Press Release

South Sudan: More Intellectuals Joining the SPLM-IO!

Makuer Mabor Mangar,

Press Statement, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Nov 24, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — My name is Makuer Mabor Mangar. I graduated with Master of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism and Bachelor of Arts at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia.

I decided to join the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny. Various factors have led to my decision and paramount to these is the dictatorial regime in Juba and it failure to live up to the expectations of our people.

For nearly a year now, the world has witnessed a conflict of brutal nature starting from that dreadful nights of Juba massacres where ethnic Nuer were targeted by Salva Kiir’s government militia between 16-18 December 2013 following the fabricated coup attempt. This act of barbaric nature resulted into revenge attacks on members of Dinka tribe in various locations in Greater Upper Nile region.

President Kiir and his cronies have waged a war of civil liberty and freedom of expression as stipulated by the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan. Our citizens cannot express their legitimate discontent or else they risk being murdered by security personell just as they did to Isaiah Abraham and many others.

President Kiir and cliques have increased a policy of dispossession of private properties and lands especially in Juba where the traditional inhabitants of Central Equatoria are forces to live as squatters in their own land.

Salva Kiir and his men have adopted a two-pronged strategy exterminate their own people. One is the full scale recruitment from Greater Bhar el Ghazel of young children as young as 14 to wage a senseless war thus depriving them of their right to live as well as their right to education. The other is fitting communities against each other especially those communities who refused to fight his tribal war.

President Kiir has deligimized his mandate as an elected president. He uses the Transitional Constitution as his personal property. He dismissed elected governors of Jonglei, Lakes, Northern Bhar el Ghazel and Unity State without holding elections as demanded by the Constitution.

Pesident Kiir’s failure to follow the constitution has led to the current mayhem in the country in general and Lake State in particular where a military general was installed to terrorized the people and destroy democracy way of life of the citizens of the state. State members including the Speaker of parliament are now jailed as we speak.

Lake State has been deserted by intellectuals, traditional chiefs, spiritual leaders and state’s MPs for fear of being targeted and killed by the brutal Kiir’s appointed governor.

Today, Rumbek which was one the intellectual centre of South Sudan and was very peaceful even during the war of liberation, is now ruled by terror and anarchy- all engineered by President Kiir himself. There is total lawlessness … people get killed on daily basis, cattle raid has quadrupled, women are raped in clan feuds which has never happened in the history of South Sudan sectional feuds and the government does nothing to alleviate the situation.

Government armed forces under directives of the governor and his god-father President Kiir instigate lawlessness in the state. Civilians are killed by armed forces in broad day light as it happened in Wau in 2012 while practicing their right protest. Recently in Rumbek North county of Lake State, armed militia opened fire on civilians during poorly organized disarmament.

With these, I believe that the only way forward is the change of leadership through armed resistance. There is no other way to fight a dictator who relies on creating tribal divide to stay in power.

I call on all youth in South Sudan in general and Lake State in particular to join hands with us in resistance movement in order to remove this brutal and dictatorial regime of Salva Kiir.

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