Press Release

The Leader of SPLM-DC Remains Under House Arrest in Juba

By Aldo Lokonyen Ben,

The Chairman of SPLM-DC Dr. Lam Akol tells the BBC that his live is threatened in Juba, his house under surrounded by security forces(Photo: file)
The Chairman of SPLM-DC Dr. Lam Akol tells the BBC that his live is threatened in Juba, his house under surrounded by security forces(Photo: file)

May 01, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — On the night of April 23, 2015 at 9:00 pm local time, South Sudan government Security forces came with four (4) cars and surrounded the house of SPLM-DC leader, and Chairman of National Political Parties Alliance in Juba, preventing him from get out of his house .

This is done without his knowledge and against his will. Up to now security personnel are still camping outside Dr. Lam’s house, preventing him to leave his house and carryout this normal activities.

When asked why security personnel surrounded SPLM-DC leader’s house, the government spokesperson, Michael Makuei Lueth, and Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Elia Lomoro, blatantly denied the presence of government security agents at Lam’s house. The government denial of presence of security agents at Lam house deceitful, irresponsible, dishonest, and invasion of truth.

We challenge the two ministers to visit Dr. Lam Akol’s house and see for themselves if they meant their words. Instead of invading the truth, the government of South Sudan need to come out clean and tell the people of South Sudan, the reason behind Dr. Lam restriction of movement.

We consider government’s action a real threat to Dr. Lam Akol’s life. The surrounding of his house by security agents, against his will and without justification whatsoever, violates Article 27 of South Sudan Transitional Constitution, 2011.

It also violates his basic rights to freedom of movement, as grantee to all citizenry of the Republic of South Sudan under the same Article. We deplore such unlawful act against our great leader in a strongest term possible. We demand an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of security personnel out of Dr. Lam Akol’s house.

We call upon South Sudanese people, International community, regional governments, Africa Union, (AU), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), TROIKA countries (US, Norway & UK), human rights agencies, Amnesty International, to immediately intervention on this matter and call upon President Salva Kiir and his security forces to respect citizens’ rights to freedom of movement, as grantee to them under Article 27 of the Republic of South Sudan Transitional Constitution, 2011.

For Contact:

Aldo Lokonyen Ben

Acting Rep. of SPLM-DC in Canada


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GatNor May 1, 2015 at 5:38 pm

Reblogged this on GatNor and commented:

“We consider government’s action a real threat to Dr. Lam Akol’s life. The surrounding of his house by security agents, against his will and without justification whatsoever, violates Article 27 of South Sudan Transitional Constitution, 2011”

AGUMUT May 1, 2015 at 5:57 pm

Dr.Lam Akol produce nothing for the South or Malakal itself,he only survive for anti so-called Dinka propaganda with his little self-esteem PHD.

Kiery Nyilek May 2, 2015 at 5:07 am

So okay, if that what you can say about someone who was a lecturer in Khartoum university, faculty of engineering, what will you say about someone claiming helm of republic of south Sudan presidency with out Middle school certificate?

Mawien Magol May 1, 2015 at 8:01 pm

You must tell Dr. Lam Akol to shut up his big mouth always become a problem. He seem to have connection with the Malakal conflict which claims lives and he must not stand three legs while claiming to be the leader of Oppositions Parties. He think maybe one leg will be in the government, the second leg in the Shilluk militiamen against Nuers governor and the three leg supporting foreigners against South Sudan. Please tell him to take one side so that, Southern Sudanese people will know which side he is leaning otherwise, this is not a Khartoum’s government when he was registers in three Parties and he was been a shameful at the time he had been a teacher in University there.

Please keep singing about involving of AU and others to talks on behalf of that disease politician but you got to considering the fact that, the former presidential candidate is supporting rebels and he must chose one side. The Shilluk Chief which was murdering during the election year was blamed on him, because the chief was supporting president Salva Kiir rather than him and that made him too jealousy and told militias to laid ambushed on the way to his home. I think he was supposedly to get indicted because of murdering Shilluk Chief community leader.

Kiery Nyilek May 2, 2015 at 5:12 am

Yeah, you are right no one should open his mouth in a Dinka country.

Pawil May 1, 2015 at 9:08 pm

Aldo Lokoyen
Please don’t repeat the same topic over again and again if you people don’t have any thing to talk about good to hell

ater May 1, 2015 at 10:32 pm

Why always talk about Lam Akol,just put him behind bars period.

Goweng Torbar May 1, 2015 at 10:55 pm

You batter accept lair from Thugs like Makuey Lueth or Join people rebellion lead by PHD holder dr.Riak. Remember when both you rebel against Dr.John Garang you were very strong until you dis like objective of separation from north and form your own movement which end with Fashoda Peace Agreement which aim to unite Chuluk with Arab.

Riek Koang May 2, 2015 at 3:11 am

Which PHD are you talking about-Forged PHD, People from the cattle camp reason far better than so called PHD, Riek did not attend his forged PHD in School but rather forged by his later British wife. practically Riek is a failed and the most stupid politician in South Sudan, Riek believe in Violence to come to power, Riek is master of tribal politics in South Sudan. Riek is primitive in mind and behave like some one who never even gone to school, why i said so due to the following.

When Salva Kiir sacked Riek, he would have just kept quiet and start his healthy campaign to form his own party-Not life is only in SPLM. South Sudanese started seeing Riek as heror who will be direct replacement of Salva Kiir, unfortunatly he failed due to impatiency.
When fighting broke out in Juba which was claimed to be among presidential guards and later Riek said was instigated by Salva inorder to get ride of him, he should have escarped to UN then later UN intervain so that the problem is solved peacefully but Riek immediatly ran to Lou Nuer to mobilize them for an all out war, Riek even disclosed over BBC that he is leader for the rebelion and white army, reportedly captured Bor and now matching to Juba.

Ask you self, who started to solve the problem militarily? was that Salva or Riek himself, its Stupid Riek because he believe 95% of the SPLA are Nuer-his own tribe and would rally behind him within no time, he believe is the right time to over throw Salva by force.

Riek planned coup and no objection here because if there is confrontation or infighting within the presidential guards, why should Riek announced the following day he is rebel leader, taking over Bentiu, Bor, Akobo, Nasir and Malakal.

Riek can only decieve the children who doesn’t reason. we all know Salva Kiir failed the Nation but Riek included because he was part of the failure he is now singing every day.

South Sudanese are tired of killings, now they already put Riek’s name in black list waiting for assassination since they viewed him ( Riek) as their killer number 1.

The G10 who never participated in the Armed rebelion were later set free and now they are the herors wining the support of all South Sudanese who think the G10 value the lives of South Sudanese by not taking part in Killing.

Riek has lost the chance of becoming president of South Sudan sincerely, Salva has already ruled and will continue rulling so long Riek continue with his tribal war. The more Years this war continues, then the more years Salva will rule because he is fighting rebels.

Riek thugs are there only for Position, they already started fighting over positions in Ethiopia and inside their villages, wait and see more will cross to Govenment.

Riek Miscalculated his plans and that’s why it failed and will continue failing since majority of South Sudanese see as Riek war to come to power and he is seen as power hungry who wanted to take power from Salva Kiir by force after loosing his position early 2013.

Finally,Riek’s Tribal rebellion will fail and has failed already, how can you create 21 states while the already 10 in existence are still underdeveloped? creating with no interest from the South Sudanese. how do you institute federalism in South Sudan without South Sudanese themselves deciding, how do you want change the name of Republic of South Sudan to Federal Republic of South Sudan without South Sudanese deciding to change it.

Riek wanted to imposs all the above on South Sudan by force because he is now rebel leader, meaning Riek is the worst dictator in South Sudan more than Salva Kiir.

When will Riek die to give South Sudanese total peace???? tired of his leadership ambitions which is always done in ugly way of killings, Riek was talking of democracy which democracy will Riek bring in South Sudan by killing South Sudanese, that’s why I always said Riek forged most of his documents claiming he is PHD holder, how can PHD holder not knowing the meaning of democracy????. Riek has become worse than Joseph Konyi.

Mawien Magol May 2, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Dear: Riek Koang.
I would like to tell you that, the way you are felling about the former vice president who turned rebels leade Dr. Riek Machar Teny thus, this is same thing thoughts from the vast majority of Southern Sudanese people. I am absolutely agree with you 100% on the above Ideas mentions for the factors however, there is something missing which is the topic on the above was actually another failure Dr. Lam Akol which had been accused by Juba’s government for supporting Shilluk militiamen against Official elected governor of Upper Nile State Mr. Simon Pouch Kun. Although the former vice president was not mention anyway from above article clearly, I think you might be right to a cross points because our people are dreaming day and night about the situation which was created by two leaders namely Salva Kiir Mayardit and his former vice president Dr. Riek Teny. It is also true that, the clashed between whoever said, to be body guards of whom on both sides. I think you are right to say, the conflict would have been maintained if the former vice president was not interesting in the coup attempted during December 15, 2013. The former vice president doesn’t care anyway about who got killed or who left disable for his political problems as long as he find people around him to fool them this is why the crisis are continuing and lives of innocents Southern Sudanese citizens claiming while, he taken his own families to lived in Holland and the families of none politicians in Nuers and Dinkas are dying what a sinful.

It is also true to mention that, the former vice president is impatience which is the big issue from time to time. In Rumbek conference after signing CPA in Kenya, both Salva Kiir Mayardit and his former vice president Dr. Riek Machar were very much united against late chairman during that conference. He said something which made Dinkas to supports him, he said there is no smoking without fried caused refer to his formation of Nasir movement that, he did not defected from his boss late John Garang without or if there was no problem. During that conference in Rumbek , the capital of Lake State, the Dinkas Officials came out and supporting him saying, Riek Machar was right. What amazing now is the second rebellion led by former vice president have been rejected by most of the Southern Sudanese people, because the people saw the man is became a source of violence throughout history of the SPLA/SPLM Nasir and to SPLA IO and they believes this man has no platform to lead South Sudan nation. One of the thing which underline his PhD was the creation of more 11 New States without Parliamentary approval and the appointed of many Ambassadors to the worldwide marking him as a real power struggle man in the history of Young nation. A rebels leader can not and will not do such a things if he is not a desperately for leadership. The coup plan have been trying for quiet for some time but the late general Pualino Matip Nhial was completely disagree, he told those advocated Nuers who contacts him that, this Idea will bring more disaster and losing lives should you tried it this can the worst ever and he acknowledge through his experience and he was not educated man but he understand from the point of view when Omar al Bashir made coup, there were 20 generals were killed in Juba not talking about private Soldiers and a lot of politicians were also got killed in Northern Sudan. Yes, it is true, the former vice president was simply having two concepts which were Nguendend Bong belief the two Top leaders are going to be killed and the Idea of Nuers were controls 70% in the SPLA, these two things pushed him not to preparing for his platform to contest his boss and campaigning all 10 States for what he will do differently than the current president unfortunately, he failed to understand the way of coming up a president of the nation this leave benefit of doubting his ability as a PhD holder to do good things in the nation and to the citizens.

In short, even though he had been taking a 70% in the Nuers rebellion perhaps, he will never and never win the war and if you looked the ways he always thinking for rebellion and later run away leaving White Army wondering and have no choices but to died for their tribal man this is type of bad politician who want to betrayed his own people. A good politician always try to avoid any violent for his interest unlikely to former vice president who seem to generated his political differences and then, calling on White Army civilians to fights for him and the Nuers militias have been facing unbelievable situations. I am an excellent at observing things to the point and I can tell that, the former vice president has lost his political objection and it will be risky for him to lived in South Sudan unless maybe he will decide to lived in Leer community and Leer county but if he stayed in Unity State then, he is going to be in trouble from both tribes Dinka and Nuer, because there are more people lost lives as a caused of continuation of unnecessary and senseless war than what had happened in Juba’s clashed. Let us rally from Locals people to bring peace among Southern Sudanese in the grass roots, it is there already starting in Jonglei State and Warrap State and we have to supports peace because there is no winning war in my view.

ater May 2, 2015 at 12:50 am

Goweng Torbar
I do not follow people because of holding PHDS,who are insaned,i better follow someone with good pluralistic political ideology,than Riek and Lam who are political wolves.

Goweng Torbar May 2, 2015 at 2:36 am

Hey Ater! why you regret at last if your jealousy to PHD holders leads you to follow illiterate people? Long ago you supported Kuot Atem who is illiterate to represent Dinka but regret after knowing that Nuer select Samuel Gai Tut who is more educated to represent Nuer? Now you choose Salva Kiir who is illiterate to represent you Dinka but regret finally a trained more than 15,000 Dinka Militia in order to revenge 1991. What is result now from your illiterate minded person. My dear Education matter

Alex Lomoro May 2, 2015 at 3:14 am

U cow dung eaters call Dinkas who doesn’t the meaning of democracy of Lam Akol & other political parties must realise that we equatorians don’t support your rotten government anymore. If u wanna kill Lam Akol do it at your own risk & the world will know yuh kill the most democratic man

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 4:30 am

What about Taposa cattle in Torit Eastern Equatoria and what about butchers in all Equatoria States? You like cow’s stomachs or the so-called culture because all cow stomachs are good for you after Heavy Arak liquor (Marisa) or after a pure 70% Arak alcohol. Dinka are butchers in all Equatoria.Actually who buy those meats and who eat the meats the most? Just Wake up and stop lying ,you eat very deny and clean your beak down like cockerel/Kokora. Tiny stomach’s chickens eat throughout and deny.Mentally ill chickens eat the all day and press their beaks on the ground. We chickens never eat anything.

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 4:34 am

Denial is killing all of you,denial is a sickness.

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 5:51 am

What about Lotuka Cattle in Torit?

AGUMUT May 2, 2015 at 3:23 am

Politicians and Celebrities are the same. South Sudanese politicians need to wake up and behave like normal human beings instead of tribalism,positions and money.Secondly they have to think about the future of their children in general and particularly their daughters because they have destroyed our future and we will deny them too,we will be able to vote for them,but we will deny them somewhere. Denial is very seriously danger and can cause mental illness. Bleaching and changing colours wouldn’t help, they have no right to blame and insulting everybody because of their fathers wrong doing. People can vote for politicians,but they deny them behind doors. Another good example on April 29, 2015 by Nyamilepedia ( Simon Kur Peter).

nyagilmuangchol May 2, 2015 at 6:20 am

riek kong pls your comment and the topic is not match. the hatred you have with dr machar will take you to hell i know that u are dinka but u used nuer name to divert the tension of th s sudanes population i heard many comment from dinka saying dinka defeat nuer.did u control whole part of s sudan? is the spla consisted only dinka? if u are able to confront the mnw(might nuer woriors) why u invite updf,jem,splm nortn and others forces is it because of your cowardice act u dare not to talk like this

Goweng Torbaar May 2, 2015 at 7:30 am

Tut mi diit rom wecdu, jiendu wich bi naath lodier bendu bi ney ti ngeny dual ( great Man hold your country, when you left our land people murmur but your return will made all brave persons to fear) Who is this man? in 1991 when he said e kac lora to John Garang many people worred but when he return in 2005 body talk against him but when he said again e kac lora to Salvatory many return back to murmuring but will quite when he return as president and they will be the first to leak his shoes i know Dinka very well.

AKOL AKOL May 3, 2015 at 1:38 am

people of south Sudan tribalism is the sickness and politician is the disease in this country but let us put our eye to see you will know who is the maker


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