Press Release

The Future of South Sudan Is In a Grave Danger In the Hands of IGAD

By Chuol Chot Puoch,


Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, greets Dr. Riek Machar of SPLM/SPLA after negotiating the withdrawal of his troops in South Sudan(Photo: supplied)
Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, greets Dr. Riek Machar of SPLM/SPLA after negotiating the withdrawal of his troops in South Sudan(Photo: supplied)

August 27, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — It has already been eight months since IGAD step in and positioned themselves as mediators of the two South Sudanese warring parties. Little hope has been kept with perseverance due to unexpected political mediation tactics of IGAD; many South Sudanese citizens are in complete oblivious state, wondering the source of peace constrain in Addis Ababa. While IGAD, government and SPLM –IO are calculating their political losses and gains in the peace venue, citizens are hopelessly calculating and counting the days in which the famine will hit them, how they would manage to get back to their homes from those flooded UN PoCs and when will they come back homes from those unfriendly camps in the neighboring countries Like Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan.

In their (IGAD) recent drafted protocol on transitional government arrangement in solving the South Sudan crises, it’s unbelievable that they are intentionally and carelessly putting salt on an injury. In fact, they are just telling the parties to refrain from atrocities for a while, prepare themselves, mobilize more resources for the ever worse violent to erupt again. Or, they are no longer confident that they can put an end to this conflict once and for all, but they seem not to openly relinquish and give the job to other capable authority that can manage to settle the issue professionally, impartially and transparently.

Below are the grave permutations of IGAD on the imposed protocol for TGNU:

1-      Salva Kirr will be the Head of States and the federal government; he will be the C-in-C of the South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF) and with his current deputy in his place. After the elapsing of the interim period, he will have his holistic right to contest for another term for presidency. That is to say, he has got all those powers directly from IGAD and not through negotiation. It would have been better if they (IGAD) only said that Kirr will remain in his position as the president but his powers and other roles and duties like remaining the C-in-C of SSAF would have been subjected to negotiation with participation of all the stakeholders. He is expecting more powers in the negotiation but already enjoying the said powers given by IGAD head of state.

2-      There shall be established a Prime minister position for SPLM/A-IO but can only be accepted by President Salva Kirr and not even the parliament of the TGNU. That person from SPLM-IO, who will save as a Prime minister, will not run for any position in election that will be done after the end of the interim period. This is a complete dictatorial strategy to isolate the regional democratic icon, H.E Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon.

3-      The Prime minister from the SPLM-IO should be credible, professional and competent to be able to accomplish his (not her, I already know that he will be a man) tasks, duties and responsibilities. What about President Kirr, is he credible, competent and professional? Shit! I don’t want to go further.

You can only predict a burning future rather than a brightened future for South Sudan. The question is, will we accept this obvious future catastrophic plan of the east African leaders to take its roots as played by them? We have completely noticed that those east African leaders are doing nothing other than pursuing their individual interest as well as uniting against democrats who happen to be strong within the region.

Other internal contributing factors endangering the future of South Sudan:

I was surprised to hear Hon. Onyoti Adigo Nyikec, the leader of minority in the national parliament condemning the SPLA-IO of constantly violating the CoH which in fact, It’s the goveremtn that have  have been doing the violation. He further condemns them of detaining the MTV helicopter and the death of one of the monitors to have been done as a torture by the forces of SPLA-IO, while in reality, the death happen naturally as a heart attack in addition to the fact that they were spy. It’s not in his duties as the leader of minority in the national parliament to come up and condemn the SPLM Democratic fighters for some fabricated leis of the government of Salva Kirr. In reality, Onyoti is in fact acting to please the regime after their leaders was accused to be having link with Riek Machar. We cannot and will never solve any of our problems while prioritizing our individuals’ interest and leave aside the constitutional mandate and the interest of the citizen.

In the government of Salva Kirr, 99.99% of those in it are all opportunists; 0.01% is oblivion of what is happening. Almost half of them never care about tomorrow but the dirty wealthy moment or now. Some have gone as far as ruining the future of this Country by pursuing the deadly agendas like propaganda. How do you expect us to have that bright future when the region has jeopardize it through our wicked ones?  They will do all they can do to make sure that their dictator is not out of power.

The future of our Country is in our very own hands and it’s us to make sure that, no other persons can manage to ruin it or take it for business. We wouldn’t see any other person coming in for political and military rescue apart from the humanitarians rescue that they normally do. as mentioned in the quote below, it’s just an issue where we can show our ability and strength, both militarily and politically, to not accept their wills and destructive interests. Our only window of hope and bright future is the SPLM – IO and we must fully support them by providing and sacrificing the best we can.

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.”~ Randy Pausch

Chuol C. Puoch is a South Sudanese living in South Sudan; he can be added/follow on Facebook with his name mentioned above, on twitter @Chuolchot and via email: chuolchotson@gmail.com . You can also access his words on www.chuolchotson.wordpress.com

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