Sept 22, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — While the Intergovernmental Authority on Development(IGAD) wants the South Sudanese stakeholders to negotiate the controversial Protocol, signed by the IGAD heads of states, as the agenda of sixth round, the Chairman and the Commander in Chief of SPLA/SPLM(in Opposition), Dr. Riek Machar Teny, has urged the mediation to discuss the root causes of the conflict.
Dr. Machar cautions the regional bloc that their “imposition document” is irrelevant and no South Sudanese can abide with their biased position. Instead Machar wants the root causes discussed.
“IGAD’s imposition document is not relevant. No one can abide by such a biased position. South Sudanese want conflict root causes addressed.” Dr. Machar twitted in Pretoria, South Africa.
Machar made his sharp remarks public to encounter IGAD’s persuasive statement that “IGAD is talking to Dr. Riek Machar to convince him so that he signed the protocol.”
IGAD’s statement was reiterated during consultation in Bahir Dar last week in an attempt to persuade the SPLM-IO, SPLM-FPD and Faith Base group to accept the protocol as the agenda of the talks.
The protocol is declined by four groups, with exception of SPLM-Juba [government delegation], arguing that the multi-stakeholders have agreed on different principles, which were negotiated during Semantic Committees and earlier rounds of mediation.
The Sematic Committees, who met when the SPLM-Juba delegation pulled out of peace talks, negotiated that the TGNU would compose of a ceremonial President and an Executive Prime Minister who is the head of government and head of National Security Council (share powers) with or without deputies.
The semantic committees made other progresses, which they believe to be in public interest of South Sudanese people and that the government delegation should add their portion to the document before it is finalized.
Despite, the regional bloc produced and signed a document, entitled “Agreed Principles” on transitional arrangement towards resolution of the crisis in South Sudan.
During the summit last month, Machar was asked to sign the document, however, after he requested for the content of the protocol, IGAD’s representative apologized that Machar did not have to sign the document.
According to the protocol the Head of State and Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the TGONU shall be the elected, incumbent President of the Republic; the President of the Republic shall be deputized by a Vice President of the Republic.
The document requires the SPLM-IO to appoint a Prime Minister that shall be acceptable and answerable to the incumbent president like in the Ugandan system. The call has been widely criticized as war resumes in Upper Nile.
Politicians, army generals and supporters of SPLM(in Opposition) and SPLM-FPD have sharply criticized the “smuggled” decision, however, IGAD has maintained its ground.
The regional bloc warns that the protocol is final and has to be accepted by the warring parties. IGAD warns that whoever does “not accept this protocol and what the head of states are saying will be deal with by the region.”
Notwithstanding that fighting never cease for a month since December, IGAD blames the warring parties for lack of progress in the peace talks, establishing that war resumes during peace talks.
“It is unfortunate that this trend of events has been observed every time a new session of talks begins, and any such sideshows aimed at derailing the peace process will not be tolerated.”
The peace talks in Addis Ababa, currently moved to a remote Amhara province, have stalled during the last five sessions and very little is yet achieved.
The South Sudanese negotiators were given 45 days in August to negotiate and form a Transitional Government, however, the mediators and the South Sudanese stakeholders remain at a loggerhead at Bahir Dar on what should be discussed in the current phase.
Related articles:
South Sudan: Dr. Machar Declined To Sign IGAD’s Proposed Power Sharing Arrangment!
South Sudan: Warring Parties To Negotiate Transitional Government in 45 Days!
South Sudan Conflict: IGAD fights, mediates and negotiates
South Sudan: IGAD Will “Take Measures” To Restore Peace, Warns The Protocol Is Final!
1 comment
The Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) has boldly taken sides in South Sudan 9 months conflict and declared their interest war motivated by obtaining South Sudan oil money from Salva Kiir’s dictatorial regime publicly.
In their recent Summit in Addis Ababa, IGAD has formally declared their interest war on entire South Sudanese people at home and in diaspora by imposed unwanted, genocidal, incompetent, flip flop, alcoholic, tribal minded, puppet and visionless President Salva Kiir Mayardit to lead upcoming South Sudan Interim Government of National Unity for next two years and more as the President of Republic and Commander in Chief of South Sudan Army Forces (SSAF) which is unfair, ridicules, unacceptable and oppressive in nature.
The IGAD head of States’ leaders work tirelessly to impose incompetent President Kiir by carrying the following policy:
First, IGAD leaders are not cleans, some already joint Salva Kiir’s genocidal regime in war combats against our Freedom Fighters aka SPLA/M in Opposition and fearless Nuer White Army. For instant the direct interference of famous East African bloc regional killer, warmonger, dictator and meddlesome Yoweri Museveni of Uganda whose has a big deadly hands in current conflict in South Sudan is obvious and shining like a sun light.
Museveni sent his UPDF troops two days before violence erupted in Juba on 15 December 2013 and afterwards declared his military intervention by sided with Salva Kiir’s 15,000 private tribal army –the Gelweng militias against Nuer nation but despite all these messes and illegal interventions, other IGAD, AU, TROIKA, UNSC and EU leaders kept silent except Sudan President Omer Bashir and Eritrea President Esas Afurki whom called for withdrawal of Ugandan Army and Sudan’s four rebel groups (JEM, SLM, SRF & SPLA-N) in South Sudan territory. Such a call was over look by IGAD leader the Ethiopian Premier Haile Mariam influenced by USA Barracka Obama’s poor Administration led by money hunter – the Secretary of State John Kerry and their boss bossy Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.
Second, IGAD leaders should refrain from being dogmatic rather than being mediators. They should not decide on behalf of two warring parties in South Sudan conflict instead of mediating and facilitating neutrally. IGAD went so far by decided who can be our President, their proposed Prime Minister, C in C and how to restructure/reform our government, SPLM and future political governance across the country. They imposed visionless Dinka Warap Sultan Salva Kiir as the only way to robbed and looted our national resources through him and his inner crooks cabinet and tribal clan mates continuously.
Third, IGAD leaders had signed their illegal imported document which doctored outside their Peace Initiative before signature our two warring parties aka SPLM pro Government and SPLM in Opposition plus SPLM G10, SPLM-DC and other stockholders like civil organizations agree to agreed, tabled it or bless it as the only way forwards to resolve finally the feudal/tribal/ political/economical war which is unfair, illegal crime and fraudulent indeed.
Fourth, IGAD leaders should recant and rescind from taken a such decisive decision by sided directly with crumble regime of Salvatore as to regain trusts, confidence and mutual understands widely across the entire citizens whom fed up with Juba base Government’s propaganda, dictatorial tendencies, oppressive machinery institutions, barbaric authoritarian system, rampant corruption, overwhelm widen insecurity, tribal politics, wanton killings in urban as well in rural areas, growing hatred and jealousy motivated by tribal sentiments ,land grabbing, tribal Dinka dominated/monopolized government whose shamefully concocted ‘Fake Coup Attempt’ rather than ‘Assassination Failed Attempt’ against Dr Machar and his colleagues whom were peacefully/democratically called for reformation within RSS’ Government and ruling party SPLM by conducted SPLM National Convention which had had overdue since May 2013.
Fifth, IGAD leaders must know that Salva Kiir whom they try to imposed against the wills of entire 64 ethnic groups minus his inner circles which composes of gluttonous blood money hunters, buttock stamped individuals, tribal mind-sets, comedians, yes men/women and submissive mongrels is consider widely within RSS as tribal imperialist, notorious warmonger, genocidal President, visionless, dictator, antidemocratic, anti-federalist, anti-peaceful co-existence leader, incompetent, flip flop and puppet President whose governing South Sudan through outside deadly influence rather than national ones.
Therefore, many social and political scientists believed that Salva Kiir is too premature and ignorance to tackle rampant corruption, and doesn’t know how to protect our national Constitution, preserves national sovereignty, national integrity, political borders, foreign relations and how to run the government sufficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, he runs the country as his own personal property and rule throughout by issuing boring, monotonous or useless Presidential decrees daily as the harsh way to threats, intimidates, annihilates and bullying his political opponents continuously.
Finally, IGAD blind leaders dragging by their boss bossy Museveni of Uganda must know that Salva Kiir’s genocidal government has initiated and administered to massacred about 350 Greater Feertiit in Wau in 2012, 15,000 Murle in 2012, and 20,000 innocent Nuer civilians in Juba 15 December 2013 whom voted for him during Sudan Nation Election 2010 at the de time. Hence, imposed him is against the wills of victims’ families, friends, and relatives in pretext to falsely maintain democratic Elected President on power is unfair, unjust, madness and big insult to victims’ kin indeed.
We South Sudanese people include Dinka nationalist will fight to death for his removal from Presidency either through impeachment, ballot box or bullets. He is illegitimate President not fit to lead us because he concocted fake coup attempt which claims thousands of lives, displaced millions people at home and finally made South Sudan stupid and laughing stocks and failed State number 1 globally. Moreover, IGAD leaders must know that Nuer, Greater Fertiit and Murle warriors in particular are not escape goat and stocks to be sold for exchange of money in markets.
In my Conclusion, all in all, for peaceful political settlement of this current 9 months conflicts, national healing and reconciliation to hold ,or permanent ceasefire to be stable and to achieve false motto of One Nation, One people and one country than Salva Kiir Mayardit must go either peacefully or forcefully. Failure to do so than the Republic of South Sudan will be disintegrated, bloodbath country and failed State as doom prophets said before our national independence declaration. No more no least buddies.