Press Release

Opening Statement by Comrade Deng Alor Kuol, Arusha II (Phase Two)

Opening Statement by Comrade Deng Alor Kuol
SPLM Leaders (Former Political Detainees)
On the Occasion of Intra-SPLM Party Dialogue
Arusha II (Phase Two)
January 9th, 2015
Ngurdoto, Arusha, Tanzania
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Jan 10, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — We the SPLM Leaders (Former Political Detainees) take this opportunity to reiterate our utmost commitment to the Intra-SPLM Dialogue, convened for the second phase in Ngurdoto, this beautiful part of the city of Arusha. It is regrettable that the follow-up to the first phase did not take place as planned and may be the unfortunate killings that have continued would have been stopped.

Nevertheless, it is our hope and desire that as we reconvene today, our deliberations will emulate the same spirit of October last year, when we were privileged to be hosted by this sisterly country, one of Africa’s icon of Liberation Movements, Tanzania.

Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

What is expected of the Leadership of SPLM is taking hard decisions that would expedite the peace process in our country. We cannot continue to behave and act as if we are in normal conditions. South Sudan is no longer the same since the events of December 15th, 2013. Just over a year now, we cannot afford to continue behaving as if we live in cocoons. The region, Africa and indeed the world are getting fatigued and are watching us every single day of our lives. We cannot continue to ignore their concerns as well as their commitment to assist us achieve lasting peace, else they will start developing ideas that may not be our best options on how to end the conflict in our country. Moreover, it is now not up to us to think that we can continue to ignore the suffering of our citizens with impunity and without accountability while the region and the world are watching.

Yes, South Sudan is a sovereign country but it must also fulfill its obligations to abide by international norms and principles of statehood. Do we have to be reminded every time that we are also an integral part of the region, Africa and the world? No! We succeeded in our liberation because of our hard struggle combined with diplomacy and good regional and international relations. The pedagogy of our liberation struggle taught us to be ready to sacrifice and not to cling to our own egos and personal desir es. Therefore, power should not be maintained at all cost nor should it be seized by force, while our populations are subjected to perpetual suffering. To us, No! That is why we made a conscious decision not to pick up arms or join any belligerent party. War is and should not be an option because our people have suffered for so long. We must stop the war and let us agree to reunite our party here in Arusha and move to conclude a comprehensive peace in Addis Ababa in order to embark on nation building.

Last but not the least, the issues are clear and we have the framework document, which we initialed last year to guide us. We should not continue deceiving ourselves by projected victories and instead we must be mindful that our country is drifting to abyss. As responsible leaders of our people, let us take this opportunity to deliver peaceto our suffering people and war-torn country. Let us make this year to be different from the one that has just ended miserably for South Sudanese.

Once again, we thank Tanzania for hosting this DialogueandCMI for their support. We are equally grateful to the region and allthosepeace loving people of the world who have remained seized of the situation in our country.

Thank you.

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Gatluak south sudan January 10, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Why south Sudanese people sleeps for long periods of time is it fear.
this nation is not for Nuer or dinka all tribes have a great right to do what every they must do. regime in juba has eight year on power but no single change for development of our nation.
we wants country with development and true democracy leadership in which innocents civillians wil have freedom of movement and development .

Nuer massacres last year in juba over 20,000 civillians were kills by kiir because they are nuer , we brought this nation out from north .no body said this are nuer or dinka let kills them . is because the country is for all of us .

killing of Nuer civillians last year in april under protevtion site in bor poc because they are Nuer by ethnicity .more than 70 of were by kiir forces .
over 200 unarmed Nuer were kills in Mapel town millitary training it,s very clear that dinka government wants to clean neur in this land which lose more lives during struggle to get independent.

killing of aids workers in maban county by a militia formed by kiir to depend him on power . he that militia to kills only nuer . people.
kiir forces kill UN security personel working with WFP because he nuer .
more crimes still happen from kiir leader ship and his militia that he form to helps him for cleansing the nuer in south sudan .

which accurate information or true needed by international communities to show the
crimes made by the government of salva kiir and his militia .

Why international community become like IGAD who fails to end long war
in the country . why do international community are fear with salva kiir government in juba they don,t let uganda to withdrawn from south sudan territory
this war of south sudan it is the easy way of getting money from those stand behind dying of civillians .

IGAD and international communities they have very great interest in south sudan war . that is why IGAD fails and totally fails to end one year long conflict .and the international community are keeping silent while innocents civilians are still dying and more the 100,000 still in custody for their safety under UNMISS
their children are dying of malnutrition and so many dangerous diseases
what is not true these only Nuer under protections site in the whole country
in malakal ,bor, , juba which the capital city of south Sudan.

SPLM in opposition under leadership former vice president Dr Riek Machar Teny
is there for democracy and prosperity . need all people in the country to have
true democracy and development ,will not be like the regime of dinkas dictatorial
leadership and corruption stolen the money in they office the mr president
machar create 21 state is in connection with the wards of late Dr Garang
take town to people not people to town .
machar have right to fight for general right of the citizens .is not him to benefit your coming generation are the very who will get the importance of 21 state . owning your state natural resources machar is in the bush for total change of our young nation
to be like the rests of the world .
he don,t wants south Sudanese people to suffer like eastern Africans people
whose their best food is Matooke mostly in Uganda .

Uganda troops intervention
i don,t blame them because they poorest people in eastern africa
why international community are not serous to pressure ugandans troops to withdrawn in south sudan territory . south sudan become a place of business from both IGAD and international communities

by Gatluak luk can be reach gatltuakluk@gmail.com

Gabriel Gatluak Daniel January 10, 2015 at 11:41 pm

Deng Alor please you are not south sudanese at the present. Don,t inter ss afairs.what put u as a minster in salvakiir Gov was not law or u right or any logic but Dinkasim which destorying
Our country Now.please go to ligetimate president kiir as u people call him and let him

Kuong Geng Both January 11, 2015 at 1:03 am

It is so fragile; to negotiate with someone who doesn’t know or understand what you mean, the only solution to this one year conflict in S. Sudan is not negotiation, Kiir and his money lovers should quit the Country so that peace could prevail in S. Sudan.

Chief Defender January 11, 2015 at 6:19 am

It is unfortunate this meaningful speech is address to none. You (Deng Alor) shouldn’t have waste much time organizing those eloquent words. Who need what you say traitor? Are you up for peace if you cannot tell Kiir to stop his nonsense but rather give non-recipient speech? You just want negative peace and resume embezzlement of public funds. It will never work.You don’t even have relatives who died in this conflict and you have a gut to talk about the death of the people of SS. Stop sitting on the fence and shed that crocodile’s tears and join Kiir so that we weed you out all -pretenders and the oppressors. We want to clear this country of any mess, not even a remnant or element of Kiir will remain because they can disturb the peace and democracy that we are going to install. We are up for total reforms and reconstruction of this country and so we don’t want mistakes to creep into this time.

Nathaniel Maral January 12, 2015 at 5:47 am

Guys, let your understanding be more wider than to limit, I understand some of you are surviving through the blood of innocent people. And it is difficult for you to understand what is peace is all about, because conflict win you a bread.

Back to Hon. Deng Alor, I can describe him as a son of South Sudan, man love peace, security and development, man love to solve their differences within SPLM in peace manner. And that is what I support.

I love all South Sudanese to live in peace, Dinkas, Nuers and other tribes should live in peace. peace will make us to attain development.

Thanks, I hope you will grape a message of peace!

Nhial Aciek David January 13, 2015 at 10:47 pm

I would to comment on those G11, who are seems nuetrals they either pully supporting the goverment, Juba faction or joining the SPLM….INO.They are part and parcells of the route cause of the problms, what make them free if i ask one them.

Nhial Aciek David January 13, 2015 at 10:48 pm

I would like to comment on those G11, who are seems nuetrals they either pully supporting the goverment, Juba faction or joining the SPLM….INO.They are part and parcells of the route cause of the problms, what make them free if i ask one them.


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