Press Release

The First Meeting of the National Committee of Justice and Human Rights

Press Release.SPLM:A LOGO Shot 2014-04-08 at 3.20.56 AMJuly 13, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The meeting was held on Friday 4th July 2014 in Nairobi- Kenya. It was chaired by Cde, Dr. Richard K. Mulla (the Chairperson of the Committee) in presence of Cde, Dong Samuel Luak (the Deputy Chairperson).

The meeting was attended by a good number of lawyers who have joined the Movement for change.

The meeting, inter alia, resolved the following:

  1. Protect, depend and promote human rights in the liberated areas and the wider state of South Sudan.
  2. Enlightening the citizens and the freedom fighters about the International Conventions on laws of war.
  3. Embark on serious and critical reforms of the legal system in the Country (the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice, Military Justice, Legal Practice, Legal Education and Human Rights Institutions) along local and international standards.
  4. Work hard to develop a legal frame work based on the principles of good governance, respect of Human Rights, federal governance of system and prevalence of the rule of law in a democratic society of South Sudan as well as upholding the freedom of expression and the media as a cornerstone of a democratic society without any kind of censorship.
  5. The Committee unanimously elected Cde, Mut Turuk Thok as the secretary and Cde, Bachuy Dor Madeng as a treasurer.


Cde, Mut Turuk Thok


Nairobi, Kenya

Whoever is willing to join the movement of change may contact us through:

Email: turukmut@gmail.com, +251 9 399 28 772, +254 7 17 96 73 76.

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