By Kelual Machar Dak,

Nyamilepedia(Nyamilepedia) — My dear readers of the esteemed Nyamilepedia website, I am writing to respond to the opportunistic statement made by the above opportunist in the name of our beloved community (Guit County) on Sudantribune dated 29th January 2015 (
I was surprised by the comment of an ordinary citizen like the above friend of mine who claimed to represent the voices and opinions of the entire Western Jikany Community (Guit County) in vain.
Ladies and gentlemen let me take your attention a bit to know about the County and the community at large.
Guit County is one of the Counties in Lich State formerly known as Unity State. It lies in the eastern part of the state. It border Koch County to the south west, Rubkotni to the North West and Phow State to the east. It is inhabited by Jikany section of the Nuer, also known as Jikany Gatkek or western Jikany.
The fact that a little known individual and opportunist whose aim is to get daily bread by tarnishing the name of the community is too absurd and unacceptable. The so called Chahan Chan is nothing but a coward poor son whose aim is to praise the politicians’ in order to get daily bread in return. The man has no personal decision in life rather than defending on other people ready made activities. The so called Mr. Gatjiek Keat or Chahan Chan would have joined the fights against the genocidal government if not because of his known cowardice among the entire community and other weakness he has.
It is meaningless to claim what is too marvelous for you like this fake statement “We the youths from Guit county leadership have rejected the calls by [the] Mayom community for [the] removal of [the] caretaker governor of Unity state,” Chan said on Sudantribune.
“It is time to unite behind Monytuel in this particular moment of crisis,” he added.
In reality there is no reason for you to praise and beg our former governor Joseph Nguen Munytuil while our newly appointed Governor Cde Brig. Gen. Robert Ruai Kuol is there waiting to fulfil your demands and mine too. We need not to waste time by passing meaningless comments to the media when the time is too late for us.
Who are really the youths of Guit County apart from our true sons who vehemently joined the movement for the sake of their people? To make you understand clearly: Our valuable youths and intellectuals have all joined SPLM/SPLA I.O. for example Cde TAYOTA BIEY TUET, one of our figures in the State who hails from our home town and many other intellectuals and valuable Guit Youths are currently in the frontline with me fighting the genocidal government who massacred thousands of Nuer in Juba, Malakal, Nasir, Bentiu, Leer, Mayom, and Guit itself and the list goes on.
Furthermore, I will not forget to borrow one of an English proverb which goes like this ‘’When the cats are away than the mouse will start to dance’’’
That mean all the educated and intellectual youths of the state said No for the dictatorship and marginalization and took a decision to go to the bush that is why you are claiming to be a real person in their absent when you are not.
My especial thanks and appreciations go to our comrades in the SPLM/SPLA from other counties of the state for taking a bold decision like the entire youths of Guit County. On top of them is Cde Mathor James (Rubkotni), The acting commissioner of Manyo County_Wedakona, Also Cde Tayota Biey Tuet (Guit), Cde Tutlieth Jiech( Koch), Cde Weirial Puok (Leer), and Cde Gatdeni Wugok Nguany (Mayom) one of our comrades on the ground.
Last but not least, Guit County (Jikany) cannot be tarnished by simple person who denied that 20,000 innocent people and kids were massacred in the name of South Sudanese pounds (SSP) like the so called Chahan Chan. Therefore I would like to thank Guit community chairman Geng Kuny Puok for dismissing the baseless comment.
Long live the people of South Sudan!!
Long live the people of Lich State!!
Long Live the entire Guit Community!!
Cde Kelual Machar, is a Bachelor holder in the University of Juba, College of Art and Humanity, He joined the movement shortly after the Nuer Massacres. He is currently in the frontline in Upper Nile State.