Feb 2, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan is not only a failed state but is at the verge of disintegration very fast. The economy has virtually collapsed with the country reported to be in debts of 1.6 billion dollars. All these borrowed funds are deviated to buy military hardware while government employees are not getting their salaries. The South Sudan security forces have disintegrated on tribal lines. Development of the country has halted with roads becoming impassable. Majority of the citizens are facing starvation while the tribal regime is spending millions of dollars on foreign mercenaries to keep it in power in Juba.
In the last 14 months, the country has been engaged in self destructive war pitting mostly two tribes. This war was ignited when estimated 20,000 South Sudanese civilians mostly Nuer were massacred in Juba by President Salva Kiir tribal militia which he trained in Luri while thousands of mostly Dinka killed in Bor, Malakal and Bentiu by the unfortunate act of revenge by Nuers. The war has completely destroyed the unity and social fabric of the country.
The root causes of the current turmoil in South Sudan stemmed from the dictatorial, corrupt, tribalistic and incompetent nature of the regime in Juba. This regime is a product of a South Sudan imperial president who has worked successfully to subjugate the national institutions such as parliament and Judiciary and turned them into rubber stamps. While South Sudan states are supposed to be service delivery organs that should bring power and resources nearer or close to the people, the central government continues to retain 80% of the resources for their own lavish lives or embezzled by individuals creating a small clique of “haves” in Juba while majority of the people of South Sudan wallow in abject poverty.
On the other hand the constitution has created a dictatorial monster who is welding his constitutional powers to disregard the bill of rights in the constitution thus using tribal militia to commit grave human right atrocities at will. The events of 15-16 December 2013 in Juba and subsequent outbreak of fighting in South Sudan is the case in point.
While many South Sudanese thought that the current rebellion in the country would be the savior to emancipate the country from the current deep crisis, it appears the rebel movement has also fallen short of addressing the root causes of the problems that South Sudanese have been yarning for since independence under the corrupt leadership of Salva Kiir. Indeed the current peace talks in Arusha and Addis Ababa have become circus for either SPLM unification and apportion of jobs while the real fundamental problem facing the people of South Sudan have be relegated to the periphery. The recent SPLM agreement in Arusha was nothing but a slap in the face of South Sudanese, because they are the same leaders who promulgated the so call transitional constitution that made Salva Kiir a monstrous dictator. They deprived the poor of the much needed development and created a state of despondency. On the other hand the IGAD led Addis Ababa talks have degenerated to sharing of power
The much heaved reform agenda put forward by SPLM-IO has been swept under the carpet while emphasis is being laid on who should be a president, vice president, prime minister etc. Even IGAD forced power sharing agreement signed by Kiir and Riak is likely collapsed because it is obvious that the current leadership in Juba with its cohorts would not bulge if they are not assured of the positions that they want; positions that will enable them continue with their merciless endeavors to return the country to the dark ages of impunity.
South Sudan is a country of 64 ethnic groups which became independent through combined struggle of all these nationalities regardless of their individual populations. For this reason, REMNASA therefore having been deeply touched by the suffering of the people and the urgent need to salvage the country from complete disintegration, has developed firm determination to unite and reconcile all the 64 nationalities of South Sudan in order to maintain the existence of the country everybody fought to liberate for prosperity of the people and posterity of the future generations.
We are inspired by the spirit and need to create new political dispensation in the country that is based on principles of freedom, equality, democracy, unity and respect for human rights anchored in federal structure as the basis for uniting and rebuilding the country.
The Motto of this Revolutionary Movement for National Salvation is, “I am a South Sudanese and I am proud to be South Sudanese”. The mission is to establish and sustain a multiparty democratic Federal Republic of South Sudan where freedom and equality are paramount while the aim is to end the current war and work for permanent peace, reconciliation and unity of the people of South Sudan.
The main objectives to REMNASA are to.
- Establish a political/military peoples’ movement to dislodge the genocidal President Salvatore Kiir in order to bring the much needed reforms and services to the people of Sudan.
- Mobilize, recruit and continuously train a national military force to engage in the salvation of South Sudan from the current conflict
- Advocate for the movement both internally and internationally
- Create awareness among the people of South Sudan to enable them fully understand the motto, mission, aim and objectives of the movement and own it as their own movement
- Engage all other political parties and stakeholders in South Sudan on peace process, reconciliation and harmonious co-existence
- Draw up strategy for achieving peace and reconciliation in the country
- Establish Federal system based on a multiparty democracy
- Reform the governance system, security apparatus and civil services in South Sudan in line with the proposed federal structure in South Sudan
- Establish contacts with neighboring and friendly nations based on mutual respect and respect for each other territorial integrity
- With the resources the country has, provide the badly needed social services our poor people including offering free quality education and free health care services
The achievement of these objectives will be guided by the following principles:
- Reform of the governance structure, security sector and civil services based on Federal constitution and structures
- Equality and equity at all levels of governance
- Inclusivity of all nationalities in South Sudan
- Nondiscrimination according to gender, religion, tribe, political affiliation, colour, creed or disability
- Transparency and accountability
- Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
- Respect for rule of law. Therefore nobody shall be above the law regardless of his/her position
- Separation of powers between the three arms of governance (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary) so as to create checks and balances
- Equal share of power and resources in the country based constitutionalism.
- Noninvolvement of security organs in political arena i.e. intelligence service shall be purely to gather intelligence and inform leadership.
- Commitment to adequate delivery of services to the people of South Sudan
- Create corruption free country with strong transparent and accountable public institutions.
In conclusion, South Sudan is a country which badly needs salvation; salvation from an autocratic leadership that has hijacked it for its own interest and domination. REMNASA strongly believes that the South Sudan crisis cannot be solved by unifying the dreadful SPLM or by creating yet another monolithic government by the defunct SPLM politicians. What both AGAD and Tanzania government should look at is how fast reconciliation and reform agenda can be put forward. Secondly it needs reforms in governance, security, socio-economic and rule of law. These reforms must be enshrined in a permanent constitution based on federal form of governance. Once this is done, it really does not matter who leads the country because institutions would have been created that regulate the conduct of the leaders and prevent impunity in the country. This is indeed where REMNASA stands and is prepared to bring to the people of South Sudan.
Information Department
South Sudan
1 comment
no matter we are same shoe, just differrent hours to understand. but we can locomotion honourable to South Sudan.