Press Release

UN chief: South Sudan leaders failed people, warns of sanctions


Ban in Juba
UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon squeeze the last words into South Sudanese leaders during his last visit to South Sudan in 2014(Photo: file)

April 30, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s leaders have failed their people by putting their personal ambitions first and if they do not show a willingness to compromise in peace talks they have to face consequences such as sanctions, says United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

In his latest report to the U.N. Security Council, seen by Reuters on Thursday, Ban said the warring parties are recruiting children to fight and restricting the work of U.N. peacekeepers, who are sheltering some 118,000 people at protection sites.

South Sudan plunged into civil war in December 2013 when a political crisis sparked fighting between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and rebels allied with his former deputy Riek Machar. The conflict has reopened ethnic fault lines that pit Kiir’s Dinka people against Machar’s ethnic Nuer forces.

Ban said that 16-months of peace talks led by East African bloc IGAD broke down last month “due to the continued intransigence of South Sudan’s political leaders and their failure to see beyond their personal ambitions and put the people of South Sudan first.”

“Should the parties fail to show willingness to compromise, and continue giving priority to military confrontation, those responsible will have to face the consequences,” Ban wrote, noting that the U.N. Security Council in February established a sanctions regime for South Sudan.

The Security Council threatened to blacklist anyone undermining security or interfering with the peace process in South Sudan, but it has not yet imposed worldwide travel bans and asset freezes on any officials in the conflict-torn country.

He called on “President Kiir and Riek Machar to cease all military operations immediately, release all children mobilized within their ranks and engage in meaningful dialogue on all outstanding issues towards the establishment of a transitional government of national unity.”

South Sudan’s parliament voted last month to extend Kiir’s term in office by three years, and Ban said this should not disincentivise the government to make the necessary compromises to reach a peace deal.

Ban said more than 1.5 million people had been displaced in South Sudan, while a further 500,000 have fled to neighbouring countries. Some 2.5 million people do not have enough to eat and more than 4 million need water, sanitation and hygiene services.

The United Nations has more than 12,000 peacekeeping troops and police in South Sudan. Thousands of people have been killed during the renewed conflict in the country, the world’s youngest.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)

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Abuchook April 30, 2015 at 7:53 pm

Dear Mr Ban Kiir moon

In few months ago I have remember you at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge when you were discussing about the situation of South Sudan. However as we expressed our concerned Riek Machar is an enemy of the State of South Sudan and must to be deal with , accordingly.
I knew RIEK since for long time. Riek is evil and greedy. He Is not willing to accept peace and compromise. He will never be the President of South Sudan as he wishes. Riek used our most Nuer Young people as the tools to bring destruction and despair.

Sanction is not the best way but personal accountability can be solution.

Thot Nyang April 30, 2015 at 11:31 pm

Jesus said do not remove some thing in side the eyes of some body before you remove what is inside of your eyes.if you want to clean your home i think you can start your cleansing inside the house and then to out side the house.Abuchook you are liar by all mean please tell true then you should be in safe side in your whole life.

GatNor May 1, 2015 at 6:32 am


This UN Elder Mr. Ki-Moon [ Not “Kiir Moon” ] is at a totally different level of standard from that of your Jaang Council of Elders. It is unlikely that your message will be perceive as that which adds value to any generated tangible solution for South Sudan.

What your message says about you is:
— You are self righteous: – Judgmental & referring to party(“Riek”) involved as “evil”

— Your seeking revenge against..

— Your concern is personal NOT national(comprehensive)

— You want peace & compromise in disregards to parties(“Riek”) involved

— Your high on blame game blaming (“Riek”) for youths rising in self defense

— Your are imposingly arrogant, insulting in your attempts in defining to Mr Moon what & who an enemy of a state is and or what constitutes it so..

May I say to you that you are not his teacher nor are you the acceptable modern English Dictionary.

You also said above and I quote:
— “He will never be the President of South Sudan”

— Your problem here is leadership.

To me it sound like you have clearly already made up your mind.. On this leadership issue above everything else..

— It is clearly a problem or an issue you also don’t want to even talk about let alone including it in the items on the agenda leading to any possible solution.

So really anything else you say before and after this leadership statement is a waste of other people’s time, Mr. Moon in particular. Discovering in which planet you are living will be difficult for Mr. Moon because you seem not be governed by the logical thought processing order of our logical reasoning of planet earth’s human.

My plea to you is that there has to be a better approach to this South Sudan conflict than you are determined to projecting because its an approach not persuasive but discouraging to the could be friends, sympathizer and definitely the steak-holders wishing and wanting a peaceful solution to the conflict.

I am almost certain that you are a self proclaimed South Sudan government’s undesignated insider stirring views points from the category of:
— Non-officiated-Non-executive mouthpiece in collaboration with a good # of Jaang elders which is understandingly fine by me. Ideologically you are not helping.

On the sanctions, if Mr. Moon could act alone and create miraculous solution to every conflict on this planet, his first issue of solving would be that of North and South Korea and not of a tribal bigot like you.

I am hoping that the world don’t perceive all South Sudanese in the light of individuals like you with such a backward reality that is stuck on the notion of us vs them or Nuers vs Jaang and or Machar vs Abu-cieth and so forth.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and with faith its certain that we together will make it leaving our tribal egotistic indifferences behind since they no longer serve neither of us as South Sudanese.

GatNor May 1, 2015 at 6:43 am

Moderator please save this copy for publication. I was having issues with the net cutting in & out idling…lol. Thanks

. May 1, 2015 at 9:47 am


Ok, gotchu.

Moderating Team | Nyamilepedia

GatNor May 1, 2015 at 5:31 pm

Sorry moderating team, what i meant was that you post or publish this comment addressing “Abuckook” and delete the rest of the duplicates, they are exactly the same but I like the looks of this one more.


Iniesta Bayah puok April 30, 2015 at 8:05 pm

realy many people have been displaced by war they have no water sanitation and security
and many people have been fled to another country the life was difficult in south sudan

GatNor April 30, 2015 at 8:11 pm

Reblogged this on GatNor and commented:
What is taking the United Nations so long to act.

Benjamin Jany April 30, 2015 at 11:30 pm

UN and IGAD are all singing that “peace will come”
thousands are dying on the daily basis while they are talking in every social media that are allow to speaks….
I really deep sorry because world is after b

Benjamin Jany April 30, 2015 at 11:45 pm

UN and IGAD are all singing that “peace will come”
thousands are dying on the daily basis while they are talking in every social media that are allow to speaks….
I really deep sorry because world is after business…… what stop AU and UN to acts in situation that’s facing south Sudan..
situation is deteriorating every now and than.
I don’t see why the world is too slow to act in genocide being committed in south Sudan by hungry president who kills HIS own people yet the world is dying the fact that kill is illegitimate president…
How can president still illegitimate while he had committed mass killings of his citizens.
In which artice in international law tjat president is allows to kills his own people??
To condemn Kiir mean “kill all Nuer in south Sudan including the people who are in Unmiss”
You have witnessed during 17/April where 200 citizens where killed in the present of UN bodies in Bor…..
what do you still expected from Kiir that he didn’t committed genocide in south Sudan?
you knew the starting points of killing in Juba and you have done nothing..
You(UN ) have never talks of Kiir because you are getting your affair from him…..
what a shame organisation you are running after?
I don’t see YOUR goodness in this world we are in…
you still wanted Kiir to be president of Republic, what’s the functions of formations of human right in 1946 if you really works for peace as you pretend to be….
May God marks my words.

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 1:59 am

It seems you are a clever thief and extremely blind eye,Nuer soldiers have stolen modern weapons from military and very very danger and you talk like that.South Sudan should have change its tactic like ISIS to chase Nuer away to 99 mountains.

AGUMUT May 1, 2015 at 12:16 am

Nuer and their brain dead leader Dr. Riek Machar should understand that,Ebola have no Political Parties, Ebola have no SPLM Factions,Ebola have no colour,Ebola have no Nuer,Ebola have no the so-so called SPLM-IO of Nuer ,Ebola have no SPLM-DC,Ebola have no main SPLM,Ebola have no Army and Ebola have no Tribes. Nuer have the right to join North.

AGUMUT May 1, 2015 at 12:22 am

Ban Ki-Moon is now closing his eyes because he is fed up of repeating the same.

James Bol May 1, 2015 at 2:32 am

Abuchok is a dinka physiologically,morphologically and psychologically!hence he will remain dinka in mind without transform.

Mundri East May 1, 2015 at 6:35 am

Abuchok you are realy fresh Dinka from Cattle Camp.All knews who started War.Who is innocent.who kills civilian in Juba.

Mundri East May 1, 2015 at 6:46 am

Moon, you right it shame to gov’t while his people are suffering in UN camp where there is Gov’t, how do they are feel.

Goweng Torbar May 1, 2015 at 10:04 am

Dinka Kingdom Days are Numbered, UN ped up! No safe place for Kiir Gwelweng!

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 2:07 am

South Sudan still have human right,otherwise they should unite and become crazy like ISIS to chase Nuer away to 99 mountains. Mark my words because will in future if can’t settle in peace.

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 2:19 am

South Sudan still has Human right otherwise they should Unite to chase Nuer away to the Nile River. Mark my words that will happen in future if Nuer can’t change its behaviour.


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