Peace Process Press Release South Sudan U.S.

SPLM/SPLA Mission To the United States Denounces The Kampala Amendment of IGAD-PLUS Peace Proposal

Press Release on IGAD Frontline-States’ Amendments to the Proposed Compromise Proposal on Peace in South Sudan

SPLM/SPLA Mission to USA 2015-08-15 at 12.21.26 AM

August 14, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The SPLM/A Mission Office to the United States of America denounce, in the strongest terms possible, the outcome of the meeting of the Heads of State and Governments of Frontline-States, comprising of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan, held in Kampala, Uganda, on Monday, August 10, 2015, which was attended by President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Foreign Minister of Sudan Ibrahim Ghandour.

In quite a clandestine and bizarre move, these IGAD leaders sans IGAD-Plus, met on their own and probably without consulting the broader umbrella, under the leadership of the notorious war monger, Yoweri Museveni. Museveni was reported to have told his colleagues at the meeting that they should resolve to extend the 17 August dateline that was set by the” White man”, and argued in favor of letting the two warring parties in South Sudan to continue with deliberations until they reach a negotiated settlement to the war in South Sudan. He further goes to say that they should rather allow for “African solutions to African problems”-An empty slogan that has failed to serve the African Continent and its people.

As a result he (Museveni) has coaxed his colleagues to make unwarranted amendments into the proposed IGAD-Plus Compromise Proposal on Peace in South Sudan that was recently presented to the SPLM/A, and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS) as the basis of negotiations. These unilateral amendments were adopted and incorporated into the proposed compromise proposal as the two parties were still engaged in peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and they’re as follows:

  1. There shall be power sharing in Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) with 53% to GRSS, 33% to SPLM/A IO and 14% to Former Detainees(FD) and other Political Parties(PP).
  2. No power sharing in the states. Instead there shall be a return to the 2010 election status as far as power allocation in the states is concerned.
  3. No demilitarization of the capital (Juba), and other major regional cities and towns.
  4. Security Arrangements: command of the two armies, reintegration of the two forces, time frame of the reunification of the two armies, shall be decided by the Chiefs of Staffs of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan.

It is relevant to point out that these unilaterally imposed amendments contradicts the IGAD-Plus Compromise Proposal on Peace in South Sudan, which is the basis for the negotiations between the warring parties. The IGAD-Plus Proposed Compromise Proposal has provided for a power sharing during the interim period, at both the central government and the state governments with 53% GRSS, 33% SPLM/A IO and 14% FD/PP, and 53% SPLM/A IO, 33% GRSS and 14% FD/PP respectively. It has also provided for demilitarization of the capital (Juba) and other areas as well as security arrangements with two armies, separate command, and a time frame of 18 months for the reunification of the two armies and command structures.

The term of office of the incumbent national legislature and the state governors has expired. Therefore, a return to the 2010 election status is a non-starter. Thus, it is obvious that these amendments seek to derail the current peace talks and ultimately squander any chance of reaching a compromise peace deal by the prescribed deadline of August 17. It is abundantly clear that President Yoweri Museveni and company are self-serving predators, who are determined to prolong this conflict for their own ulterior motives without regard to human life or the sheer magnitude of death and displacements of innocent women and children, as well as devastation and destruction of South Sudan through this war.

Therefore, the SPLM/A under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, categorically rejects these amendments to the proposed IGAD-Plus Compromise Proposal on Peace in South Sudan, and further calls on IGAD-Plus to remain vigilant against any attempts by these sworn enemies of peace, and to never allow them to have a strong say any longer as far as the quest for peace in South Sudan is concerned. These leaders have vested interests in this war and are committed to only that. Hence, they do not deserve to mediate in this conflict.

Furthermore, the SPLM/A calls on the African Union(AU), the European Union(EU), China and the Troika countries to also keep a watchful eye on President Museveni and his cronies in order to foil their evil attempts of benefiting from the war. It’s worth mentioning that President Museveni once said at the beginning of this conflict that “War is good for business”. The people of South Sudan deserve to have peace, and the world community of nations stand a good chance this time round to help them achieve peace and return the country back to normalcy so that they can embark on building their shattered lives, dreams and aspirations.

Signed by:

Santo Gabriel

Director of Information

The SPLM Mission Office, USA

Email: santogabriel7@gmail.com

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Goweng Torbaar August 14, 2015 at 11:32 pm

I think white man will look into this, enough is enough. Is this IGAD -PLUS or IGAD proposals i confused

philip tut August 15, 2015 at 3:03 am

As there is no more east Africa leader a life Ugandan president will enjoy his in come z he get from south sudan no more peace will be achieved :how can African people solve their problems by sending troop as Ugandan did to fight or

Rami Raan August 15, 2015 at 2:32 am

Nyimilepedia, your stupid news updates has made everyone sick, you should not choose your side, try to be neutral. It is also definite that your teams is comprised of unwell educated, your language show that you not Truely Journalists, but, united undergraduate elites.

Karab August 15, 2015 at 3:23 am

Shame on IGAD. How can they change the original document because of Museveni??? Sudan, Ethiopia & Kenya should never allow museveni spoil south sudan. If the peace fails, the rebels may be forced to work for seccession. Isn’t that better to give them 53% of the land which they control now than witnessing the worst case scenario?

ALONEWOLF August 15, 2015 at 3:26 am

I’m not really care about so called IGAD plus, what they said about peace agreement in south Sudan. as south sudanes citizens it’s not the for peace now. this peace is being posted on people it may work, but it will be another rebellion in the future.


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