Press Release

SPLM/SPLA-IO Condemns The Killing of Civilians in Upper Nile


April 8, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s SPLM/SPLA[in Opposition] condemns the ongoing killing and displacement of civilians in Upper Nile State.

The military spokesman of SPLA [IO], Col. Lony T. Ngundeng, calls on the government faction and the allied militias, under the rebel leadership of Maj. Gen. Johnson Olony, to stop fitting the Chollo [Shilluk] and the Dinka-Padang youth against one another.

Col. Lony believes that the current conflict around Malakal, which has displaced more than 4,000 civilians within 48 hours, was triggered by a deliberate killing of Maj. Gen. James Obwogo Olew, the deputy in command of the Chollo-led South Sudan Democratic movement (SSDM).

“On behalf of our gallant forces of SPLA –IO ,we seriously condemn the Government of SALVA Kiir for the current ethnic cleansing offensive the government is carrying out against Cholo(Shulluk) people in Malakal that was triggered by SPLA GHQS in Juba conspired in deliberate killing of Gen.James Bwogo Oliny and his 13 body guards butchered by Dinka forces at Akooka-Pinythiang.” Col. Lony condemns.

The military spokesman for the opposition believes that the recent fighting, which escalated to other areas of Cholo Kingdom within three days, is a continuation of “extra-judicial killing” of the minority groups that began in Juba in 2013.

“Kiir’s government is continuing to practice extra-judicial killings to our people in greater Upper nile.It started with Nuer in December 2013 massacre in which over 20,000 people lost their lives aimlessly.” Ngundeng said.

“Currently it has turned to Shulluk people .The government has killed many cholo and Nuer people in Malakal,Faloj oil fields and Akoka respectively.” he continued.

Col. Lony reiterates the current killing of Maj. Gen. Obwogo and Chollo civilians has its roots to earlier conflicts that “massacred” Chollo chiefs in Kodok and Malakal.

“This is in addition to the killing of Cholo chiefs whom they massacred between Kodok and Malakal miserably with impunity last year.” Col. Ngudeng said.

The SPLM/SPLA [IO] warns the people of Upper Nile to be vigilant against government conspiracies that leave government machinery and resources in the hands of Dinka youth while deriving them from the minority tribes.

“Kiir’s ill intentions against the people of greater Upper Nile is evident in his ethnic cleansing conspiracies using government machinery and resources that don’t belong to Dinka people but derived from Upper Nile ( mainly Nuer-Cholo and other ethnic groups).” Ngundeng warns.

The military spokesman fears that the government of Salva Kiir has a hidden agenda to exterminate or weaken the minority tribes for president Salva Kiir and his tribesmen to consolidate powers in the country.

“Kiir’s government is implementing along term planning of Dinka hegemony that consolidates its domination on the people of South Sudan by carrying out series of ethnic killings in cool blooded with motto of divide and rule policy.” Ngundeng reiterates.

“This conspiracy is backed up by the SPLM/A led by the national government institutions under their monopoly an instance of this is the current parliament in Juba that never question Kiir’s dictatorial and criminal activities against the people of South Sudan being masterminded by so called Dinka elders.An egoistic Racial groups who defied national laws and perpetuate ethnic hostilities countrywide.” Col. Lony explains

Col. Lony elaborates what he believes is a conspiracy in his long report as follow:

Begin the full Press Release:

SPLA/ IO spokesperson Col .Lony T Ngundeng condemns the act of Killing committed by Juba regime against Shilluk community in Malakal.

Col. Lony T. Ngundeng, the Military Spokesman for SPLM/SPLA[IO](Photo: supplied)
Col. Lony T. Ngundeng, the Military Spokesman for SPLM/SPLA[IO](Photo: supplied)
On behalf of our gallant forces of SPLA –IO ,we seriously condemn the Government of SALVA Kiir for the current ethnic cleansing offensive the government is carrying out against Cholo(Shulluk) people in Malakal that was triggered by SPLA GHQS in Juba conspired in deliberate killing of Gen.James Bwogo Oliny and his 13 body guards butchered by Dinka forces at Akooka-Pinythiang.Kiir’s government is continuing to practice extra-judicial killings to our people in greater Upper nile.It started with Nuer in December 2013 massacre in which over 20,000 people lost their lives aimlessly. Currently it has turned to Shulluk people .The government has killed many cholo and Nuer people in Malakal,Faloj oil fields and Akoka respectively.

This is in addition to the killing of Cholo chiefs whom they massacred between Kodok and Malakal miserably with impunity last year.

Kiir’s ill intentions against the people of greater Upper Nile is evident in his ethnic cleansing conspiracies using government machinery and resources that don’t belong to Dinka people but derived from Upper Nile ( mainly Nuer-Cholo and other ethnic groups).

Kiir’s government is implementing along term planning of Dinka hegemony that consolidates its domination on the people of South Sudan by carrying out series of ethnic killings in cool blooded with motto of divide and rule policy.

This conspiracy is backed up by the SPLM/A led by the national government institutions under their monopoly an instance of this is the current parliament in Juba that never question Kiir’s dictatorial and criminal activities against people of the South being masterminded by so called Dinka elders. An egoistic Racial groups who defied national laws and perpetuate ethnic hostilities countrywide. These activities include rampage of force raping of both sex human abuse, human right violations ,Extra-judicial grave killings and the like using government power and mercenaries of UPDF, Darfur rebels, SPLM/A North, M23 of Congo etc these people could not be allowed to escalate hostilities from one community to another as well as from time to time, and the world remained in chairs denunciation without an action.

SPLA/M led leadership had been blood thirsty since the liberation era during John Garang. It’s not the first time to count such atrocities.

In 1985-87 SPLA /M carried out its first massacres against the Eastern Nuer of Gajaak.CDR William Nyuon Bany and CDR Kerbino Kuanyin Bol exercised their extra-judicial killings, human right Abuses and viiolations.Thousands of people lost their lives for three years with impunity, looting of cows, raping of women and girls etc.

In 1989 SPLA/M carried out what is called disciplinary massacres against Toposa, Lotuka, Dingdinka and Lango of eastern Equatoria by ram-page of looting properties raping of women and girls even at under age just for creation of ethnic domination over other South Sudanese at a gun point.

In 1990 SPLA /M carried out what they called revenge on the opponents against General Ismail Konyi who was siding with Anya-nya or SSDF. Morle community had to pay tremendously for their lives  and properties like their counterparts from other regions.

In1991,during Nasir declaration, SAlva Kiir who was SPLA Zone CDR in Bharelgazal killed the Nuer refugees from Bull Nuer who fled from earlier internal hostilities to Bharelgazal from Bentiu during (SIM/A hostilities with SPLM/A) in person of ( Riek and Gadet forces). however, these extra Judicial killings were carried out against Nuer commanders who were in SPLA held areas CDR Kuol Manyang Jok did the atrocities in Eastern Equatoria , CDR Daniel Awet AKot in BharelGazal CDR Magar Achier in Western Equatoria and CDR George Athor who crucified the Nuer on trees between Khorflus and Lou Nuer specifically in Wunelam area in Upper nile region. Such SPLM/A behaviors were the root causes of Nuer revenge on Bor in the same year in 1991 where hundreds losts their lives.

In 2012, SPLA /M led government carried out what they called a revenge  on Salaam forces of Faratit in Bharelgazal ( SSDF Gen. Tom Elnur forces) who had been APLA/M Opponent forces during the SPLM/A forces with SSDF.

On the other hand transfer of Wau County headquarters from Wau to Balanda Baggare,area that should have been resolved administratively ,the faratit community peacefully strove to express their rejection on the issue in a formal peaceful demonstration. SPLA/M led government got it as an opportunity to time up its revenge on the Fratit community targeting innocent civilians with random gunfire on the demonstrators that led to lose of lives and political arrested to Fratit politicians, intellectuals with impunity.

In 2006,Lou Nuer were targeted by SPLA on forceful disarmament scheme, where all types of armament from armored, artillery, tanks, BMs ,including all modern arms that were brought China were used on the Lou Nuer populace in which thousands souls perish from civilians as well as properties. No legal action or inquiry had ever   been carried out up to date as if nothing happen the whole world witnessed these atrocities helplessly.

In 2011, George Athor was assassinated and his Dinka of Thoi , Chor,and Pawiny were butchered in the churches during Christmas prayers in Pigie and Atar counties but nobody dare or bothered of any inquiries.

In the same year 2011, Morlei under Yaw-yaw got their fate for the second time from SPLM/A led government. First and foremost the Morlei were armed by General Kuol Manyang against Lou Nuer that led to series of children and women abductions by Morlei during their inter-communal conflicts between the two communities.

These Scenarios of arming these two communities interchangeably (Morlei and Lou populace), latter on the situation provoked the Nuer retaliations on the Morlei. These hostilities claimed thousands of lives with reciprocations. No government measures ever had been  taken to protect the innocent civilians instead the government refueled these hostilities by supplying them with arms both communities till they found their peaceful solution on their own.

In 2012,the turn was on Nuer Fanjaak by assassinating attempt to General Tang Ginye whom the government deceived to undergo an integration process ,but latter on after disarmament to his forces, he was crushed with heavy weapons hence found their fate in killings. Sexual violation   was committed against civilians and hundred killed where many drawn in the river Nile. Since then No word had ever been said against this situation.

In 15 December, 2013, government declared the entire war against the Nuer in which thousands of lives lost which trigged to the current rebellion. Yet the SPLA/M led government could reaffirm and regret from its coup irises against the people of South Sudan.

Without fear it trigged the current chulluk killing as if the people of upper Nile have no might to unite against the common Killer.

Another tragedy is waiting, the Morley who were deceived by their co-science that they have an agreement with Kiir who doesn’t honor his words and promises, he only buy time to choose his victims. Kiir‘s government has lost its legitimacy,his existence will only prolong the war and no peace will ever be achieve under him.

We appeal to the international al community including AU, IGAD.TROIKA, UNSC to rush and save the lives of people of South Sudan from this tragedy.

Likewise, people of upper Nile should come to their senses and unite now before it’s too late to save the life of our people of Murle, Nuer, Chollo even our Dinka brothers of Duk and Twich counties.

Lets unit e to clear our great upper Nile from Kiir’s elements and imposed our own security. For those Dinka of Upper Nile who have join Kiir be aware the danger of our disunity.

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Press Released by Information and Media Office of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA.





AGUMUT April 8, 2015 at 6:01 am

SPLM- IN LIMBO of Dr.Riek Machar have to bring peace for the sake of our people.

simon both chiok April 8, 2015 at 6:17 am

Col. Lony T Ngundeng you are right to condemned the worst killing of innocent people which is ongoing rightnow in Chollo {Shilluk} Lands from different parts of their areas by poor government forces of salva kiir. as well as we knows that you can not develop the disease which it can kill you at the end if you didn’t get good treatement for it. therefore let us unite ourselves as south sudanese lands owners and defeat dictator kiir’s govenment and all their alliance foreign troops in south sudan

GatNor April 8, 2015 at 6:41 am

Machar will be the next president of a Federal Democratic Republic Of South Sudan to instantaneously establish a government of the people, for the people & by the people.

AGUMUT April 8, 2015 at 7:12 am

I hope you will,but he is dying,but where will he lives!

Tap Tap April 8, 2015 at 6:47 am

Non educated presonel does not know the sample of human life.if south sudanes were favoring the regime of president kiir ,this will finish on their head intead standing firm over throwing kiir and his group by popular uprising.

Edward April 8, 2015 at 7:34 am

Mr. Lony Ngundeng,

Welcome, It has been a while. Glad to hear your voice and to see the opposition starting to think wisely.

Goweng Torbar April 8, 2015 at 11:52 am

His majesty the king of Collo is calling on the two communities in Malakal to embrace peace. While Dictator Salva Kiir spoke with Gen. Johnson Olony and give him a final ultimatum to surrender or face the consequences. Bilpam discovered today that Olony has transported all military tanks in his possession to Western bank of the Nile. Olony will be killed like late Gen. George Athor.

Nyaluak Lual April 8, 2015 at 7:23 pm

Col Lony, thiel loc eme!
Condemn the killing of civilians now in Malakal because it is not you people doing it! The killing of civilians is never a good policy regardless of who does it. You need to condemn the government, SPLM-IO, Johnson Lony’s Shollo Militias and Padang Militias for the killings taking place. How can you react now like this? It will be the devil asking why the snake bites the hill of sons of men!

Lat Kuem April 8, 2015 at 9:24 pm

Thanks you brother Lony for your reactant although it seem as government doesn’t no who to life than interests, but Mr. Kiir will shortly regret of his leadership accountable for all nation’s crisis
The international community are aware for your genocidal regime, believed or not he must hold accountability on war crimes and see the international criminal courts otherwise he will shortly taste red gland of ICC. However Shilluk have been quiet long siding the interests nor their political sons whose Nuer sweating on waring with secretions regime, yet you have not voiced. I personally advised you not to lead your sons on high demand nor voicing the quality of who have been disco from units live.

Deng April 8, 2015 at 11:15 pm

The So called chollo , killed almost 40, people in 2009, including Famous paramount chief Thon Wey Awin , By Maj, gen Robert Guang Nyikeer, And Johnson Olony Killed many padang ,civilians,, in Pigi and Baliet counties,, that is why he become general , because he killed a lot, of Dinka Padang, Chollo want to own Malakal and Chollo side of the river , leaving Dinka landless. This is not political war,it is land war, During 21, years of liberation war, Dinka in general was fighting with Nuers, Chollo, Equatorians, Militias, and Arab, they were denying independent of the South but finally Dinka defeated them ,and CPA combine all the tribe and they vote together for separation which make us country now, If these Arab collaborators went back to their dirty job, let South Sudan go where it want to be , we will not give this government to any tribe by gun point never, Nuers are cheating themselves that they will take the government hell to them, Dinka Oyeeeeee, Padang Oyeeeee, Long life South Sudan.

Edward April 9, 2015 at 3:01 am

I can smell ignorance and hatred in your comment. Please come to your sense and say some rational words……………………….. No body hates you just because you are Jieng!

machueiyo April 9, 2015 at 12:28 am

Both are civilian you fools. don’t ever take bleming on gvrnmt. cos this senseless killing brought by you, fools! Whom do you bleming? everythings you thought is Dinka making shame on you!by thinking fool you die fool!

Thomas Ngundeng April 9, 2015 at 5:15 am

This language sounds like the propaganda before the Rwandan genocide in 94. (Be vigilant- dinka wants to exterminate you- they arm others and disarm you- conspiracy- we must resist the dinka- hidden agenda to exterminate other tribes- long term plan of Dinka hegemony- targeted ethnic killing by the Dinka, etc.etc.etc). This is not a language of a nationalist but that of a myopic tribalist who can’t see beyond his tribe. This is hate speech of the high order that will be used against my cousin and former good son, Col.Lony Ngundeng, if further targeted killing continues. This is not a language that can stop this vicious cycle of violence.
The biggest threat to the future of South Sudan is when President Salva and Dr.Riek appoint such people like Lol Ngundeng and Michael Makui to be speaking on their behalf. This shows that they don’t want to stop this senseless killings.They dream of military victory one day, no matter how long that will take, if at all it will happen. They are trying to make tribal alliances by fishing in dirty waters. May the almighty God bring forth wise men and women from this rubble to lead us.


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