Press Release

SPLA/M –IO Mine Action Program (MAP) Solidarity and Tribute to the Victims of Explosives Ruminants of War in Bentiu (UNMISS) Protection Facilities

A six-year-old amputee at the Juba Physical Rehabilitation Reference Centre. He was injured while traveling in a truck that hit a landmine (ICRC/T. Stoddart/RT)
A six-year-old amputee at the Juba Physical Rehabilitation Reference Centre. He was injured while traveling in a truck that hit a landmine (ICRC/T. Stoddart/RT)

April 6, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — In reference to recent fatal incident trigger by Explosives Ruminants of War (ERW) which resulted to an injured of 10 innocent Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) who fled their homes owing to the fear of the ongoing ethnic target killing by the genocidal forces of Juba regime and their allied foreign mercenaries who are known for committing gross human rights violations against the civilians population in the government controlled territory in Greater Upper Nile Region.

We believe that , the widespread of Landmines, Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) and Explosives Ruminants of War (ERW) post serious physical and psychological problems to citizens and become eminent threat to lives and livelihood of the Internally Displaced Persons ( IDPS) at UNMISS Protection facilities and other displacement centers in Greater Upper Nile Region. It is with a big regret to hear that 10 innocent Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who were running for their dear lives from Ethnic Cleansing end up to become victims of fatal incident due to ERW.

On behalf of the SPLA/M Mine Action Program (MAP) and on my own behalf, I am taking this opportunity to pay my heartfelt tribute and solidarity to the victims and their families of those who were injured by explosives Ruminants of War (ERW) at Bentiu Protection facilities on 29/0/2015. I wish them swift recovery in order to play pro- active roles in peace making and to contribute to mine and UXO awareness program among their fellow IDPS and in the Country at large. The MAP will continue to fight and advocate for South Sudan to become free from the threat of Landmine, UXO and ERW.

The MAP would like to appeal to Regional and International Community to increase their engagement and pressure against the Juba regime to destroy their landmine stockpiles and to stop the use of Anti-personal landmines (AP) and other unconventional arsenals which will have   long term psychological and economic impacts on the innocent poor south Sudanese in aftermath of the conflict.

The SPLA/M Mine Action Program (MAP) is also taking this chance to urge all regional and international humanitarian organizations who are working with IDPS to incorporate mine and UXO awareness activities as crosscutting in all projects implemented in South Sudan.

The Leadership of SPLA/M Mine Action Program would like to request United Nations Mine Action Services (UNMAS) and UNICEF to identify Mine Awareness organization to conduct emergency mine awareness projects in both rebel and government control territories in Greater Upper Nile Region.

Finally Iam appealing to International Mine Actions to speed up landmine related information gathering , identification of dangerous areas, landmine impact surveys on lives and livelihood of the local populations and Internally Displaced Persons in Greater Upper Nile States before signing of the final peace deal by the parties to conflict.

And thanks

Simon Jundi Both

Acting Executive Director, Mine Action Program (MAP) SPLA/M-IO,

Pagak, RSS

Contact: jundisimon@gmail.com

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Lat Kuem April 6, 2015 at 11:02 pm

Am very sorry for hopelessly regiment who have n’t care of human violence. Imagine is it a government to make used of childish crimes or rebellion to do so? No truth being appears between foreigners organization and commanded troops of useless government for Mr. Kiir whichever regret in conveying his leadership accountable for all nation’s crisis later before the courts. God was against losting life than interests. However crimes fall on who gave them to life otherwise we huge you international community that we have right to life not to dies like flies

Wiyich chuol April 7, 2015 at 5:20 am

we the s.sudan people we can take it seriesly that government is not care for civillians,but we the splm io we will take the power soon ,my dear don,t worry take it easy we are almost to come splm io oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”


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