Declaration Intent to Join the SPLM/SPLA

April 14, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Medho Toung Medho, an influential South Sudan youth representative, who led youth oroginations in South Sudan and Diaspora has switched allegiance to the leadership of the former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
Mr. Tuong, who is an ethnic Anyuak, is a former SPLM/SPLA Chapter Secretary of information in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA; the former Anyuak overall youth Representative in Diaspora (USA, Canada, Australia and European countries); and the Anyuak youth leader in Juba, South Sudan, until his recent arrest at Pochalla prison for speaking out against Salva Kiir’s government.
Medho is no longer in jail, however, is calling on all youth, and particularly of Anyuak origin, to uprise against Salva Kiir leadership.
According to Medho, his decision was informed by the reform policies, call for federalism and creation of more states in the country under the auspice of SPLM/SPLA [IO].
The youth leader believes that he was encouraged by the introduction of federal system of governance and the creation of 21 states based on former British Colonial Districts, stressing that it is a great chance for the people of Anyuak to rebuild their lives in their own state.
“The Progress has made it possible for the people of anyuak Kingdom to gain more counties contrary to Salva Kiir’s policies of centralizing development which regrettably attract impoverished citizens into shoddy urban dwellings”. Medho Tuong Medho explains.
As the opposition intends, establishment of more states and counties will diversify nation building and bring services closer to the people at the grassroots compared to the current system.
Medho calls on Anyuak Youth to join hands with Murle youth to defend the newly proposed Pibor State which would be made up of four minor tribes: Jie, Murle, Kachipo and Anyuak.
“I’m declaring my commitment to join and serve in the ranks and files of the SPLM/SPLA and calling upon all of the Anyuak yuoth to stand with our Murle brothers in our newly created Pibor State and fight collectively for our common objective” Medho said.
“I’m convinced that the time is right for all of the young people from the newly created Pibor State to join the people’s movement in order to bring about much needed change in our communities.” Medho explains.
The youth representative emphasizes his disappointment that the current administration never deliver any services as promised to the people during the liberation.
Medho believes that due to marginalization and negligence, the minority tribes were left to defense and fight one another for their survivals.
“Kiir’s regime marginalized the people of Pibor state — the Murel, Anyuak, Jie and Kachipo — to the point where their youth are left to fence on their own and dire redudancy.” Mr. Tuong reiterates.
“As a result, they resorted to attacking each other’s village, abducting children, raiding livestock and committing indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians for survival” he added.
The young political scientist narrates how he is thrilled by the call of multi-party democracy and transformations that would revise the country under a new leadership.
“The call that SPLM/SPLA is championing to introduce multi-party democracy and transformation of the state, which Salva Kiir stood against, is the most suited form of governance for a diverse country like South Sudan” he explains.
Medho, standing for the people of Anyuak, blames Salva Kiir government for demoting Anyuak officers in SPLA system.
He further decries the lack of recognition of Anyuak heroes and heroines who died at the frontline during the liberation wars such as Col. Joseph Akuon Atoha, the then deputy Chief of staff to Joseph Langu and the commanding officer of Anyanya one, who was killed around Malakal in 1971 by the Sudanese forces.
Medho also remembers other forgotten heroes from Anyuak Community such as Maj. Gilo Agada Akwai, an SPLA officer, who was killed while launching an offensive to recapture Pochalla town from NIF regime in 1992.
Medho believes that it is not only the army officers that are not recognized by the leadership of Salva Kiir but also intellectuals who are fit to lead ministerial posts in the government.
Medho, who obtained his major degree in International Relations from the University of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA calls on the young people all over the country to stand up for the nation against the “dictatorial” regime of president Salva Kiir.
Thank you mr.Tuong for your defection from dictatorship regime.
It is good for S.Sudanese to open their eyes wider and sees how Mr. Kiir is reuining the Country(S. Sudan).
people are now trying to open their eyes. They were misled by the dictator since mid-December 2013.
Endless defections to SPLM-Pagaak.
Please click on the “LIKE” icon below my comment if you are happy with the wake-up trumpets surfing the winds of change across the country.
Juba thugs must be irritated and annoyed to their bones.
Limbo methinks. You have to sort it out.
That means the people negotiating the peace deal should understand what the masses want
please do not beat at the corner any more but tell the mediators what the people of south Sudan want, you are there only as their voices, exclude self ambitions and follow the views.
new federal republic of south Sudan under the wise leadership of SPLM IO is the solution to peace and these can sometimes diffuse some elements of the current administration because they did not know what they were doing
Jesus said to his father, forgive them because they have not understood what they were doing
Thanks you brother for your step to denounced Mr killer regime, faction is for all.
However Mr killer regiment will regret on those carrier crimes in Juba forces
The world is awaiting for the phone call for publishing his court dated of calm in feted killer.
The international community should make amicable decision on why our innocence murdered by his guards.
Dinka Kingdom days are numbered, ”LET MY PEOPLE GO”! every body want exit here in Juba
It is not easy for him to go back to USA since he did that openly,he can go back,but he is now on list of those scariest people and need to be watch very carefully.