Press Release

Negative defection of former Military Spokesperson Brig-Gen-Lul Ruai Kong and His Joining of Juba Regime Led by Dinka tribal killer, South Sudan President

Victoria, Australia

Nasir-AUSI copyFeb 25, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — On behalf of Nasir Community Association in Victoria, Australia (NCAVA), hereby informing all freedom fighter of South Sudanese people about the negative decision made by former spokesperson of SPLM-In Opposition Brig-Gen-Lul Ruai Kong. Here are the following information’s that the former military spokesperson Brig-General Lul Ruai Kong have disclosed on the media during his recent interview from Juba International Airport that made him for the abandon of the movement led by Former Vice-president Dr-Riek machar. He claims that he breakaway and formed his own movement called South Sudan Resistant movement/army (SSRM/A) and declared himself as the Commander-in-Chief and the leader of army force in his new movement. According to him, he also said that his movement will negotiate with government for the creation of greater Akoba which will be similar to Greater Pibor administrative Area.

Another claimed he made was that, Lou-Nuer white Army and their Generals are rally in support behind him which was immediately rejected and his claims was dismissed by Lou-Nuer Community globally that none of them have any association with his movement.

Other series issues which he has accused Dr-Riek Machar, that he is getting military support from Sudan Government and that is the reason for dragging the war for too-long while our people continues dying every day. Plus Dr-Riek Machar impossible demand which cannot bring peace in the country and those demands favor him only to gain his old position back which is Vice-President.

Given to all these issues which he has mentioned above for the reason of his defection, the writer of this article have disputed them that, these are baseless and nonsenses claimed that no one could even accepted them as the good reason for his defection.

As the matter of fact that South Sudanese are concerned, your defection General Lul Raui is about the Cheaque of $250,000 which was handled to you by Chief of General Staff of SPLA-Gen-Paul Malong Awan together with Hon-Nyadak Paul, the Deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting day before you announced your defection on Wednesday in Nairobi.

The writer want to ask few questions to our freedom fighters about Brig-Gen-Lul Ruai Kong, as he is now the new commander in chief of arms forces-(1) how would he negotiates with the government for the creation of greater Lou-Nuer state which will be similar to David Yau Yau, while he is already in government controlling area? (2) Why he didn’t stay in Nairobi where he announced his defection and send only his delegations to Juba or somewhere else to negotiate with Government with all his clear programs? (3) And does he think that all South Sudanese are now fighting for the creation of new state which is Greater Akoba? (4) What about the new Bieh State which is now already created by opposition? Remember when David Yau yau was negotiating with Government, he was sitting in his own based and peace was running by his delegations. He was not sitting in Juba and sends his delegation with all his demand to Addis Ababa.

General Lul, bear in mind that you are in government controlling area, anytime, they can take you anywhere they want. Either to deploy you or send you to jail and even to confiscate your passport and give you travel bane. Gen-Lul you are truly well aware that Nuer people are fighting back for the massacre of 20,000 unarms innocent Nuer civilian by Salva Kiir regime on the 15-20 Dec-2013, the same regime you joined in Juba now. This war was an uprising and resistance against the genocidal regime; it has got nothing to do with Dr-Riek machar. The same thing, this war is not about the creation of Greater Akoba you are now preaching on South Sudan Television (SSTV). Furthermore, you know it more than anybody else that Greater Akoba alone could not accommodate the whole population of Nuer tribe, forget about all south Sudanese in general.

Here is the clear message to you money lover, your defection will not and will never affect this movement. You know it very well that, any movement there are always difficulties and to overcome them is when people are united and work together with common purposes with clear objectives of the movement. When you were in government, no one knows about Gen-Lul Ruai Kong, after you were appointed as the military spokesperson of SPLM-In-Opposition, you became well-known worldwide as you have many contacts with local, regional and international media. Now you let yourself down and far beyond that, you spoil your future leadership in Nuer land including your children.

The people of South Sudan will stand firmly and support Dr-Riek Machar and fight for change to remove Juba regime and ensure that those who committed genocide must be brought to justice for the atrocities they committed against our innocent civilians. Also to install Federal Democratic State in South Sudan which will accommodate the diversity of all 64 tribes with clear vision and strong programs to deliver the services to the people of South Sudan and will respect the rule of law and protect the right of our citizen regardless of their ethnicity.

Long life Dr-Riek Machar, leader of SPLM- in Opposition.

Long life freedom fighter

Long life South Sudanese people

Prepared by Gatwech Mamor Kuan.

Current-Secretary General of Nasir Community Association in Victoria, Australia (NCAVA)

The author of this article is the concern South Sudanese citizen living in Australia. He can be reached by email: gatwech@hotmail.com

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thoncamkepeelen February 25, 2015 at 5:25 am

Dear Gatwech,
You might be good at speaking English atrociously but it is wise to jot it down clearly so that the readers will get your meaning. Come on man, you are the Secretary General of the association. Rephrase it for clarity.

Kat Cok February 25, 2015 at 7:24 am

Gen. Lul Ruai has defect for his right, you are not in South Sudan, did you witnessed the nuer you are telling that are killed in Juba? your greedy Magician Riek believe that Nguondeng have prophesied that he will be a president of South Sudan that is why he rebelled not more. After he started his coup and rebelled and scape away from juba he started telling you false that nuer are killed in Juba by Dinka which is a big lie.

Wed Aljunub February 25, 2015 at 6:56 pm

Juba regime led by Dinka! Alright let us see when will be regime led by Nuer happen. It would better to liberate Nasir first

Bentiu Home February 25, 2015 at 10:28 pm

Coup Coup some elements learn the word Coup they don’t even know the definition of it. No one around the world believe it just those who benefit from Kiir government. Do you ever never feel a shame for what uncle is doing in Juba. Riek Machar is a man of peace. He has a capacity to rule South Sudan. A man who has ambition and charisma willing to lead us.
Son of Bentiu


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