March 1, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — We, the Lou Nuer community in Ethiopia are disturbed and outraged by the recent absurd claim by Brig. Gen. Lul Ruai Kong who has defected to Kiir‘s genocidal and bloodthirsty regime in Juba. The claim by Gen. Lul Ruai as stated in his press statement when he announced his defection on 18/02/2015 in Nairobi, Kenya that he with his newly formed SSRM/A has the supports of the sons and daughters of the greater Lou Nuer areas is fabricated, concocted and unfounded statement which he singly faked to enlist media attentions.
Thus, we would like to make it clear that Gen. Lul who was lured by his personal lush for blood money in Juba never has the supports of the Lou Nuer Community in Ethiopia, Lou Nuer areas in South Sudan and other parts of the world. We remain supportive to the cause of the innocent civilians who were massacred in thousands by Kiir’s private militia and to the SPLM-IO‘s quest for democratic reforms in South Sudan under able leader DR. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon (PhD). Gen.Lul’s singly formed South Sudan Resistance Movement / Army (SSRM/A) does not and will never exist in the greater Lou Nuer areas. We cannot support Kiir’s failed regime in Juba who used December 15, 2013 a fake coup with the intention to massacre thousands of the Nuer civilians in Juba simply because they were Nuers.
We are not, and will never lend our supports to the Kiir’s failed regime who bought foreign mercenaries from Uganda (UPDF), JEM of Darfur, SPLM – North and Torabora to carry out his genocide plan against Nuer Ethnic group. How can we give our supports to Kiir regime that massacred innocents Nuer civilians and with his Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF) mercenary used internationally banned cluster bombs to our Lou Nuer white army? President Museveni of Uganda with his UPDF never used cluster bombs even during their over 20 years conflicts with the internationally condemned LRA of Joseph Kony.
We would like inform international communities that we fully withdraw our supports from Kiir regime since December 15, 2103, and therefore, we reiterate our call for Kiir to step down. Also, we call on IGAD, UN, US, EU and troika group to unconditionally pressure Uganda troop from the territory of South Sudan.
While we remain committed to IGAD – led peace process for South Sudan we call on IGAD to do the following vital peace ingredients for South Sudan:
- Address the roots cause of the conflict;
- Establish a clear mechanism for the provision of justices and accountability;
- Kiir must resign;
- The system of the government must be Federalism;
Signed by
Wiyual Choat
A/Chairperson of Lou Nuer Community in Ethiopia
Date 21st February, 2015
Telephone: +251 934 069 039
Email: wiyualc@yahoo.com
Vision Loss From Blast Trauma, What a fake soldier is this?
Bride General Lul Ruai Kong,You remembers that your Dinka colleagues are on planning to kill Lou Nuer, because of your leakage news.“They were making throat-cutting signs two days back that seemed to mean, ‘Ha-ha, we’re going to get you!’ But when we thought about it later, we have come to realized that they were actually giving us acknowledge bout what is going to happened in Juba—it was their way of communicating to our agents that something bad is about to happen. It was very wonderful, really. our agents were giving us good intelligence.”Therefore, Lul Ruai had already lose hope and he has traumatized mentally. Just delete his name on Lou Nuer list since he be come useless to Lou.
lul ruai koang the ngundeng will kill u because u forget nuer, your tribe is nuer please ,the time come for you to die in lou nuer community, iam not low nuer but realy nuer , we can united our self for u and salvakier mayadit. Stupid lul ruai koang. We try to cancel your name from song who song by dr koang duoth. Chako tuok duor
I want you to asur u for what studip lul ruach did we superi and we exclude we lou nuer we will not support fucket guy like lul
Hey lul we pray very hard b.c you my dier the blood of kide and oldage who have been kill by foolish salva kir u must die ?
Now lonely man will walking by himself lost boy Lul Ruac Koang will think back for what he just done last month, job is done gaatbor-chaar. Shame on you lost boy Lul Ruac.