Press Release

PRESS-RELEASE: a Platoon of the SPLA’s Commandos joint REMNASA

By Col. John Sunday Martin;
Spokesman –REMNASA

A platoon of SPLA Commandos joined REMNASA, the rebel faction claims(Photo: file)
A platoon of SPLA Commandos joined REMNASA, the rebel faction claims(Photo: file)

May 29, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Today on 29th May, 2015, a platoon under Captain Joseph Gambur from the South Sudan’s Army (SPLA)’s Commando Unit revolted and joined the ranks and structures of the Revolutionary Movement for National Salvation (REMNASA) under the democratic leadership of Lasuba Lodoru

The Platoon had serious military confrontations for 45 minutes causing heavy losses on the SPLA forces based in Myka Military billet, in Western Equatoria State, before they retreated and joined the patriotic forces of REMNASA, stationed in Rimenze.

The Platoon of the SPLA’s special trained “Commandos” decided to join REMNASA due to manipulation of the SPLA by the corrupt, dictatorial and tribal regime of the SPLM, to serve the interests of the ruling elites of the SPLM than the interests of the Nation.

The SPLA is totally corrupted; hence promotions and deployments of the officers are not done on the bases of individual merits but on tribal bases, and the gigantic size of the army remains in miserable state – without basic social services for their welfare, as Salaries are not paid for months. Thus, any person with sense of his or her democratic rights, as well with spirit of patriotism will not enslave him or herself voluntarily in services of corrupt and tribal SPLA under the regime of SPLM; but to strive for meaningful changes of the systems – that starts with regime change.

We would like to state to the general public that, REMNASA is more than ready now to apply maximum military means to topple SPLM regime, and therefore, would like to beseech civilians – special those in Western Equatoria State – where the presence of our brilliant freedom fighters are at large, to remain in demilitarized zones, as well to refrain from boarding military mobility of the SPLA and their coalition forces.

Regime change is the only foreseen options in order restore democracy, good governance and rule of law, deliver social services and address the problems of tribalism and general insecurity in the Country under SPLM. Therefore, we are calling upon all South Sudanese from all works of life, to join us in struggle against the SPLM, and to dissolve SPLM’s reign of terror so as:

1)To replace it by a national broad-base, multiparty system of government, agreed upon by all the political parties,

2)To install and promote the culture of respects for human rights, and democracy, as well good governance and rule of law for the national benefits of all citizens and her aliens.

Col. John Sunday Martin;
Spokesman –REMNASA
E-mail: guerillalinks@gmail.com
Cellphone: +236-75172511

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A. Editor


Deng II May 29, 2015 at 6:14 pm

Let us fight until last man stand. There is nothing with no end at all, otherwise, we don’t need to care any more about our SS people population since Dr Ebola ( Riek Machare) still alive. SPLA Oyee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdQdJ6b1_1o

Abuchook May 29, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Dear Readers,

To be honest and fair, this is not new and also news to the SPLA MAINSTREAM JUBA ARMY and to all The Lion King Nationalist citizens, they were expecting this to happened at any time.

These Western Equatoria should starting praying now for the defeat and before the Thunder Storm reach their back yard.

Abuchook May 29, 2015 at 7:50 pm

In the reality, to Conquer and Control the 3 states of Equatoria, just only one Division of the SPLA MAINSTREAM JUBA ARMY and Supported by the Power of the LION KING IS needed then the mission accomplished and hunting down will started these nyam nyam.

peter May 29, 2015 at 11:28 pm

Abuchook, quote my word you will be caught a live or dead.

Abuchook May 29, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Heee heeee heee heeee heee heee….nothing new here..Fake news are non news to the Lion King Nationalist citizens..

In 1990 to 1995, This Western Equatoria used to call ” The SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT ” Police Gabaa” or Forest police or Bushes Police” and they used to run to Juba and tell and Collaborators with Bashir army and tell all the secrets about Juba invasion by Dr Garang The SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT.
many of you know what I am talking about unless if you don’t know the History of South Sudan practically.

peter May 29, 2015 at 11:23 pm

Deng stop crying and whining I give you ultimate max of three months if you will be still in juba I will never be call as citizen any more.

AGUMUT May 30, 2015 at 7:04 am

What are you going to do in three months? Those people in the government are going to chase you away because they have already learned after 15 December 2013. Do you think they are sleeping? You don’t even know the Large Jungles of Bhar El Gazal.

Abuchook May 30, 2015 at 12:53 am

Oooh God,
I can not believe my eyes seeing Olony Shilluk militia defeated so badly and most of them killed and wounded or missing and there why are they started giving up their own weapons to the SPLA MAINSTREAM JUBA ARMY.

Please Olony Shilluk militia don’t started rebellion you can not finishing…it is very early to giving up

AGUMUT May 30, 2015 at 6:47 am

Where is Abu Bakr, the Leader of Boko Haram? Maybe Olony is missing in action like him.

Abuchook May 30, 2015 at 12:59 am

Olony Shilluk militia shot the back and foot of their own people only Olony Is responsible and accountable for that action.

Now shiluk villages and areas are feeling the heat wave of The Lion King Nationalist citizens.

288weechwang May 30, 2015 at 5:11 am

It already there dummy. What are you reading? You are so disloyai to south sudan people and the land. You brought many alliens troops to fight what your uncle salva killer started in 15/12/2013, Nonetheless you have failed to defeating the revolutionary defense forces under chairman Dr Riek Machar Teny.I see what you have been up to,It seemed as you are in state of denials. And it ”ll get worst in the next few months.

AGUMUT May 31, 2015 at 12:21 am

You are crying,please rewrite your commented again! White Army were fool to beat Drummer of war. Nuer youth need education and jobs.

Loberito May 30, 2015 at 9:14 pm


No problem man. So long as Slava Killer the cancerous is hanging on the power, I agree with you that we will fight until not last man but the last woman in South Sudan.

Wed Aljunub May 29, 2015 at 8:19 pm

Some of Life lovers and food- seekers from Equatoria are hunting undercover that disagreement has been occurring between Dinka and Nuer may last longer. I would say: There is a time for war and there is a time for peace as it is stated in the Bible ## means that problems come and go, one day time will come when Dinka and Nuer will sit and face this critical situation together and shame will be on those who love their stomach to be full all the time than Nation.

Goweng Torbar May 29, 2015 at 9:18 pm

RAMSA spend many Months by now with out announcing capture of a single area though village. Please re-think and joint SPLA IO the main movement which is supported by all South Sudanese. With out co operation with SPLA IO, you will never succeeded in your movement. Take example from Olony , his force is known as Agwelek his co operation with SPLA IO was al most resulting into capture of Paloch. I don’t like the name SPLA any more but co operation to all opposition army is very important and then issue of name will be tackle latter.

KepoMattat May 29, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Don’t underestimate idiots, history tells us, a tribal government always ends in shame where ever it’s in these globe.
Watch-out !

Loberito May 30, 2015 at 9:44 pm

You got it right KepoMattat.

A good example is Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi from Libya. He ruled as Revolutionary Chairman of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977 and then as the “Brotherly Leader” of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011, when he was ousted in the Libyan Civil War.

Also, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti from Irag who came to power on July 1997 until 9 April 2003. Slavar Killer will be the same if he does not realize it.

nuer May 29, 2015 at 10:07 pm

Ooh and dip!,
This cockroaches dinka are so jackass and goofuss they just thought what comes in their mind,not thinking their time is ups saying they will defeat equatorrians hence they couldn’t even fight for them self just buying people,I believe this baboons who are commenting on this side are just grin and airhead!let’s be correct and stand right to be honest asked your self if equatorians quit from your tribalistics government that is fall,
South sudan cannot watch u playing with their movements,good understandable people other tribes cannot tolerant that!we cannot wait for u to develop,the is the reasons why u are fighting hard to prevent good people who can build this nation and I know u are very poor and your are lived in poverty,that is why u are trying to steals life of vision people,kir suck,regime tribes suck!good peole let’s go!

Wed Aljunub May 30, 2015 at 12:56 am

Mr. Nuer: Who is really rich in South Sudan? Riek Machar you mean. I,m not here on this site to attack any person personality or identity. Jonson Olong given money and weapons to protect Shuluk Citizens from rape and humiliation but he got it wrong ,nevertheless so many now from Shuluk are rising white flag to come back to Dinka Padang areas because they got nothing in the west bank to eat. If you really know me and you think I,m in poverty it would be better for you to think also of those who liberated South Sudan, they were not rich. Adding more to this, If you think I,m poor, my citizenship voice is rich more than your shame. I,m a Dinka from Upper Nile, We respect Nuer tribe, my forefathers did it , my fathers had done it and I will do it. If you are really pure Nuer Sureley will be someone there will tell you that you got it wrong my friend. YOUR ARE NOT WICKED ANYWAY.

Gueto May 30, 2015 at 1:33 am


If we recalling between 1991-2005, we were having 17 militias or unpatriotic groups stabbed SPLA/M at aback. And movements had survived, so nothing will worry us, unless those who born after like you.
These dramas will end as soon as possible.

Adut Magoes May 30, 2015 at 11:14 am

what is wrong with you these people? why are you abusing Jieng or Danish to called them the foods seekers and cockroaches, even some people go so far to called us a slaves and called themselves they really south sudanes who brought independent. let me take you back to story in 1800 hundred when a one chief from the lakes who call Wol Athiang ,he was refused to pay the taxes to British government in Khartoum,when the taxes collectors went back to Khartoum they reported to the authority that the chiefs of Jieng or Danish refused to pay the taxes to the government and then the British government said what we should do now. what they did is to mobilize they Nuers to fight the Jieng and when they defeated them then they bring the cows and we sales them to pay the taxes to government. now they begins mobilize they Nuers and sent them to area called thuong anei cattle camp ,and they Nuers began to killed large number of people and took about eight thousand head of calttls and took them to the British army camp this is the first genocide they Nuers committed against Jieng people. for all this facts the Jieng are considered Nuers as cuisines with out heated in their hearts against they Nuers instead they Nuers hate Jieng or Danish so much, I don’t why they supposed to thanks God for created Jieng in south sudan to a loving them and liberated them from the Arab, and then they turn them to be their enemies rather than cuisines and brothers. they same Jieng or Danish people who brought independent to south sudan now be came Republic of south sudan, thanks God for Jieng or Danish and God bless them and keep them

288weechwang May 30, 2015 at 5:20 am

Any one with vision in the could pinpoint what has happening in south sudan now. Prior to 15/12/2013,no function goverment in south sudan. because what people of south sudanes are facing wouldn’t had to happened if there were a good leader.

In this modern world, acriminal or carrer convi wouldn’t take the the nation.

Loberito May 30, 2015 at 9:57 pm


You may make good points but it is not always good to generalize the people. There are good and bad Dinka as well as there are good and bad Nuer. Generally people good and bad. Let us not say that Dinka are bad people because not all the Dinka are bad.

The corrupt Regime in Juba does not represent the whole Dinka. There are Dinka who are suffering while those who are in the power are doing well. Let us avoid generalizing the situation. It is good to be specific. Let us realize that we have Dinka who are also fighting to change the government because they have seen what few Dinka in the government are doing bad. I still respect your opinion.

Loberito May 30, 2015 at 10:01 pm

The sentence should read, generally people are good and bad!

Liel jaangne May 29, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Abuchook, I don’t think you are normal person, why you are calling dependent and fake govrnment as lion king power that has no forces of itself to resist independent freedom fighters for all including you, YET you are always crying for help, from your fathers uganda, spla-n, JEM beside the fact that you’re already govrnment.
Plse don’t post again in public bcause you have no base to talk about.

AGUMUT May 30, 2015 at 12:17 am

They have being fool like Nuer when they Defected to Dementia SPLM-IO. Why Nuer’s Defection is getting Lower and Lower.

Goweng Torbar May 30, 2015 at 2:32 am

Agumut, tell me where a battle is commanded by Dinka general since 2013?

AGUMUT May 30, 2015 at 5:24 am

I want you to join Dr.Alzheimer instead of lying lying,but your liar is apart of crying crying.

ater May 30, 2015 at 3:21 am

All of you are beating the drum of war which is not gainful to any tribe,therefore stop it and preach peace which shall satisfy the 64 tribes not promising to wipe out ourselves ,who eats war?????.

Nyun-bei May 30, 2015 at 7:54 am

Hey! Nyam nyam b,se of your stupid ways of thinking that is why you have form a new rebel movement but the national gov,t will castrated you all with Nuers.

Adut Magoes May 30, 2015 at 10:44 am

what is wrong with you these people? why are you abusing Jieng or Danish to called them the foods seekers and cockroaches, even some people go so far to called us a slaves and called themselves they really south sudanes who brought independent. let me take you back to story in 1800 hundred when a one chief from the lakes who call Wol Athiang ,he was refused to pay the taxes to British government in Khartoum,when the taxes collectors went back to Khartoum they reported to the authority that the chiefs of Jieng or Danish refused to pay the taxes to the government and then the British government said what we should now is that they to mobilize they Nuers to fight the Jieng and when they defeated them then they bring the cows and we sales them to pay the taxes to government. now they mobilize they Nuers and sent them to area called thong anei cattle camp ,and killed large number of people and took about eight hundred head of calttl that is the first genocide committed Nuers against Jieng people. for all the facts the Jieng are considered Nuers as cuisines with out heated against instead to thanks God for created Jieng in south sudan to a loving and liberators to them from Arab, and then they turn them to be their emmy rather than cuisines and brothers. they same Jieng or Danish people brought independent to south sudan now be came Republic of south sudan, thanks God for Jieng or Danish and God bless them and keep them

Mandela Nelson Jacob May 30, 2015 at 8:05 pm

Sudan rebels and Uganda UPDF has no interest to fight in equatoria.
Secondly we expecting the saying of one nation one people from dinka instead but they covered it by liberators.
Which tribe has no contributions ?.
Anyway power is a soul, the Lord gives and the Lord takes.
When it comes to time majority will not be an issue.
Biblical history of war usually one person is the winner but why are the Dinka’s wanted to deceived themselves by being the majority ?.

Liel jaangne May 30, 2015 at 9:04 pm

Evry body who try to mess up with Nuer has no future, right, but hatret, since Dinkas are those who tabled and started the war after we become nation.
Any body who support war doesn’t love our new born nation.


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