April 18, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The SPLM/SPLA would like to make the following statement in relations to the SPLM/SPLA engagement meeting with the three governors of greater Equatoria states; HE. Clement Wani Konga, HE. Louise Lobong Lojore and HE. Joseph Bangazi Bakassoro at Fair View Hotel, in Nairobi Kenya on the 14th April, 2015.
The leadership of the SPLM/SPLA welcomes this initiative and contacts with the governors as this will enhance understanding and closer cooperation between politicians on different political divides (SPLM government and SPLM-IO) from the region who for the last 15 months have not been reading from the same script.
The ongoing civil war which was imposed by the government of Salva Kiir and his cohorts was unfortunate and uncalled for but left the SPLM/SPLA with no choice but to fight in self-defense and for reforms and accountability in the country. We are aware that the leadership of Equatoria states faces tricky situation as it is irreconcilable to serve a regime in their different capacities while at the same time agitating for reforms and transformation of the system from within. The government of Salva Kiir which you serve has degenerated into dictatorship and tyranny with bleak future. You are caught between a hard rock and a stone.
To serve such a regime that obstruct reforms and to serve the oppressed citizens in Equatoria states who believe in reforms and total transformation as well as physical liberation of the country were incompatible and mutually exclusive.
SPLM/SPLA would like to caution the leadership and citizens of Greater Equatoria states on temptation of harboring any idea that the region would stand in isolation of the rest of South Sudanese to address the current political crisis which engulfed the entire nation. What transpired in South Sudan was unfortunate marginalization and exclusion of other ethnic and tribal nationalities from the participation in the governance of the country by a group of Juba-based politicians using tribal divide to reward and mobilize its power base in the country. This politics is untenable and self-destructive as seen in the failure of the current ill-fated regime of Salva Kiir to hold and sustain power through peaceful means hence attempting to cleanse others.
Citizens from Greater Equatoria states as part and parcel of South Sudanese nations in unison with those South Sudanese who feel equally oppressed and marginalized by the regime while sharing like minds and ideology for South Sudan transformation should liberate and dispossess the country from the illegal custody of self-style so called Dinka Council of Elders who have inadvertently dragged the whole country into unprecedented and unfortunate blood bath and anarchy.
There is great contradiction and misperception of politics of South Sudan by the leadership of the Greater Equatoria states. First of all there is no coherence in the claims that Equatoria should stand on its own while such proclamation is being done from the podium and platform of a government whose very existence is in question.
Reference should be drawn from the past in which unilateral attempts by the region to pass critical policies and legislations including the current Transitional Constitution of South Sudan in its revised form through South Sudan’s parliament has met a humiliating failure and defeat of such politics because of inability to secure the maximum votes and support in the floor. Equatoria region then resorted to holding numerous conferences whose resolutions failed to be implemented by the government of the Republic of South Sudan.
The leadership of SPLM/SPLA also learns with great surprise the inflexibility of the leadership of Greater Equatoria states that still believes in the coup narratives which was dismissed by the judiciary of South Sudan, Uganda government and the world at large.
There is overwhelming opportunity in the current political crisis that the leadership of the region can seize given the fact that the calls for reforms and transformation in all sectors of the state now reverberate across all the ten states of South Sudan while the regime is at its weakest point and besieged by forces of change and progression. The success of the region and South Sudan’s at large depends on without further delay dismantling of Salva Kiir’s chauvinistic theocratic regime that believe in animism of tribal purity and superiority while attempting to crowd out or win by favors other nationalities from the center of power and enjoyment of their comprehensive rights leaving others as genocide victims.
Cde. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino,
National Committee for Political Mobilization
Factions is for all and you’re warmly welcome
SPLM/A on both sides are much the same even from the language – “You are caught between a hard rock and a stone.” Apparently the Equatorians are between a hard rock and a stone– Same sh*t isn’t it MR SPLM/A. How is a language like that helps anyone make a better choice. I would be scare to death. SPLM-In Opposition you need a lot of transformation in order to not appear like the SPLM/A-Juba.
Good move Dr. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino and congratulations! We all S. Sudanese know that Mr. Salva Kiir & his cohorts brought big shame to our Country simply because they wanted to stay in power forever with their useless system of governance which based on Salva Kiir’s tribal affilliation. So, I know very well that you National Committees’ Chairpersons with Chairman and C-in-C Dr. Riak Machar are so determined to free all the citizens of S. Sudan from the current oppressive & tyranny regime of Mr. Salva Kiir, once and for all!
It is quite obvious to see where this is going. For the Dinka to win the Nuer who are not with Riek, they are the majority by the way, they must talk as nationals. Salva Kiir’s last talk about who will compensate the Dinka was not neutral.
The same applies to SPLM-IO. If they want to win Equatorians, they should do so without appearing to play the tribal game. You cannot dig out support using anti-dinka sentiments, no matter how you put it Mr. Oyet Nathanial. Dr.Riek was the Vice President of the country, Matip D C-in-C of the SPLA; Hoth Mai Chief of Staff, and Majority of SPLA Officers were Nuer untill the split. We the Nuer no this fact deep in our harts. We were so close to taking over government if Dr.Riek was patient enough and respectful to Salva (even if I personally believe that Salva failed the country+ some collective SPLM responsibility which include Riek and Pagan’s group).
You must be young Mr.Nathanial to understand thins dynamics. Don’t be carried away by emotions and start talking tribal. There is no South Sudan without the Nuer, who are the second largest tribe. There is no South Sudan without the Dinka who are overwhelming majority of our country. And there is no South Sudan without Equatorians, who are collectively strong and the intellectual heart beat of the country.
We don’t want a solution that will give power to Nuer and Equatoria without the Dinka, for if they also rebel then South Sudan will surely collapse. Let us win the country by talking the right talk. Neither Salva nor Riek are innocent here, that is the true meaning of Rock and hard stone.
Basically one must chose between the greater evil and the lesser evil correct?
GatNor, that seems to be the dilemma facing our people. But how do you where is the lesser evil when the same leaders who led the country for the entire period since 2005, and who miserably failed South Sudan, are now divided into 3 camps each trying to appear the best (or lesser evil)? Leaving the immediate trigger behind us, all parties to the current conflict were prepared for this war long before it started. The whole world was asking them to back off given the fact the the cliff was ahead of them and for everyone to see. But they decided to take it head-on. What a shame and a sad story for a revolutionary group.
Thomas Ngundeng,
You maybe half-way-reasonable by saying quote, “…You cannot dig out support using anti-dinka sentiments, no matter how you put it Mr. Oyet Nathanial… “, but you know what Mr. Ngundeng?
Your kind of half-cooked reasonableness is what these so-called crooked, immoral selfish Jieng criminals are exploiting to their evil advantage. They openly say that the Nuer are stupid simply because Nuer are by nature reasonable and considerate democrats – just like you displayed in the mentioned above quote.
How do you convince a person who have long time ago, made up their mind, that your are naturally stupid? The Jieng are everywhere online calling Equatoria names like cowards and the Nuer stupid and brave nyagat because these tribes are calling for universal respect for the Golden Rule in S. Sudan.
If you deny the irreparable damage that Jieng Elders Group has wreaked on us, I have no choice but to lump you together with those of Nuerwew.
Oyet has a right to be emotional after having seen this intentional malice (online & practice) being done by this SPLM-Juba crooked bunch.
Oyet understands better than most southerners about the dynamics of this crisis. Anybody who has basic mathematical reasoning cannot avoid being emotional about what SPLM-Juba is doing despite their good and fair educational background. They are simply educated evil!
I mean these criminals are all highly educated in almost all faces of ethical moral knowledge, yet they continue to violate the Golden Rule Criteria, even to the level of taking innocent people lives. We all know this regime was behind killing of several innocent individuals like Isaiah Abraham and the C.E. Mayor prior to the Crisis.
The SPLM-Juba is way too deformed to be reformed – except by the AK47 of Jech Mabor and Gojam, period.
Another factual DYNAMICS that frustrated me especially is the application of foreigners influence (even before crisis) into the Jieng Elders’ political tool-box. They employed M7 to design the death of our country + Nuer & Equatorians; using National Resources like the Oil money – mmmhhhh!
How do you forgive a brother who went as far as to bring all foreigners to gang up and kill you????
All of us including our 5-year-olds, including all SPAM-Juba politicians, know that there can morally be no S. Sudan minus one of the 64 tribe; yet SPLM-Juba unleashed Dut ku beny and M7 to do ethnic cleansing the Nuer because they are Dr. Riek’s tribe.
You lose the arguments from the onset by saying that “they say nuer are stupid. How do you …long time ago.” Those historic sentiments we grew up with against each other should not be brought across as justification for an all out war against each other. This is not half-cooked reasonableness as you put my argument for peace. I am not a Nuerweu. I earn my living through my own way far from the government.
The bottom line for my argument is that no one is innocent among Riek and Salva, or Pagan’s group.They should not be allowed to divide us further. Our sons are fighting for nothing. Basically nothing. The same group will never bring development to South Sudan. After collectively looting over 30 billion USD in 8 years, they are now dividing South Sudan into SPLA-Juba, IO, FD. Eveyone was SPLM-Juba yesterday with the same access to power and resources. Is this a half-cooked truth too?
Toutoute Dagany,
The so call Thomas Nguendeng is one of many Nuer who love government because of money. These are the Nuer the Dinka call them Nuer-ke weu. This is true, Nuer like Thomas Nguendeng are just there in Juba just for money.
Five Nuer where killed this week in Juba, did you hear any Nuer in the government speak up for them? Useless Bul-Nuer in Warrap State are being killed every day at night hours. Have you ever hear any Nuer in the government speak up for the dead Nuer? Often time, when a government captured a Nuer town they burned to ground. Have you ever hear Nuer in the government, speak up about this?
Anyway I do no think Thomas Nguendeng is a Nuer. If he is a Nuer, he must be Lul Ruai Koang who took $500,000 in bribed from South Sudan government.
Bentiu Ramaran
Then follow the short cut, fight for Nuer independent. Nuer are confusing other 62 tribes. Nuer says, they are fighting to revenge their love one who had been killed in Juba by the Dinka, but at the same time Nuer says they are fighting to bring democratic to the Country, because Kiir is a dictator.
You are confusing Equatoria. Equatoria cannot go to war to help Nuer revenge their love one to Dinka, because there are some Equatorian who like to live with Dinka too.
Equatorian have absolutely have right to hesitate due to the fact Nuer cannot be trust. Some Equatorian would understand joining Nuer would be a tools for Nuer to use to revenge their love one, instead of bringing democratic to SS. So people like Bentiu Ramaran,need all Nuer to quite the Government and then come to revenge their love who killed by the Dinka, otherwise, if they (Nuer in the Goverment )don’t quite the Government, they should be called heartless or they love the money. If this is the objectives of people like Bentiu Ramaran, then announce it to the world that Riek(traitor) want to fight first for the revenge of their love one, so that EQUATORIAN has choose whether to join the fighting to help Nuer revenge their love one or they (Equatorian) would wait for time the Riek ( the Big traitor of all time or serial Killer) will announce that they change movement from revenge killing to democratic change. You don’t have them in both way. This is why confusing other 62 tribes. I agreed with Thomas Ngundeng if he really Nuer, because he telling the truth to lunatic guy called Bentiu Ramaran. Thomas Ngundeng understand that, if Riek ( the Big Serial of Nuer and Dinka) fighting to bring Democratic to South Sudan, then the Nuer who remained in the Government don’t like the Democratic being advocated by Riek (The Ebola). Which mean you loon like Bentiu Ramaran doesn’t have outstanding issues to excused them of being Money talks.
People like Bentiu Ramoron have legitimates right to excused Thomas Ngundeng of being a mouthpiece of money if ( a Big IF) Machar ( The Serial Killer) declared that Nuer has to revenge their love one.
So my take is that Nuer need to clear up the confusion so that to give Equatorian a clear path.
Deng II,
Nuer independent from who?
Gatnor your photo seem like old man but reason like teenagers, Any way the greedy and tribalism block most of the people mind, when you talk about innocent killed in Juba is not true, it is an exaggeration , Nuers youths we killed fighting ,and when were over powered they run and hid in their houses then they other youths men like them followed them . 98% of Nuers brothers were really to defeated Dinka and take the government as brave tribe who are 75% in South Sudan national army,their miscalculation, now Nuer secret failed , now it become a nightmare. In all South Sudan Nuers are number one ,in every where they attack Dinka villages and carried away their belonging eg , cattle ,clothes ,raping and random killing. If God punished them in Juba as criminal and killed in big number as they are the one who start attacking Dinka army first,, in Juba , I wander why many people are concentrating about Nuers Killed in Juba and they were attackers , If you were Salva Kiir ,or one of Dinka , what action could you take ?,
If you are a Southern Sudan national you need to have a side this conflict to contribute to either in the government side or opposition side,don be like Equatorial people whom have no clear in this War between Nath and the Dinka that are struggling for the leadership.
Gatwech Molang Guch
I, STEPHEN wanted to put this statement clear my fellow brothers & sisters and parents who always follows S. Sudan’s conflict since from the on-set of it that you better either choose to be in the side of oppressors (Mr. Kiir’s group) or choose to be in the side of oppressees who are current resisting oppressions (Dr. Riak Machar’s group) simpy because there’s nothing like I am neutral (midocar/confuse-guy or confuse-person) due to the fact that you don’t want to tell the truth in pretext that you can apear good in the eyes of ignnorants of this S. Sudan civil war. Even those of Pagan – Nyadeng plus other eight guys who claimed to be neutral knows that better. Well, you cannot be neutral while somebody is busy killing people[citizens] simply because he wanted to stay in power for life-time. And the above statement is strictly going to those of so called Thomas Ngundeng? and the likes in the Republic of South Sudan.
Tell the suffering people in UNMISS camps that the solution is Riek becoming VP and they will slaughter you there and then. You people are writing from American, Canada, and Australia without knowing how our people feel on the ground. Telling them that we let them wait until we create an alliance with Equatoria, then we defeat the Dinka is like telling them that you don’t care about their real suffering. They cannot wait another night under the rain and in hunger and disease. Riek’s personal ambition is killing our people in the same way that evil Kiir did. That is why I am against them both, for they don’t feel for the people.
Thomas Ngudeng, what is you really point here? This currently war is beyond person imagination whether you like it or not South Sudan will not be the same again. Dr. Machar is victim like others people in South Sudan. It is not his ambition which kill people and it is dictatorship(Kiir) who wants to return Republic of South Sudan to become one man rule.
Equatorial can choose between Salva Kiir who imposed this war to our Nation and us the SPLA-IO. some Equatorial have already read between the line and have join the movement without being force by any body because they know that they have to answer the national call, simply because the history of this nation will ask all of us.
When this war was imposed on us by Salva Kiir and M7 of Uganda what did you contributed? each of us the 64 tribes of the RSS will have to answers this question and of course some people have the answer already. We din’t need confusion any more because this war is not about Dr. Riek Machar but this is a Salva Kiir and M7 of Uganda war against the people of RSS including some Dinka who choose the right side of our national history.
E kac lora! this word came when ever Jur (Gentile) did many things against Nuer(Naath) but they resist it for long. Both Diew strangle for Fedralism and Independence of South Sudan, Dinka is busy looking for leadership while Equatoria were busy looking for individual benefit till we fail to achieve Federalism nor Independence because of other tribes. In 1955 Joseph Lagu shot the first Bullet for Independence of South Sudan but signed A/A peace agreement in 1972 together with Abel Alier, 1975 Nuer begins the movement for NyanyaII which was hijacked by Dr.John Garang in 1983 because of leadership Hungary. This is a beginning of South Sudanese problem, Those of Dr.John were Unionist of Sudan and those of Samuel Gai Tut were Separatist till a peace was held in 1987 to unite those two forces under dr.John but with a promise that Federalism and Independence of South Sudan will be put into SPLM manifesto but he fail to make it and cause a split in 1991 when all Soviet Union fall. In 2002 another agreement was done under dr.John but promise again that Independence of South Sudan will be part of negotiation and will be determined by people of South Sudan which happen in 2011 which is down fall of Unionist. from 2011 Unionist remain with out vision and there is a need for reform and these reform shall be implemented by separatist not unionist. In 2013 Kiir shot bullet to separatist which turns to be reformist but escalate the war to those whose voice is known for separation which is Independence of South Sudan and those were Nuer. This is where Nuer killing history came about. Now Kiir is power hungry and making other promise like dr.John that Federalism and reforms will be determined by South Sudanese. Big NO!!!!! I agree for those who said Dr.Riek should not be installed as VP again while Dinka who are known to be unionist who just care for leadership not the will of people still rule. Let all die for depending this Country!!!! I know God of this Land is with us because many people die with out good reason while Nuer died for Indepence of South Sudan!!!!! Though M7 plus other African came to fight Nuer they will never defeat anybody!!!!! ”LET MY PEOPLE GO”
lol straight from scriptures flattering indeed. I admire your bold honesty f*ck those Jur what is the worst they can possibly do that they have not done to us in the name of tribalism cloaked as south Sudan’s national agenda. Those who have chosen to be oppressed lying done are just dump & stupid cowards.
Dear my compatriots,
Do not divide the SPLM-IO which is a national people’s movement as a Nuer movement with no participation of Equatorian because such claim is not fair, inaccurate and it is not in the best interest of the movement’s success.
From its inception, a good number of Equatorian intellectuals like Dr. Oyet have joined the movement. The fact that the three Equatorian governors are not involved in SPLM-IO doesn’t mean Equatorian are not party of the movement because these governors are just three individuals among millions of Equatorians whose likes or dislike about national development will not impact Equatorian place, in South Sudan, in Africa, or in the world.
The reason why most Nuer unexpectedly went to Upper Nile and Bentu regions when the crisis started in December 15, 2013 is because those regions are their base with supreme population of their sons the daughters of the region who need to be organized and mobilized to rescue and stop the genocide imposed on them by the tribal regime in Juba which was successfully achieved since charity begins at home.
Likewise, we in Equatorian are in our base in our region, with the supreme population of our people who need to be organized and mobilized to defend our territory from any internal threat from the genocidal regime which is enemy of all South Sudanese.
So the idea that all Equatorian should all go and fight in Upper Nile region and other areas to convince our brothers and sisters that we part of what is going on doesn’t make sense.
Equatorian have a fight to fight in their region and base which is the same national fight for the good and success of SPLMA-IO. All we need to do is reinforce one another where there is need in the event of special mission.
Last but not lest, the talks which is lingering around that Equatorian are not contributing should cease especially when a person understand the abrupt and emergency situation the SPLMA-IO revolution have emerged in which all the country including its leaders did not expect it nor did they plan for it in advance.
Let us be proud of the effort ejected suddenly on how the movement able out of nothing able to organize itself, contain the situation, and able to challenge a well prepared country for over 50 years like Uganda and its accomplics in Juba who want wipe Nuer and push the country into flame and defeat them politically and military both on national and international front. There’s lot to be done yet and our unity and understanding to the struggle is paramount to this nobles cause.
Those who always want to wait for a cooked food , will always go to bed with a doubting stomachs, Equotoria-Governors need to make their position clear it either they are with the devil or with us, and their choice is their fate…..no middle grounds !!
[…] SPLM/SPLA Calls On Leadership Of Equatoria States To Su […]