Sudanese people fought the toughest war against the rules of other people from the north Sudan to be ruled again by nobodies? Let the US try and good luck once more to the US and the criminals who are craving for the South Sudanese people resources!

South Sudanese people are not like Congolese and many west African countries who worship white men and who let white play around in their countries, this is South Sudan and South Sudanese people don’t like criminals to play around in their country.

GatNor March 8, 2015 at 5:44 pm

The US funds Uganda and Ethiooia to fight the Alshababs in the Horn of Africa and give South Sudan support by military training advice on policies. This is a well known fact. Now Uganda and South Sudan extent their US support to N-Sudan Rebels in Darfur, Blue, Nuns Mountains and Kordufan. US has nothing to do with the rebellion in South Sudan, Nuer as a tribe or Machar but US and SPLM-Pagaak both supported the immediate release of G11 and condemned the indiscriminate ethnic killings. If Kiir was wrongly advice by some US agents behind close door by individual like M7 then that’s Kiir’s lameness for being susceptible to deceptions. Now US want this war ended because Putin in Russia, backed by china and Africa of N- Sudan are beating US in Eastern Europe and Us doesn’t want any moore confrontations with Russia, China, Sudan nor Iran anywhere near Africa. This is the reason for the stupid African Union Force to be deploy into South Sudan to do the dirty work. Easy solution is for Kiir to go to ICC, Uganda out of South Sudan and an Interim GNU.

Ghol chot March 8, 2015 at 8:51 pm


The US is miles deep in the neck in this sh*t in South Sudan and against the South Sudanese people, but you will never know because you don’t want to know it, but Ooops! South Sudanese people know everything to do with the US concerning the current conflict in South Sudan. The US cheap propaganda that it gave birth to South Sudan and the South Sudanese people is a complete rubbish, in fact the US and the UK have never wanted South Sudanese people independence in the first place, but the South Sudanese people were to get their independence with hooks and crooks from any evil.

South Sudanese people would have got their independence in 1991-1992, but the US and some sleazy countries in Europe like the UK thought otherwise, and Riek Machar was used by these evils in 1991 to counter the SPLM/A marched to Khartoum. What countries and people in the world have the US ever gave birth to? None! Unless if you want to talk of countries that called themselves independence countries, but behind the scenes and in reality, they are always being remotely ruled by the corporate America and its banking cartels as the US overseas’ satelites and the US tacit 51st overseas’s territories!!

In South Sudan though, that is not going to happen my friend. South Sudanese people sacrified their precious sons and daughters to get away from the so called arabs of north Sudan rules to be again micro-managed by some nobodies in Washington and some sleazy Europeans. The US rules other countries indirectly through its banking cartels and the US wants to put South Sudan under that same sleazy and indirect banking cartels rule, but thanks to gods, South Sudan has not been hand-cuffed by those US banking cartels and those US threat of sanctions, assets freeze and travel bans would not really affect anything in South Sudan.

Travel bans some targeted South Sudanese people to US?! who is craving to travel to that evil country anyway? Mr. GatNor, the US is only using Riek Machar as its bargaining chip to claw it self back into South Sudan, but the US’s Riek Machar puppetand his Nuer’s hencemen addicted to coups and armed rebellion against the South Sudanese people are aren’t welcomed into South Sudan, cum-sun-cum rain. South Sudan would better off like Somalia than allowing Riek Machar back into the government of South Sudan again, the guy is a monster and if the Nuers and his backers in the US wants him that much as a South Sudanese people’s messieh, then the Nuers and their backers in the US should just look for another country or even the US can give the Nuers one of its states, the US has a lot of states anyway! And take the Nuers there and throne their Riek Machar as their leader, but in South Sudan? Not again to Riek Machar and his Nuer hencemen, never.

The Nuers have gone too far.The Nuers have all along been treated with kid gloves by the South Sudanese people and the Nuers have accustomed themselves to that treatment and they believed, the world always spins that way. Not these days though. Not every time, the Nuers would throw tantrums like babies, killed people and then turn around and say they wanted to get their old positions back! Who do the Nuers think they are? The Nuers defected enmasse from the SPLA after their failed coup and now they want negotiated themselves back into South Sudanese communities after they killed, destroyed, looted South Sudanese people properties and tarnished the South Sudanese people’s image around the world?

TheNuers were all welcomed back by the South Sudanese people and intergrated back in the South Sudanese people army with no little complaints and resistant from the South Sudanese people, with their Riek Machar psychopaths and several other Nuers mad men who came with their inflated army titles from north Sudan. South Sudanese people thought that South Sudanese people have to move on, even when they knew, the Nuers were the opposite of what the South Sudanese people were fighting for—-the Nuers ganged with the South Sudanese people’s enemies in the north Sudan against the South Sudanese people, but for the sack of South Sudanese people’s unity and peace, the Nuers were forgiven and let got away with murders of the South Sudanese people and this time around, the Nuers want the same thing? That is not going to happen again.

Even the Europeans often say, do the crime; then pay for your crime.

GatNor March 9, 2015 at 11:32 am

I am well aware of the US, European countries like Bretain’s role sand vocal and military support to South Sudan by their link to Uganda’s M7 & Kiir in support of the so called elected government of South Sudan and it civil structures mainly the presidential Palace which is actually an ethic regime for it not to collapsed.

G11 are behind the called to place South Sudan under some international trustees such as AU, or the UN betraying their architect or the mastermind of the plot to isolate Machar who is actually Kiir. Their move came about by them realizing that Kiir has failed in assassinating Machar. Therefore weaker than before without Machar and the 70% cambatants. They are no use to Kiir and cant joint Machar because they already had participated in getting rid of Machar. As guilty as they are, in their minds to join Machar means they would be at a mercy of Machar’s two edges spear.

Yes, US might want to be the main descision maker in South Sudan but their chaance on such an opportunity came about the FALSE coup in which primitive chief who has no knowledge of world politic started shooting and massacring the wrong people who niether knows Machar and his political ambition rather than know him(Machar) is a former war hero of South Sudan’s Liberation Moment and a decorated general who was quite vocal and clear on what South Sudanese rather should aspire for..and that was an independent state which was good enough not only to those who was massacred but to the nation as stated clearly by the referandum results in 2011.

Dec 2013 was US’s chance to be more assertive on matters concerning South Sudan politic on a pobliic forum. Had Kiir not started the war and cling to the story of a coup he knew never happened and couldnt prove it evidently as required by the judicial courts. The US who was licking its wounds of betrayals grievences of not being included in the plundering of the vast oil wealth of South Sudan in silence is back through Kiir’s crimes and its main tools are the former detainees. Excuse my naivety if I failed to see where Machar and the US are bed fellows. I hope you don’t mention N-Sudan as a point in your arguement as the reason for the rebellion and US whose hands were tied way before the rebellion. Remember, N-Sudan and US had somewhat of hostile deplomatic relations untill recently after N-Sudan decide to reconsider its petro dollar trade policies, a call supported by Russia, and China who are now trading oil with gold. So the US recently toned down its unfair and bullying attitude towards N-Sudan due to unavoidable pressures from many countries around the world who are turning down trading their goods with dollar but gold currency which US has not an ounce of. A country that called itself an arab state N-Sudan with pending sanctions eased and Sudantribune invited to Washington suddenly for a christian or a jewish related eventt. Now you see how US is quite squeezed. If US ever look around and find Machar in whatever jungle liberation he might be in will be only be a luck of the blessed and not because Machar or US planted it to happen. US and Machar in the eyes of those thugs in Juba are enemy even though US is keeping Kiir’s ethnic regime in power throough Uganda. Something you would never acknowledged even if help freezes. So really irony know why you pretend to be so naive and confused by speaking of US as the bad guy in your case when US support for Uganda is good for you and Kiir’s ethnic regime and bad for Machar. God forbids the US get tired of the two, M7 & Kiir and decide to look into crimes against the people of South Sudan. This move would redeem US as the good guy and jolt you, Kiir, and M7 so far that you would wish you are in hell.

Balang Tutute March 9, 2015 at 11:33 am


I think you are suffering from a mental diaehoria that you caused to yourself by too much complacency, procrastinating and lack of effort to do simple small vital moral political calculations. Where was your mind when you were murdering those harmless & un-armed civilians in Juba in December 15?

Now why are you panicking in public like a self-made lost orphan?

You are morally bankrupt and cheating yourself, if you actually think the Naath could be disowned, banished and given one of the 50 foreign United States.

Who the heck is gonna do exactly that hard job of exiling the Naath, let me ask you? The world now knows you tried and failed, the East Africans (thru M7) tried and failed for 14 months.

Now it is the turn for the White Army to come avenge their relatives, what you gonna do when it come for you???

I have a feeling you amongst those idiotic Jieng who participated in the Dec 2013 Genocide – just by judging from your panicking emotions. You are panicking because you think your looting is under threats from reality because the blood of those innocents is now haunting your sorry mental state.

John Juba Wani March 8, 2015 at 4:19 pm

Shut up Chot, without America South Sudan would not have todays independence, USA need to put South Sudan back on right tract after the massive killings of civilians and mismanagement of the country by the current ruling elite who are very corrupt and so irresponsible, they are just destroying the hopes and dreams of the South Sudanese people.

GatNor March 8, 2015 at 11:48 pm

I agree with you J.J Wani, US would want the best for South Sudan since US was a long time supporter of the suffering people of South Sudan. Unfortunately whoever adviced the US not to stop arm shipments to N-Sudan Rebels through Juba is destabizing South & N-Sudan at the same time(Two birds, one stone). Worst they are use to carry out crimes against humanity, massacres where US need regiinal alliance. Not good for US given the strategic location of South Sudan in consideration to having a smooth relations relative to counter terrorist activities even though the world knows US sponsors terrorists like Boko Haram and Isis. Policies around our planet is changing and terrorist sponsors and organization including governments are coming down crashing along with their dollar trade. Where is CIA, MI5, & the notorious Mosat of the Isreali intel. These organizations are corporate intities with great interest in war and destablization of countries. The day African countries adopt to alliance themselves with countries who are not interested in wars and exploitation of citizen for a peaceful co-existence with in their continent will be the day US, Britain, and Isreal will immediately starts playing by the rules that’s fair and beneficial for everyone. From economic trades to sustainable policies that are more democratic in nature. Wars and world wars for soul trades are not the way to bring harmony to the suffering people nor is order out of chaos the best formula. South Sudan must realized the world is moving forwards and not the other way around. Any alliances that are war mongers like Uganda and US, Britain and Isreal plus parading around about ’91 will most like be a thing of a past and barbaric if not primitive. Time for rule of law is here whether these cowards like it or not and everyone must be held to an account starting with those genocidals in Juba

David Lisi March 8, 2015 at 9:49 pm

john, do not waste time, those of chot are now confused but their time has been narrowed down, instead let them forget the born to rule mouth full guests,
you know they don’t understand that, what they did for the nuer was very bad and they should have apologized or advised their government to step down before all the country men could decide the next step
if they are insisting that peace is not needed because they succeeded in killing civilians in juba ,the tide is now pointing at the direction of disappointing them totally.
the remains shall not open their mouths again
who actually said that soverges can create any thing good in a country, all small minded and killers, they need a quarantine

Nyanor March 9, 2015 at 10:46 pm

US and UK must continue ruling African countries becuase african leaders do not want to accept democracy.


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