Mekonen Tefere Press Release

Peace Ambassador Urges UN to Speed up the Relocation of South Sudan’s Refugees from Lietchuor Camp as rainy season starts

Mekonen Tefere,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

Peace Ambassador Gatwech addresses the crowd at Gender Violence
Peace Ambassador Gatwech addresses the crowd at Gender Violence

May 05, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Peace Ambassador Gatwech Koak Nyuon who was speaking at special invitation from one of the Ethiopian Church on Sunday, May 3, 15, told the Ethiopians congregations that he is very worried about the refugees’ status who are currently residing in Lietchuor Camp near Gambella Ethiopia. He mentioned that the current man-made crisis in South Sudan victimized elderly people, women and children in particular.

“Elderly people, women and children did not choose to come to Refugee Camps but were directly forced by a manmade calamity and fled the war for their safety. Therefore, warring factions must refrain from attacking each others and focus on finding a solution on the table.” Gatwech said.

Eye Radio quoted US Secretary of State in an interview in Kenyan Capital Nairobi on Monday, May 4, 15. “In very practical terms, I announce today that we are putting five million dollars into the effort to develop a justice and accountability system for what is happening in South Sudan,” said Kerry.

Opposition Military Leadership claims that they have been closely monitoring the Government’s forces matching toward Jonglie State in order to attack Greater Akobo of Lou Nuer with target assault on Yuai and Akobo Counties.

Peace Ambassador Gatwech warns the warring factions to respect Humanitarian Laws, civilians and NGOs’ vicinity from any attack

“NGOs are independent entities which support neither party in this crisis, you must respect them!” He added that innocent civilians should not be targeted because who ever win this senseless war either by bullets or peace would still need civilians to stand with him. Gatwech directly referring to both President Salva Kiir and Machar whose forces had been fighting since December 2013.

The report published by some media last weeks stated that the host communities in Lietchuor are cautious or not in favor for refugees to be relocated from Lietchuor to Jewi, just 18kms a way from Gambella Town. The refusal by host community is connected with benefit.

Peace Ambassador appreciated the roles played by Ethiopian Government and UN for protection and assistance they have been providing to the refugees. He dismissed that host community has nothing to do with order accutane pills refugees’ affairs and insisted that the UN is tirelessly working on survey to set the new Camp before the relocation kick-off. Therefore refugees need to be happy for the new home.

“We are in a very bad situation, we need to be relocated to any dry place, and we don’t need to be in a wet Camp like last year.” A Junior School’s Teacher said on the phone from Lietchuor.

Martha Nyamach Gatluak who is pregnant said that she is worried because the very first rain that rained on May 2, 2015 had destroyed her tents.

“During the rain, there was water all over my tent.” She said.

Two days ago Peace Ambassador wrote on his social media, stated “UN should start relocating refugees who are currently in Lietchuor to Jewi as planned since the refugees are nearly to flood soon.” He further added that it’s good to rain in South Sudan for citizens to start planting some crops and it’s also good for civilians’ vicinity to be mud so that warring factions have difficulty to attack each other’s.

Many refugees give-up and declare that if the UN will not relocate them to another place they would rather surrender themselves to the enemy back in South Sudan.

Meanwhile Peace Ambassador urged the warring faction to consider the negotiation as the best option for the sake of innocent citizens who are facing the cultural shock, diseases and trauma in the Camps. He appeals to the IGAD, TRIOKA and other blocks to push for peace so that civilians are saved from death.

Finally, Gatwech extended his condolences message on recent killing of Ethiopians by ISIS in Libya and Yemen as well as xenophobia of South Africans on Ethiopian brothers last weeks.

“I ask your kindness to accept my deep condolences on our innocents brothers and sisters who had been directly targeted by enemy of peace in Libya, Yemen and South Africa. For you are the cornerstone of Africa…I recommend that you remain united as true Africans and fight the enemy of peace together with peace lovers.” Gatwech added that he is so pleased for Ethiopians culture for they are fearful to Heavenly God.

The Author can be reached on: mekonentefere@gmail.com

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AGUMUT May 5, 2015 at 7:29 am

Take care about SPLM-IO and Riek Machar groups because Riek still got Hacking documents..

Gueto May 5, 2015 at 8:36 am

Gatwech said “We are in a very bad situation”

Brother,this is a consequence of war. Nuers are believing in seeing and majority of tribes in SS believe in negotiation regardless of being claim as strong warriors.

Please, I am advising Nuer brothers/sisters to think twice because this war will never end easily.Nuer tribe had wounded RSS many times due to rough behaviors.

Refuge’s life is problematic.You are most welcome back especially this year 2015.

GatNor May 5, 2015 at 2:11 pm

I see most of the cowards Jur including their 91 vultures & the unionist alike misuse the word “Nuers” in every hate speech they utter.The phrases are many and the most popular one are as follow:

“Nuers left for Khartoum & came back”
“Nuers left the rebellion in 91 and came back”
“Nuers back stabbed South Sudanese in the back in 91 & in 2013”
“Nuers rebelled in 91 and again in 2011”
“Nuers will come back like they did before”
“Nuers just come back to the government”
“Nuers you are welcome to comeback”
“Nuers are rebel”
“Nuesr are traitors”
“Nuers are nyagats”
“Nuers started the civil war”
“Nuers are responsible for 91 Bor”
“Nuers have contributed nothing to the liberation of South Sudan”
“Nuers are atheist Ngundeng’s followers”
“Nuers follow the prophet of doom’
“Nuers are food lovers”
“Nuers generals are uneducated”
“Nuers rebellion has no vision”
“Nuers will never rule this country South Sudan’
“Nuers rebellion should not be rewarded for position”
“Nuers must not take the government by force”
“Nuers kiiled jaang in juba, bor, jonglei, unity, malakal etec”
“Nuers killed spla recruits on the way to Bilpam’
“Nuers signed peace with Khartoum”
“Nuers are enemy of the state”
“Nuers made alliances with the real enemy”

This is my way of coming up with the bigger picture on the hate being projected on the Nuers. One would automatically come to a conclusion that the source of these phrase is the real enemy of the Nuers and the devil with a more bigger and a sinister agenda.

I have read many written articles with these hate phrases against Nuers by some of South Sudan’s writers, public officials including the so called president himself.

My message for those who find pleasure spewing such messages against Nuers you are just as much responsible for how this country South Sudan is turning out.

My message to the Nuers is its time you stand up to these cowards and make it clear that you will not allow such to continue in a country that you are a very important part of what gives it the same South Sudan because south sudan will never be South Sudan without you. Whether they like it or not the attitude must change.

AGUMUT, ABUCHOOK, DENG II, Atem, and the rest of the coward like Gueto. where do you guys think you are taking South Sudan? Hell or Heavens? If you are can you practically do it without the Nuers? Can you succeed in doing so if the Nuers say NO? –Ofcourse you can not do neither without the Nuers. Just like you can not keep the government in power without the sellout Nuers and the vision of new Sudan dematerialized when Nuers said No.

I have one more word-phrase I must educate you coward on: and I quote

“WElCOME” – To received with pleasure and hospitality into one’s company or home.

South Sudan is a home for all South Sudanese. They can welcome whoever they wish into South Sudan. And none of them can not use the word welcome in reference to another South Sudanese implying that the one using the word in reference to.. is or have more entitlements than the other. This would be false and politically incorrect.

There is no abusing this word again as if the Nuers earned or deserves to be welcome. The word does not apply to them in any shape or form nor does it apply to any South Sudanese that have any disputes with others within the confined of South Sudan’s territory. Those who have political disagreements, military, tribal, or personal disputes will find time to embrace each other again but not welcome one another because to welcome implies that one have earn/deserve recognition to be welcome. Friends and strangers welcomes themselves but not people of the same national identity or some what of same ancestral blood line.

When this is all over, there will be no welcoming nobody but a change of government where the old steps a side grieving the loss of power and the new will simply assumed the role. Do not expect the same old silly scenario of humiliating anyone by misusing the word or phrase that “Nuers” are or will be “welcome” you can dream on.

AGUMUT May 5, 2015 at 5:11 pm

GatNOR became real dumb bottom.

GatNor May 5, 2015 at 6:07 pm

Lets wait and see how long it will take you to use one of these phrased above. Guilty you should be. I remember a while back as days ago on the article of Malual and his daughter issue, you accused GatNor of abusing Jaang. Just how you came to that conclusion is beyond me. I have just listed the hate phrase many Jaang are guilty of including you and that’s all you can say in response. pathetic.


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