Press Release


To: Dr. Riek Machar Teny

Chairperson and Commander

in Chief of the SPLM/A

Australia-001Nov 23, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — On behalf of the Nuer Youth Association in Australia and on my own behalf, we strongly oppose and reject the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) proposal that give president Salva Kiir another chance to be the leader of the upcoming transitional government of South Sudan. From our perspectives, Kiir lost his legitimacy mandate as a president after ordering his private army to conduct genocide, massacre and crime against humanity. As the result of his misconduct of the country affairs, suddenly turned his barrel on his country men that resulted in lost of (20,000) innocent Nuer civilians on 15 to 21 December 2013 in Juba. Therefore, the situation escalated across South Sudan and the situation deteriorated at greater magnitude that confirmed president Salva Kiir as a criminal who violated human rights and committed crime against humanity. We, the civil society advise that IGAD and international communities should not to reward president Salva Kiir who responsible for human rights violations, such as gang rapping, looting properties, insecurity and creating mass displacement of ordinary civilians across South Sudan.

As we are aware that some of IGAD countries such as Uganda forces and other mercenaries including Justice and Equality Movement (GEM) and SPLA north-Sudan fighting alongside president Salva Kiir forces since conflict started on 15th December 2013. Whilst, IGAD and international communities have failed to bring president Salva Kiir to justice or force him to respect the cessation of hostilities that he signed on the 9th January 2014. However, many peace agreements has been reached since 9th January 2014, but were not honored by president Salva Kiir and his forces, which are still attacking civilians while his security agents still conducting assassinations against innocents Nuer civilians particularly in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) camps in Juba, Malakal, Bor and Bentiu towns.

Although, we are very sincere and clear about the peace and stability in South Sudan, thus we do not support IGAD proposal to keep us under president Salva Kiir leadership, which is responsible for lost of our loved ones. Therefore, we do not trust president Salva Kiir to lead South Sudan anymore.

We, Nuer youth of Australia reject president Salva Kiir to be the leader of the upcoming transitional government of South Sudan for following reasons:

  • President Salva Kiir has admitted that he recruited and trained about 30,000 militias from Dinka tribes in two States of Warrap and Northern Bahr El Ghazel under Paul Malong direction. Such act indicate that president Salva Kiir intentionally planned to kill, massacre and genocide against innocent Nuer civilians in Juba, while the root cause of the conflict was a politically motivated between Salva Kiir and his rivalry colleagues.
  • Salva Kiir is responsible for the killing of (45,000) innocent Nuer civilians in Juba, Malakal, Bentiu and Bor, which he is the masterminded of the current conflict in South Sudan.
  • Salva Kiir chosen to protect his suicidal regime by inviting foreign troops and other mercenaries such as Ugandan forces, Justice and Equality Movement (GEM) and SPLA north-Sudan.
  • Salva Kiir recently signed military cooperation between his government and the Ugandan government to prolong the war and continue killing innocent Nuer civilians.
  • Salva Kiir did not honour the promises he made during peace process by breaking cease-fire agreements.
  • Salva Kiir mobilised youth from different tribes (e.g. Maban, Shulluk, Dinka Bor, Equatorans, Bahr El Gazal and Murlei) and he armed them to kill innocent Nuer civilians.
  • Recently, the South Sudan’s parliament under Kiir leadership has passed a deadly Security Bill with intention to kill every Nuer and particularly IDPs as the closer target for his forces to carry out crimes against humanity and the prove was
  • Recent innocent occurred in Malakal when a Nuer Aid worker was kidnapped and many Nuer disappeared in Juba.
  • Since Juba massacre 15 December 2013, we call on president Salva Kiir to step down to give peace a chance and end the conflict in the South Sudan, but he rejected South Sudanese call and he decided to use oils money to buy weapons from Chinese companies to kill more innocent Nuer instead of helping vulnerable people (e.g. IDPs).
  • President Salva Kiir has destroyed entire Nuer nation at large including properties, livestocks and other assets in the greater Upper Nile region.

All the above-mentioned reasons are truthful and factual. Therefore, we cannot or will not accept Salva Kiir to be given another chance to commit more genocides or massacres against our people. We need new leadership in South Sudan, which will respect human rights and rule of law.

However, we support immediate peace in South Sudan as we have been calling for peace since 15th December 2013. We want a permanent peace and not a fake peace as IGAD want to impose on South Sudan. We support transitional government that has assurance and guarantee the safety of Nuer civilians in South Sudan. For example, we support;

  • Only two leadership positions, the President and Prime Minister;
  • We strong suggest that the President should be only a ceremonial position;
  • Prime Minister position should have all the executive powers to run the country affairs;
  • Reformation of all government institutions;
  • Both parties forces should be separate until interim period has finalized;
  • We MUST hold government Accountable for Juba massacre of the innocent Nuer civilians;
  • Restructuring South Sudan as a federal state;
  • For peace to prevail in South Sudan, all Ugandan forces and other mercenaries MUST leave South Sudan soil immediately;
  • The United Nations and Government of South Sudan MUST Compensate all the innocent Nuer people who have been massacred, displaced to neighboring countries and those who are forced to live in the (UNMISS) camps.

Finally, we thank you and appreciate your leadership and reaffirm our solidarity and unequivocal support to the SPLM/A under leadership of Dr. RIAK MACHAR TENY DHURGON.

Yours Sincerely


Thalage Wal Goch Deng

Nuer Youth Association of Australia Inc

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