Jan 26, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- Earlier this month, elders of Abyei Community in Juba committed their times and resources to break the ties between president Salva Kiir and Abyei politicians, especially between Salva Kiir and Deng Alor who was proposed for the Ministry of South Sudan’s Foreign Affairs by his colleagues, the Former Political Detainees. Despite many sacrifices by the elders to see things work, Kiir maintained that he will never trust Deng Alor for foreign mission because Deng is an FD and “non-South Sudanese”, a general basket for the Abyei sons and daughters under Salva Kiir’s rule. That meeting ended in vain with no hopes that a second meeting would be convened, at least not in January 2016; however, it was never too late for some aggrieved members of Jieng Council of Elders who are working for “Jieng Unity” to despite the odds and called on Kiir to swallow his pride.
A second “closed-doors” meeting was held yesterday at J1 in attempt to resolve the issues between Salva Kiir and Deng Alor. Like in the first meeting, no media coverage was allowed. This time Alor was not only frustrated but seemed to have lost hopes in working for Salva Kiir again. Therefore, he spoke his mind as he pleased.
Alor opened his statement by expressing how he was very annoyed by the statement of Salva Kiir which denied people of Abyei being part of South Sudan, which Salva Kiir used as an excuse that Deng can’t hold the portfolio of the ministry of foreign affairs. Deng asked when did Kiir discovered that he hailed from Abyei?
“During the struggle both of you Late Dr. Garang and Kiir tasked me with foreign relations. Secondly you Kiir during Anya Anya 1 who were with you apart from our Abyei fighters, the same during Anya Anya 2.” Alor said pointing at Kiir.
Deng enumerated a lot of encounters with Salva Kiir during the implementation of CPA and how he (Deng) supported Kiir. Kiir felt very humiliated and embassarassed in front of Abyei elders. In response he said he has no problem working with Deng Alor and the people of Abyei. Instead Kiir said this situation is created by Bona Malual, who wanted to rule South Sudan since the signing of the Addis Ababa agreement 1972. Bona work very had to destroy Abel Alier, Clement Omboro and other South Sudanese leaders including late Dr. John Garang.
Bona has maintained his relationship with Bashir and as a result he convinced Kiir to issue a unilateral withdrawal of SPLA forces from the common border of 1956. Seeing no solution, Kiir requested Deng Alor to open a new page and work together but Kiir said what is needed of him(Alor) now is to overcome all the challenges he faced.
Before Deng Alor responded, the meeting was interrupted by Akol Koor of National security who was summoned by the President before the meeting for preventing members of the SPLM-IO at the airport to leave the country to join their chairman Dr. Riek in Kampala meeting with Museveni. Salva Kiir warned Akol Koor that shouldn’t happen again.
The conversation resumed and Deng Alor conditioned Salva Kiir to do the following: 1. Call back Pagan Amum, 2. Allow the implementation of the agreement. 3. Suspend the 28 states, later on the issue can be handled in the TGoNU. 4. Start reaching out individually to all including Lam Akol, Mama Rebecca, Majak Agot and others.
Finally Salva Kiir asked about Mac Paul to come back, because he’s working against the government. But Deng Alor told him that Mac Paul is doing business and has nothing against him(Kiir) or his government. Alor warned Kiir that the only way out for him and Riek is to implement the peace agreement than we(other politicians) can help you guys out. The meeting ended again without assurance that Kiir will approve Deng Alor’s endorsement by his colleagues to run the foreign mission for the country.
I think we who want the agreement to be implemented as it is have to call tolio the chicken than calling you tolio the cow. See how kiir is selling away abiyei, see he is calling Deng Alor a non South Sudanese. Please chicken tolio, you better give up defending your dinka rule right now because it is not taking you any where than taking land from here to there. We Equatorians knew this long ago. Your rule had tried to give away our piece of land near Kajo Keji to Museveni but we told them that dinka do know nothing about our boarders With Uganda or Congo.
tolio the chicken, as you usually claim that you are educated and can reason well, we request you to reason to your jenge telling them not to allow abiyei be taken by misriya neither call Deng Alor in particular and all abiyei sons and daughters as non South Sudanese. My warning to you tolio the chicken is this please watch out, kiir will sell you out and I hope he sells to Greater Equatoria because your wish is to stay in Juba, Nimule or Yei. But all the same we will make you a slave in our land or kick your ass out of these towns. tolio the chicken, are you not deeply embarassed by Your president’s statement to te Abiyei children?
I myself know Deng Alor personally when I was fighting in the Eastern Front. Deng Alor, Pagan Amum, Yasir Arman, Abdal Aziz Hillu, Thomas Cirilo, Abraham Wana were the strongest Commanders assigned by John Garang to engage Khartoum under the banner of NDA but SPLA/M was on the top. It is really a very sad thing to see that you are now struggling to give away abiyei to basher. Shame on you tolio the chicken.
Yesterday I MENTIONED that the voice of the OPOSITION is now very loud within JUBA not longer from Pagak or Addis Ababa. You usually Call the IO as Cowards, what do you Call them now? We are in Juba, forcing you to implement the agreement as it is Without any changes. You must Accept. On the other hand the economy is kicking your ass very hard, the daily killing in Juba is giving the dinka rule a very bad image among the 63 non dinka tribes and Festus Mogae is watching and reporting you to the international community…………..hahahahahaha tolio the chicken, say some something about this total mess you brought to Our country
according to CPA signed by late Dr. John Garang and Abyei protocol signed by Abyei sons ,legally Abyei is part of Sudan until a referendum is conducted to either join south Sudan or Sudan, therefore Abyei people should not be allowed to hold any constitutional post in south Sudan until Abyei situation is resolved. Also i would like to know position of political leadership, Kiir, Machar, Pagan Amum, Dr. Lam Akol and others on this matter?
Wow! This is pure tribal politics. You just agree to fix your differences and then proceed with your ultimate goal of dominating other South Sudanese tribes. Mr, President, listen to Deng and implement the agreement. We know you are already in hell but even though you can still do some thing good before you are humiliated and forced out like Gadaffi and Sadam.
I told you that you that these jenge are always selfish not only to non dinkas but to themselves, hahahhahahahhaha what a funny strory, any way we are still happy as long as the situation in Juba is explaining to us that everything is not easy With tolio the chicken
President Kiir is damn right because Ngok’s minority where in both side of John Garang and Khartoum because of United Sudan. John Garang should have moved to Abyei or Twic because Abyei at Borders between South and North. It is the same with Ramciel because it is not far from Bor,that should have been a serious disaster Garang if had moved to those places.
beek the cow or chicken, you are correct, kiir is damn. He will sell to the bagara for slavery like before.
Do you think people of Abyei will accept to be control by their enemy like Misseriya i think you don’t know what the-so called Arab Nomads ( Misseriya) how many had kill at our areas including my own brother 1988’s. The Arab Nomads are know aware of what they had done at the time of struggled. Misseriya are in the bad mood.
beek the dog,
I know Misriya more than you. I know that Your Brother was killed in 1988. I know thay you and Your mother were taken slaves and you were watching the misriya man rapping Your mother. You have to thank us for standing firm iN the Liberation of this country from basher. you must thank us for liberating you from the misriya. so you must accet the reforms without Your 28 tribal states. And you must go back to fight the misriya in abiyei not in Juba. you idiot
Please your writing is LOUSY and not intelligent or understandable. I think you need Psychologists or Psychiatrits do it very quick,you are mentally sick. Dinka women know how to protect themselves and the so called rape itself is nothing. My mum was the best than your mother. Mother of CHRIST.