Press Release

South Sudan: Machar Dissolves The Ten States, Establishes 21 Federal States


Machar Establishes 21 States in South Sudan

Source: Zee Machar/Nyamilepedia
Source: Zee Machar/Nyamilepedia


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kang wan machar January 4, 2015 at 6:29 am

I think this should be the formation of federal system therefore any community will enjoy the serves from the administration, well done Dr machar

Lo Surur January 5, 2015 at 9:57 am

Wisdom creates fine thinking and this comes about genuinely from intellectual minds. Federalism is not a first thought out kind of governance; it has been tested worldwide with enormous benefit-outcomes. Unitary perception creates a full legitimacy for the people of South Sudan to decide what is best for them. Current leadership in Juba has been tested as weak and destructive. Under the 21 Federal States System, capital and resources will spread diversely to the countryside citizens and what are expected of these? Of course whole development of the country !

Francis Amayo January 4, 2015 at 6:52 am

There is no legality in the decisons made by Reik Machar,because he hardly controls the states 100% the SPLM/A IO only controls some parts of the South Sudan,unless if they had control of the States and implemented these changes,that can be respected but not even Upper Nile,Unity State,Jonglei is 100% under Rebel control,this is all political drama,i doubt if the AU,IGAD and the UN will respect such sham decisions,whether the Government,Regime in Juba is bad,worse but it remains the legitimate government,so those bush declarations cant hold anywater,how can you appoint governors who are on holiday in Ethiopia enjoying in Hotels,yet the common south sudanese are dying in camps in South Sudan,Ethiopia,Kenya and Uganda.we are tired of war,our people are tired of running…all these felllows who caused this war have robbed this country of billions of dollars which would have made south sudan a better country,they now claiming to fight for democracy,human rights,against tribalism……like i have said before Reik Machar or Salva Kiir are not solutions for South Sudan leadership,any individual who has stolen,robbbed this country doesnot deserve to be in any future government in south sudan,all of them believe they can win the war,even if Reik Machar rebels are armed with the best weaponary,they can never win the war in South Sudan…that is why we support UN to take over South Sudan,because the so-called leaders have failed us,they are driven by Ethnic politics,they dont realise that this country is bigger than them.

John Whan January 4, 2015 at 9:35 pm

Francis Amayo,

The south Sudanese peoples do not need a provision from IGAD, UN and AU to establish the federal democratic administration in the country. Mr. Machar has dissolved the large states and replaced with the mini states to extradite services needed by the peoples. We need better way to delivery services to the people than this current system with bureaucratic establishment nothing better, a system of corruption and mismanagement of resources rents.

maliah koang turoah January 5, 2015 at 8:00 am

fransisco mayo you are calling up on un to come to south sudan shame on you my dear take example from iraq

chigash yiel January 4, 2015 at 11:04 am

Bravo Dr M.Teny Dhurgon for the job well done & ur good vision to ur country future,may God bless ur mind &give you strength ,we all the future plane s.sudan is lying upon you even salva kiir know who can bring change to thepeople of s.sudan & that is he always runout of responsibility of crime he commite saying that upto you the one who have a heart to unite the people of s.sudan but his mission to the world life as salva kiir is to make a genocide to Nuer.

Lier Deng Nyout January 4, 2015 at 1:38 pm

How come to comment about the new formation of the South Sudan region while out of physical land and main cities such as Bentieu , Nasser and Malakal we look like talking without knowing what we are doing on the battle field. We just like a lazy farmer who’s just estimates the land that I will Cultivate from left to right than tomorrow I finish and next I will finish ten acres while is not even start cultivate. and thank you God bless you with your planning without physical land or where to implements your government.

Manyiel Atem January 4, 2015 at 5:26 pm

This is completely waste of time. Riak Machar has clearly shown himself as a leader with out vision.

abai okwhau January 4, 2015 at 8:41 pm

shouldn’t riek machar first wait to join the interim or transitional government with salva kir, work on constitutional reforms, resolve any other outstanding issues, and then elections? i believe he could bring this agenda of creating new states to the people in the form of a part of his party’s election platform and see if there is support. how about reverting to the original three provinces of upper nile, bahr el ghazal and equatoria? check my blog at: http://equatoriarepublic.wordpress.com.

Thiol ruey January 4, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Ofcourse.there is no legality in the decision made by Dr machar b/c he hardly controls the states 1oo%. the SPLM/A IO only controls some part of the s.sudan…!plse dinkas. see good lovely Dr machar to love is southnation.plse don.t wast urs time .leave stupid salva kiir let his go and his lady paul malong to the ICC.b/c they don.t know word Democratic mean.

joseph peter January 4, 2015 at 11:40 pm

and where is maban state

Both January 5, 2015 at 12:35 am

Francis, Riek was willing to work in peaceful country to do what he is doing now but instead was to be assassinated and escaped.Now he has a believe that this system will never change peacefully and the dinka tribe ethnic mind to rule the country for ever is hard to change.So Riek has chosen to start work thinking about the future of the country.For me i support him otherwise the country will celebrate the 100 years in the same situation without any develpoment. I believe kiir leadership will never do anything good anymore for the future of this country. They have proved that so far.

marko bayah January 5, 2015 at 5:11 am

The is not what Dr . Machar want but what is mostly wanted by the people of south sudan to eradicate these sufferings. So what we have to do is to seize and take a full control of the idea and implement it ourselves. We should not leave what is fruitful to peace to the fate of war while knowing very well that it will end the war. Let’s see the truth and peace Will come!

Ruach Gatkuoth Deng January 5, 2015 at 6:48 am

Congratulation Dr. Dhorgon this what all south sudan people needs, because every polatician, will be accuontable if they become corrupted. Therefore, i encourage every southrens to accepet this system if he or she need true peace, social justice and human right.
Ruach Gatkuoth Deng
BSW And MS of HS.

Gatbel January 8, 2015 at 12:07 am

Morning Dream

Peace? South Sudan? Really? | Sometimes a Great Nomad February 8, 2015 at 2:41 am

[…] in opposition, referred to as the Federal Democratic Republic of South Sudan. A proclamation rescinded the recognition of the current 10 states within South Sudan. Another one established 21 states within South Sudan – both signed by the […]


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