Press Release

The Nuer Community in the United States of America and Canada are sadden to learned that Smith College is supporting the killing of the Nuer people of South Sudan

Eric Reeves has mobilizes Smith College in the United State of America to support Salva Kirr to killed the Nuer people of South Sudan

 By Gatluke C. Reat,

Eric Reeves, (Photo: via a Personal Quest To Save Sudan)
Eric Reeves, (Photo: via a Personal Quest To Save Sudan)

October 8, 2014 (Nyamilepedia) — the leadership of the Nuer Community of North America would like to express its deepest sadness and heartfelt to learned that Smith College in the U.S.A has join the blood law firms such as Podesta Group and KRL International LLC in favor of supporting South Sudanese civil war. Smith College was dragged into South Sudan civil war by its English professor, Eric Reeves who is known for his support of the government of Salva Kirr who is killing its own people in South Sudan.

In his response to the articles that I wrote on October 3, 2014 titled “Eric Reeves, what led this heartless American man to the hatred of the Nuer people of South Sudan? Or is Eric Reeves a cursed or is he simply being brainwashed?” Eric Reeves cowardly went directly to Smith College and started mobilizing the Smith College as if he has a threat coming out from the Nuer Community or directly from myself. As a result, the Smith College took the matter into it own hands and contacts a Smith college detective who later contacts me. I spoke to the detective and tell him exactly what I did and what I intended to do and what I will continue to do on behave of my people.

I would personally like to remind Eric Reeves, in the history of America, MLK once said, “But I want you to know tonight,. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man” he said

Also he said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge”

What happened in South Sudan and how Americans blood suckers want to get rich?

Well, here is a background, in the wake of unforgettable December 15, 2013, the disgrace President Kirr declared a fabricated Coup attempted by Dr. Riek Machar who happened to be born as the Nuer. Thereafter, Salva Kirr shamelessly brought in Uganda People Defense Force (UPDF) as an answered and pouring its army to South Sudan to fight for brother to brother war African stupidity.

However, the worsen part about Smith College joining the war 10 months after is that according to its website, it said “Smith College is a distinguished liberal arts college committed to providing the highest quality undergraduate education for women to enable them to develop their intellects and talents and to participate effectively and fully in society” then if that is so that Smith College is supporting women and their society, why supporting people who are killings women? Or is Smith College is talking about women in Boston, U.S.A only?

If not so, according to UN figures, about 20,000 South Sudanese died and 1.5 million people have fled their homes mostly Nuer ethnics groups since December 15, 2013 when fighting broke out between supporters of President Salva Kiir and those of his former deputy, Riek Machar. Thousands have died in the violence, including many civilians brutally targeted because of their ethnicity.

In the history of the mankind, it hard to believe that a community college who claimed to educate women is actually is doing the opposite. It is understandable to see Podesta group and the KRL International LLC rushing to Juba to collects few dollars, but what is it that Smith College will get in return to support a murderous President in Africa?

I sometimes wonder! What is the driving force here? That we missed that led American law firms and now Community College to believe that killing of the Nuer people will make them financially stable?

If the Smith College failed to secured it financial needs in the country like United Start of America? How in the world they will secure their financial needs with the blood of the Nuer people of South Sudan?

Or is the Smith College is being misled by another greedy typical American man who his hands are full of blood of the people of the South Sudan and Sudan?

If the Smith College was misled by Eric Reeves to belief that South Sudan is the quicker pass to richness, well I have a bad news for Smith College, think again.

However, it is sad that Smith College has joined choirs groups, such as Podesta Group and KRL International laws firms to singing oh yes to blood money of the people of South Sudan. In the process, it is sad that a community College known as Smith College can easily join a choirs of blood dancers and singers just to get a few dollars in favor of Eric Reeves.

Message to Smith College and Smith Community Police

In case you did not know lately about what Eric Reeves is doing based on his support of Salva Kirr to Kill the Nuer people of South Sudan. Eric Reeves was actively and has been writing so many rotten articles against the Nuer people who are simply are trying to protect their family being murdered by another notorious African dictator name Salva Kirr like his counterparts.

To begin, what was his first response to the event that let this current war?

By Eric Reeves December 17, 2013 – Eric start his hatred by reminding people about the past, in part he started by a brief and highly selective historical chronology and he started by saying in 1991: Riek Machar, the focus of so much attention currently, defected from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army led by John Garang; he was joined by Lam Akol (Shilluk) and others, and the defection of troops proved a disaster for the SPLA. Ethnic tensions between the Nuer (the tribal group to which Machar belongs) and Dinka (the tribal group to which Garang and the majority of the SPLA leadership belong) were greatly exacerbated. The infamous “Bor Massacre” (of Dinka in the Bor area) for which Machar was responsible stands as an enduring historical symbol of civilian slaughter. Turning Southerner against Southerner on the basis of ethnicity was Khartoum’s most potent weapon in the long civil war.

Though these events occurred more than twenty years ago, they live on in the minds of many in their assessment of Machar.

1997: Riek Machar and Lam Akol signed the absurdly futile “Khartoum Peace Agreement.” Far from working to end the civil war, it removes Nuer and Shilluk forces from the opposition to Khartoum’s military forces and militias, setting the stage for large-scale oil development in what were at the time known as Western Upper Nile. The years from 1998 – 2002 are among the most violent and destructive of the entire civil war, with mass civilian clearances of areas in all directions around Bentiu, currently capital of Unity State and at the time epicenter for oil development activities by Canadian, Chinese, and Malaysian oil companies.

As recently Eric Reeves caught saying “Dr. Riek a puppet designated governor of Sudan to run the Uppernile region” and on 26 August 2014)- he wrote an article confirming the shooting down of UN Helicopter in South Sudan,. In part he said, “A helicopter of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was shot down today by forces under the command of notoriously brutal militia leader Peter Gadet.  A rocket-propelled grenade brought the aircraft down approximately ten kilometers outside Bentiu at 3:15pm local time, killing three crew members and seriously injuring a fourth.  The Mi-8 helicopter was on a routine cargo flight from Wau (Western Bahr el-Ghazal) to Bentiu, the epicenter of oil development in Unity State. Who tell him or is he working with the government of South Sudan?

Who told him before the world wake up? Or where did he get his sources from just hours after the incident?

Then he continues to said “Although Bentiu itself is presently held and controlled by the forces of the (elected) Government of South Sudan, the city has changed hands twice times during the current conflict and remains subject to attack by rebel forces (Sudan People’s Liberation Army/in Opposition).  These forces are led in the Bentiu area by Gadet.  During the long civil war in Sudan, Gadet gained notoriety not only for his brutality and military skills, but his willingness to change sides—which he did on more than half a dozen occasions.” Really!

In the end however, we, the leadership of the Nuer community of North America will remain focusing to educate the entire world including the “good” Americans who has a sense of humanity. The leadership of the Nuer Community of North America understands that in Americans societies, there is say that money talks and money kills. As a result, Eric Reeves, Podesta groups, KRL International and now Smith College have just confirmed it.

May the blood and the suffering the Nuer people and the people of both South Sudan and Sudan be on them. Again, MLK once said, “But I want you to know tonight,. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man.

Gatluke Chuol Reat

President of Nuer Community of North America

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Gatkuoth Majiok Chol October 8, 2014 at 9:14 pm

South Sudan economy descending to collapse

As the devastation and destruction of war continue in the country without any sign of ending, the hope of reviving the South Sudan economy is growing dim. The country’s economy is underway descending to collapse or unless the government takes quick action of imparting the economic development and financial stability in the country. This analyst based on current situation in South Sudan with fact that there is no secrecy in the economy. Since the outbreak of war on December 15, 2013, the economy started deteriorating, the security in the country became precarious and the interventions of the foreign troops (Uganda) in domestic conflicts had increased the costs of defense in country. As a result, the government had borrowed heavily, making the current account deficits.

In the economic perspective, the falls of oil output in the country which provides almost about 98% of government total revenues and contributed to more than 60% of country’s GDP, has put the economy in a perilous state. Notwithstanding that the Governor of Central Bank of South Sudan asked for devaluation of the country’s currency. This policy of devaluation of country’s currency comes with mixture of positives and negatives, but I think the negative will override the positive. In order to diagnose this content in detail, first let us take a glimpse for what motivated central bank to ask for devalues the country’s currency. First, the devaluation of currency will discourage the black market. Second, will allow the country to use less foreign currency to recover more of its own currency. Third, will make export cheaper (weakening local currency) which mean that more money will be inflowing in the county for cheap export. Fourth, the employment level will rise and able to bring the economy back on track. Fifth, imports will be more expensive and reduce demand for foreign goods.

However, this policy of devaluation currency is inefficient for the new nation like South Sudan that engulfed with insecurity and doesn’t have manufacturing production to boost its export demand. Furthermore, I am very optimistic that this policy will create economy catastrophe, because devaluation of currency associated with many risks. First, devaluation of currency would, have resulted in more costly imports than the exports, as result the price level of imports goods will rise with the less quantity of imports, and put the domestic jobs at risk, while creating inflation inside the country. Second, it will create psychological problem for investors and will make them jittery, because the investors will view the devaluation as a sign of economic weakness and this action will influent the investors to get their money out of the country with fear of economy collapse. Third, it is quite clear that the main sources of export for the country is oil, but the present of rebel at northern Upper Nile in Renk has disrupted the oil production in Paloch, while the oil hub in Bentiu remain sealed. Therefore, the hope to boost the country’s exports remains at minimum level. Fourth, if the rebels manage to capture Renk if not Paloch, this will definitely hospitalize the country’s economy and the oil output will be running down to less than 100 barrel per a day if not close. Base on the above analyst, South Sudan economy is not in better position at all, but descending to collapse.

Despite, the consequence or deteriorating of the economy, the government still have sole opportunity to resurrect the country’s economy and restore harmony. Government need to take lead for peace deal with rebel to end a violent conflict in the country. This peace agreement will cure the tranquillity of country’s economy that poisoned by war, and will enable the country to generate sustainable economic growth through help of ceasing the insecurity in the country. In other hand, the peace deal will build positive momentum for security stability in the country and boost both oil and agricultural productions such as reopening the oil hub in Bentinu and increasing oil output in Paloch. Significantly, this will be enough for government to get the economy out from intensive care. But, if the government does not reach a peace deal with rebel, than they need to pray earnestly that the rebel would not capture Renk or Paloch to prevent more financial crisis and economy collapse in the country.

Gatkuoth Majiok Chol
you can reach me at email.gatkuothchol@yahoo.com.au

Arike Joel Pundro October 11, 2014 at 10:18 am

The Nuer Community in USA, Canada and other foreign countries does not represent the entire Southern Sudanese in any party of the World. This sense campaign reflect a true tribal killing innocent children and women in Southern Sudan. They need to know and understand the direction where the world today. There several countries that sympathised with Southern Sudan 21 years civil war that led to million of southerners being sloughter. Party of these sloughter was contributed by unrealistic behavior of Dr. Riek Machar of being an Opportunist. These are all the impact of illiteracy among most babrbaric Southern Sudanese large tribes, that continue in thinking that they are borne to rule. Unfortunately, they are unable to learn where the world is going today. Some of us understnd the meaning of globalization and also clearly respect countries like Norway, USA, and other countries like Netherlands to mentions few. Since second World War the entire world has changed and we have to think of how the global south and West north has never being like it was. However, Southern Sudan, Iraq, Afhganistan and few others these have become under the observation of globalization how their democracy will lead to. President Salver Kiir was a care take of Southern Sudan like some of these leaders from the mentioned nations. If Dr. Riek was smart enough he should have used his so called intelligence democratically. From the modern globalization there is no more arm struggle but a smart fight today is through ballot democratic process. No body like whether Dr. Machar and any other tribal dectator but we like a leader who respects and treat its citizen as human being. Therefore the Nuer as a tribe should not damage the image and repetation of the entire Southern Sudanese with there cheap politics and expand there tribal hatrate among the Dinka and other tribes. Let us forget all unknowing and meaning less quotation to comparision of the Civil Leader Martin Luther King with the behavior of normadic tribes of Southern Sudan. If he is to talk about “May the blood and the suffering the Nuer people and the people of both South Sudan and Sudan be on them. Again, MLK once said, “But I want you to know tonight,. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man.” these completely make no meaning. The so called Nuer president in North America has to update himself by listening to how Europe and even USA talking the senseless war in Southern Sudan need to end.

Arike Joel Pundro October 11, 2014 at 10:38 am

The Nuer should not destroy Southern Sudanese relationship in USA and Canada of the greedy and tribal interest in Southern Sudanese innocent children and women genocidal mass slaughter. Smith College is an instution has no connection with all naive comments. If it was true that Dr. Machar understand what he was doing he should have registered South Sudan to World Trade and other important international organization. But with his selfish and behavioral of scavengers like vultures. It is naive Labeling theory of Smith College in the U.S.A has join the blood law firms such as Podesta Group and KRL International LLC in favor of supporting South Sudanese civil war. Smith College was dragged into South Sudan civil war by its English professor, Eric Reeves who is known for his support of the government of Salva Kirr who is killing its own people in South Sudan.


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