Sept 22, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — In due respect and honor, we the Nuer Community in Malakal hereby submit our Petition to the Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan Conflict and the sequence of Juba and Massacres on Nuer people.
Root Causes of Conflict:
The root cause of the conflict was formally about the SPLM NATIONAL LIBERATION COUNCIL (NLC).
And, more importantly it was about power struggle amongst the Top SPLM LEADERS during National Liberation Council (NLC) in Juba which kicks off on 14 December, 2013.
The Consequences of SPLM Convention Fallout:
– Ordered the Presidential Guards Unit Commander, Gen. Marial Chanuong to disarm the fellow Nuer in the unit he commands; the shooting started among the President Kiir guards based on tribal identification.
– On 16 December, 2013, President Kiir blind fooled the citizen on media that there was a coup plotted against him by his colleagues in the SPLM and as a result, he secretly declared to his militia in juba that this war is between Nuer and Dinka peoples, and swear that Nuer would be taught a lesson they won’t forgot in live.
– Henceforth, the indiscriminate killing of innocent Nuer civilians went on in all RESIDENTIAL AREAS in Juba by government forces, most of which were the tribal militia who underwent a secret military training before the incident happened, from December, 15th -20th , 2013 while on hiding in Juba;
– More than 20,000 Nuer Civilian mostly women and children believed to have been killed.
– As the news of continued massacred, maiming and ethnic cleansing of Nuer civilians spread all of the Country, it was unbelievable that no single family in entire Nuer community who didn’t miss someone in that massacre. We were mourning the death of thousand of our innocent civilians in Juba;
– After Juba massacre, Upper Nile State Governor, Simon Kun Puoch (a Nuer) invited all media houses in Malakal denying that there was no killing of Nuer civilians in Juba and comment that his government will eliminate or kill the supporters of Dr.Machar in Upper NileState. That very statements was an additional salt on an injury;
– SPLA Sector Commander Gen. Johnson Gony Bilieu (A Nuer) mobilized and armed Dinka and Shiliuk youths in order to massacre Nuer Civilians and pursue them up to Ethiopian Border.
With directive from Juba, the UNS government were instructed to form a comminitte to strategize the secod massacre of Nuer civilians in Malakal and the entire state.The following committee were formed and tasked for the job:
– Hon. Awer Dau Agany, Minister of Culture, Youth & Sports, Chairperson
– Hon. Philip Jiben Ogal, Minister of Information, Member
– Mr. Mayom Pur, Director-General of Ministry of Local Government & Law Enforcement, Member
– Commissioner of Makal County, menber
– Commissioner of Fashoda County, member
– Commissioner of Malut County, member
– Commissioner of Renk County,member
Your Excellency, these are historical evident toward the fruition of the elimination of the Nuer community in The Republic of South Sudan.
Consequences of Conflict in Upper Nile State:
- On Tuesday, 21 January, 2014, President Kiir declared STATE OF EMERGENCY on Greater Upper Nile State, which was a result of mass killing of Nuer civilians in the following locations:
- Mass killing of Nuer in MalakalCity by government forces;
- House-to-house killing in Malakal
- Indiscriminate killing and maiming of Nuer in Malakal Teaching Hospital
- Killing of Nuer civilians who sought shelter in the Church, including Church Pastor, Rev. Daniel Giel Pal of Presbyterian Church of South Sudan,
- Killing of Nuer in Malakal Schools
- Indiscriminate killing of Nuer in the surrounding of UNMISS-Malakal PoCs Area by the government forces,
- Killing of Nuer civilians who were farming in Baliet County, mainly women & children,
- Killing of Nuer passengers, including Legislative assembly MPs and Secretary General of Upper Nile State, including Rev. Yohanis Bor Koang, Rev. Simon Diu Rial among others.
- Mass killing of Nuer in Akoka County by government forces:
- Killing of Nuer government official and passengers in Akoka.
- Mass killing of Nuer in Malut County by government forces:
- Murdering of Nuer in Paloch Payam, who were working with the oil companies alongside their families and Malut County headquarters.
- Unlawful slaughtering of Nuer in Renk town, Jalhak and GegerPayam
- Mass killing of Nuer in Fashoda County by Government Forces
- Killing of Nuer mainly wowen and Children in Kodok.
- Killing and burning of more than 300 women and children who were traveling by boat from Kodok to Lul payam of Fashoda County.
– Maiming and killing of civilians (Nuer civilians in particular) is continuing up to now under the directives from national and state authorities to target them base on ethnicity.
– Nuer were being targeted since January, 2014 up to now in Malakal Town, including rape cases against Nuer women and girls, including under aged young girls.
– Indiscriminate killing of Nuer in Malakal and surrounding of UNMISS-Malakal
– Our freedom of movement since January, 2014 in order to have access to Charcoal, wood and other necessities in Malakal have been denied by the government forces and their militia allies from Shilluk and Dinka tribes.
– Disappearance of Nuer in the Airports of Bentiu, Malakal & Juba is constant;
– Killing of innocent civilians, mainly women and children, raping of women and young girls in Eastern Nuer Counties, Nasir& Longechuk Counties of Upper Nile State by government forces.
– Burning down of civilian huts or houses in Nasir and Longechuk Counties before and NOW.
The entire Nuer Community, mainly in Upper Nile State calls the African Union, The United Nation, The International Community and Troikas, The IGAD and the region to adopt the following resolution and quickly help the people of South Sudan, NOW! and not later:
- President Kiir lost the legitimacy among the South Sudanese people, because he turned against them and discriminately killed and massacred them;
- President Kiir is the only stubling block peace, love and unity of the people of South Sudan and in that case, HE MUST GO!
- And, a new leadership must be found or created in order to unite the South Sudanese people, because of his actions and failures; genocide occurred.
- The Nuer Community in Upper Nile State calls for creation of Federalism for New South Sudan.
- The Nuer Community in Upper Nile State calls for the unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces in South Sudan,i.e. UPDF of Uganda, SPLM-North, Justice and Equality Movement ( JEM ), M23& Egyptian army.
- Re-birth of South Sudan based on Federalism system of governance for delivery of services to the citizens and as well as power-sharing.
- The Nuer Community in Upper Nile State calls the International Community to sanctions these foreign troops who participated in the massacre of South Sudanese people.
- The Nuer Community in Upper Nile State calls for the closure of “OIL FLOW” as it’s the only resources being used for fueling the conflict in South Sudan.
- The Nuer Community in Upper Nile State calls for COMPENSATION of entire Nuer whose properties been looted or destroyed as a result of this conflict, especially in Bor, Bentiu and Malakal
- Finally, we call for full accountability of whoever found guilty of this conflict in South Sudan, whether from the SPLM/A – IO or the Government of Salva KiIr.
- Peace and reconciliation is the only way forward for people of South Sudan to rebuild the Country torn apart by conflict.
- With President Kiir in power, Peace & Reconciliation would not be realized.
- Reconciliation & healing of wounds is a dire need by the people of South Sudan, but SalvaKiir only hung on power and never cares for SURVIVAL and future of this nation.
- Peace, reconciliation & healing of wounds can only be achieved without Salva Kiir on power. He must step down for the sake of peace and people of South Sudan in general.
- Kiir may talk peace on one hand, but he meant war on the other side of the coin. How peace, reconciliation & healing of wounds be achieved with him on power?
UNMISS – Malakal PoC-Area
Cc: State Coordinator, Upper Nile State Office
Cc: Civil Affairs, UNMISS-Malakal Office
Cc: Human Rights, UNMISS-Malakal Office
Cc: IGAD, Malakal, Upper Nile State Office
Cc: All the displaced persons across the Country and especially Juba, Bentiu and Bor PoCs
Cc: Media