Press Release

The Jieng Community in SPLM/A- IO Calls For Jieng-Jieng Dialogue On South Sudan Crises!

Jieng Community of Australia meeting SPLM/A delegation led by Amb. Lol Gatkuoth(Photo: Nyamilpedia)
Jieng Community of Australia meeting SPLM/A delegation led by Amb. Lol Gatkuoth(Photo: Nyamilpedia)

June 09, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- Jieng is one of the South Sudan’s 64 tribes. It is the largest tribe in South Sudan and in term of populations it is about 7 million. Jieng is administratively divided into four sub-sections namely:- Agar, Reek, Padaang and Bor. Jieng people mainly inhabitants and bases in two regions of the South Sudan such:- Greater Bhar El Ghazal and greater Upper Nile Region.

Jieng has long history on political, social and economical contributions into the South Sudan affairs since and before1821. Its people have many contributions and sacrifices during South Sudan liberation and struggle until South Sudan became a separate state from Sudan on 9 July 2011.

Jieng has been friendly and kind to all South Sudanese tribes since and before the independence of Sudan. It’s culture is not different from the other south Sudanese tribes culture. Jieng shares its culture with many tribes particular Nuer, Mandari, Shilluk and Anuak.

Example the period in which Jieng has been transparent and fairs to all tribes. This include the two civil wars between Sudan and South Sudan and the share of powers during democratic government of the High Executive Council lead by Hon and elder justice Abel Alier.

In 1983 and beyond, and for some points, the minority particularly Nuer become to notice that Jieng was not serving the purposes of the nation and for all.

The negative feelings by majority of Nuer and others first appeared as a result of the incitement by SPLM /A leader, late John Garang. The grievances and tribal inciter has caused and continue to causes loses of lives between Jieng and Nuer, and Jieng against Jieng. The lost of lives and grievances has taken South Sudan so long to return to the unity and pave the way to achieve its common objectives, in which they have been fighting for.

But this long lasting tribal inciter and grievances between Jieng and the Nuer which remain unresolved by then, has again resulted in the Juba atrocities which started as a political differences within the SPLM organization.

The atrocities and the killing of many Nuers and some ethnics in Juba including Jieng on the night of 15 December 2013 has burned the little immense unity and love between Nuer and Jieng, as a result the current senseless civil war was triggered.

As the war started as a revenged by Nuer’s people and white army, Nuer leaders whose their visions focus for national issues quickly reacted and thus they were able to control situations.

The idea of being Nuerism were quickly turn or shift into common ideology which is now become a national call for a total changes of current system. We also call for the removal of Slava Kiir from the power because he has killed his voters and the killing affected only Nuer and those who criticize and challenge his failed leadership.

Another concern is that the intention behind the killing of Nuers was that Slava Kiir and his group sees Dr Machar as a tribal political rival and thus, Dr Machar should not lead or become the president of the country. This attitude was coined and backed up by Slavae with the 1991 incident. Slava Kiir and his group claim that because of 1991incident, Dr Machar should not lead the country or make him a public servant.

The culture of grievance, hatred and tribal inciter which was practiced in the past and continue to be exercised can be seen as one of the element which has fueled the  current war.

In order for permanent peace to come to South Sudan and for the war to stop, it is recommended that Jieng people in the SPLM /A must response to the impacts of war across the nation and proposed immense solution to restore peace and bring to an end the ongoing pain of our people particularly the Nuer and Jeing.

It was agree by the Jieng in the SPLM /A that the best and possible way to end the war and bringing permanent peace is the formation of Jieng  community. The purpose of forming this, is to address the outstanding problems which prevent the two warring parties to reach the agreements and end the war.

The Jieng community should call for Jieng – Jieng dialogues. This forum, and it process would involved Jieng in the government, Jieng council of elders, Jieng in diasporas, All Jieng chieftainship  and Jieng in the SPLM /A.  The process would also be supported by the international community of UN, AU, IGAD, Troika, USA, UK, Australia, and China and Russia including local churches and NGOs.

The Jieng community executive committee would be represented on equal basis, whereby each Jieng sub- section should be represented in the national committee.

The objectives for forming Jieng community are as follows:-

  1.  Jieng must prevail security and harmonies to all community members across the nation,
  2. To respect and protect heritage, culture and values of Jieng and other communities as well.
  3. Right to engage in political life and support social cohesion and co-existent
  4. To rebuilt the gap of mistrust and regain dignity lost.
  5. To apologize, reconcile and heal to, and with those communities which are affected by acts of aggression and oppression of some members and individuals of Jieng.
  6. To reject unjust and unfair treatments
  7. To condemn those obstructing living, life, security and peace.
  8. To encourage equality in all aspect of lives including distribution of wealth and powers sharing at all level of government
  9. To encourage developments and investments across the country, particularly, starting with the devastated areas.

Jieng is appealing to the whole world, the current war must stop, and find speedy solution for the current South Sudan conflict.

In order for reconciliation, healing, and permanent peace to prevail in the country, the current senseless war must come to an end and the ongoing pain of our people to stop immediately.

We condemns the ongoing attacks on the civilians, killing of women and children, and rape, destroying of properties de and  populations deprived or forced from their homes, and the prevention of humanitarian assistant to reach the needed by the government.

We are urging the International community, UN ,U.S., AU, troika, IG.AD and five other African countries to speedy up with  peace negotiation  process and engaging the two principals of the warring parties, particularly Slava Kiir and his groups, to agree on the outstanding issues and form the transitional government of national unity whereby majority of political parties share powers.

Furthermore, immediate potency implementation of the enforced sanctions to those who are obstructing peace and held accountable those who commit humanitarian crimes and crimes against humanity and atrocities.

We urge the international community to formed and established a special court to punish those identified criminals in South Sudan. We also call for the release of the AU report on crimes committed in South Sudan.

Calls for Jieng -Jieng dialogues  to end unwanted war in South Sudan

The Jieng community in the SPLM/A -IO is cordially and strongly calling for an immediate Jeing- Jieng dialogues to end the senseless war in the country under the theme “ search for peace and end grievance, Jieng fate, its future and beyond”

The purposes of the dialogue is to discuss the following issues, which have influenced the current war

  1. The genesis of the killing on the night of 15 December 2013 in Juba and else where
  2. Federal system as only governance system in South Sudan
  3. Power sharing and the formation of the transitional government of national unity
  4. What would be the fate of Jieng community before and after the peace agreement and ways forward?
  5. Address reconciliation, hailing, accountability and compensation for the victims of war and its properties
  6. Abolishing of all outstanding loans during the war times.

For the issues raised above, the Jieng community in IO is urging the UN and AU, Troika countries IGAD, plus five African countries, NGOs, and churches to support this valuable initiative and helps facilitate the process of conducting meetings between the Jieng in the government, Jieng council of elders, Jieng Diasporas and Jieng in SPLM/A.

We agree that Jieng-Jieng dialogues and meetings can be conducted anywhere anytime but not inside territory of South Sudan.

The Jieng in SPLM /A would also like to meets with some of NGOs and individuals who are willing to support this project at anytime and anywhere.

Yours faithfully Jieng Community in SPLM/A -IO

The media statement is released by the following executive members of Jieng within the SPLM/A IO, and they are:-
1. Aguer Rual Head of the committee -Reek  Jieng
2. Abdu Diem deputy head committee -Padaang Jieng
3. Jesus Deng Atem ,  Secretary General -Bor Jieng
4- General Maboir Marer  finance -Agar Jieng
5- Akol Madhan Akol spokesperson -Malual  Jieng

  1. Ustasa Nyanthon women Representative Jieng

Email aguer.kuot@hotmail.com mobile +251929287392

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Pawil June 9, 2015 at 4:17 am

All these are nonsense, why are you talking about compensation for victims ????? Okay we will expect the deal of compensation but we will compensate the all Dinka for the straggler time up to 2015 the current war , would you except?????? And does who belong to the rebels we as jieng we don’t know them.

wok June 9, 2015 at 5:52 am

change your name.that name dos’nt test good on snakes.

Abuchook June 9, 2015 at 6:25 am

These are just Mouth pieces of Riek Ebola Viruses. ooh God help, these are guys who stayed at The Radisson Blue Hotel in Downtown Addis Ababa. Next to UN CONFERENCE CENTER and Across from the New Headquarters of the African Union.

These guys most of the time walked around Addis Ababa looking for an Internet cafe to write Press Release since Internet access is very poor most of part of the city.

Mouth pieces of Riek Ebola Viruses on the move: Only Good Internet access connection is available in Expensive hotels such as Radisson Blue and Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa.

Anyway, stop nonsense and please come home to your Country of South Sudan. Because in the next few months you will not going to keep affordable price of those expensive Hotels of Radisson Blue Hotel and Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa.

Please we know you all personally and every color you hhave

I speak my words out and May God be with the people of South Sudan.

Dantut June 9, 2015 at 12:42 pm

Abuchook, Riek Machar is not Ebola virus as you put it. He is human being like you and no need for you to call him Ebola because Ebola is not a human rather an epedimic -a disease you don even where it come from but you know where Riek Machar come from. Why do you hate Riek Machar calling him Ebola all the time in this site?Why do you hate Riek, what did Riek do to you personally in South Sudan? Stop calling Riek Ebola!People of South Sudan agreed already that Dr.Riek is competence in term of leadership and will be the next future President of South Sudan after Kirr Mayardit. Where will you go?

David Lisi June 9, 2015 at 11:36 pm

I agree with you
this lost man indeed hate someone who south Sudan has ever since selected as the legitimate leader because of his ability and love for the people of this country including him.
Riak machar is a leader already who deserve respect because he personally has a respect for others
Remember even the nuer who lost their loved ones , they are still respecting president kirr whom you personally need him to die in office,
secondly, brother put into the deepest part of your brain that a leader comes and go.
your belief of being rulers does not work,
south Sudan is for all so respect the choice of the people as they have already chosen Riack like wise the way they choose Kirr last time

Panom Lualbil June 10, 2015 at 4:16 am

It will never happened in South Sudan for Riek to be the President unless Jieng are ethnically cleansed. I don’t know what’s wrong with Nuers sticking to someone who is doing so many harm to them. There are so many educated Nuers than Riek and who can in any case be accepted by Jieng and other tribes in South Sudan. If you (Nuers) put Riek as your flag bearer into presidency, you will end up not testing country top seat till his death. Ebola is an epidemic disease and so do Riek i.e 1991 and 2013 and so many scenarios with Arab.

288weechwang June 9, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Only god knows when south sudan people will have to returne home. You suggest most of the time for people to returne,are you telling them it ok to go to be killed by the same group?
It is wrong mr, you have no right to make some one commit what she/he doen’t like to do. I didn’t see thatt strategy work then and now.

Abuchook June 9, 2015 at 4:38 am

Dear Readers and Reporters:

This is why Riek Ebola Rebellion failed terribly many times because of such Fake Press Release. These writers are missing the point: First talk to your uncle Riek Ebola and to stop his Ebola viruses mission inside Lou, Jikany and Gawaar areas and villages…Then peace will Come. In these areas Give these youths a work shop of Nationalism and Patriotism history, then peace will come.

Oooo My God! Really, this Press Release was written by Drunk People at the Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa. But nice try to let us (readers ) know what is Inside their head.

First of all, this Press Release is one leg and one arm history of the Jieng people. Also the writers of this Press Release are not very well knowledgeable about the Greatest Jieng people of South Sudan and this article Is bias and one sided history. Good try but incomplete.

Next time, you should know well about the Greatest Jieng people before you write any press release.

THE Greatest Jieng people are bigger and unique than what you are explained to us in this article. History knowledge is the powerful tool to have with you: you failed this test because lack of knowledge about your own people is very ignorance and selfish.

I speak my words out and May God be with the people of South Sudan.

nhial June 9, 2015 at 4:40 am

u will hears us, otherwise ur heart is too dormed to be reform

man of the people June 9, 2015 at 5:40 am

Indeed, putting Jieng’s House in order may appear long over due. However, the future coexistence of Jieng and other 63 tribes of the Republic of South Sudan, requires;
1- Born to rule mentality of the Jieng people reversed.
2- Corruption institutionalized across the board,in government machinery stopped.
3- Democracy has to be restored, transparency in every election respected.
4- The Constitution and Rule of law must be restored.
5- Republic of South Sudan is for all South Sudanese and no marginalization.
6- Stop lying that the Jieng population is 7 million. Which census database????????.
7- The list has to continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

SSudan future June 9, 2015 at 5:53 am

Let’s just rise above hatred against each other and work on defeating those idiots who are in Juba. South Sudanese are good people, friendly and peace loving people, but the wrong regime tarnished this good culture of ours.
Kiir and his group must go so we start to build our country with no hatred. South Sudan is our country equally you like it or not.

wok June 9, 2015 at 5:56 am

meant pawil, sounds good but how come you carry it !!?

ater June 9, 2015 at 6:40 am

I think all as we the citizens, of this nation,can take such a wise lead to resolve this ongoing atrocious war with our brothers Nuer, there would be no apparent reason to drag on this war.Revenge would not heal anything,taking power by force was the centre- stage to all this current crisis. Rule out the issue of compensations for the dead ,if peace and reconciliation be achieved,for we all fought many tribal fights before and still lived to gather .We greatly thank you for initiating such a move to end this deadly violence,continue to ring that bell of peace, reconciliation,healing and unity ,to comeback to the Republic of S.Sudan for all the 64 tribes.God bless you and this initiative.Peace is hiding somewhere eluding meeting us, since we all look in war overall or causing it fear our approaches or advances.

John M Chol June 9, 2015 at 7:34 am

you guys shame on you to deregract jieng monyjang were not b e t by those who were barking their interest .

GatNor June 9, 2015 at 9:23 am

This is a commendable group and definitely I agree with their approach.

Wal Bichiok June 9, 2015 at 9:48 am

South Sudan is a cursed nation with Dinka in leadership…..I wish i am not South Sudanese by birth!!!!!!!!! Jieng to Jieng dialogue doesn’t necessarily need to be posted here….

288weechwang June 9, 2015 at 5:05 pm

I agreed, the discussion among jaang shouldn’t be posted on this site at all. However, we always be south sudanese whether you are a dual citizen in any case.

GatNor June 9, 2015 at 6:41 pm

I think it is healthy.

Deng June 9, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Wal Bichiok , brother to Dak Duop Bichiok, Dinka are one of the sound mind tribe in South Sudan they fought Arab alone , while other 63 tribe were convinced by Arab . They know how to control themselves in their territories ,not to interfere with other tribe right.and their traditional properties . When Dinka were left alone in the bush ,he struggle against Nuer ,Shilluk and other tribe in Equatoria who were convinced to do Ethnic cleansing to Dinka for Arab interest to remain for every in the South . Nuer were committee to do Arab interested , CPA shamed them Reik and his tribe to joint Dinka as independent is imminent . Nuer under Reik now are busy killing Dinka every were in the forest of South Sudan to reduce population and have that Juba government ,forgetting that is the right,,, he was denying to South Sudanese by Supporting Khartoum. Nuer as tribe have a curse of crying all the time to Dinka properties, always taking Dinka cows and taking Dinka leadership , saying that their grand father told them ,all the time they should loot anythings from Dimka for their survival ,because they don’t work in their counties . Nuer have nothing to eat in their houses ,survive only by attacking government and other tribes and give themselves military ranks when Kiir call them they would be in high position with high salaries , because Nuer hate education ,they don’t have patient for many years to achieved high degree , most of the Nuer leaders are illiterate or primary leavers, that is why ,they ,are worshiping Dr: Reik phD as their god. They like war to loot and do free atrocities to other human being , rebellion is part of Nuer culture , it give them freedom to commit crime and take what they want since there is no law , Nuer like where there is no law . Commander Kiir Mayardit will let them know the truth.

Wal Bichiok June 10, 2015 at 1:11 am

@Deng, I guess you don’t know what you are talking about. I am sorry!!!! May God help you

Adut Magoes June 9, 2015 at 12:11 pm

the Jieng community in SPLM IO the idea of Jieng community to have dialogue is good idea, but of compensation and apology is wrong because all people of south Sudan are victimized by selfishness politicians, now who you to compensate and apologize to whom?

Dantut June 9, 2015 at 1:17 pm

Peace is only solution that will save South S out of this deep current crisis. But it is not enough to say peace with words without concret action, we have to cooperate and work togather in order for us to bring peace back to South Sudan. We must also shunt to call ourselves Dinka and Nuer instead let us call ourselves with united name (People of South Sudan) that name is really sound good! May God bring the peace back into the hearts of all the people of South Sudan so that they might stop killing themselves. And may the Almighty God choose them a God- fearing and faithful leader who hate war, a man who love people, counntry and peace. A man who is self-condifent and trustworthy. May God the creator of mankind hear my calling!

John Aliap June 9, 2015 at 2:52 pm

Jieng in the government (nationalists) have in many instances made it loud and clear that Jieng in the SPLM -IO (traitors) have already been disowned in Jieng’s community and their names made have already made their way into “Jieng’s hit list” in which Machar – the leader of South Sudanese’ traitors ranks number one .

DinkaTwic Panda June 9, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Repetition: What a Jok? Dinka Bor of Bor County is now rebel now, Malual Dinka, Padang Dinka, Rek Dinka. Where is Michael Michael and the rests of Bor County who used to says, “The Eastern Twi Dinka of Twic East County and Dinka Hol and Nyarweng Dinkas of Duk County are rebel. Please Dinka people have more sub-tribes you guys have mentioned. http://www.twicworld.com/map/. http://www.twicworld.com/twic-people/

DinkaTwic Panda June 9, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Again, what a Jok? Dinka Bor of Bor County is now rebel now, Malual Dinka, Padang Dinka, Rek Dinka. Where is Michael Michael and the rests of Bor County who used to says, “The Eastern Twi Dinka of Twic East County and Dinka Hol and Nyarweng Dinkas of Duk County are rebel. Please Dinka people have more sub-tribes you guys have mentioned. http://www.twicworld.com/map/. http://www.twicworld.com/twic-people/

Gatnyawal June 9, 2015 at 7:06 pm

That is what we want, if we live in a nation where there is no discrimination we say we are living in our beautiful nation. What had happen constantly in Africa is that any leader who for the first time lead the country wants to stay in power for his whole life. This behaviour is seen common in the continent we are: Africa. If the first leader is democratic leader then all the next leaders should do the same thing Salva Kiir Mayardit is a dictator who love to be in power more than the life of all south sudanese the country’s population is in bad condition do Salva Kiir how many south sudanese die with in aday due to lack cleaning water, food, health care and the rest. God the father of nation will bring peace for the suffering of innocent people I don’t see Kiir like living in 2016 mark my word if not ask me WHY?.

Aduong Mawut Dit June 9, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Jieng are the spirit of the s.sudan.

Eastern June 9, 2015 at 10:59 pm

They are not; Dinkas are a course to South Sudan!

Monyjang June 10, 2015 at 1:12 am

The problem is when you are remove from your position you rebel.
Let me make it clear to you;
To you the minority Tribes Dinka is going to rule South Sudan up to infinity because if by force you will never win if by election we comprise 61.74%( 2011 estimation) of South Sudan
You will only get chance if you give respect to yourself.
Riek machar said Garang must go because he is Dinka and Now Salva must go????????
We regret as Dinka for being kind enough to you!!!!
Abuchok OYEeeeeee

Peter Gadet June 10, 2015 at 10:30 am

Dear brothers and sisters in this site.

I know this site has been as a supporter of rebellion. That is okay because we live in and around freedom of choice, expression and fraudulent. However, I just want to point out one thing, let’s not generalize that all Nuers are bad people. Every society has its bad or good people. I know much of what has affected the movement and South Sudan while targeting Dinka in the movement came from Nuer but that does not mean that all nuers are bad. Many Dinkas were killed when they walked and returned from Ethiopia as soldiers and civilians. It was senseless killing just because they were Diinkas, Our heroe and one of the five founding fathers of the movement, William Nyoun had clearly spelled out when he began to discipline Nuer people in 1984, 85, 86 and 1987. He mentioned this when he had meeting with Nuer chiefs in Nasir and Akobo and that can be found in the youtube.com. That killing was acknowledge in the liberation songs, abe cin det col nuer ku cin col nyigat. No Nuer or No rebellion in Sudan. Our leader, John Garan had called for Dinkas to give Nuer people and worked out. I , who is speaking to you in this message had six immediate family memers killed by Nuer while they were walking to Ethiopia in 1986. I lived with many Nuers in Ethiopia and in the movement as brothers, I forgave them. Therefore, if you truly believe that one or more members of your family were killed in Juba, why don’t you forgive and work out a formula that would avoid this incident to happen? I know what happened in Juba was just Nuers being killed, it was all tribes that came across the fire and died. Although Nuers being majority of the victims. Can we forgive one another?

I dont proud whether a rebel or the SPLA is killed because all are needed to defend our country from our common Enemy!
Fiinally, I will end the request of peace from all South Sudaneses. I am going to close my word with a question. Who elected Jieng Community that posted the letter on this site? Please go back to them and advise tthem not fake Jieng Community. Thanks

Humo Lokidor June 10, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Maybe it is better for South sudan to split into three countries to end this tribal conflicts for good. Some have started putting this into consideration and the super powers have been putting more consideration on this as solution to the recurring conflict in South sudan. Republic of equatoria, Republic of Bar el Gazal and Republic of Uppernile as three friendly countries. In this case Bar el Gazal will implement a system better for them if they don’t like federalism and rule themselves according to their ways and others should have a peace of mind. Living with animal minded people is just an insult to South Sudanese. That is why one arab once said, are dinka born through Anus? because they are so black and ugly

ONE SOUTH SUDAN June 10, 2015 at 3:32 pm

[…] The Jieng Community in SPLM/A- IO Calls For Jieng-Jieng Dialogue On South Sudan Crises!: Jieng is one of the South Sudan’s 64 tribes. It is the largest tribe in South Sudan and in term of populations it is about 7 million. Jieng is administratively divided into four sub-sections namely: […]

salaam Dadi June 12, 2015 at 6:57 am

just sorry to hear from others talking about jieng, stop talking outside there but you come to the country and you start talking, jieng are really divided into four, padaang, Agar, Agerr and Bor and I just get others to be called jieng apart from that four.


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