Press Release


AUGUST 28, 2014

1. The Joint Federal Police Command (JFPC):

1.1. JFPC shall be composed and structured on parity basis and take its decisions by consensus, in case of disagreement, the matter shall be referred to the two Principals. It shall be composed of the Chief of Police of SPLM/SPLA and Inspector General of Police of GRSS, their deputies and four senior officers from each party.

1.2. JFPC shall exhibit a characteristic of well-functioning body capable of timely response to tasks and situation.

1.3. JFPC shall have a Technical Committee to be formed from four senior officers from both parties.

1.4. The Technical Committee shall undertake the duty of coordination between the two police forces and resolve different problems that may ensue. It shall report regularly to JFPC in all ordinary and extraordinary sessions.

1.5. The two Principals shall appoint the Commander and the deputy commander of the Joint Federal Capital Police (JFCP) who shall be ex officio members of JFPC.

1.6. JFPC shall be entrusted to work out a comprehensive framework for confidence building measures between SPLM/SPLA and GRSS Police forces.

1.7. At the earliest opportunity, appointed representatives of SPLM/SPLA and GRSS will determine a staff structure in support of JFPC.

1.8. JFPC shall prepare budget.

  1. The Status of Joint Federal Capital Police (JFCP):

2.1. There shall be formed Joint Federal Capital Police (hereinafter referred to as JFCP) during the pre-transitional and the transitional period from SPLM/SPLA and GRSS police to replace the current police forces in the capital.

2.2. Formation, training, tasking and deployment of JFCP formations and sub-formations shall be completed not later than D-day + 1 month.

2.3. At the inception, JFCP shall remain in their joint form. However, the process of full integration shall be completed by D day + 7 months.

2.4. JFCP as per Agreement on Security Arrangements shall fall under the command of the Joint Federal Police Command (JFPC). Nevertheless, the two Principals shall appoint the commander and deputy commander for the JFCP as the highest level who shall, by virtue of their positions be members of JFPC. They shall oversee routine command matters of JFCP in accordance to authority conferment by JFPC.

2.5. JFCP command shall be exercised on parity basis between SPLM/SPLA and GRSS officers with alternation of roles at the uppermost and other levels of command.

2.6 JFCP personnel shall be treated equally. There shall be uniformity in welfare, salaries, emoluments, pension rights, supplies, armament, and equipment.

2.7 Training of the Joint Federal Capital Police (JFCP):

2.7.1. Both Forces (SPLM/SPLA and GRSS) shall complete selection and organization of police officers, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and men for JFCP within D Day +1 month from the beginning of the pre-transitional period.

2.7.2. JFCP components from both Parties shall be formed within D Day +1 month from the pre-transitional period and co-locate in their various training centers to be trained for not less than six (6) months (in phases) after which they shall be integrated.

2.7.3. There shall be developed a joint doctrine, code of conduct, as well as disciplinary laws, regulations, and standing operating procedures to govern JFCP general training policies, programs, disciplinary scopes and behavioral patterns during the Peace Talks and be signed as part of security arrangement agreement.

2.7.4. In view of special status of the Federal Capital Ramchiel, JFCP Command shall allot tasks to JFCP contingents that shall be deployed to the capital by the end of the pre-transitional period after completion of initial joint training session that shall not exceed one (1) month. Nonetheless, JFCP command shall organize further training sessions for these contingents in accordance to JFCP training policy and programs.

2.7.5. The parties shall appeal to the international community to render additional technical, material and financial support to assist in forming and training JFCP.

2.8 JFCP Command and Control:
JFCP Headquarters is under command of JFPC and shall be located in Ramchiel. The JFCP command shall perform among other things, the following duties and responsibilities:

2.8.1. Command of JFCP formations and units;

2.8.2. Promotion of mutual cooperation between JFCP, SPLM/SPLA and GRSS at all command levels;

2.8.3. Coordination of supply and replenishments plans with JFPC;

2.8.4. Implementation of JFPC plans, policies, programs and directives pertaining to JFCP;

2.8.5. Appointment and transfer of JFCP officers within the discretion of JFCP command;

2.8.6. Create and promote confidence building measures;

2.8.7. Development and execution of training programs for JFCP;

2.8.8. Coordination with Ceasefire Political Commission (CPC);

2.8.9. Resolution of disputes that may arise within JFCP jurisdiction.

2.9. JFCP Commanders shall exercise the following authority/responsibility:

2.9.1. Command and control of JFCP in their respective areas of command;

2.9.2. Implementation of and compliance with the directives of the JFCP Higher Headquarters;

2.9.3. Implement confidence building policies of the higher headquarters as well as create and promote confidence building measures within their power as shall be desirable;

2.9.4. Development and execution of training programs within their command jurisdiction;

2.9.5. Performance of any other duties that may be conferred upon them by the higher headquarters.

2.10. JFCP Composition and organization:

2.10.1 Composition: JFCP shall be formed from SPLM/SPLA and GRSS police forces;

2.10.2 Organization: JFCP shall be comprised of a Brigade and two battalions (see organizational structure attached as annexure 4) deployed in the Federal Capital and shall be as follows:

a) 1st battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (Police).

b) 2nd battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (Police).

c) 3rd battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (Police).

d) 4th battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (Prisons),

e) 5th battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (Wildlife).

f) 6th battalion which shall have a total strength of 851 officers, NCOs and men (All Joint Federal Police Specialized Units). The police battalion shall compose of: Battalion Command; Battalion HQ Company; Four police companies; Support Company. JFCP battalion shall be formed of two SPLM/SPLA companies and two GRSS companies, whereas the HQs Company and the support company shall be mixed. The size of the forces in each locality shall not exceed one police battalion. Oil installations shall be demilitarized and be protected by Joint Federal Police (JFP). In case of any threat to the oil installations, the Parties agree that Joint Presidential Guard (JPG) shall assist the JFP to protect the oil fields.

  1. Funding of the Joint Federal Police:

3.1. During the Transitional Period, the Joint Federal Police (SPLM/SPLA, GRSS and JFCP) shall be funded by the Federal Government. To meet this obligation, the TFGONU shall raise additional financial resources from International Partners (IGAD, Troika, AU, UN and China).

  1. Other Policing Issues and Domestic Security in the States

4.1. In order to facilitate the removal and withdrawal of the military and paramilitary forces from areas where they were previously located and in order to return societal order and harmony, in accordance with the law, in compliance with national and international acceptable standards and with accountability to the Courts and civil Administration, the police at the appropriate level during the ceasefire shall:

5.1. Maintain law and public order;

5.2. Ensure safety and security of all people and their property;

5.3. Prevent and detect crimes.

5.4. Assist returnees and the displaced to start a normal, stable and safe life in their respective communities;

5.5. Provide national service {such as nationality, civil registry, identity documents (IDs), passports etc.} and other police services and make them available to all citizens in their locations;

5.6. Protect VIPs in collaboration with other security agencies;

5.7. Protect and preserve natural resources;

5.8. Combat illicit trafficking in narcotics, drugs and illegal trade in firearms and other organized and trans-boundary crimes in the area;

5.9. Control illegal presence and movement of aliens in the area;

5.10. Collect data and information on criminal matters that threaten implementation of the peace agreement in the area.

5.11. Ensure re-deployment of military and para-military forces outside villages, communities and city streets;

5.12. Help combat corruption at all levels of government and civil society; and

5.13. In order to strengthen the effective implementation of this Agreement, the Federal Police may assist, as required, other police at all levels to establish and promote police service at that level;

5.14. Cooperate and participate in the entire process of ceasefire implementation;

6.1. The Parties agree that the police shall assume their normal functions and duties particularly in the areas where military and para-military forces had previously assumed their functions;

6.2. The Parties call upon the international partners to assist in the areas of training, establishment and capacity building of Joint Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies for the sustenance of peace and rule of law;

7.1. The Parties recognize the need for cooperation and coordination mechanism between the Joint Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies at all levels with regards to the implementation of this Agreement.


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