Press Release

South Sudan: Another Government Official Joins Rebels, Exposes The Government!

Declaration to Join SPLM/SPLA

Updated at 10:00pm, Oct 6th, 2014(East African Time)

Peter Dak Riak, Unity State's SPLM Secretary, and State Member of Legislative Assembly(Photo: Nyamilepedia)
Peter Dak Riak, Unity State’s SPLM Secretary, and State Member of Legislative Assembly(Photo: Nyamilepedia)

Oct 6, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — A member of Unity State Legislative Assembly and the SPLM Unity State Secretary, Hon. Peter Dak Riak, has switched allegiance from the government to SPLM/SPLA under the leadership of South Sudan’s former Vice president, Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

The Member of Parliament, representing constituency No. 18, Kock County, defected from the government on 23rd September, 2014 and joined the SPLM military wing under the military governor of Unity State, Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yak.

Speaking to Nyamilepedia correspondent in Leer town, Hon. Dak states that “the day has come to break my silence for the last nine months of civil war in the Republic of South Sudan.”

“I declare today the date of 23rd September 2014 to join the SPLM [in Opposition], led by the former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny” Hon. Dak said.

Dak strongly reiterates that he and many other colleagues, who remained in the government, have waited patiently to see if the elected president would restore peace and confidence in South Sudanese people, however, to his disappointment, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardiit has abused their patience, “taking their loyalty for weakness”.

Dak wants to let the South Sudanese know that Salva Kiir and the regional bloc, IGAD, will not lead the country to peace. The MP believes that Salva Kiir, his team and the IGAD countries are accommodating themselves with the National Resources.

Hon. Dak wants the people of South Sudan and sympathizers to know that Salva Kiir has failed to  “govern the country by massacring the very people who elected him to power, the Nuer Ethnicity from Juba to any other parts of the country”.

Dak explains that he was prompted to act by the continued state of emergency that Salva Kiir imposed as a blanket to condone ethnic targeting in the three states of Greater Upper Nile. Mr. Riak reiterates that the government troops have continued to kill, rape and loot under this state of emergency in Greater Upper Nile region.

“I was angry for the regime because Kiir has declared a state of emergency since mid December for the three states of Greater Upper Nile, which is still active up to now and the president has failed to withdraw it, whereby the killing of civilians continued by Kiir’s troops, including looting, raping etc” Dak clarifies.

Dak reiterates that the country has no freedom, no right of self expression, no rule of law, no services and no national spirit but a one-man rule characterized by dictatorship and tribalism.

Hon Dak blames the government for issuing South Sudan Passports and Nationality Certificates to foreigners like Ugandans and Darfurians, who are claiming to be South Sudanese.

“The government of South Sudan, specifically the Ministry of Interior is issuing South Sudan Passports and Nationality Certificates to foreigners who are residing in Juba as Ugandan business, people of Darfur who are loyal to the government of Salva Kiir” the law maker denounces.

Collaboration With The Sudanese Rebels and Ugandan Mercenaries:

Hon Dak, as a witness to government policies in the state, revealed that the government of Salva Kiir has approved a budget for the Sudanese Rebels Factions and Ugandan army.

According to Dak, Salva Kiir has assigned Gen. Abdelaziz Hillu to head SPLM-North of Malik Agar in Upper Nile state.

He further revealed that Salva Kiir has assigned Gen. Mini Arko and Gen. Gebriel Ibrahim of Justice and Equality Movement[JEM] to Unity State. Dak confirms that the foreign rebels groups are backed by South Sudan rebels, SSLA, led by Mathew Puljang.

Dak said the Ugandan’s People Defense Forces are assigned to Jonglei state and Equatorian region.

“Therefore I, myself, as the SPLM Unity State Secretary Confirmed this last April before the Town of Bentiu was captured from us by the rebel forces. I visited the Headquarter of state, 4th Division Infantry and I saw JEM, SLA, together with South Sudan former militia of Mathew Puljang, receiving ammunition and the salaries of March in the head quarter of the 4th Division Infantry (BAR)” Dak said.

“We know even though we were in the government, that president Kiir is the one who waged the war against the young nation. Since he has failed he is now buying the foreign troops that will not one day become the army of South Sudan” Dak emphasizes.

The government of South Sudan did not only hire militants to fight the war. At this time the government offered two contracts to American firms, Podesta Group and KRL International to lobby for South Sudan government in the United States and others western countries.

While Podesta Group secured a deal worth $480,000 for a duration from March 30th, 2014 to February 28th 2015, KRL signed a deal worth approximately $175,000 for one year, according to Justice Department records.

However, hon. Dak assures that the country belongs to its citizens and neither of the such deals nor IGAD peace talks will save the government of Salva Kiir.

Dak believes that many South Sudanese are joining the opposition, SPLM/SPLA, which will restore the rule of Law and Install Federalism in the Country.

“I believe Salva Kiir will go, even IGAD support will not help him, the Republic of South Sudan is for South Sudanese. I call upon, many defections are on coming to join SPLM-IO under the rule of law and federal democratic system of good governance.” Dak  reiterates.

Governor Monytuel, why I defected your government!

The honorable MP believes that Joseph Nguen Monytuel who was appointed through a presidential decree did not replace Taban Deng Gai, on July 7, 2014, to serve the interest of the people of Unity State but the interest of Salva Kiir and his loyalists.

Dak believes that Monytuel is taking advantage of the conflict to enrich himself in expense of government employees who fled the country, lives in UNMISS or joined the SPLM/SPLA-IO.

“Monytuel is known for his social and financial corruption. Since he is a presidential appointee, backed by rebels, he does not cooperate with the people of the state.  He is licensed to benefit from the war as an enemy of peace” Dak states.

“He is taking the salary of the state employees as his own while threatening the employees who lives in UNMISS, Juba, and rebel control zones that they will never receive any salary. So the employees of Unity State, including the elected MPs under Monytuel are really suffering. Because of injustice and continuing war in Bentiu, people live in fear.” Dak said

Dak confirms that nearly 70% – 34 out of 49 MPs – of the Unity State legislative assembly have defected to SPLM/SPLA and only 15 MPs remain with Dr. Nguen, a reason for which he believes the majority’s salaries and allowances are misappropriated.

He confirms that the Unity State parliament was shut down in November 2013 due to insecurity as parliament objected Dr. Nguen’s rules.

Dak explains that following the conflict in December the parliament has never reach a quorum to remove the majority of lawmakers who defected to SPLM/SPLA-IO. The 70% MPs, who defected, are still on active list, however, Monytuel is working hard to replace them.

Reasons For Joining the SPLM in Opposition.

  • “The mission and vision of SPLM-IO are clear to all South Sudanese.”
  • “Since the war erupted from Juba to the three states of Greater Upper Nile, which the government later managed to capture their capitals and a few other towns, it has been the government forces who burnt down the properties, and houses of civilian, rape, loot and kill civilians while the rebels did not.”
  • “The policy of federal system, democratic transformation and the rule of law, which are disliked by Salva Kiir group in Juba are the principles that South Sudanese fought for. For these factors I defect to SPLM in opposition”.
  • “These spirit of destruction and killing of my people and the vision of SPLM-IO convinced me to join the movement.”

Messages to South Sudanese:

” My message goes to all youth in South Sudan, again to Marginalized and political post holders to join the SPLM, the best mean to government the Republic of South Sudan.” Dak concludes.

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1 comment

David Shang (@DavidShang2) October 7, 2014 at 2:53 am

Job Well done Gat Geah Koi aka Hon MP Peter Dak Riak ,Notice buddy, We will never surrender till genocidal President Salva Kiir and his crook cohorts quit the power in RSS immediately. We will never stop this imposed war till we completely destroy the brutal regime of Salva Kiir and his Eat African regional friends. We shall never cease the military option till all imported mercenaries or foreign troops are out of our beloved country.We shall never sign the final peace accord till our popular demand of democracy, federalism, freedom of expression/speech/worship/movement in place and free corrupt South Sudan is install via good governance. Congratulation for your bold decision by joint the movement for people and by people aka SPLM in Opposition.Thanks comrade.


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