Press Release

SPLM/SPLA Will Never Backtrack On Its Quest To Reform and Re-structure South Sudan!

Members of SPLM/SPLA during a Public Briefing on Arusha Intra-SPLM/SPLA Re-Unification at Safari Park Hotel, January, Nairobi, Kenya(Photo: Nyamilepedia)
Members of SPLM/SPLA during a Public Briefing on Arusha Intra-SPLM/SPLA Re-Unification at Safari Park Hotel, January, Nairobi, Kenya(Photo: Nyamilepedia)

Feb 28, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — After fourteen months of violent conflict in South Sudan, the IGAD-led peace talks have reached a critical stage of what is being dubbed as ‘last round’ by IGAD mediation.

The ongoing negotiations between the SPLM/SPLA and the government of South Sudan in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and intra-party dialogue in Arusha-Tanzania aimed at reunification of different factions of SPLM is part of the policy of the SPLM/SPLA to restore peace and stability in the young nation.

SPLM/SPLA whether in reunion with the other staggering conservative factions of the former SPLM Party or not will continue to stand for total reforms and progress in South Sudan. The demand for reforms in the government and SPLM party is irreversible and unstoppable.

SPLM/SPLA in all its denominations in Upper Nile, Equatoria and Bar el Ghazel regions remains dedicated to championing reforms and progress at the peace talks or during transitional period in South Sudan.

The struggle between SPLM/SPLA and the conservative dictatorial forces in the government of South Sudan is a struggle between the forces of change for a better and free society and those who want to loot and finish the country.

We vow never to return the country to pre December 15, 2013, period in which the country was ransacked by greedy and selfish opportunist who are prepared to do more if left unabated.

By all account, the so called reunification of the SPLM/SPLA with the conservative factions of the SPLM Former Detainees and the SPLM Juba factions is a ‘union of diversity’.

This is a negative union. SPLM/SPLA with all its denominations in the newly created 21 states have opted for a paradigm shift which will see South Sudan completely transformed into a modern nation state united in diversity on a new political basis contrary to those who favor a system that would allow them loot or protect the wealth they have looted so far.

SPLM will never remain the same. We urge Juba factions and their satellite political parties to abandon their ill fatted and self-destructive political tendency, or else change will catch up with them.

We are determined to create political space and level playing field for all political parties to usher in a free and fair development of multi-party democracy as oppose to having one inefficient, unaccountable and chaotic political party incapable of managing government business and integrating the country.

The struggle for durable peace and total reforms and transformation of government and state visa vis accountability for crimes committed during the conflict and gross cases of corruption that saw South Sudan lost her resources meant for development will continue unabated.

Those political forces in the country that seek to retain the status quo at the expense of the society and the state have no place in South Sudan. All South Sudanese should rally for such noble cause in regardless of their walks of life or any other affiliation.

Cde. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino

Chairman, National Committee For Political Mobilization

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Hoiloom February 28, 2015 at 12:51 am

Oyet, God Bless you and your colleagues in SPLM-IO. I said sometimes this week in a comment in one of the articles posted on this website that South Sudan will never be the same again. I know there are people who oppose changes, but the majority of South Sudanese masses are fully behind you. Be strong in your quest for reforms and transformation of this nation to the betterment of its citizens.
Good luck in the negotiations in Ethiopia.

Joseph Madak February 28, 2015 at 10:51 am

The vision for change was the people of South Sudanese highest expectations ever since the country became independent and they continue to long for it till this day. However, both parties to the conflict should unlock their misunderstanding on the security arrangements in that the reforms to the army is not a ninety days work and not even thirty months excercise.It is advisable that the two parties should agree on reforms framework for the army and let the integration process be taken care of by the reform framework to save themselves from baseless argument and misconception of a two army in one state. The forces under the SPLM/A of Dr.Riek will require sometimes to be integrated depending on the reform framework or the integration framework whatever the name.

man of the people February 28, 2015 at 7:49 am

Excellent vision for the country to move forward. South Sudan deserves to be fixed and brought to the right track, if we as the citizens of this beloved country want to live with dignity, in the land of our fore fathers. Keep it up. Long live south Sudan.

dakbap February 28, 2015 at 11:02 am

at now time we(naaath) are before you the stupid world of a dead black obama administration which will never occure again to the (us govt ) nuari are now suffering before you and look for yourself as a world ‘s top powerful community,you are nothing to us(nuer) we will win this war very soon but i cry again to those stupid Africans for to after this????? stupidity you have my lielngaiworld

dakbap February 28, 2015 at 11:08 am

let ssudan be never n never be same in this current and stupid administration of salva kiir vvvvvveeeeerrrrryyyy dead Mrs kiir(really you are) i can call him(kiir) a woman whom has been incited by museveni to kill his mother while the guy did not!!! very stupid the kiir is now.

Balang Tutute March 1, 2015 at 2:10 am

Yeah Cde. Oyet tell them!

We agree 1000% that quote:

” — SPLM/SPLA with all its denominations in the newly created 21 states have opted for a paradigm shift which will see South Sudan completely transformed into a modern nation state united in diversity on a new political basis contrary to those who favor a system that would allow them loot or protect the wealth they have looted so far. SPLM will never remain the same. We urge Juba factions and their satellite political parties to abandon their ill fatted and self-destructive political tendency, or else change will catch up with them.—-”

We fully support total reforms, and believe that God sent SPLM-IO to be the spearhead of the various opposition groups.

The ” Force of Mental Attraction” is on our side and we shall win by all means against ” the-liberators-turned-oppressors-regime”.

Sweeping Reforms Oyeeeeeeeee

SPLM-IO Oyeeeeeeee

War or Peace – choose One!

CialayRial season March 2, 2015 at 12:47 am

Am really tired for nonsenses agreements in Addis Ababa so I don’t know what to do!!!


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